chapter 29 : The first kiss between us

' Why didn't you said anything about it to me?! ' shout Crystelle at the Ruby Palace.

All the maids and knight that guard them quickly leave the chamber when Rigel make a signal for them to go out and leave Crystelle and him alone.

' Elly, take a seat first and we will talk about this. ' persuade Rigel.

Crystelle glare at him at slowly take a seat before him.

' So? did you expect me to figured this out from someone else mouth first, Rigel? who I am toward you? ' frown Crystelle.

Rigel flustered. ' You are my fiance, Elly! ' firm him.

Crystelle smirk.

' Then? shouldn't I heard this things directly from your own mouth? do you really want me to figured it out by myself? '

Rigel flinch.

' I want to tell you.. but.. ' hesitate Rigel to tell the truth.

' But..? what? you wanted to said that you don't want me to get hurts from it? what? so I will not get hurt when I heard it from someone else then? ' anger Crystelle.

Rigel slowly shake his head.

' Let's talk about it slowly, Elly. ' persuade him again.

Crystelle sigh hardly.

She's cross her hand and stare at Rigel.

' Talk then. ' firm her.

Rigel sigh.

' It's actually the emperor's condition for me to get engaged with you, Elly. I had to accomplish something by my own strength and power. '. Rigel start to explain.

Crystelle frown.

' From leave to the border can make you gain something? there's another ways to make it, right? ' disbelief Crystelle.

Rigel nodded.

' I know but it's the faster ways I can gain my title back. '

Crystelle smirk.

' Do you think the crown prince will sit still about this and act like it's was nothing, then? '

Rigel frown.

' I know, but I had the emperor's favor right now, if I let it go just like that it's can give that second prince a many more favors in the future. I must to quickly get acknowledge by this empire as soon as possible. ' firm Rigel.

Crystelle sigh.

' What's the condition then? for how long you will be at the border? ' ask her while raise her eyebrow .

Rigel dejected.

' I must to stop the wars between our empire with the Kingdom of Ru and comes back as the Hero's war by myself. It's may take a very long time, maybe 6 or 7 years.'

Crystelle shock and frown.

' What? 6 or 7 years?! for that long?! what's the emperor thinking? even my elder brother still struggle in that's wars! did the emperor want you to died than get the title back? it's like you're walking straight to your own death, Rigel! stop this insane act and just accomplish something that are more simple! ' anger Crystelle.

Rigel force a smile.

' I will do it no matter what you said, Elly. Well, it's a conditions I agreed at just to get engaged with you. If I disobey it, our engagement will get break and you will must to marry that jerk instead. '

Crystelle frown.

' Why did you wanted do this for me into that extent? I was the one to ask you about this engagement. Why you're the one to suffer from it? '. Crystelle tremble to hold her tears.

Rigel stunned. he's stare at Crystelle that was about to cry and smile gently.

He's get up from his seat and slowly walking toward Crystelle.

Crystelle flinch and flustered.

Rigel suddenly sit down beside Crystelle and hold her hand gently.

Crystelle shock and freeze from his actions.

Rigel cares for her hand and stare gently at Crystelle.

' The day we meet at my late mother's library, did you remember it, Elly? the day we had our promised. ' ask Rigel suddenly.

Crystelle nodded. ' how can I forgot about it when it's the most embarrassing moment in my life? '. thought Crystelle.

' Why did you still remember about it and mentioned it again now?! I am ashamed! ' cries Crystelle silently.

Rigel smile when Crystelle just silently nodded.

' You know, Elly? I am really glad to meet you that day. you're the first one to talk at me like that. '

Said Rigel while shown his stunning smile.

Crystelle frown while try to remembered that day again.

' It's must be hard for you until now.. '

' Stop it, Elly. let me go. '

' I won't..! I won't betray you! I will become loyal to you! I will never leave you alone and make you wait. I will trust you with all of my heart, so you must to do the same as me, understand?!! '

Crystelle blushed and bend her head a little.

' I just remembered it just now and I! , am! , ashamed! '

Rigel smile when he look at Crystelle that was trying to hide her red face from him.

He's sigh in chuckle and slowly hold Crystelle in his embrace.

Crystelle stunned and blink her eyes in shock.

' Thank you, Elly. From that day, you had become my most important person in my life. I will too, never betrayed you and loyal to you, until death do us apart I will stick at you a stalker! ' smile Rigel.

Crystelle frown and smile.

' Like a stalker? and how do you want to do that? ' chuckle Crystelle.

Rigel smile innocently.

' I will send a man to watch you and had him inform me your condition. What's you are doing, your action every minute and to whose you're talking to everyday, especially with a boy. and I will do it while I was away at the border. ' whispers Rigel into Crystelle ear.

Crystelle got goosebumps and cover her ear.

' H, hey! are you insane? I will never get free from you then, even you're at the border for 7 years! ' shudder Crystelle embarrassed.

Rigel laugh.

' That's was my intentions though. ' said Rigel while shrug his shoulder.

Crystelle shock and quickly shove Rigel face far away from her.

' Eww.. go away! just go away and leave me alone then! ' disgusted Crystelle.

Rigel laugh hardly even more and avoiding Crystelle hand with grab it gently.

He's suddenly embrace Crystelle tightly back.

' Oh.. Elly!, you're so cute.. How can I manage to leave you alone if you're being this cute toward me? what if some jerk saw you, and take you away from me? maybe I must to hide you somewhere..' sigh Rigel while planned something.

Crystelle goosebumps again.

' Eww. really! gets away from me! I don't want to get involved in your plan! I want to have a peaceful life for 7 years! ' Crystelle shudder while struggle to shove Rigel away again.

Rigel laugh and grab Crystelle hand tightly so sudden.

Crystelle freeze and look straight at Rigel face.

' Really, Elly. I am serious! when I was away from you, please don't get near any jerk at all. if you do it, I will not just sit still and will run away from the border just to punch that trash that dare to comes near my dear fiance. ' firm Rigel while stare straight in Crystelle eyes.

Crystelle blushed.

' Ba thump. Ba thump. Ba thump. '

' Okay. my heart has racing hardly again today. '

' Elly.. did you heard me? ' call Rigel softly when Crystelle doesn't reply to his talk.

Crystelle frown.

' Arghh! stop this creature before it gets too late! ' frust Crystelle.

Rigel suddenly get closer and stare at Crystelle face without blink.

Crystelle gulp and hold her breath.

Slowly, he comes more closer.

' Elly..'

More closer.


' Gasp! okay! okay! just stop there and don't get any closer than you've already had! if not I will get trouble by it! '

Crystelle turn and start to get her breath again.' I am so nervous right now! '

Rigel chuckle.

' But, I like your face when you're trouble too though.' said Rigel while getting closer again.

Crystelle frown.

' Sto, stop it! '

Crystelle quickly get up from her seat and goes out to the veranda.

Rigel tilt his head and slowly tailed Crystelle to there.

Crystelle take a deep breath and let it go very hardly. She's fans herself.

Her face had becomes really red and her whole body shaken by Rigel actions toward her.

' Elly.. '

Crystelle shock and become a great statue.

Rigel suddenly hug her from her back!

She can feels his breath from her ear.

Crystelle tremble.

' Elly.. ' call him again.

Crystelle get shudder and shut her eyes.

' What I am suppose to do now?! ' cries Crystelle in silent.

She's can feel Rigel warm and it's actually make her even more nervous!

' Ba thump. Ba thump. Ba thump. Ba thump. '

' Okay. seriously heart. stop your hard beats before he's come to heard it ! '

' Can I become greedy for once..? ' suddenly Rigel whispers on her ear.

' Ba thump. Ba thump. Ba thump. '

' Arghh! seriously my heart can't hold it any longer than this! '

Crystelle frown. ' What's wrong with this guy so suddenly?! '

Crystelle doesn't reply Rigel and just silently do her good job as a great statue.

Rigel squeeze her even more.

' I don't want to let you go for this once. How can I live if you will get snatch away from me even when I blink for a second? should I disobey this order and forget my plan to take my title back because of I want to stay by your side everytime? ' whispers him again.

Crystelle stunned.

' Yo, you can't! you must to take revenge and your title back! '

Crystelle get flustered and turn to face Rigel.

She's shock with what she's face at right now.

Crystelle slowly cares for Rigel face gently.

' Don't make this face again, I don't like it.. '

Crystelle stare at him gently ' he's was making the same face like tha last time when we were in the carriage. '

Rigel bend his head slowly toward her.

' I am sorry for leaving you suddenly and leave you behind. at the end, I was the one to break our promised. ' dejected him while tremble clench his fist.

Crystelle frown while smile gently.

' It's okay, then I will be the one to keep our promised until you comes back to my side again. ' persuade Crystelle gently.

Rigel force a smile.

' Even if I was the one to break it now, don't think you can do it too, Elly. I will comes back alive real quick and haunted you forever. ' warning Rigel.

Crystelle chuckle. ' He's had comes back to act like himself again. ' relief Crystelle.

' But, if I unintentionally falls in love with another guy, what should I do? I will only had my eyes on him even if I am was with you. ' played Crystelle.

Rigel frown.

' Don't you ever dare to! I will make that guy disappear and had you by my side forever. ' firm Rigel.

Crystelle frown while tremble to hold her laughter.

' Even if I cried everyday and groan for his love to come back? you will make him disappear from my side even I'd become like that forever? ' doubted Crystelle.

Rigel flinch.

' You, you will forget about him eventually! ' flustered him.

Crystelle cover her mouth. ' pfft! I can't hold if anymore.'

' But then, I will never be happier with you if I keep thinking about him.. ' Crystelle act to get dejected.

Rigel bite his lips.

Crystelle still acted to be so down with his actions.

' Chu! '

Crystelle get blank while cover her mouth.

She's blink her eyes in disbelief with what Rigel just did to her.

She's stare at rigel with so many thoughts running in her head.

Rigel suddenly got flustered and cover his mouth like Crystelle does.

His face turn bright red like a tomato.

' What did I just do?! ' thought him in disbelief.

He's only got flustered by Crystelle when she's said something about another guy and he accidentally act without thought and kiss Crystelle red lips with his mouth!.

Crystelle still stunned and cover her lips. ' it's my first kiss. ' Crystelle try to think in this situation.

' Why..why did you do that? what's your attention, Rigel? ' ask Crystelle in disbelief.

Rigel flinch and turn his face away from Crystelle.

Crystelle feels her heart shattered into pieces.

' I, I don't know too. I just does it without thinking.. ' hesitate him.

Crystelle shock.

' Let me go. '

Crystelle shove Rigel away and pass by him in disappointed with his sudden improper action toward her.

' El, Elly..! ' call Rigel while try to stop Crystelle from get far away from him.

He's tug Crystelle hand and make her turn to face himself.

Crystelle stare at him and suddenly shed a tears.

Rigel shock and stunned.

' El, Elly, I am sorry. Please don't cry.. '

Rigel slowly cares for Crystelle tears while make a dejected face.

Crystelle shake her head slowly.

' Just let me go for now. Let's talk about it later. '

Crystelle pull his body away and walk pass him in tears.

Rigel stunned again.

' El, Elly. ' call him, but Crystelle doesn't turn to look at him even a glance.

His leg becomes weak and he's fells on his chair.

' What did I just do? '

Rigel pinch his head and thought about it for a long time until it get at the late of night, he's still in the same position, retreat for his actions.

' I am sorry, Elly. '