chapter 28 : Feelings toward him?

' I like him..? '

Crystelle flinch from her's spacing.

' Mia! don't said that thing so suddenly! ' angry Crystelle .

Mia chuckle.

' Well.. my lady had that kind of expression, so I thought it's a kind of suit yours expression right now. '

Said Mia while brought in a beautiful light blue gown into Crystelle room and put it on the bed.

Crystelle raise her eyebrow and gets near that gown.

' For what? ' ask her wondering while took it.

Mia frown.

' Did you forget, my lady? you had an afternoon tea party at lady Riley residence today. You had just read the invitation letter yesterday though. ' remind Mia.

Crystelle stunned and blink her eyes.

' Oh no! I forgot! hurry and get me ready now, Mia! ' flustered Crystelle.

Mia sigh.

' That's why I am here. I know you had forgotten it when you didn't even asked what's you would wear today this morning, my lady.. '. exhausted Mia.

Crystelle awkwardly smile.

Mia raise her eyebrow and clap her hand suddenly.


Every single maid had gathered before Crystelle in a flash.

Crystelle freeze.

' Let's get it started, my lady.' smile Mia.

Crystelle gulp and slowly nodded.

' My lady, which hairstyle do you prefer, this? or this? ' ask a maid name Haley.

' No, her make up first, My lady please sit still. ' said a maid name Lune while hold Crystelle shoulder.

' My lady, what accessories would you wanted to wear? red or purple germs? it's must to suit yours light blue gown too. ' ask a maid name Lily.

' My lady! my lady! '

Crystelle exhausted already with their called.

' My lady? please said something.' ask them all together.

Crystelle sigh.

' Whatever. It's all up to you. ' exhaust Crystelle again.

Their eyes become all sparkling so suddenly after Crystelle said that.

' We will do our best to make you the most beautiful lady at the party, my lady. ' fierst them together.

Crystelle gulp in fear. ' I am scared. '

3 hours later..

' Okay! now I will present.. our beautiful lady.. Lady Crystelle Elera! ' said Haley in excitement.

Everyone that's were waiting for Crystelle stunned and fascinated by her when she step out from the room.

' You, you're so beautiful, my lady! ' compliment them together.

Crystelle blushing.

' it is true? '

Crystelle was wearing a beautiful light blue gown with bright red germs as her accessories, Her shining purple hair goes well with braids hairstyle and get pair with silver color flowers hairpin that's make her looks more beautiful even it's has just a simple style on it.

Mia smile brightly.

' it's true, my lady! it's really goes well with your purple hair and rubies eyes! you're already so beautiful so it's suits you really well. ' compliment Mia in excitement.

The other maids nodded their head hardly.

' Well though, my lady still stubborn wants to wear something simple after we tried everything we wanted on her. She's just can't stop nagging so this just the most simplest we can does. it's still look pretty on my lady though. ' complain Haley dejected.

' Well, that's right, but it's still looks good on my lady and I am sure that yours fiance too will fall in love with you twice if he's saw you right now, my lady! ' said Lune in confidence.

Crystelle flinch.

' It's that so..? ' dejected Crystelle.

She's suddenly looks gloomy.

Mia frown and glare at Lune.

' Why did you mention him so sudden! they were argued again this time! ' explain Lily in whispers.

Lune shock and get flustered.

' We, well, my lady. you're so pretty. and.. and.. ' hesitate Lune.

' Just shut up.' whispers Haley firm toward Lune.

Mia sigh and get near Crystelle.

' My lady.. your glove.'

Mia raise the glove toward Crystelle.

A silver glove with some beautiful roses ornaments on it.

Crystelle force a smile and slowly take it from Mia.

' Let's go now. ' order Crystelle.

On her way, she bumped with Hyde that was slowly gets out from the main room.

' Oh, Hyde! ' call Crystelle.

Hyde turn and freeze.

Crystelle smile brightly.

' So? how do I look? does I look beautiful in this gown? '. intentionally Crystelle ask because she wanted a compliment from Hyde.

Hyde got blank and just silently stare at her.

Crystelle frown.

' It is hard for you to compliment me even just a little? ' sulk Crystelle.

Hyde flinch and turn his face. He's cover it with his hand.

' So, sorry, Lady Elle. I must to get going now. ' flustered him and quickly left Crystelle behind.

Crystelle frown.

' That guy is too much! he just left me without any compliments! ' angry Crystelle while stomp her feet on the ground.

Mia sigh.

' I feels sorry for master Hyde. Lady Elle is not a quick-witted person at all. '

< The Riley residence. >

' Oh my! did you ladies already heard about the rumors lately?. ' said lady Olyne.

' Rumor? what's it about? ' ask the others lady on the same table as Crystelle.

Crystelle sigh.

' This why I doesn't like a tea party. always about rumors. ' exhausted Crystelle.

She's slowly sipping her tea and just stare at the others lady conversation.

' Lady Crystelle Soleil. ' greet a voice.

Crystelle turn to face the owner of that voice.

' Oh my! Lady Riley. Pardon my rudeness for not greet you first earlier. ' apologize Crystelle.

Lady Riley smile.

' It's okay, please raise your head, Lady Soleil. '

Crystelle stare at lady Riley.

Such a beautiful lady stand before Crystelle right now. Her name actually was lady Zoeana se Riley. The eldest daughter from four siblings. She is the next heir of Count Riley.

' Well, I want to congratulate you for your engagement with sir Allen , Lady Zoeana. '. polite Crystelle said.

Lady Zoeana smile.

' Thank you, Lady Crystelle. I heard you're his close friend?. ' said lady Zoeana while take a seat beside Crystelle and sip her tea.

Crystelle awkwardly smile.

' Yes, we are friends but we're not that close, we just happened to meet when he comes to my residence with Duke Konrad, Lady Zoeana. ' cover Crystelle, she's doesn't want any rumors to get started.

' Oh my! don't said it like that! if he heard it, he will get really disappointed, Lady Crystelle. ' laugh lady Zoeana.

Crystelle force a smile.

' This girl, I just mean that I won't get near your fiance anymore, why did you said something like that? ' inner talk of Crystelle get annoyed.

' It's that so? then, I will just talk to sir Allen likes always, Lady Zoeana. ' annoy Crystelle.

Lady Zoeana laugh. ' Please do, Lady Crystelle. I know he will be gladly to have you as his close friend.'

Crystelle frown.

' Is she for real? I'm just said that I will befriend with her fiance! how can she seem so calmly? '

Zoeana smile again and get near Crystelle.

' That fiance of mine is actually my childhood friend. you know that he is my cousin, right, Lady Crystelle? so I actually just doesn't like this engagement between us. ' complain Zoeana in whispers.

Crystelle frown again.

' Isn't sir Allen is a great man, Lady Zoeana? you don't like him? ' ask Crystelle back in whispers too.

Zoeana sigh and shake her head slowly.

' I know he is a great man, but I'm just can't seem he in the way I must to. ' dejected Zoeana.

Crystelle lost in her thoughts.

Zoeana se Riley, a great lady with a beautiful figured. She's a close cousin with sir Allen Archer se Konrad and soon will be his fiance. Zoeana actually likes to do man activities that most girls doesn't ever think about doing. She's specialist in horse riding and get knowledge for her skilled in it. Zoeana is a famous lady in this empire too for her saloon that get so much attention at the capital everyday. Eventually, she's a great and most richest young lady in the history of Ophelia empire.

Crystelle smile.

' I thought, you doesn't like him but it's turn out you still don't have any feelings on him yet, Lady Zoeana. ' relief Crystelle.

Zoeana frown.

' it is true? but I don't like this idea of engagement between us though. ' dejected Zoeana.

Crystelle smile gently toward Zoeana.

' I know, but sir Allen is a really great man, it's will be waste to let him go just because you doesn't like this engagement, Lady Zoeana. ' pursued Crystelle.

Zoeana smile back.

' it's that so? well, I heard that lady Crystelle was gotten forced in yours engagement with the first prince too. Did you like him after that? ' ask Zoeana suddenly.

Crystelle flinch.

' Ah.. well? we doesn't get force but, erm.. is we looks like we're in a relationships? what's make you thinks like that, Lady Zoeana? ' ask Crystelle doubted.

Zoeana smile.

' Well, last time, I saw you with his highness at the last year banquet, you two looks really close and seem to be a lover from my view side! ' chuckle Zoeana.

Suddenly everyone there's heard Zoeana talk and had an attention toward Crystelle.

Crystelle stunned and force a smile.

' What? what? did you talk about lady Crystelle and his highness the first prince, Lady Zoeana? ' said lady Gracie in excitement.

Lady Zoeana chuckle and nodded.

' Oh my! I really like them too! you two looks like a character jump out from a fairy tale, Lady Crystelle! ' compliment lady Daisy.

' Me too! when I saw them together, my heart was hardly racing! With the good looking first prince that's like a prince charming out from the books and lady Crystelle beauty that's in the top of prettier girls in this empire , you two look like a match made by heaven! ' excited lady Kylie in a bright smile.

Crystelle got goosebumps.

' You, you ladies seem to be so excegerated about us a little bit too much. ' shudder Crystelle.

They all get stunned and chuckle together.

' You're so humble, Lady Crystelle! ' laugh them together.

' You don't have to get so shy with us. it's just a talk though. ' said lady Gracie in smile.

Crystelle force a smile.

' Me? shy? oh please..! ' goosebumps Crystelle.

Suddenly they stop laughing, in flash they all looks hesitated.

Crystelle frown. ' what's wrong with them so sudden? '

' Ermm.. Lady Crystelle.. about.. um.. is it true? ' ask lady Kylie in hesitated suddenly after they got so silent for a while.

Crystelle raise her eyebrow.

' About what? ' ask Crystelle wondered.

' Um.. I just thought this as a false rumors but.. ' hesitated lady Kylie again.

Crystelle turn to look at Zoeana, she had the same expression as them too.

' Lady Zoeana? Lady Kylie? Lady Gracie? Lady Daisy? what's wrong? ' ask Crystelle while turn to look a them one after another.

Zoeana force a smile.

' It's nothing, Lady Crystelle. Well, anyways, I heard that Lady Gracie had something to talk to me? ' said Zoeana try to change the topic while turn to look at Gracie.

Lady Gracie flinch and shock.

' Me?? Ah! ye, yes! I really want to ask lady Zoeana about some business that I want to do with Lady Daisy. ' cover Gracie.

Lady Daisy flinch too.

' What? me too??? ah! ye, yes! that's right, lady Gracie. I had this some businesses with lady Zoeana too! ' hesitate lady Daisy.

Crystelle frown and look at lady Kylie. it's look like she's the one without any reason to avoid our talk.

Lady Kylie flinch when her eyes meets Crystelle.

' Wha, whats wrong with everyone? haha, ah! it's look like my plate was already empty when we were talking, I think I will go and take another dessert more. ' cover lady Kylie while get up and quickly leave the table.

' Ah! Lady Kylie! let me help you!.' said lady Daisy and tailed Kylie toward there.

Crystelle frown even more.

' What's wrong with them? '

Now only left Gracie and Zoeana.

They seem to sweat so much.

' I, I will take a look at them. they have gone too much longer than expected. ' said Gracie hesitate while slowly get up from her seat.

Lady Zoeana shock.

' They dare to ditch and leave me alone here! such a traitors! ' angry Zoeana in mind.

Crystelle frown while glared at Zoeana.

' Now if she's run away too, there will be really something they hide from me! '

Zoeana awkwardly smile with act calmly while drinks her tea slowly.

Crystelle still glared at her.

Zoeana gulp and force a smile.

' When did they will goes back here?! ' cries Zoeana in silent.

There's a heavy silent between them.

' Wh, what's took them for too long? haha. ' awkward Zoeana while sweat so much.

Crystelle still glared at her without turn anywhere else at all.

Zoeana still act calmly. ' They're such a traitors! I will get revenge on this next time we gathered! '

' Gasp! I give up. ' sigh Zoeana suddenly.

Crystelle smile.

' So, what is it? ' Crystelle ask with the proud of winners.

Zoeana let go a heavy sigh.

' There's actually a rumors about the first prince, Lady Crystelle. ' honest Zoeana.

Crystelle raise her eyebrow.

' Rumors? about what? ' ask Crystelle doubted.

Zoeana seem hesitate and sweat so much.

' Um. I know you've not heard about it already. so when lady Kylie unintentionally slip it out, we got flustered and try to cover it but it seem that Lady Crystelle will scold us if we don't say it.. but.. '

Crystelle frown.

' Just said it already, don't waste time with that nonsense. ' exhausted Crystelle.

Zoeana flinch.

' Umm.. the rumors said that.., the..the first prince will leave to the border.. next week... ' hesitated Zoeana to tell the truth.

Crystelle get blank.

' What? who's going to the border? ' ask Crystelle disbelief.

Zoeana sigh hardly.

' His highness the first prince will leave to the border on next week, Lady Crystelle. but! but, it's just a rumor from nowhere so don't mind it too much. ' hesitate Zoeana. she's try to persuade her.

Crystelle shock.

She's feels like someone just punched her real hard on her heart and make it shattered into pieces.

Crystelle tremble and quickly hold lady Zoeana gown tightly.

' Who's you said will goes to the border? repeat it again this instant! ' ask Crystelle in frown.

' It, It's the first prince, Lady Crystelle..' hesitate Zoeana.

Crystelle get blank again, her leg becomes weak.

Zoeana shock and quickly hold Crystelle.

' My fiance? the border?..'

ask Crystelle while trembling to hold her anger.