chapter 31 : Plan to get back with him

' I love Hyde! ' confess a beautiful little girl.

' That's a name from my book! it's a story about love and I really like that hero named Hyde! he is a prince! an handsome prince! ' excited that girl while patting Hyde head gently.

' Can we have him, sister? ' that girl suddenly turn to look at another beautiful girl but she's look more older than that girl herself.

' It's look like they are siblings. ' thought Hyde.

That older sister get near Hyde and stare at him.

' What a rare colour of his fur, it's pink like a cotton candy. ' amazed the older sister.

The younger sister smile and took Hyde in her embraces.

' He is so cute! can we pet him, sister? ' ask her with a sparkling eyes.

The older sister sigh.

' We can't. He's a werewolf, it can be dangerous for us to pet this fluffy and cute creature. ' firm the older sister.

The younger sister becomes gloomy and make her sister flustered.

' Sigh. did you had a name perhaps, little wolf? Well, there's a common last name for an abandoned werewolf, right? um, Wayn wasn't it? ' ask the older sister toward Hyde. She's give up with her younger sister cuteness.

Hyde slowly nodded his head. ' it's Wayn for the last name but I didn't have any single first name yet.' reply Hyde.

The younger sister smile brightly and raise Hyde up to face her.

' Then, I will give you a name! it's Hyde! ' shout the younger sister happily.

The older sister seem lost in her thoughts.

' Um. not bad. then from now on, your name is Hyde. Hyde Wayn. you will be serving this young lady until her own last breath. ' said the older sister while pat Hyde head.

The younger sister embrace Hyde and squeeze him tightly.

' From now on, I will be in your care, Hyde! my name is... '

' Gasp! '

Hyde quickly wake up from his sleep.

He's get up and take a deep breath. A sudden single tears slowly fells from his eyes.

' Ugh. this damn dream again.. '

Hyde pinch his head and look out at the window.

' it's still dark. I must got this dream after story it to lady Elle this morning. Sigh. I should take a walk. ' mumble Hyde. He's can no longer get asleep back.

' Master Hyde? ' call someone.

Hyde was walking in the garden that near with his resident on the west mansion.

Hyde turn and hide his hand to silently summon a sword. ' Who's called for me at this late of night? '

Haley innocently smile toward him. ' It's me. '

' Oh. Miss Haley. What are you doing at this late of night? I thought it's someone suspicious. ' ask Hyde when he's realize that girl before him right now is a maid named Haley. He's stoped his summoned.

Haley still smile and stare at him.

' I still had some works to do. Did you perhaps can't sleep, master Hyde? ' ask Haley considerate.

Hyde force a smile.

' Yes, but if I bothered you right now, I will take my leave now, miss Haley. '

Hyde turn and slowly walking away.

' Wa, wait! '

Suddenly Haley grab his hand and stop him from his walk.

Hyde raise his eyebrow while look at Haley hand that was grabbing his.

' Ah! I am sorry, master Hyde. ' flustered Haley and immediately let him go.

' Um, well. if it's not trouble for you, master Hyde. Can you accompany me to goes somewhere, master Hyde? ' hesitated Haley ask.

Hyde lost in his thoughts.

' Well, I can't sleep back though. Then, let me accompany you, miss Haley. '

Haley smile brightly.

They were walking at the east mansion alone in the dark. Only the light from the candle Haley brought with, lighten the way for them.

Hyde just silently accompany Haley there.

' Um.. actually I'm scared of dark. it's a relief when I encounter you earlier, master Hyde. At least I get to get my job done before I goes to sleep today. it's all thanks to you, master Hyde. ' thankfully Haley.

Hyde smile.

' Did you still new at this residence too, miss Haley? how old are you actually? ' ask Hyde wondered. She's seem to be so young to get hired as a maid.

Haley smile gently.

' Yes, I am still a new maid at here. but I am really capable with my hands, so they always arranged me to does lady Crystelle hairstyle every morning. At least, I still can be useful for them. Ah! I am actually 14 years old and next year I will be an adult when my comings of age ceremony approach. ' excited Haley.

Hyde nodded.

' So it's 3 years apart, huh? between us. '

said Hyde suddenly.

Haley tilt her head.

' Ah! that's right! you're in the same age as lady Elle, right? ' ask Haley.

Hyde nodded his head.

Suddenly Haley stop her walk.

' We are here. Please wait for me here, master Hyde. or do you want to get in with me? ' considerate Haley toward Hyde.

Hyde shake his head.

' I will wait here. '

Haley nodded and slowly get in the room.

Hyde just wait there in the darkness. Well, the candle was with Haley though.

' Okay. done! ' said Haley while suddenly pop out from the door.

Hyde shock.

' Mi, miss Haley.. please stop doing that. ' fear Hyde.

Haley flinch and gloom.

' I'm sorry.. did you get shock by it, master Hyde? I thought I will just hurriedly done my job and comes to you as soon as possible. ' dejected Haley.

Hyde smile.

' Well, It's okay though. should we get going now, miss Haley? ' ask Hyde gently.

Haley smile. ' Let's go now.'

They've arrived and stop in front of Hyde room.

' Then, I will take my leave now, master Hyde. Thank you again for accompanying me and I am sorry to trouble you at this late of night.'

Haley bow at Hyde and left him there alone.

Hyde get in the room with smile on his face.

' I think I can get asleep back right now. ' grin him while slowly close his eyes.

' I've made up my mind! '

Shout Crystelle early in the morning.

Hyde yawn and cover his mouth.

He was tidying up Crystelle bed.

' About what, my lady? ' ask him not interested.

Crystelle frown.

' Why did you look so sleepy, Hyde? didn't get enough sleeps perhaps? ' ask Crystelle worried while get near her make up table.

Hyde smile.

' I am not, Lady Elle. Pardon my rudeness. ' apologize Hyde politely.

Crystelle nodded.

' If you said so, then, it's alright. But just in case, please stay in the mansion and only get rest for today, Hyde. I will just goes to the palace with Mia instead. ' order Crystelle considerate.

Hyde smile.

' I am okay, Lady Crystelle. I will accompany you to the palace myself. ' decline Hyde.

Crystelle turn and glared at him.

' Don't make me repeat my words. you know I don't like it, right? '

Hyde flinch and smile.

' Very well, my lady. As you wish, this boy will take a rest only for today. ' bow Hyde.

Crystelle smile.

' That's good. My personal butler must be in his best conditions to serve me everytime.'

Compliment Crystelle while touch her face in front of the mirror.

' Should I wear some flashy gown today? my face still beautiful like always though. ' mumble Crystelle before the mirror.

' Anyways, my lady. I was meaning to ask you from earlier. ' said Hyde suddenly.

Crystelle raise her eyebrow.

' What it is? '

' Um. about a maid name Haley. can I know more about her? ' hesitate Hyde while ask.

Crystelle grin.

' What is it?~ I just heard someone wanted to know about a girl. ' mock Crystelle while cover mouth in disbelief.

Hyde blushed.

' If you're not going to talk, just let it pass, Lady Elle. ' firm Hyde.

Crystelle laugh. ' Okay, okay. you're so serious, Hyde. Who is it again? ' . ask Crystelle.

Hyde cough a little.

' Miss Haley, Lady Elle. '

Crystelle frown.

' Hmm.. Haley? Haley.. Haley Alford? Erm. that young maid with brown hair and deep blue pupils that always does my hair perhaps? She's still new here though. She's kind of cute and still young, right? Hmm.. I heard that she is a daughter of a count. it's count Alford isn't?, if I'm not wrong. ' mumble Crystelle trying to guess.

Hyde nodded understand.

' A daughter of a count? so why did she's become a maid then? shouldn't she's become like another noble ladies? ' ask Hyde wondered.

Crystelle shrug her shoulder.

' I wonder about it too, but I heard from mother that she's get sold to our house Soleil right after her family bankruptcy. such a pitiful young girl, she is. ' sigh Crystelle.

Hyde frown.

' Get sold? her own family does it just for money? '

Crystelle nodded in disappointment.

' Such a greedy family they are. But anyways, can you call them for me? the maids. I need to get change quickly right now.' ask Crystelle while stand and stare at herself on the mirror.

Hyde bow. ' As you wish. lady Elle. '

The maid had gathered in Crystelle room in a flash.

Crystelle smile gently at them.

' Make me look pretty today, I need to meet my fiance. '. said Crystelle with a sweet smile.

All the maids becomes bright.

' As you wish, my lady. We are honored to serve you, We will do our best to make you become. the most beautiful girl in Ophelia! '

Crystelle smile. ' Then, I'll look forward for it. '

All the maids smile with confidence.

They choose white gown with some light blue black flowers on it. It's full the gown on the chest, waist and the end of it .Then as her hair, they choose to let it down and only braid the upper with let the same light blue black flowers crossed with the braid and make her shining purple hair looks flowery with it. They make her like a flowers girl today. Then, for the last touch, they paired her gown with some light blue germs as her necklace and earrings. and it's done!.

They all fascinated by her.

' You look so, so much beautiful, Lady Elle! ' compliment them all together. They start to cries in amazed by their own hard work.

Crystelle smile. ' Thank you. '

Crystelle get out from the room.

Hyde who was waiting for her, cough a little after look at her.

' Ehem. Lady Elle seem to be so much more beautiful than ever today. ' compliment Hyde while shown his sweet smile toward Crystelle.

Crystelle smile satisfied.

' If Hyde compliment me too, it's must be truth, then. ' relief Crystelle.

Hyde slowly raise his hand toward Crystelle.

' My lady, can I have the honoured to escort you to your carriage? '

Crystelle chuckle and hold Hyde hand.

' Very well, Hyde. you may. '

They walk together to the carriage and Crystelle slowly get in with Hyde help.

' I will do my best today, Hyde. Wish me luck. ' said Crystelle determined.

Hyde smile gently.

' As you wish, my lady. May the star of Ophelia bright your way toward your path, Lady Elle. ' bow Hyde politely.

Crystelle smile gently.

' Thank you, Hyde. '

The carriage start moving.

Crystelle can't sit still from getting nervous. she's tremble in fear.

Her heart thumping like crazy when she had only just thinked about what her actions to be next.

' I hope I can said it calmly without nervous. ' wish Crystelle in her heart.

' My lady, we've arrived at the palace. ' inform the horsemen.

Crystelle take a peek at outside and take a deep breath.

' You can do this, Crystelle! '

Fierst Crystelle while slap her own face.

Crystelle slowly get down from the carriage. With nervous, she's slowly walk toward the Ruby Palace.

' Wait for me, Rigel. Make sure you had prepared for this.'