chapter 26 : A sudden fight

' Why do you want to get so angry?! ' shout Crystelle.

Rigel flinch.

' I am not! '

Mia stare at them.

' They are arguing again today too. ' sigh Mia.

' What's wrong with them, Mia? ' ask sir Ethan that just happen to be there.

Mia sigh again. ' Ethan..'

Ethan flustered.

' Why? did you get tired for standing too long? should we take a seat while they are arguing like that? ' worried Ethan.

Mia chuckle.

' It's not like that. I'm tired to see them act like that everyday. ' sigh Mia again.

Ethan stunned. ' Ehem. it's that so? what happened to them though.' cover Ethan.

Mia stare at Ethan. ' This hopeless guy.. '

' Well, it's happen from earlier. '

Crystelle was having her break time after her training sword.

' My lady, you've trained hard for too long today too, here your drinks. ' said Mia while gives Crystelle some drink.

Crystelle smile.

' it's not enough though. I must to get better at this as soon as possible. ' sigh Crystelle while force a smile.

Hyde look at her.

' You don't have to force yourself to that extent. You're so great at this even though you've just learn it last week from master Cassius. you had the same strength as him too. so don't mind it too much. ' said Hyde while compliment Crystelle.

Crystelle smile.

From our ancient times, the Soleil always had an outstanding abilities more than a normal people had. Either it knowledgeable in swordsmanship or ancients history and magic, it's all will be taken over by house Soleil in every generations. House Soleil become the most noblest house in the Ophelia Empire because of it.

Mia nodded, agreed with Hyde words.

' Master Hyde is right! you're a genius to be able to learn it in a short time, my lady. even Ethan make it after a long trained.' said Mia confidently.

Crystelle smile. ' Thank you for the compliment. '

' Well, it's look like I was about to bothers you with your training, sister Elle. ' said a voice from nowhere.

Crystelle turn her head.

' Oh my! Atter! ' shock Crystelle when she saw the fourth prince was heading toward her.

Atter smile.

' I am sorry because I had comes here without inform you first but I really want to talk with you, sister Elle. as soon as possible. ' said Atter in a serious tone.

Crystelle tilt her head.

' Very well. Mia, please escort him to the guest room while I got change first. ' order Crystelle.

Mia bow.

' As you wish, my lady. Your highness, it's this way. ' Mia escort Atter to the guest room.

' My lady? ' ask Hyde wonder while Crystelle seem lost in her thoughts.

Crystelle flinch.

' It's nothing. let's go, Hyde. '

They goes to Crystelle room in a silent mode.

' Well, what's your occasion, Prince Atter?. ' talk Crystelle serious. They were sitting in the guest room.

Atter hesitate to talk.

' Um.. sister Elle.' call Atter.

Crystelle smile.

' What is it, Atter? ' calm Crystelle.

' I will get engaged this week. ' firm Atter.

Crystelle shock.

' Get engaged?! ' shout Crystelle while get up from her seat in shock.

Crystelle stunned and freeze.

' Wait. Why I am so shock? ' ask her wonder.

Atter shrug his shoulder. ' neither I don't know why. '

Crystelle sigh.

' It's because you're so serious about it Atter, I've just got caught in the act. ' said Crystelle while get her seat back calmly.

' So? what's the big deal then? it's just an engagement, right? ' ask Crystelle while sipping her tea.

Atter shake his head.

' I am not ready yet. she's such a cool girl. I can't help to stare at her at all. ' honest Atter.

' I am scared if I make her uncomfortable with me. ' mumble Atter.

Crystelle got goosebumps.

' Hey! stop it! if you've already like her so just admit it! don't talk to me like that. ' shudder Crystelle.

Atter flinch.

' I not like her! at all! ' deny Atter serious.

Crystelle rolled her eyes.

' Let's give it a test then.' though Crystelle.

' Did you thoughts of her every minute? did you always stare at her while she's get near you and your heart get thumps? wanting to talk and get near her everytime? wanting to hold her hand and hug or kiss her? ' ask Crystelle testing.

Atter blush.

' How did you know that.. ' mumble him in shy.

Crystelle laugh.

' I knew it! you like her! so who's this unlucky girl? ' mock Crystelle.

Atter make an anger face.

' She's not unlucky! she will get me as her fiance! ' firm Atter.

Crystelle chuckle.

' That's why I'm said she's unlucky though. ' mock Crystelle.

Atter frown.

' Stop it already. '

Crystelle smile.

' Okay, okay. so who's this girl that will be my sister-in-law? do I know her? ' ask Crystelle wonder.

Atter blush.

' Lady Ruby.. ' mumble Atter.

Crystelle stunned.

' By Lady Ruby, you means sir Ferdy's younger sister, Lady Farra Ruby? that young girl that famous with her fashioned clothes everytimes she's attend a banquet? that's famous person will be your fiance? ' doubted Crystelle disbelief.

Atter frown.

' I am suitable for her, okay? ' firm Atter.

Crystelle chuckle.

' I am not saying that you're not suit with her, I just can't believe that she will be your fiance. She's famous and doesn't she's older than you? she's older than me though.. she's in the same age as sir Allen, I guess. ' mumble Crystelle.

Atter nodded.

' She's two years older than me. ' agreed Atter.

Crystelle smile.

' She's doesn't think of you as her younger brother, right? ' wonder Crystelle.

Atter shock.

' If, if she's did.. what I gonna do? ' flustered Atter.

Crystelle stunned.

' Hey! don't take it seriously! I've just said it without thought. ' pursued Crystelle.

Atter sigh like he was having a bigger problems in his life.

' I'm scared if she's think of me as her younger brother too. I'm not mature yet to be with her. ' dejected Atter.

Crystelle chuckle.

' Hey! cheers up. Just try to get near her like I does toward Rigel. ' proud Crystelle.

Atter smirk.

' With acting to gets sick and have his attention toward you? ' mock Atter.

Crystelle flinch.

' Hey! I don't act okay? it's hurt when my leg got cramps. did you never get cramps, huh? it's hurt like hell! ' angry Crystelle.

Atter chuckle.

' Well, well, look who's talk. you actually act sick first though. that's why you had that cramps, right? ' doubted Atter

Crystelle flinch. ' Ugh.. I hate when I can't deny reality. ' give up Crystelle.

Atter laugh. ' Looks like I won? '. smirk him.

Crystelle make an annoy face.

' Elly. ' call a voice.

Crystelle shock and get up from her seat again.

' Rigel! what are you doing here? ' flustered Crystelle while take a small run toward Rigel.

Rigel smile and hurriedly hold Crystelle hand while she's was running.

' Careful, Elly. you will fall. ' cared Rigel.

Crystelle smile. ' I won't! ' deny her.

Crystelle tilt her head when she's look at Rigel.

Rigel was holding a bouquet of flowers. a really beautiful red roses at that!

' Is this for me, Rigel?.' ask Crystelle wonder.

Rigel smile gently.

' It's for our 1st anniversary.' said him in a gentle voice while raise that flower toward Crystelle.

Crystelle blushed while take that flower and quickly embrace it.

' Aww. thank you.. '

This time, Atter was the one to get goosebumps.

' Ugh. I can't stand here any longer. They are obviously in their own world right now. '. shudder Atter.

' Ah! Atter. let's have a meal before you leave to the palace.' said Crystelle suddenly.

Atter flinch.

' Um.. it's alright. I will get going now. ' hesitate Atter.

' Why though? it's still early and you look a little pale. are you really alright, Atter? ' ask Crystelle worried.

' How could I'm not pale if there's a beast that glared at me with his menacing aura behind you, sister Elle? ' fear Atter in his mind.

Actually Rigel was stared at Atter from his first step in this guest room. He doesn't want Atter to be with Crystelle any longer than this.

Atter sweat. ' just stop staring at me already!' fear Atter.

Crystelle flustered. ' Are you really alright, Atter? you're sweating to much! ' worried Crystelle while pat Atter back.

Atter flinch.

' His aura had becomes more and more dark than before! '. quickly Atter avoid Crystelle's hand in reflexes.

' Sis, sister! I will just take my leave now. Thank you for having me today. ' hesitates Atter while run away from the room.

Crystelle frown.

' Did you do something toward him behind me, Rigel? ' doubted Crystelle suddenly.

Rigel shake his head while smile innocently.

' I am not. ' deny Rigel with his innocent face.

Crystelle sigh.

' Why are you always acting like this, Rigel.. ' disappointed Crystelle. She place the bouquet of flowers on the table.

Rigel frown.

' What I do though to make you dissapointed with me to this extent? ' ask Rigel. He's feels not fair with Crystelle sudden angry.

Crystelle sigh more.

' Why do you want to get so angry? ' shout Crystelle.

Rigel frown.

' I am not! you're the one who's being angry now. ' reply Rigel in anger.

And here's where's their fight begin.

Mia sigh.

' Do you understand it now, Ethan? ' ask Mia.

Sir Ethan lost in his thoughts.

' What nonsense?! they had a great mood before and then they started to argue just because of the fourth prince? ' disbelief sir Ethan.

Mia just nodded, agreed with him.

' Well, It's my lady fault to point at prince Rigel so suddenly like that. Well, they had been like that this lately. always argue when they're meets but then get back again tomorrow like it was nothing. I am really tired with their relationship. I doesn't understand it at all. ' nag Mia.

Sir Ethan just silently accompany Mia while they were arguing then left each other in anger and take their own different path.

Sir Ethan and Mia sigh.

' I am sorry for you, Mia. ' said sir Ethan while pat Mia back.

Mia nodded. ' I'm feels sorry for myself too.'

' My lady.. ' disappointed Mia in a hard sigh.