chapter 22 : Date partner for Cassius?

The grand duke Harrison stare at Hyde with a menacing aura.

Hyde silently crying inside.

' This person is so, so scary! Elle, help me! ' Hyde take a glance at Crystelle trying to get help from her.

Crystelle frown.

' How can I forgot?! ' Wayn' is a common last name for a werewolf at their territory!. I just make a big mistake. screws me! ' shout Crystelle silently crying too.

' Da, daddy.. ' hesitate Crystelle.

Grand duke Harrison turn his menacing aura at Crystelle.

Crystelle flinch and freeze.

' Are you already form an agreement with him, Elle..? ' ask grand duke Harrison in a serious tone.

' Gyah! the king of the underworld had appeared! daddy is no longer daddy I once knew now! it's too late! ' fear Crystelle. she's tremble like there a big scariest beast standing and stare at her with his menacing red eyes.

' I, I.. ' hesitate Crystelle.

' What? ' firm grand duke Harrison ask.

Crystelle shock.

' I, I already had..! ' fear Crystelle tremble.

The menacing aura of grand duke Harrison grew instantly.

' ..without my permission..? ' ask him in a dark smile.

' Gyah! help me! he becomes more in the darkness! ' fear Crystelle more.

Crystelle reflexes with shut her eyes hardly.

' Pardon me, my lord. but I was the one to ask her hand in our agreement. ' said Hyde in brave suddenly.

Crystelle flinch. ' What are you doing, Hyde! ' she glance at Hyde with a firm eyes.

Hyde doesn't mind Crystelle and continue to stare at grand duke Harrison.

Grand duke Harrison glare at Hyde with a killing aura.

' You was the one to ask her? ' ask him.

Hyde nodded.

' I am a cursed werewolf. I must to find a master and devoted myself toward them if I want to have my original form back. When I was wandering to find someone, Lady Crystelle just happened to be there and we agreed to form an agreement. ' explain Hyde.

Grand duke Harrison frown.

' A cursed one all of people? ' sigh him.

Hyde continue to explain.

' You can't do anything about it now because she already had an agreement with me, so I will be loyal to her and protect her with my own life, my Lord. please trust me from now on ' bow Hyde politely.

Grand duke Harrison blank.

' Sigh..! very well. I know you will be loyal to her but can you've really been able to protect her at any cost? you're just a kid, boy. ' provoke grand duke Harrison.

Hyde smirk.

' My physical may be a small kid now but I am already a 243 years old werewolf. I had so much powers to protect your daughter than you, yourself can imagine, my Lord. ' proud Hyde.

Grand duke Harrison smirk back.

' You really have some guts, boy. Very well, I will permit you to be at my daughter side but if you fails to protect her even once,...' grand duke Harrison smile in the darkness.

Hyde gulp in fear.

Grand duke Harrison suddenly grin.

' It's a secret! you will know what I will done to you if you fails your mission, young boy. ' laugh him so sudden.

Crystelle and Hyde freeze.

' What wrong with him actually?! ' shout them together in mind.

Hyde smile.

' Very well. you can count on me in this matter, my Lord. ' bow Hyde politely in confident.

Crystelle frown.

' What's with this situation actually? it's look like Hyde was asking for my hand in marriage and daddy was the one to mad and trow a tantrum toward his future son-in-law. ' thought Crystelle.

' I think I've just seen my future if Rigel was the one to ask about it. It must been some deja vu at that time..' sigh Crystelle.

' Wait..! did I said ' Rigel' earlier? are you crazy, Crystelle? he is your contract fiance! get yourself together, Crystelle!! ' Crystelle slap her face slowly to bring her back to the reality.

Grand duke Harrison seem to be calm again.

' You may take your leave and Hyde you will officially become Crystelle's personal butler. please take care of her from now on. ' ask grand duke Harrison before they leave the room.

' You can take a room beside our house head butler, Mr Aaron. you can learn from him how to be a butler from now on. ' order Crystelle.

Hyde nodded understand.

' As your wish, Lady Elle. I will take my leave now .' Hyde bow and turn to leave Crystelle.

' Good luck, Hyde! ' wish Crystelle toward Hyde.

Hyde stop his walk and turn to face Crystelle.

' What's my lady? ' ask him because he can't heard what Crystelle said before.

Crystelle laugh.

' I said, good luck, Hyde Wayn! ' grin Crystelle and smile brightly.

Hyde get blushed and reply her with a charming smile on his face.

' I will, my lady! please look forward for it! ' reply Hyde while wave at her from afar.

Crystelle chuckle.

' Such a cute boy, he is! '

Crystelle start her walk to go upstairs.

' Elly..! ' call someone from behind her.

Crystelle turn to face him.

' Brother Cass!! '

Crystelle runs toward him and hug him tightly.

Cassius smile and hold Crystelle up then kiss her gently on the cheek.

' What's my precious little sister do at our father's room for a long time until she doesn't greet me when I'm back? ' ask Cassius wonder.

Crystelle grin.

' Daddy just got me a personal butler! he is in the same age as me too! I can befriend with him while you guys were not around. ' proud Crystelle excitedly.

Cassius raise his eyebrow.

' Aww.. Elly got bored at home without us, huh? why don't you said so earlier while we were at the palace? I will immediately gets home and accompany you to play. ' said Cassius dejected.

Crystelle flinch.

' if I said it, I know you will do it and toss your works at the border around only just to keep me accompany. If he does that, I will just get the tiltle as ' the number one most enemy' of the imperial knight because I steal their precious leader away! I just save my life from the knight's hatred!. ' cries Crystelle in her head.

Cassius grin while take Crystelle around with him.

' Shall I accompany you toward your room, precious lady? ' said Cassius with a bright smile.

Crystelle chuckle.

' You may, sir Cassius. ' grin Crystelle back.

Cassius walks toward Crystelle room at took her down on her bed.

Crystelle smile.

Cassius pull the blanket and cover Crystelle whole body with it.

He kiss Crystelle on her forehead.

' Just dream only about me, my precious lady. ' chuckle Cassius.

Crystelle laugh. ' Stop it already, brother! it's weird! ' grin Crystelle.

Cassius shrug his shoulder.

' Why? it's fun isn't ? ' Cassius chuckle.

Crystelle nodded and laugh.

' Good night, brother Cass.' said Crystelle while smile gently.

Cassius pat Crystelle head.

' You too, Elly. sleep tight. '

Cassius smile and slowly get up to head out from Crystelle's room.

' Did she's asleep? ' ask grand duchess Aria when she sees Cassius get down from the stairs.

Cassius nodded his head.

' She's asleep.' answer Cassius serious.

Grand duchess Aria smile when she look at her son sudden change.

' You know you always had a smiles face just at Crystelle only? it's hurt my heart when you serious like that to me, Cassius. ' sulk grand duchess Aria.

Cassius sigh.

' I know what you wanted to say and my answer is always the same, mom. ' firm Cassius.

Grand duchess Aria turn her face away.

' Tch! this boy always know what I was hiding from him! ' mumble grand duchess Aria.

Cassius sigh again.

' Don't click your tongue, mom. it's rude. ' nag Cassius.

Grand duchess Aria flinch.

' Do, don't you pity at me, son? I am already old but you doesn't get married yet. I will gladly died even if you had a fiance, Cassius. ' act grand duchess Aria while make a disappointed face.

Cassius make a bored face. ' She's start it again...'.

' Please stop it, mom. My answer is still the same no matter what you said and stop talking about dead. you're still young to even can give Elly and Cryst a new brother. ' tired Cassius.

Grand duchess Aria sulk.

' But it's my wish! it's not like what it seem at all, I am already old! please Cassius, just get to know her and if you don't like her, you can ditch her! Then, I will properly shut myself and leave yourself in your own life! just this once! please Cassius? ' beg grand duchess Aria.

Cassius sigh hardly.

' She's done it again.. ' tired Cassius.

' mom.. if you're already old now and will died at anytime, how about Elly and Crys marriage then? shouldn't you be there to celebrate their wedding too, mom? ' ask Cassius back.

Grand duchess Aria shock and flinch.

' There that's too.. but now..! is your turn first to get married. even a fiance can make me satisfied, Cassius. ' beg grand duchess Aria more.

' Mom.. I really..' hesitate Cassius.

' Just do it, Cass. your mom will always bothers you as long as you doesn't agreed with her. ' cut grand duke Harrison.

Grand duchess Aria nodded hardly. ' nice one, dear! '

' That's right, Cassius! I will stop bothering you after you got to know her! really, I promise! ' said grand duchess Aria with determination.

Cassius get blank.

' Dad.. mom.. I.. ' hesitate Cassius.

' Erk.. ' . Cassius get blind by his mother sparkle eyes toward him.

' Gasp! okay! okay! fine! I will get to know her! just this once and don't bother me after that! just please stop with that sparkling eyes of yours, mom! ' give up Cassius.

Grand duchess Aria grin.

' My strategy to persuade him using the grand duke is fully successful! ' chuckle grand duchess Aria.

' Oh my! then I will inform her family about this meets . I will look forward for it, Cassius! ' grin her.

Grand duchess Aria goes to her room in a bright smile after her plan success.

Grand duke Harrison pat Cassius back slowly.

' Just endure it for now, you know her. even I got dragged into this matter too because you doesn't listen to her. ' complain grand duke Harrison.

Cassius stare at his mother that slowly goes away.

' Take your wife away from me for this whole week. I'm scared if I can't control myself toward her when she's standing before me, father. ' warning Cassius in sigh.

Grand duke Harrison laugh.

' Don't be like that! it's just a girl, take it easy, Cass. ' grin grand duke Harrison.

Cassius glare at his father with menacing aura.

' Don't say it like that. I don't like it at all. ' warning Cassius.

grand duke Harrison laugh.

' Okay! okay! I am just kidding. just go and sleep now. tomorrow will be a long day for you. hahah! ' mock grand duke Harrison.

Cassius glare at him when he get away to goes to his room.

' I will remember this, dad! ' said Cassius firmly.

Grand duke Harrison just wave at him without turning back.

' Good luck, my son! '. chuckle him.

Cassius stunned. ' That's childish father! '

' Sigh.. I hope it's not a weird girl this time. ' sigh Cassius while shake his head slowly.

' Who is it, I wonder.. '