chapter 38 : Uncertain feelings

' Crys. ' call Sylvia from his back.

Crystopher turn and put a gentle smile on his face.

' Via.. ' call him gently.

Sylvia smile gently and get near him.

' What are you doing here? '

Crystopher raise his eyebrow and look around.

He was currently at the library sitting alone at the table in the corner. it's a small space with a dark aura around it.

Sylvia take a seat beside him and chuckle.

' Your hair is a dark black color, your eyes is a rubies and you even seat at a place like this alone. At this rate, everyone will think that you're a beast in the library, Cryst. You may even become one of the 12 mysteries of our academy. '

Crystopher frown.

' How so? with this face of mine, they can't help but fall in love with this beast instead. I may be the most famous mysterious in this academy too. we can't tell the future. '

Sylvia get annoyed with his proud action.

' Yeah, yeah, you're. '

Crystopher laugh at her.

' Stop laughing. So, what are you doing here alone, Cryst? ' ask Sylvia wondered.

Crystopher look at her and smile again.

' Don't you know me? I want to learn from the book like always without getting bothered by anyone. '

Sylvia smile.

' I know, I just ask to start a conversation with you though. so, what are read so focused at? I should just accompany you then because I didn't have class today. '

Crystopher make a dejected face.

' Well, unfortunately, I have a magic class after this afternoon. we can't talk any longer. '

Sylvia pouting and force a smile.

' It's that so? Then, just let me accompany you until your class time. I promise that I will silently read a book beside you.' confident Sylvia.

Crystopher chuckle and nodded.

' Okay then, you're still stubborn like when we were a child. I can't do anything to stop you if you've set your mind on something, Via. '

Sylvia smile innocently.

' Hehe. you know me very well, Cryst. Then, continue your read, I will not be a bother to you. '

Crystopher smile and read again.


Crystopher frown and turn to look at Sylvia.

' I thought you said, you didn't want to be a bother, Via. but, you're intensely stared at me right now. '

Sylvia chuckle and shake her head slowly.

' I'm not looking at you, it's that window beside you. The big tree had a really beautiful yellow bird on it right now.'

Crystopher frown and turn to look at the window too.

Such a big beautiful yellow color bird was staring at him. ' it's true. '

Sylvia laugh at him.

' Maybe, that's why you feel someone was intensely stared at you? that bird was interested in you too, Cryst. Such a popular boy you are! a famous mystery in our academy! ' tease Sylvia.

Crystopher blush.

' I , I will get going now. '

Crystopher quickly get up from his seat and leave Sylvia in blank.

Sylvia chuckle.

' That boy still didn't change at all. so cute. ' mumble her alone while look at Crystopher that slowly get far away from her.

' Hmm.. I hope you didn't have any girl on your mind right now, Cryst. I can't compete with just a random girl . Well, I know I will win though but I prefer nobody get hurt. it's a world peace.'

Sylvia slowly get up from her seat and leave that place with confidence.

' Why she didn't said anything...? '.

Sir Oscar frown.

' What is it, your highness? you have been stared at that letter this whole morning, It may get a hole on it if you stare at it even more than now. '. exhausted sir Oscar.

Rigel look at him with an annoyed face.

' It's none of your business. '

Sir Oscar stared at him with a bored feeling. ' he always act like this every weekend after he read a letter from his fiancée.'

' Your highness, are you wondering why she didn't said anything about her feelings toward you? whether she miss you or not? ' . guess sir Oscar suddenly.

Rigel shocked and quickly sit still on his seat.

' Tell me more. ' interested him.

Sir Oscar make an annoyed face this time.

' But you said so earlier, it's none of my business, your highness. Then, I will take my leave now. sorry to bother you. ' said him while acted to get dejected and turn to leave Rigel alone.

Rigel frown.

' What do you want, Oscar..' sigh Rigel.

Sir Oscar quickly turn to look at him back.

' Really!? serious, your highness? ' ask him with a sparkling eyes.

Rigel annoyed with his action.

' Yes. So what is it before I change my mind. '

Sir Oscar quickly run and get near his table.

' I want to sleep and take a break only for today, your highness. I didn't get enough sleep because of your idea of strategy that always comes when it's midnight, your highness. ' complain sir Oscar.

Rigel frown .

' Then, you think I get an enough sleep, huh? '

Sir Oscar pout.

' But, your abilities is different from mine, your highness. You can stay awake for a whole week without getting sleepy at all. it's such an incredible things that I admired from you, your highness. ' pursued sir Oscar.

Rigel sigh.

' Okay. if it just only for today. ' give up him.

Sir Oscar shock in disbelief.

' Serious? you can't take it back, your highness! '

Rigel annoyed again.

' Yes. so, tell me what is it. '

Sir Oscar chuckle and take a seat on the chair before Rigel desk.

' Pardon me but can I take a look at the letter, your highness? '

Rigel frown and slowly shove the letter toward sir Oscar.

' Hm.. I see.. '

Sir Oscar mumble while look at the letter.

Rigel stared at him intensely. ' So?'

Sir Oscar chuckle and lean on his chair.

' Did you always said you miss her before, your highness? '

Rigel quickly shake his head in blushed.

Sir Oscar nodded his head.

' It's such a crystal-clear, your highness. it's simply because she feels anxiety whether you love her or not. '

Rigel frown. ' How so? '

Sir Oscar shrug his shoulder.

' How can I know, your highness. are you perhaps never ever shows your feelings toward her before you leave to the border? '

Rigel frown. ' I always shows her my feelings toward her though, I even kissed her. '

Sir Oscar shock. ' You've kissed her, your highness?! even when she didn't yet declare her feelings toward you, your highness?! '

Rigel flinch. ' Why? I didn't do wrong! I just kiss her! '

Sir Oscar grunted with his words.

' Your highness! '

' What? '

Sir Oscar sigh.

' Are you really love your fiance , your highness? '

Rigel nodded confidently.

' Whole heartily. '

Sir Oscar frown and sigh. ' He doesn't get it at all... I guess I must to make it clear for him.'

' Even so you love her whole heartily, your highness. She actually may not love you at all.' direct Oscar.

Rigel startle and freeze.

' Why not? I am the best guy of the whole empire continent. I have an handsome face, good figure, smart and even a prince! How can she doesn't love me at all? '

Sir Oscar goosebumps. ' I hate it when I can't deny it and just can get annoyed by it. '

He force a smile.

' Your highness, it's all true but you can't be confident with just that. She may get a new lover when you're away, your highness. The one with the most handsome and even better than you, your highness. so, what you will do then? '

Rigel flinch and grit his lips.

' It's getting on my nerves. '

Sir Oscar chuckle. ' I really pity that fiance of him... '

' Are you really want to know her feelings, your highness? ' ask him suddenly.

Rigel quickly nodded and look at him with interested.

Sir Oscar lean back on his chair.

' Then, for the response of this letter, please do write your own feelings, your highness, because If you really want to know her feelings toward you, you must be the one to shows it first. Then, she will be clear with her feelings, your highness.'

Rigel lost in his thoughts.

' And if she doesn't reply the way I wanted, what should I do? '

Sir Oscar grin.

' Then, seduce her until she became attached to you, your highness. '

' But, how so? '

Sir Oscar sigh in disappointment.

' She is your own fiancée, your highness. You can do it when the wars is over. you still had plenty of time as long as your engagement didn't broke. '

Rigel pout. ' But.. I'm scared if she doesn't love me back. '

Sir Oscar raise his eyebrow.

' Even my proud and strong prince is insecure about his own feelings and get scared easily because of a one girl. How can you want to become stronger just like our captain if you're so easily charged with an indecent feeling, your highness? '

Rigel smile confidently.

' My love life is not included in my plan to succeed in this wars. So, don't worry if I was insecure with my own feelings, Oscar. I will get over it anytime when we get back then. '

Sir Oscar nodded.

' As expected of you, my prince. I have never doubted your decision at all. Then, I will take my leave for now. please pardon me, your highness. '

Rigel nodded at him.

' Very well, I'm satisfied with your advice, Oscar. get rest well for today until tomorrow. '

Sir Oscar smile happily and bow at him.

' Thank you for the consideration, your highness. '

Rigel just stare at Oscar that slowly get out from his office.

' Sigh. '

He slowly turn and lean at the window.

' It's that true, Elly?.. I love you but I can't yet said it to you. what should I do if you even doesn't love me back and leave me alone? I'm scared, my dear Elly. How come I've been so weak like this because of you?'