chapter 23 : An encounter with her?

Cassius sigh.

Today he will meet the girl his mother arranged for him.

' She's late. Why she's not here yet? ' mumble Cassius.

He was seating alone at the table hide in the corner of the popular cafe, Myras café.

It's a most popular cafe at the capital for a couple and his mother arranged it specially for his date today.

Cassius sigh again. He start to get bored for waiting for her to arrive.

' I really hate people that make someone waited for them for to long.. ' nag Cassius.

' It's look like you just get in my uninterested list now, girl. ' thought Cassius.


sound from the bell at the door of cafe. it's just get opened by someone.

Cassius quickly turn his head and look at the door direction.

' It's just a couple of girls. ' sigh Cassius disappointed.

That girls pass by Cassius table while murmur about something.

' Hey! did you see it? there's a girl that get bullied by the Shawn gang at the narrow streets beside that tailor shop! ' said a girl with brown hair.

' Kyaa! you see it too? I thought it just me! it's so scary, right? I'm pity that young girl. such a bad luck to had a business with the Shawn gang! ' reply a girl with blonde hair that was walking together with the brown hair girl from earlier.

Cassius just stare at them while they talk about it.

' What's the imperial guards were doing? it's their work to keep the capital safe, right? ' mumble Cassius while sipping his tea.

' And it's even my leave day today. ' sigh Cassius.

Cassius get up from his seat.

' I am sorry, Lady who's name I don't know. but it's look like we can't meet today. ' mumble Cassius and leave that table.

' Well.. It's look like my works will never get done..' sigh Cassius.

He walk trough the sea of people on the main street and found the narrow street beside the tailor shop like the girls murmur about.

He take a look at that street.

' Hey, Elene.. I heard you had a date today? ' ask a voice.

Cassius stare at them. There's 5 people include a girl.

' Don't you remember that I said you're my girl at the other day we meet before, Elene? ' said a man with a big scar on his left eye. That guy really had a disgusted face but still dare to hit on a girl.

Cassius raise his eyebrow.

' That guy must be the leader. I don't see a girl he's talking at though. she's get block by the others man. ' investigate Cassius from afar.

' Should I hits them now? ' thought Cassius while grab his holy sword, he take a step slowly and sneak behind them.

' Tch!! doesn't I said it before?! don't bother me! go and mind your own sh*t ! ' shout a girl that disgusting guy talk at earlier.

Cassius freeze and stop his step.

' That girl just cursed at them! maybe I need to wait and investigate them more?. She may be a part in their gang too. '. thought Cassius then he hide himself again.

' Doesn't I said to you that just let me go? I am too pretty and lovely to be seen in this place with a guy like you! I've also had my own taste toward a guy! ' said that girl again with pride.

Cassius cover his mouth. He's trying to hold his laugh.

' That girl really had some guts there. ' chuckle Cassius.

He stare at them and waiting for a suitable time to help that girl.

Suddenly a man that have been block Cassius view to look at that girl move aside.

Cassius stunned.

A girl with a long shining silver hair that shine like a sword in the battlefield, a skin white like a pure snow and a pair of bright greens germ pupils that brightens when it reflects at the lights comes to his eyes view.

Cassius fascinated by that girl's beauty from afar.

That girl frown and suddenly make a disgusted face when the man with a scar clench her hand tightly.

' You dare to talk at me like that?! ' mad that guy with a scar.

That girl just rolled her eyes.

' Don't touch me! you disgusting man! ' mad that girl back while struggles to let go of her hand.


That girl fells on the ground after get a slap on her face.

Cassius shock and run toward them without thoughts.

' What are you guys doing toward this fragile lady? ' ask Cassius while stand before that girl to block her from the man.

That girl stunned with Cassius brave action and stare at him from his back.

The Shawn gang glare at Cassius.

' What do you even care? she is mine! who are you to get in this matter? Don't you know who we are?! ' shout the guy with scar.

The others members just nodded at his words.

Cassius smirk.

' Who are you, then? you're not that famous if I doesn't know who you guys are.. ' mock Cassius.

That guy with scar tremble while clench his fist and smirk at Cassius words.

' We are the Shawn gang! the most powerful gang in the capital! and I Shawn, their most strongest leader. ' proud that guy with scar named Shawn talk back.

Cassius chuckle.

' The strongest leader, huh? ' smirk Cassius.

Shawn tremble. ' who are you to make fun with my title! from your clothes, it's look like you're just a normal guard! you must be a new kid to not know about our reputation here! ' shout him angrily.

Cassius smile.

' Congrats! it's half right!, nice thought, man. ' Cassius clap his hand.

Suddenly that girl tug his clothes from behind. Cassius freeze and get bend a little.

' Hey! if you're not strong, just let them hits you or take me away from here as soon as possible! don't try to act bravely like that! ' whispers that girl to Cassius ear.

Cassius smile.

' I am sorry, my lady. but I come here to save you, not to take you with run away from here like a coward person. ' explain Cassius back in whispers.

Shawn mad. ' it's look like you guys are acquaintance toward each other. ' tremble Shawn to hold his anger.

Cassius glare at them and smile.

' We are not an acquaintance, well, never mind that. Are you guys really doesn't know about me at all? maybe you guys slightly heard about me but doesn't know my face yet? I am quite famous at the capital though. ' ask Cassius while thought.

The Shawn gang smirk and laugh.

' Don't kid with me, young boy. you're still young to be known in this capital! ' laugh them together.

That girl hold Cassius clothes again.

' Let's just run! don't spit nonsense here and just run with me! I will hit the left guy and you take care of the others! ' whispers that girl again with a plan.

Cassius chuckle at that girl words.

' You just hit one guy and I will take the rest of them, my lady? ' disbelief Cassius.

That girl nodded confidently.

Cassius grin.

' You don't need to. Just stay silent behind me. I will take care of this matters real quick.' said Cassius while smile gently toward that girl.

He suddenly stare at them firmly. Cassius being serious and cold person back.

' I am Cassius Erick la Soleil. the master of the holy sword and captain of the Ophelia's paladin knight . ' introduce Cassius suddenly while shown his holy sword toward them.

That girl and the Shawn gang speechless and freeze blankly.

' Is this enough to make you believe me? should I inform the emperor about your reputation at the capital and make you even famous than now? or do you want me to haunted you guys with the imperial knight every days and nights? ' ask Cassius firmly.

The Shawn gang tremble in fear.

' Bo, boss! that's is the holy sword! he had that dark blue hair and a menacing shining rubies eyes that had been symbolise the Soleil too! he must be the grim reaper of the battlefields that everyone were talking about! ' whisper one of the member toward their leader, Shawn.

Shawn tremble. ' Shut up! I know about that much too! ' mad Shawn.

' I, I will let you go for now! ne,next time we meet again I will make sure that you're dead! ' shout Shawn and then run away from there with his gang.

Cassius just stare at them. ' Cowards. '

' So my lady? do you trust me now? ' ask Cassius while turn to face that girl.

' Eh? ' Cassius stunned.

There's nobody beside himself at that street anymore.

' It's look like that girl run away because she scared of me. ' sigh Cassius.

Cassius walk out from that narrow streets and head toward their family carriage.

' Looks mom, even a girl I save is scared at me. how can I get married with a girl that you arrange for me? ' thought Cassius while shake his head slowly.

' Hah.. I am tired already.. ' sigh Cassius.

' So? how about her today? ' ask grand duchess Aria excitedly when Cassius was getting change in his room.

Cassius blank for a moment.

' Mom.. seriously? I am changing my clothes now. can't you wait for me at the main room calmly. ' nag Cassius tired with his mother action.

Grand duchess Aria sulk.

' I am really excited to know! just story at me while you get change then. I am your mother so what to be ashamed at? ' sulk her.

Cassius sigh.

' I am not ashamed and I was proud with my body though. ' proud Cassius.

Grand duchess Aria laugh.

' You're so serious, son! I know you already had a great body! ' chuckle her.

Cassius blushed.

' Well, anyways, she's doesn't come at our meeting today. ' inform Cassius with a bored face. He try to change the topic.

Grand duchess Aria shock.

' She doesn't come or did you wander around and leave her alone, son? ' ask grand duchess Aria doubtful.

Cassius silent.

' What if I leave her alone? Ah! wait..! what if while I was away, she had already comes and waited for me for a long time like mother just said? ' thought Cassius.

' Why don't I check it first before I left earlier?! now what I want to answer at mother? she will bothers me this whole week if she know I left the meeting place!. ' cries Cassius in silent.

' I knew it! you left her behind, right? ' guess grand duchess Aria suddenly.

Cassius flinch.

' I am not! she's the one who's not come to our meeting place! ' deny Cassius.

Grand duchess Aria frown.

' I am not satisfied yet! I will arranged another meeting and this time it at our resident! she will comes here with her mother soon.'. plan grand duchess Aria suddenly.

Cassius sigh.

' Mom.. just stop it already..' beg Cassius.

Grand duchess Aria confidently shake her head.

' You're not done yours promise to meet her yet, so I will do everything to make it true! ' determined grand duchess Aria.

Cassius lying on his bed.

' Just do whatever you want until you satisfied then.. ' give up Cassius.

Like father said, ' it must be a long day for me tomorrow. ' tired Cassius then he just goes to sleep.

Crystelle looks around and sneakily gets in Cassius room after her mother head out from there.

' Psst! brother! are you asleep? ' call Crystelle.

Cassius smile and slowly open his eyes.

' I am not. What is it, my precious lady? 'ask him gently even though he's tired.

Crystelle frown.

' Brother's face looks terrible! should I sing you a lullaby to make you fast asleep, brother Cass? ' ask Crystelle while stand beside Cassius bed.

Cassius nodded.

' Comes here! '. said Cassius while pat his bed to ask Crystelle lying beside him.

Crystelle just follow with a smile and embrace her brother.

Slowly she pat Cassius back and sing a lullaby for him.

' Sleep tight, my child.'

' Wondering what's tomorrow will bring. '

' Dream just a sweet little thing. '

' Just sleep tight, my child.'

' Your mother will embrace you while you are asleep. '

' Her warm can bring you happiness.'

' Sleep and forget the bad luck today. '

' Wondering tomorrow as the good day for you.'

Cassius smile.

' Such a lovely song. '

Cassius look at Crystelle that just got asleep after sing that song for him.

He cares for Crystelle hair gently.

' Where can I find someone like you, Elly? I hope there will be the most suitable girl for me that can take my heart just like my sister does to me. ' wish Cassius.

' Well, there's someone though..' chuckle Cassius.

' But just let's keep it as a secret for now..' mumble Cassius while grin brightly.

Then he falls asleep in smile with Crystelle in his embrace.