chapter 32 : Seduce for a guarantee

' Oh? master Hyde. '

Hyde that was just passing by look at the person who's calling for him.

Hyde smile.

' Good afternoon, miss Haley. ' greet Hyde toward Haley.

Haley smile back and continue her work.

She was soaking the clothes at the west mansion.

' I see you're having your walk at the west garden today, master Hyde? ' ask Haley just to start the conversation.

Hyde smile and take a seat on the bench near Haley work place.

' I get a permission to get rest only for today. Lady Elle was at the palace right now with Miss Mia. ' explain Hyde.

Haley make a jealousy face.

' Must be nice to have a break in this kind of weather right, master Hyde?. I still had many works to do, after this soaks, I will do the laundry, then, I must to help at the kitchen, serve young Master Crystopher when he's back, Umm.. well, there's more. ' said Haley in detailed of her work.

Hyde smile.

' Well, there are so many works more to be done, huh? should I give you a hand then? ' ask Hyde considerate.

Haley smile and shake her head.

' It's okay. it's your day break though, master Hyde. you must to enjoy it as much as you can. ' decline Haley while continue her work again.

Hyde just silently stare at her.

' Then, can I ask you something while you're doing your work, miss Haley? ' ask Hyde suddenly.

Haley smile at him and nodded.

Hyde continue to talk.

' Pardon me if I'll hurt your feelings for asking about this so suddenly but, um. I heard that you're actually a daughter of a count, miss Haley? ' ask Hyde hesitate.

Haley stunned and clench the clothe she was about to soak, tightly.

Hyde flustered when Haley just stay silent for a while after his sudden question.

' If, if you don't want to tell me, it's alright. I am sorry, miss Haley.' quickly Hyde apologies at her.

' Pfft. ' tremble her.

Hyde tilt his head and stare at her.

' Miss Haley? ' call him wonder.

Suddenly Haley let go a big hard laughed.

Hyde stunned when he's look at her.

' I, I am sorry, master Hyde. I'm just teasing you but I didn't know you will be that flustered for me. ' laugh Haley.

Hyde dumbfounded and blink his eyes in blank.

Haley smile after she's got calmed a little.

She's take a glance at Hyde and continue her work back.

' I am once before, but now I am belonged to the House Soleil. you heard that I got sold into this house right, master Hyde? ' ask Haley with a smile.

Hyde just slowly nodded his head.

' Yes. bu, but it's just really a rumoured perhaps? ' said Hyde while trying to take care of her heart from the pains.

Haley chuckle.

' It's true though, master Hyde. ' honest Haley suddenly.

Hyde blink his eyes. ' apologies for my misspelled words, miss Haley. '

Haley just smile toward him.

' It's okay. it's true but some of it are really a false rumors. the one with my greedy family. Actually, my family were not greedy at all like the other people said and I'm still grateful to be their daughter until now though. ' smile Haley.

' It's actually a contract we agreed at with the Soleil conditions, it said that I must to work here until my families can support me in the future. Until that's day comes, the Soleil will be the one to took cared of me. it's like I will stay here until my family can manage the finances from our bankruptcy. ' explain Haley the truth.

Hyde nodded understand.

' So you will be working here until your families get the more stable finances? ' ask Hyde wonder.

Haley shown a sweet smile and nodded hardly.

' Yes. that's why I must to adapt myself here as soon as possible because my time here it's not that long. '

' Well, all of my brothers still visit me here and send me a letter every week though, that's why I still can work here without worries. '

Hyde raise his eyebrow.

' That's good to hear, miss Haley. I hope your families financial will get more stable as soon as possible. ' smile Hyde.

Haley smile gently. ' Thank you, master Hyde. I hope so too. '

Haley permit herself to leave and walk toward the east mansion to done the laundry there.

Hyde just silently continue his walk at the west garden again after his talked to Haley.

' She will not working here forever, huh? ' mumble Hyde alone.

He's lost in his thoughts while walking at the west garden without direction to go somewhere.

Meanwhile, Crystelle had arrived at the palace and stand before the Ruby Palace like a statue for 1 hour already.

Mia sigh.

' Are you going to get in or not, my lady? ' ask Mia exhausted.

Crystelle flinch and flustered.

' I, I can't do this, Mia! let's go back. '

Mia shock and block Crystelle from step away from there.

' My lady! you had already prepared for this, so you must to do it today no matter what. ' firm Mia while hold Crystelle hand tightly.

Crystelle tremble and hardly shake her head.

' I, I can't do it. Let's do this thing tomorrow. ' fear Crystelle.

Mia sigh. ' My lady.. '

' The first prince will leave the capital the day after tomorrow. Then tomorrow they would held a banquet for the first prince's leaving so you must to attend it and you will be escort by the first prince because you're his fiance. You must to get ready for a the whole day before the banquet because you will be getting so much attention at the ball as his fiance too. My lady will didn't have enough time to talk with him before his leaving then. ' nag Mia.

Crystelle flinch and freeze.

Mia sigh and suddenly dragged Crystelle in the Ruby Palace with forced .

' Okay, we're here. I will inform the head maid, madam Gune to leave you two alone until you've done your business with first prince, Lady Elle. '. said Mia.

They were currently standing before the door of his chamber.

Crystelle just frown and finally nodded. She's give up from being resistant about it.

Mia smile satisfied.

' Then, I will take my leave now. please do your best, Lady Elle. '

Mia bow at her and leave her alone there in blank.

Crystelle sigh.

' I can do this. ' determined Crystelle while take a deep breath.

Crystelle slowly open the door.

' Rig...' call her in a low voice.

' Kyaah! '. Crystelle shock and unaccidently stumbled backward.

' Gasp! '

Rigel quickly hold her waist and closed her body into his embrace in a sudden reflexes.

Crystelle stunned and unintentionally hug Rigel neck to hold herself from fells on the ground.

Crystelle mind get blank.

They two shocked and stared at each other face for a while without even blink like a statue.

Crystelle flinch.

' Ri, Rigel? ' embarrassed Crystelle.

Rigel shock with his actions and quickly let her go after he's sure that Crystelle can stand stable back.

The atmosphere get awkward and they had a heavy silent between them.

' Um.. ' hesitated them together on the same time.

Rigel awkwardly smile.

' You first, Elly. '

Crystelle nodded her head in awkward too.

' Um, Rigel?. why did you look so anxious when you get out from your room and open the door in hurried? do you have any urgent matter perhaps? did I bother you to come here now, Rigel? should I get home and comes here next time? ' anxious Crystelle with Rigel actions before they bump into each other earlier.

Rigel got stunned with Crystelle sudden persistent question toward himself.

' Elly? you didn't angry at me anymore? ' hesitate Rigel while look straight at Crystelle in disbelief.

Crystelle flinch.

' Ack! my acted! ' thought Crystelle.

She's quickly make a serious face and ignore him suddenly.

' We need to talk. ' firm Crystelle suddenly.

Rigel sigh in disappointment. ' She's still angry.. '

' Let's go in. ' invite Rigel while pull Crystelle hand gently with him.

He's hold Crystelle shoulder and make her sit on the sofa with force.

Crystelle just silently follow his actions towards her without a question.

Then, Rigel sit beside her and hold her hand tightly.

' Elly.. ' call him in a low voice.

Crystelle just turn her face away without even take a glance at his face.

' Elly.. ' call him again.

Crystelle got seduced by his face but she's still act calm and ignore him more.

Rigel sigh hardly.

Suddenly Rigel hold Crystelle face and make her turn his way with forced.

Crystelle blink her eyes in shock.

Rigel slowly make his face close up toward Crystelle face and stare at her with a serious expression.

Crystelle stunned and becomes a great statue like the other day.

' I am here. So just look at my way when I am talking to you, Elly. ' firm Rigel.

' So!, he's so close! ' cries Crystelle in her head.

Crystelle gulp and get embarrassed with his sudden action.

She's turn her face away from Rigel in shy.

Rigel frown and turn her face toward him again.

' Look at me, Crystelle Elera. ' firm Rigel again with his serious tone.

Crystelle blushed.

' Oo, okay! but just get away from me for now. let's talk in a normal way without get closer to each other. ' shy Crystelle while struggles to shove Rigel away from her.

Rigel smile in relief.

He slowly back away from Crystelle and smile gently.

' Your wish is my command, my dear fiance. so let's talk.'

Crystelle let go a relief sigh.

' Well, I will just straight to the point. '

Rigel nodded his head.

Crystelle make a serious expression.

' Can you really promise to come back alive to my side, Prince Rigel? ' ask Crystelle so suddenly in a firm tone.

Rigel frown at first but then he's smile and nodded.

' Of course, don't I said before that if it for you, Elly. I will do everything for you even it's a matter of my life? ' Rigel tilt his head.

Crystelle smile with some suspicious thought.

' Then, I need a guarantee for it. To have you to comes back alive beside me. ' test Crystelle.

Rigel lost in his thoughts.

' How should I do it? I didn't have any guarantees to make you satisfied, Elly. I don't know. Maybe comes back here alive because for you? made another promise with you again? ' ask Rigel back.

Crystelle shown a sweet smile.

' That's why I need a guarantees, Rigel. if we just made a simple promise, it may be break like the one we've already had. ' said Crystelle in disappointed.

Rigel flinch. He's the culprit though for breaking the promised between them.

' Then what should I do, Elly? ' dejected Rigel.

Crystelle suddenly smile at him. ' he's got into the trap! '

Crystelle slowly raise her head toward Rigel.

' Should I suggest one for you, then? ' smile Crystelle again.

She's getting nervous but she must to do it today no matter what, before it gets too late for her.

Rigel frown.

' How so? ' doubt Rigel.

' Then.. ' mumble Crystelle alone.

Crystelle smile and slowly get near Rigel while stare at his face intensely.

She's slowly get closer to him.

Rigel stunned and slowly back away in reflexes.

He's the one to get really nervous right now.

The atmosphere becomes heavy back.

' Ba thump. Ba thump. Ba thump. '

' El, Elly? you, you've just said to talk in a normal way and stop getting closer.. but, but you're.. ' Rigel becomes more nervous. Even so, he's still try to act calm while awkwardly smile toward Crystelle.

Crystelle ignores him and get closer even more.

Rigel intensely back away until there's no more place for him on the sofa.

' Ell, Elly? stop, stop it. ' nervous him more.

Crystelle smile.

She's get near him until they got so close. Crystelle stare straight into his ember eyes.

Rigel blank and try to run away from there but Crystelle already block both his side with her arm and he's can no longer move.

This time he was the one to become a great good looking statue.

Rigel frown and cover his face from Crystelle intense stared.

He's face had become red like a tomato. At this rate, He's may died from an extreme embarrassment.

Crystelle smirk.

' You've done it to me countless times without ever getting embarrassed about it before, but when I was the one to done it on you, your blushed face had becomes more worse than mine. ' tease Crystelle.

' What, what do you want, Lady Soleil?! ' nervous Rigel until he's called Crystelle name in a polite tone unintentionally.

Crystelle chuckle.

' It's really fun to tease you, Rigel. but I must to get this done quickly and run away from you as soon as possible. ' plan Crystelle in her head.

' Rigel.. ' call her while trying to seducing him.

Rigel frown.

' Crystelle, serious. This is not like you at all. stop this nonsense and let me go. ' nervous Rigel again.

Crystelle chuckle but still try to act innocent.

' Rigel.. ' call her again in a seduce tone.

Rigel gulp and sigh.

He's finally open his face and stare at Crystelle face.

' What it is? let's get this done quickly, Elly. ' said him while try to act firm.

Crystelle smile gently. ' That's the signal! ' thought her happily.

' Okay! I will just said this once, so please listen to it carefully without left even a single word, Rigel. ' warning Crystelle.

Rigel just nodded his head. He's become serious.

Crystelle take a deep breath.

' Rigel.. I,..' whispers Crystelle.

Rigel frown and nodded.

Crystelle continue to whisper.

' Actually I love..'

Rigel raise his eyebrow.

' Isn't this is a confession? is Elly toward me..? '. thought Rigel.

Crystelle smirk when Rigel face has becomes red more than before.

' it's working! ' shout Crystelle in her heart.

' I, love.. ' continue Crystelle in whisper again.

' Ba thump!. Ba thump!. Ba thump!. '

Rigel heart racing like crazy. He's become troubled by it and can't wait any longer to know the full sentences.

He's trying to calm himself and silently waited for what Crystelle wanted to said toward him.

' Rigel. I.. actually love...y... tuuuutt.. ! it's a secret for the next sentence! ' shout Crystelle suddenly while shove her point finger on her red lips.

Rigel get blank and try to adapt the situation in dumbfounded.

Crystelle chuckle and slowly get back away from him.

Rigel still dumbfounded and stare at her with so many thoughts in his head, He's doesn't even understand what Crystelle means with her words.

Crystelle shown a sweet smile toward him.

' That was your guarantee, Rigel. The continue of my words. I will tell you when you've come back here alive without a single wounds on you. ' said Crystelle confidently.

Rigel frown and tilt his head.

' You said it was my guarantee, Elly? ' ask him disbelief.

Crystelle nodded in confidence.

' You're not interested in knowing the connection after my sentence earlier, Rigel? Should I not need to tell you it connection then? '

Crystelle ask while make a tease face.

Rigel raise his eyebrow.

He's trying to remembers what Crystelle trying to said at him again.

' Rigel, I, ..actually love...y.. tuuuutt..! it's a secret for the next sentence! '

Rigel blink his eyes and stare at Crystelle in disbelief.

He's face becomes red again.

Crystelle flinch when she's look at him.

' It's look like he was already misunderstood it! ' frown Crystelle.

Rigel slowly get up from his seat and walking toward Crystelle.

He's stand before Crystelle in silent.

Crystelle tilt her head, trying to guess what Rigel action for next.

' Oh my?! ' shock Crystelle while cover her mouth and blink in dumbfounded.

Rigel just kneel before her so suddenly and touch her hand, he's gently cares for it.

' Can I hold your hand, Elly? ' ask Rigel suddenly out of nowhere.

Crystelle frown.

' Why did you even ask, Rigel? you've always hold it really naturally before, without even getting embarrassed from it. Anyway please get up. I feel uncomfortable with it. '

Rigel slowly shake his head and shown his stunning smile toward Crystelle.

' I don't want to get up and what I means is, your true hand, Elly. your hand without a glove. '

Crystelle shock and quickly moved her hand away from Rigel in reflexes.

Crystelle frown.

' I can't do that. Never! ' firm Crystelle while turn her face from Rigel.

Rigel smile gently and cares for her head.

' I am your fiance, soon to be your future husband. Why can't t you open your heart for me, Elly? I need to hold you, to express my feelings toward you. ' ask Rigel in a gentle voice.

Crystelle stunned and stare at him.

' Even so, I can't. We also doesn't sure what the future really holds. you may not become my fiance anymore one day, Rigel. ' decline Crystelle again.

Rigel smile.

' I will make sure it didn't happen then, Elly.' confident Rigel.

Crystelle sigh and just stay silent for a while.

Rigel slowly cares for her hand.

' Can I, Elly? ' ask Rigel.

Crystelle close her eyes and nodded in force.

Rigel smile and gently open the glove from Crystelle hand.

He give a time for Crystelle to take a deep breath and slowly touch her finger when she's looks to be calm again.

Crystelle get scared and tremble. she's trying to moved her hand away again but Rigel stop her from doing it.

' I am scared if I've get to seen your future, Rigel. ' tremble Crystelle.

Rigel shake his head slowly. ' It's okay, Elly. '

Now it's too late to take it back, Rigel had successfully hold her hand and gently crossed their fingers. He's lock-in their fingers together.

Now, she will get to see his future without doubt.

Crystelle shock after a while and blink her eyes in dumbfounded.

' Rigel.... what..? ' mumble Crystelle while cover her mouth in disbelief.

' I.. can't see your all.. ' mumble Crystelle in scared.