chapter 27 : What's wrong with his stunning face?

' Lady Elle, did you've been good with the prince already? '

Mia asking while brought in some snacks for Crystelle in her room.

Crystelle was lying on her bed in a lazy position.

' I don't want to. I will just let that guy apologies at me first then I will forgive him. ' said Crystelle while slowly raise her hand to take the snacks Mia brought for her.

Mia shake her head.

' You're so stubborn, my lady. it's been three days already. How long do you want to sulk? '

Mia sigh ' This is the first time they argued for this long.'

She's goes out from the room with disappointment on her face.

Crystelle back in her lazy position while eat the snacks.

' Whatever you said, Mia. I will never forgive him.' determined Crystelle.

' My mom and daddy was currently at the small gathering at count Siel residence. Of course, brother Cass was there too. He's being like a glue with sister Selene. Such shameless for a guy that dare to said he doesn't want to get married forever before. '

Crystelle shake her head.

' Crys too are not here because of his works at the west tower. So now, just leave me alone, like always. ' mumble Crystelle.

' Such a lonely person I am. ' thought Crystelle bored.

' Hyde! ' call Crystelle.

' Yes, my lady? ' reply Hyde quickly while stand before her.

' Set my carriage, I will goes to the capital today. I want to waste my time and money there.' order Crystelle while act like a rich and full of pride lady.

Hyde bow.

' As you wish. But, lady Elle ..' hesitate Hyde.

' What? ' ask Crystelle.

' Your fiance wants to meet you now. He's already at the main room waiting for you. ' inform Hyde.

Crystelle stunned.

' Why didn't Mia inform me earlier? she must wanted me to unintentionally meet him while I goes down. ' sigh Crystelle.

' Then set my carriage at the back of this mansion. Make sure we will not encounter with him at all. '

Hyde slowly nodded. ' As you wish.'

Crystelle sneakily gets on the carriage while smirk.

' You will never saw me, Rigel! ' laugh Crystelle in her heart. such a successful plans!

' Gyarhh! holy sh*t! ' cursed Crystelle in the carriage unintentionally.

Rigel smirk.

' So unladylike to cursed at someone like that, Elly.' smile Rigel.

Crystelle shock and quickly cover her mouth.

' What, what are you..? in my carriage..when? how? who?! '

Rigel chuckle.

' My dear fiance is really interesting. '

He suddenly hold Crystelle hand gently like he always does.

He's stunning face turns to fill with dejected .

He cares for Crystelle hand like he was holding something that really dear for him.

Crystelle stunned. ' Why so sudden with this guy? '

From her hand, he change it for Crystelle hair too and finally when he's slowly cares on her face, he's suddenly stop.

' Elly.. ' call him in a soft voice.

Crystelle's heart racing like crazy.

' Ba thump. Ba thump. Ba thump.'

' Wh, what's wrong with him so sudden?! ' cries Crystelle in silent.

Rigel cares for her face for a long time.

' Elly.. ' call him again.

The carriage is still not moving and doesn't start it's journey at all.

' I am sorry.. ' apologies him suddenly.

Crystelle blank.

Rigel start to play with her fingers after cares for her face.

' I can't but I must.. ' said Rigel again.

Crystelle tilt her head.

' Ri, Rigel? what's wrong? why the long face? ' finally Crystelle talk because of worry.

Rigel shake his head.

Crystelle frown when she stare at him.

' If he knows, what's kind of expression he had now, I think he will get really shock and faint from it. Because he is acting not like Rigel I once known at all! . ' thought Crystelle in shock.

Crystelle gently cares for Rigel face, He's was making a face that was about to cry and make Crystelle wondered.

' What's wrong, Rigel..' ask her in a gentle voice.

Rigel shake his head slowly.

' Elly.. ' call him again.

Crystelle smile. ' what is it? '

Rigel bend his head a little.

' I doesn't want to.. ' mumble him.

Crystelle frown.

She's can feel that Rigel was trembling to hold his tears.

' Rigel, Rigel. hey. look at me. '

Crystelle hold Rigel head, raise it to face her.

' I am here. so talk about it to me. be honest. ' said Crystelle firm.

Rigel just silently stare at Crystelle face.

Crystelle blush but still try to face him calmly.

Then Rigel suddenly close his face in toward Crystelle, so close that if someone were to look at them, will think that they were kissing.

Crystelle get blank and quickly shut her eyes.

' Ba thump. Ba thump. Ba thump. '

' Seriously heart? can't you beats louder more than you've already had? ' embarrassed Crystelle.

Rigel force a smile.

' It's enough. you can leave on your own now. ' said Rigel while get down from the carriage.

Crystelle shock.

' Wa, wait..! Rigel! '

The carriage suddenly start moving before Crystelle have a time to get down.

Crystelle just can take a glance at Rigel that slowly gets far away from her.

' Hah.. ' sigh Crystelle.

' What's wrong with that guy? he's just acting more weird than he always does. ' wonder Crystelle alone.

' My lady, we have arrived at the capital. ' inform the horseman.

Crystelle's slowly gets down from the carriage and goes to the Myras café.

She's got accompanied by sir Ethan because Mia and Hyde were busy with their never done works.

Crystelle sigh. She's sitting at the table near the window.

' Are you okay, my lady? you looks so gloomy even though this is your outing. ' said sir Ethan.

Crystelle stare at him.

' Can you accompany me with take a seat before me now? I permit you to do that. I need someone to talk. ' order Crystelle.

Sir Ethan flustered.

' I can't, my lady. You're my superior so I can't do that improper attitude. ' decline sir Ethan politely.

If it's Mia, she's can sit with me but sir Ethan is a knight. he must to stand by and watch me than sit and have a talk with me.

Crystelle sigh.

' Then, just hear my talk is enough.' said Crystelle.

Sir Ethan cough and stand near Crystelle more.

' Why though, man always change their attitude towards someone? ' Crystelle start to complain.

Sir Ethan freeze.

' It is by any chance, his highness the first prince you're talking about, my lady? ' ask sir Ethan wondered.

Crystelle nodded slowly.

' He's always change his attitude toward me. sometimes he's gentle and caring about me when we first meet. but lately if I'm angry, he will too. if I talk with someone especially a man, he will gone mad and trow a tantrum. he's had a bed tempered and punch someone innocent so suddenly. And today, he's even about to cry! it is because I've been so hard on him lately, by any chance? did I've spoil him to much until now? ' murmur Crystelle without a break.

Sir Ethan blank and lost in his thoughts.

' So the conclusion I had from my lady story, he's actually getting jealous, right? ' said sir Ethan.

Crystelle shock.

' Eh..? why though? we are not that close to feels that jealousy things. ' doubted Crystelle disbelief.

Sir Ethan shrug his shoulder.

' Well, if it's me, I will call it as jealousy. Ermm.. Ehem! for example, if Mia were to talk with a guy that handsome and great than me, I will get jealous and trow a tantrum about it. And, even it's an unknown man, if he had an eyes on Mia, I will not just sit still and let her go like that. ' explain sir Ethan in detail.

Crystelle shock. ' even an unknown man? '

' Even an unknown man, my lady.' firm sir Ethan.

Crystelle stunned disbelief.

' Such a gentleman you are, Sir Ethan! ' Crystelle feels amazed of him.

' No wonder, you always had this sweet atmosphere between you two! ' compliment Crystelle.

Sir Ethan cough embarrassed.

' Ehem. It's not always though, my lady. We sometimes got in a fight like my lady does too. We even doesn't talk and ignored each other until one of us given up and apologize. '

Crystelle frown. ' You does too? '

Sir Ethan nodded.

' Well, I prefer we fight than being sweet talk toward each other though. ' honest sir Ethan.

Crystelle frown again. She's can't understand their love story at all.

' Why? isn't it not good when you fight and ignored each other? ' wonders Crystelle disbelief.

Sir Ethan smile.

' It's may be true, my lady. but when we were fight, it's actually make ours feelings become more stronger and deeper than before. ' explain sir Ethan.

Crystelle tilt her head. ' it is true?.'

Sir Ethan nodded.

' Yes, my lady.'.

' it's actually will make you wanted to talk to them, but you've already know you can't, Then you will started to thoughts of them,' What's they do? isn't they bored without me? should I stop this childish argument and just talk to them like always? what if they feels happy without me around? '. You will start to thinks like that and can't stop it it all, my lady. ' explain sir Ethan again in detailed.

Crystelle stunned. ' It's this really sir Ethan that always cold and firm? '

Sir Ethan smile at her and continue.

' For example, my lady. you're sitting at the same table you had with the first prince, right? you even was thinking about him right now. '

Crystelle flinch and shock.

She's just realized that she's unconsciousness seat at the same table she had with Rigel!.

Crystelle flustered and shockley get up from her seat.

' Let's go back. ' said Crystelle uncomfortable.

Sir Ethan shock and silently follow Crystelle toward the carriage.

' My lady, please excuse my insolence. ' apologize sir Ethan.

Crystelle just get silent all the way to the mansion.

She's lost on her deep thoughts.

' What should I do..? '

Mumble her alone.