The Dream

While Susie was off having fun adventures in a frozen wonderland. James is still being lectured by his Devil Ancestor.

"Thanks for making things clear to me, Devil Ancestor. Can you describe how I'm supposed to learn Daos?" I said listening well.

"The only way to learn Daos is practice and understanding. Devils learn Daos by practicing Devil Arts. Through practicing and learning these Devil Arts they can improve their understanding of the Dao," said Kogthoz.

"It's much easier to improve Daos in which one has already begun understanding. Stepping down the road of new Daos is much more difficult than learning a Dao which one is already accustomed too."

"Someone who understands Fire Dao could improve their Fire Dao by practicing Fire Arts much faster than they could gain an understanding of Wind Dao by practicing a Wind Art."

"Devils in the first three realms of devilry improve their devilry by absorbing fel energy and deepening their understanding of Daos."

"There are Myriad Arts that cover many Daos. Devils don't have the time to learn every type of Devil Art when they could improve their devilry the fastest by practicing a Dao they are good at."

The Devil Ancestor felt he had described enough about devilry to make it clear for James to practice. He brought out a Jade slip and handed it to James.

"Here is the [Lumiid Serpesco Scripture] it is a Knight Scripture which has aspects of Soul Dao and Fire Dao. Knight Scriptures are Scriptures that you can practice until the Devil Knight realm."

"They contain accompanying Arts and techniques of the Daos they cover. It teaches a way to form Soulflame qi by taking Soul qi and mixing in a hint of Fire qi."

"The amount of proficiency of Fire Dao needed is small in a Devil Art such as this as the primary component of the Art is the Soul Dao. Once you can create Soulflame qi I can then teach you the Art of Blacksmithing," said the Devil Ancestor as he turned around slowly.

The ancestor left dramatically after completing his explanation.

I was finally alone and not passing out. My Devil Ancestor had gone back to his normal routine of smithing. I felt much better than before.

I put down the jade slip he had given me. I had no interest in learning. My head still hurt from the Soul Eyes experience and my Devil Ancestor had talked my head off!

Why do old grandpas tell you everything? Worrying about powers outside of the Hudson clan isn't my job!

My job is to become a well respected young noble. Every young noble lives off their parent's hard work, recruiting lackeys and garnering a strong following just because of their birthright!

Devil Ancestor says I'll be cut off from resources when I leave his place because of his master plan. I better find the time to slip out before he enacts his plan and get as many resources as possible to recruit a few lackeys.

Only then can I start my path to becoming a powerful young noble. I can't see anything now. My first aim is to learn to adapt to my new vision.

I took a nap, my head still hurt too much, and I figured I wouldn't be able to have any success working with those Devil Arts with a headache.

I finally had a peaceful rest. In my dream, I dreamed of having my very own section in a popular tavern. Plenty of beauties surrounded me.

My loyal lackeys held back Mikael as he brazenly tried to get in my VIP area.

"Let me in there now," said Mikael.

"Never, you are not welcome here!," I said.

"Take him away lackeys, beat him behind the tavern."

My lackeys grabbed Mikael, battering him up in front of my eyes.

"This is what happens when you offend this young noble," I said.

"You will pay James!" said Mikael.

"Take him away, I don't want to see him anymore," I said.

I sat back down in my private section enjoying the company of many beauties. They waited on this young noble hand and foot. Even feeding me fruits and all kind of delectable snacks.

"This is the life!" I grumbled in my sleep.

When I finally woke up I sighed. I was back to reality, barely able to see anything. I had my work cut out for me. If I wanted to make my dreams come true, I would have to put in some effort.

My lack of vision is annoying, I must work hard to solve that. I can't enjoy the company of beauties if I couldn't even see them.

I grabbed the jade slip pouring in my Devil qi and the Devil Scripture engraved itself into my mind. The author detailed it concisely.

Someone beyond the realm of Knight wrote this technique from the verbosity. Either that or some nerd wrote it. Who had time to do all this research?

Life was best spent enjoying the simple things. But to enjoy the simple pleasures I must focus for now.

'Devils used the Soul Dao in Curse Arts, Oath Arts, Death Arts, Reincarnation Arts, and Slave Arts just to name a few. The uses were many, and the powers commanded were powerful. Devils could use many of these techniques with the Devil Dao. Devil Dao and Soul Dao did not have different usages until higher realms.'

I felt my head hurt. Why does everyone tell me a Devil knowing Soul Dao is almost useless? This young noble's Soul Dao shall be the best. I must make a name for Soul Dao lest people keep underestimating it.

This Slave Art thing will be useful when recruiting lackeys. I have to pick up one of those.

I can even curse my enemies with Curse Arts, if they cross this young noble they won't even know who hurt them.

This seems perfect for a young noble like me. Zombies can fit into this young noble's playbook too. The Soul Dao has so many interesting Daos related to it. Who dares stop this young noble?