chapter 24 : It's a fate for us

Crystelle smile.

' Why do you look so calm when today is your day to meet my future sister-in-law ? '

Cassius flinch.

' Why did you sneakily get in my room again, Elly? '

Crystelle laugh.

' I want to surprise you if you get flustered but you look so calm though, brother Cass. it's boring. ' Crystelle sulk.

Cassius chuckle and pat Crystelle head.

' Why I want to get flustered if I don't even know who's that girl, Elly? ' ask Cassius while raise his eyebrow.

Crystelle make a bored face.

' Whatever. actually mom ask you to get down now that's why I am here to accompany you, brother Cass. '. said Crystelle honestly.

Cassius stare at Crystelle.

' Already? ' sigh Cassius.

Crystelle nodded.

' Okay, let's go now. ' tired Cassius.

Crystelle tilt her head.

' Why don't you look happy, brother Cass? it's your future fiance and you will meet her today. ' ask Crystelle.

Cassius shake his head slowly.

' Not yet. if I don't like her I will break this engagement. ' firm Cassius.

They walk together to gets down on the main floor.

' But l like her though. she's pretty. ' mumble Crystelle suddenly.

Cassius freeze.

' You already knew her, Elly? ' ask Cassius disbelief.

Crystelle nodded. ' Well, she's often comes here though. Doesn't brother know her too actually? ' ask Crystelle doubted. That sister always visit the Soleil residence and talk to Crystelle everytime she's come.

Cassius frown.

' She often comes here? why don't I never knew her then? ' ask Cassius disbelief.

' How do I know if brother doesn't know her? silly you, brother. ' chuckle Crystelle.

Cassius frown again.

' She's really beautiful and kind! she's even friendly towards everyone in this mansion. I really like her, brother Cass! ' compliment Crystelle suddenly.

Cassius speechless. ' All the people already knew her too? what nonsense is this? ' thought Cassius disbelief.

' Elly.. just tell me already who is she.. ' beg Cassius.

Crystelle smile. ' it's not a secret though. her name is Se.. '

' My lady. your carriage is ready. ' inform Hyde suddenly from Crystelle back.

' Oh! it's look like it's time!, today I will goes to the capital with Crys so good luck, brother Cass. mom arrange this for us so we couldn't bother you later with sister. ' explain Crystelle while head out toward her carriage. it's look like Crystopher already wait for her before the carriage.

Cassius sigh. ' When I was about to know her name.. Elly just go like that without continue her sentence. ' mumble Cassius alone.

' Mom.. '

Cassius knocked the door before get in the guest room.

' They is not here yet, so let's just wait here until Mr Aaron inform us about them. we will greet them in front the main door. ' order grand duchess Aria suddenly.

Cassius just nodded, bored.

' Anyway, mom. what's her name actually? shouldn't I at least know her name? ' ask Cassius wondering.

Grand duchess Aria shock.

' Oh! silly me! I doesn't inform you about her name yet? I'm sorry, Cassius. her name is Se.. ' grand duchess Aria get bothered by something.

' What's it, Ethan? please get in. ' order grand duchess Aria when she look at sir Ethan that just stood up in front the open door for a long time, He is waiting for a suitable time to gets in.

' Pardon my rudeness, Grand duchess. but the grand duke ask for you to meet him. ' inform sir Ethan.

Grand duchess Aria nodded and get up from her seat, leave Cassius alone in blank.

Cassius sigh again. ' twice in the row?! I just know her name is ' Se' !! what's wrong with everyone today?! ' mumble Cassius in mad.

' Ah! whatever! Why is it so hard just to heard her name?! ' give up Cassius.

He's waiting calmly in the guest room. ' looks like she's late again today. you had really just get in my uninterested list of girls twice, lady. ' thought Cassius.

' Master Cassius, the guest had already here. ' inform Mr Aaron at the door suddenly.

Cassius get up from his seat and just follow Aaron without question.

' Where's mother? ' ask Cassius.

Mr Aaron smile. ' the grand duchess already with the Madam at her personal garden. you just needed to greet her daughter, master Cassius. ' inform Aaron.

Cassius smile. ' it's look like mother already start her plan. ' thought Cassius tired.

Cassius now in front of the main door.

He saw the light blue dress that girl wear today but he doesn't want to look at her face.

' Greeting, lady. My name is Cassius Erick la Soleil. the eldest son of Soleil. pleased to make your acquaintance. ' greet Cassius without even raise his face to look at that girl.

That girl looks like she was doing the same. she doesn't even raise her face to look at Cassius too.

' Greeting, My name is Selene Siel. the only daughter of count Siel. pleased to make your acquaintance too, sir Soleil. ' bow that girl.

Cassius smile. ' So her name is Selene? I finally got to heard it. ' chuckle Cassius.

After they bow toward each other. It's an awkward silent between them.

' Ehem! well, shall we take a stroll at the garden? ' ask Cassius while look at that girl for the first time.

Cassius stunned.

A shining silver hair like a sword, a skin white like a pure snow and a bright greens germ pupil!

' That's girl from earlier! ' blank Cassius in front of her.

That girl named Selene, look up at Cassius when Cassius just silent after he ask her to get a stroll.

' Ah!! you're that guy from before! ' shout Selene in shock.

Cassius flinch.

' S, so you're the girl I suppose to meet that day? '. ask Cassius disbelief.

Selene chuckle. ' Such a coincidence, huh? '.

Cassius nodded agreed at her words.

' I thought, I am real late so I run to the cafe after you save me but the guy I suppose to meet are already not there. well, it's turn out to be you though! such a luck! ' explain Selene in a bright smile.

Cassius fascinated by her smile.

Suddenly Selene bow a little. ' I apologise because I just run away that day. Thank you for saving me, sir Soleil. ' said Selene in polite.

Cassius smile.

' It's okay. as long as I know you're not run away because you scared of me, is all alright. ' chuckle Cassius.

Selene tilt her head.

' Pardon, sir Soleil? ' ask her doesn't get it.

Cassius smile. ' it's nothing. shall we go now, Lady Siel? '.

Then they slowly take a walk together at the garden.

' So, you're sir Ethan's younger sister? no wonder I've heard that last name but I couldn't remember who's it.. you had that silver hair like him too! ' said Cassius while nodded.

Selene smile.

' I always comes here to visit him, but I never get to know you, sir Soleil. All this time, I just get to talk with Lady and young Master Soleil, well Mia too. No wonder, I doesn't know it's you when you save me the other day. ' explain Selene.

Cassius chuckle.

' Maybe you always had comes here when I got a works at the border perhaps? that's why we've never meet. ' said Cassius in a smile.

Selene tilt her head.

' Maybe though, Errm..actually.., I am scared to meet you today because brother said, you're a serious and cold person when you're at work but it's turn out, you're not like that at all! ' smile Selene.

Cassius frown.

' It's that so? it's true though that I am a serious and cold person at work. ' wonder Cassius.

Selene chuckle.

' But so far we talk, you've just smile and laugh with me. Do I underestimated it perhaps? ' said Selene in smile.

Cassius blank.

' Is it true?! but I've never been like this though? ' thought Cassius in disbelief.

' I don't know..' mumble Cassius.

Selene smile.

' Well, why don't we drop this formal talk and just be friend? I doesn't know much about formal talk and we also meet to be engaged in the near future too. so what did you say, sir Soleil? shouldn't we get to know each other more? ' ask Selene.

Cassius chuckle.

' Let's do it, Lady Selene. ' smile Cassius.

Selene smile brightly. ' please take care of me, sir Cassius! '

Cassius nodded. ' Please take care of me too. '

' It's look like they are in a good relationship! ' said grand duchess Aria.

Madam Jane just nodded, agreed with her.

All this time they two were sneakily followed Cassius and Selene to know what they were doing and it's turn to be a great atmosphere between them!.

Grand duchess Aria chuckle.

' I doesn't know that Cassius can smile and laugh like that with woman other than Crystelle! such an improvement, my son! I am proud of you. ' compliment grand duchess Aria in her hide place.

Madam Jane chuckle too.

' Me too! I've never seen Cassius like that! should we just engaged them together then? they even looks good together! like a match made in heaven! ' laugh Madam Jane.

' I agreed! let's do that! let's do that! ' excited grand duchess Aria.

' Kyaa! kyaa! ' murmur them together.

Cassius awkward smile. ' I can hear you laughed, mom.'

' I am sorry. she's always like that if it's about me.. ' sigh Cassius.

Selene chuckle.

' It's okay. my mother also looks so happy with her. just let them be.' said Selene.

Cassius nodded. ' I think they've just make a plan together without our permission though. '

Selene laugh. ' I think so too! '.

' That mother of mine..' sigh them together while shake their head slowly.

' Eh? we're same! ' laugh Selene.

Cassius smile.

' I think I know why I can calm with you by my side. ' said Cassius suddenly.

Selene smile. ' Why is that? ' wonder her.

Cassius smile gently. ' When the times come I will told you. ' played Cassius.

Selene frown.

' Hey! why is that! told me already.! ' mad Selene.

' I. don't. want. to.~'. mock Cassius while chuckle.

Selene frown while smile.

' You.. pfft! it's funny when you mock at me like that! ' laugh Selene.

Cassius blushed.

' Is it weird? I actually doesn't act like this before.. ' . mumble Cassius in shy.

Selene can't hold his laughter.

' Hahaha! you're so funny!. ' laugh Selene hardly while continue her walk again.

Cassius face become red.

' Hey! wait up! don't make fun of me! ' mad Cassius while run to match with Selene.

' I don't make fun of you though. you actually looks cute to me.' said Selene without shy.

Cassius freeze. ' What..? ' blank him.

Selene turn her face to look at Cassius that just stands freeze behind her.

Selene smile gently.

' I said.., it's cute. ' said her again and continue her walk back.

Cassius blushed.

' H, hey! wait up! what did you mean about that! ' flustered Cassius while run toward her.

' I will told you when the time has comes.' mock Selene back like Cassius.

Cassius chuckle. ' You're a fast learner, huh? . Then, I will look forward for that time, Lady Selene. '

Selene smile. ' same goes to me then. '

They walk together to the mansion with smile on their face.

' ..Well, we will take our leave now. ' said Madam Jane while get up from her seat.

Selene does the same as her mother.

' Feel pleasure to come and visit this mansion again, madam Jane. ' said grand duchess Aria with smile.

Cassius just silently follow them toward the main door without talked.

' Well, thank you for having us today, Grand duchess Soleil. ' said Selene in smile.

madam Jane and grand duchess Aria left to the carriage first to let the two of them to talk.

Cassius hesitate.

' Ermm.. I will get to works back next week, so.. ' said Cassius.

' Let's have a date? ' ask Selene with gentle smile.

Cassius blushed and nodded slowly.

Selene chuckle. ' I will look forward for that day then, sir Cassius. '.

Cassius smile. ' Please do, Lady Selene. '.

That night, Cassius can't sleep at all. He still thinks about someone.

' I was hoping he's bored face like he always make when he's meet a girl but he's just can't stop grin today. ' mumble Crystopher.

' I wonder if today's meet goes well for him for the first time. ' mumble Crystelle too.

' It's look like its goes well for him, my lady. ' said Mia.

' I think so too, Lady Elle. ' agreed Hyde.

Cassius flinch and shock.

' Wh, what are you guys doing at my room this late of night?! '

Cassius shock when he saw them standing beside his bed at this late of night.

They all smile innocently toward Cassius.

Mia hesitate. ' Well, I want to give this drink to you, master Cassius.' inform Mia while shown the milk she bought in.

Crystelle smile. ' and I saw Mia when she wants to get in and I just follow her. We knocked first though before gets in. ' explain Crystelle

Hyde nodded. ' I just accompany lady Crystelle in. '

Crystopher grin. ' And lastly me? well, I was wander around and followed them when I saw they wanted to goes in here together. '.

They all stare at each other.

And thus, everyone had their own reasons to get in Cassius's room.

Cassius sigh.

' Seriously? it's this late of night! , sigh.. just leave the drink here, Mia, and everyone can goes to their own room now and sleep. dismisses now. quickly. ' order Cassius.

Mia and Hyde permit themselves to leave.

Now left Crystelle and Crystoypher with their innocence face.

Cassius sigh again.

' Comes here. ' said Cassius while pat his bed. He's give up with this twin's sparkle eyes.

They quickly gets on his bed and lying beside Cassius.

' Good night brother. ' said them together while embrace Cassius tightly.

Cassius smile gently. ' I will never gets my private time at all but it's fine though. ' thought Cassius.

' Good night, my twin brother and sister. '