Dinner and dessert

I reached downstairs with my still wet hair caught in a loose bun. It would take too much time to blow dry it. Dave was standing in the main hall at the bottom of the stairs and he was just ending a phone call. Where would we be having dinner? In the kitchen where it was more convivial, or in the dining room?

He gave me his arm and I linked my arm with his. We started walking in the direction of the dining room and kitchen.

'Where would you like to eat?' he asked, putting my question into words.

'Hey, I had been thinking of asking you that,' I protested.

'But I asked first,' he retorted with a playful smile on his face. I liked it when he was in such a mood.

'You're the host, Mr Dawn, so I believe the decision rests with you,' I pointed out.

'And as host, my duty is to make the guest happy,' he added.

'Oh, I know of many ways you can keep me happy,' I drawled, making him stop short and look at me with one eyebrow raised. His intense gaze made me blush, and I said, 'Taking the decision would make me happy.'

'Coward!' the little voice shouted.

'Let's eat in the dining room. We'll be in Martha's way if we stay in the kitchen.'

Martha seemed to have heard him as when we reached the dining room, she was setting the cutlery. Like a gentleman, Dave pulled out my chair, but I wasn't about to be outcharmed by him and I pulled out the chair next to mine, inviting him to sit next to me. Martha paused in her actions. She had been setting his place opposite to mine.

'The table is so wide. You'll be too far if you sit in front of me,' I explained.

'Your wish is my command, Madam,' and he waited for me to sit before sitting down as well. It had been a bold move and I was still feeling slightly nervous as for a few seconds I thought that my plan would backfire.

Martha quickly brought the entrees, roasted carrot and orange soup. It was a nice mix of sweet, sour and savoury and the little croutons added texture. The main course consisted of grilled salmon served on sauteed asparagus. It felt as if we were eating in a restaurant, especially when Dave had Maria serve us some red wine. The last time he had served me wine, it was at the picnic and I actually got drunk only to be awakened by my house on fire. It did not bring back very good memories, and apparently it was visible on my face as well.

'Relax, Ash. You're safe here,' he said taking hold of my free hand and caressing the knuckles. I gave him a timid smile and tried not to spoil the mood when Martha had made so much effort to cook and present the dishes. The salmon was flaky and buttery, pleasing my taste buds immensely. Given that when I cooked, it was just for one person, I rarely made the effort to use fine ingredients, merely going for one-pot meals. But when Nani had been alive, Sundays were gourmet days where we could spend the whole day in the kitchen.

I rubbed my belly in appreciation. I would need to start exercising again. Ever since Dave had turned up in my life, I hadn't had the time to exercise at all and I misssed my regular dose of pilates. I vowed to start the next day itself. There was a rug that I could use in the den.

'Wanna go on the porch for some fresh air? Martha will serve us coffee there.'

I agreed as I wasn't ready for dinner to be over. I was wondering what would happen at night. Given that Dave and I had connecting roms, would he come to visit me at night? Or would he directly invite me to his room? I thought with tingles going down my spine. Then I remembered that we still hadn't had the 'talk' and my enthusiasm was curbed.

There was a small swing that I hadn't noticed before on one side. I overtook Dave and went to sit on it with a triumphant smile. He took the wicker armchair that was nearby and placed it in front of the swing so that we were facing each other. I crouched slightly and pushed on the ground to make the swing move.

'We need to talk,' he announced after I had settled into a comfortable rhythm, and I braced myself.

'Were you able to think about the man we saw earlier?'

Ah, so this was what he wanted to talk about - not the kiss. However, my relief was only short lived, as I started thinking back over today's events. Indeed, where had I seen him before? I could not recall, but I was sure that I was not mistaken. I tried to think of the places I had been in the recent months. It had been mainly trips to the city centre and to school. And also to the funeral home for Nani's incineration.

'Don't stress your mind. You'll remember it soon enough.'

'So you believe me then? When I told you that I had seen him before?'

'Of course,' he looked at me puzzled, as if wondering how I could have thought that he wouldn't believe me.

At that moment, Martha brought a tray with small coffee cups and a small plate with two mini tartlets. After thanking her, I gobbled one of the tartlets in one single bite and then took my time to enjoy the flavors. It was a blueberry tartlet with confectioner's custard and the pastry had that melt-in-the-mouth texture. I looked at Dave who was looking at me with amusement and delicately took a bite of the tartlet.

'I get to savor it longer that way,' he told me with a smile.

The black coffee was a bit bitter as I was used to drinking milky coffee only, but after the third sip, I was used to it and it did give a caffeine kick. A tasty dinner, a relaxing bath and now a delightful dessert, what could one ask more?

'A goodnight kiss,' whispered the little voice, and I looked longingly at Dave's lips which were covered with some pastry dust.

The ring of his phone broke the stillness of the night and as he excused himself to take the call, I cursed that apparatus of his. He finally came back after 5 minutes, 'I've got some urgent work to attend to, go to sleep.' And he went away.

I trudged up the stairs and went to my room. I was not in the mood to wear the teddy to sleep so I slipped into Dave's closet, and stole one of his cotton shirts. I pressed it to my nose and inhaled his scent. Yes, that would do as sleepwear for tonight. When I put it on, it reached till the middle of my thigh.

I brushed my teeth and pulled the blanket high over my head. I had planned to sulk a little about how the night ended, but I was so tired that I fell asleep within minutes, until a few hours later, I was awakened by a scream.