chapter 37 : Feelings

' Learn not to give up on the sword when threatened. '

' Don't even blink in a moment of danger.'

' We will practice our fighting movements until you become more natural and instinctive when you're fighting. '


Said Sir Roan while wield his sword to the air.

Crystelle look at him with amazed feeling.

' He's movement are strong and smooth close like Cassius moves. Impressive. '

' Okay, students, for today class let's ended it here. This swordsfight class will take 4 times a week. well, because it's your course though so just consider today as your introduction class with my swordfight class, okay? '

Sir Roan smile.

' I'll be assigning the amount of practice you should complete at each time. Then, you can dismisses now. '

Crystelle and the other students bow at him.

' Miss Crystelle. '

Crystelle turn.

' Pardon me, sir? ' ask Crystelle toward sir Roan.

Sir roan smile and suddenly bend his body a little.

' It's my pleasure to teach a lady from the House Soleil. Please let me know if you needed something from me. I will serve you whole heartily. '

Crystelle smile and bow at him back.

' Thank you sir Roan, I'm honoured to be your student and to be serve by you just like you did to my father. '

Sir Roan smile gently.

' It's my pleasure to serve the members of House Soleil, miss Crystelle. Then, I will take my leave now. '

Crystelle nodded.

' Done talk? '

Crystelle turn her head and frown.

' Your highness the crown prince. Glory to The Star of Ophelia. How can I help you, your majesty? '

Crown prince Airel smirk at her.

' Ohoh. so polite like the rumors said. Then, should we have a talk somewhere else, Lady Crystelle? I know you can't reject an invitation from the royalty, don't you? '

Crystelle frown.

' He's planed something. '

Crystelle smile and bow.

' It's my honoured to talk with someone like you, your majesty. '

Crown prince Airel smirk at her again.

' But.. ' continue Crystelle suddenly.

Airel frown and look at her with wondering.

She smile and stare straight at him intensely.

' ..but, instead of just a normal talked, can we have a swordfight between us, your majesty? I know you can't reject a challenge on you, don't you, your majesty? '

Crown prince Airel stunned and flustered. ' so sudden?! '

Everyone that pass by, interested with their fight and start to gathered around them.

Airel frown. ' I can't reject her now. '

' Al, alright then, I accept your challenge. '

Crystelle smile and slowly summoned her sword.

' Then, can we start? ah! but we need a judge. '

Crystelle look around.

' Ah! Lady Farra! are you busy right now? can you become our judge on our competition? '

Lady Farra Ruby stunned and slowly nodded.

' Then, let's start. I will give you the honour to start it first, your majesty. '

Crystelle tightened her clench and look straight into Airel eyes.

Airel smirk confidently and start his moves toward Crystelle.

Crystelle easily dodge it and smack his body with her fist.

Airel frown and fells on the ground in a blink.

Lady Farra shocked and look at them with disbelief.

' He's fells with just a small punch on his body? Lady Crystelle even didn't used her sword at all! '

Crown prince Airel struggle to withstand the pain he felt.

'! ' shout Airel.

Crystelle smirk and quickly act like she's getting shock.

Everyone that watch the challenge get stunned and turn their eyes away.

Crystelle hurriedly goes near Airel and hold his arm.

' Your majesty! are you alright? it's just a light punch from a fragile girl like me. How could your body can't handle it? it is your body always so weak like this? should I bring you to the academy hospital? but then, there will be a rumor about how weak you're to get hurt from a small lady like me, your majesty. what should I do now? '

Everyone near them started to murmur.

Airel frown and dodge her touch.

' Let me be, I can get up by myself. '

Airel get up slowly by Crystelle help.

' I said let go! ' angry Airel while shove Crystelle away.

' Ouch! '

Crystelle act to get hurt by it.

Lady Farra shock and quickly hold her.

' Your, your majesty, I'm just trying to help you.. how could you shove me away like this? '

Crystelle frown in hurt.

Lady Farra help Crystelle to get up.

' Tch. ' Airel turn to walk away from there.

Crystelle suddenly hold his arm and make him turn to face herself.

' Wait. you have a dusk on your shoulder, your majesty. Let me clean it for you. '

Airel shock and freeze.

Crystelle slowly pat his shoulder and get near his ear to whisper.

' I am not a small girl you can always hurts anytime anymore, Airel. Really.. '

Crystelle smile gently at him.

' What a FOOL . you are to think that I will accepted what you've done to me this whole time, your majesty. Please look forward for my revenge on you, Airel. '

Crystelle smile gently while act to pat his shoulder softly.

Airel get shudder but still trying to act calm. He push her hand away from him.

' What? You think you can hurt me back? don't you know who I am? I am the crown prince of this empire! your warning is nothing compared to my powers in this empire! I can make your family banished like a dusk! ' shout him in anger.

Crystelle smile innocently.

' Your majesty.. are you going mad? I didn't said anything to you..'

Lady Farra and the others look at him with dissapointed.

Airel stunned.

' You..! you bitch! I will make sure you regret this later! '

Airel turn and run away from there.

Lady Farra quickly hold Crystelle back.

' Lady Crystelle, are you alright? it's that really our crown prince? such a rude guy. he even didn't apologize to you and shout all of the sudden. '

Crystelle smile and pat her hand.

' It's okay, you must to mind your words first, Lady Farra. He is still the crown prince. '

Lady Farra frown.

' You're so kind toward a rude guy like him, Lady Crystelle! let's get you to your room and rest first. '

Crystelle smile innocently and nodded.

' Huh. I will be the one to make sure you will regret it later, just you wait and see. I will not sit still and be your doll anymore. This is just only my first step toward you, Airel. '

Crystelle smirk while goes to her room with lady Farra.

' Sister! are you alright?! ' shout Crystoypher from the door suddenly after lady Ruby leave the room in a minute.

Crystelle stunned on her bed while look at him in disbelief.

' Hey..! this is a girls dorm! what are you doing here!? '.

Crystoypher ignore her words and quickly run to hold her arm.

' Are you alright, Elle? did that jerk do something toward you again? should I call a doctor for you? that trash jerk! he always hit you! I will make him disappear anytime if you wasn't the one to stop me, Elle! that stupid bastard! I will make him regret this! Elle! you can't..'

Crystelle suddenly cover his mouth in frown.

' Stop nagging about it, Cryst. it's just a little scratch when I'm acted to get hurt. Don't make a big deal out of it, will you? '. exhausted Crystelle.

Crystoypher frown and hold her hand gently back.

' But.. it's your pretty hand. If it get a scar, then, I will make sure that trash is no longer breath in this world, Elle.. ' dejected Crystopher.

Crystelle chuckle and cares for his head.

' You're exaggerating. This is just a small scratch. It will not leave a scar, trust me. Don't get worried to much about it, Cryst. '

Crystoypher whimper.

' Okay.. ' mumble him.

Crystelle put a sweet smile on her face.

' Just like a puppy.. '

She slowly cares for his dark black hair.

' Are you perhaps, teleport here without a permission, Cryst? ' guess Crystelle suddenly.

Crystoypher flinch and make and innocent face.

' It's look like you're alright, sister Elle. Then I will take my leave now. Take a rest, my dear sister! '

Crystoypher quickly run away with his transportation magic.

Crystelle chuckle.

' That brat.. '

Crystelle look around the entire room.

' Sylvia still had a class. Then, I will get a rest for today. I even need to make a strategies for the crown prince, write a letter for Rigel, goes to the library, do some training, ah.. there such more.. I need to get it's done by today. '

Crystelle sigh and look at the window.

' Guess, I will write the letter first. '

Crystelle slowly get up and sit on her chair.

She's start to write something on a cute pink paper.

' My dear fiance, Rigel. '

' How are you at there? do your best, Rigel. I heard that you're skipping your meals lately just to make a strategies for the wars?. I heard it from my man. Don't you even try to ask me who is it, because I will never say it. But never mind that, Don't ever skip your meal and eat properly, will you? I will make sure you gain a weight than loses it when you're back to the capital. This is a warning, okay? I miss you.. '

Crystelle frown in her thoughts.

'...This is a warning, okay? Don't dare to come back if you're thin! I will waiting for that day. if you're thin and not stunning like you always had, I will marry someone else instead of you. You, you must to make sure to become a strong and a big man with a big muscles on your body when you've returned later. Then, I will look forward for it, Rigel. '

' From your fiance, Crystelle Elera. '

Crystelle force a smile.

' I still can't write anything about my feelings in it. I didn't sure about his feelings toward me. How can I said anything about it, if he even don't love me? '.

She slowly get up and ring the bell.

' Yes, my lady? '

Ask Haley from the door.

Crystelle smile. ' so quick like usual. '

' Here.' Crystelle shove the letter to Haley.

Haley smile and nodded.

' It's this week latter, my lady. I will make sure it get send to the prince in a short time. '

Crystelle smile and nodded.

Haley bow understand and turn from her.

She slowly get on her bed again.

' Rigel.. ' call her.

Crystelle frown and pinch her head.

' I should take a nap to rest my mind. I started to going insane with this feelings.'

mumble her alone on her bed.