The Sister

"Mother, I unlocked Time Dao through the ceremony!" said Susie as she came to her mother with glee.

"My wonderful daughter, you'd be wasting your time if you stayed at the Hudson Estate. You should go on adventures with [Shivergarde]," said Diana.

"You will let me adventure with your organization mom?" said Susie as her eyes brightened.

"As my daughter, I have to take special care of you. Your father and I already decided that his son, James, would be a part of the Hudson clan, while I raise you," said Diana.

"Come, my dear daughter, we have much to discuss!" said Diana before whisking her and her daughter away with a talisman.

"This is [Shivergarde] headquarters," said Diana.

They came to a frozen peak. The atmosphere here was chilly. Much different from the clement weather around the Hudson Estate.

"That transportation was crazy mom!" said Susie as she tried to get her bearings.

"Is this in the Rossen Kingdom?"

"Yes, my dear daughter. This princess has a large Estate in the Rossen Kingdom. Only befitting of a princess as talented as I. I only go to the Hudson Estate to visit your father," said Diana proudly.

"So cool mom!" said Susie with excitement.

A top of the snow-covered peak lay an enormous castle with six lean square towers forming the walls on the side of the castle. Heavy walls reinforced by ice-stone. Glacial windows are scattered here and there across the walls in a random pattern.

As Susie followed her mother into the castle she was met with a magnificent throne hall.

Slim braziers at the bottoms of glacial columns light up the entire throne hall in a warm yellow glow. The gems of many artworks askew the ceiling dance within the flickering light as long-dead ice dragons look down upon the floor of this marvelous hall. Rows of intricately lain dragon bones lined the hall.

A magnificent throne of marble ice sits behind a lavish gate of frozen wood. The magnificent throne of marble ice has the [Shivergarde] emblem inlaid within it. A golden rug ran down from the throne, coming to banners with the [Shivergarde] logo engrossed on to them.

Several attendants were at the ready around the castle.

"Your ladyship, it's good to see you're back," said one.

"Yes, please prepare one of the finest suits for my daughter. She will stay here for an extended period," said Diana.

"Yes your ladyship," said the attendant as he quickly left to fulfill his ladyship's will.

"Before you get settled in I want you to test your Dao in battle! Let's go to the arena," said Diana.

They soon came to a decorated frozen training ground.

"Send in a mid-Esquire demon beast," said Diana.

"Yes your ladyship," said the attendant.

"Mom, I'm only a low-Esquire," said Susie as she pouted.

"If you aren't challenged how can I understand your capabilities my dear daughter?" said Diana.

Out came a small wolverine. It resembled a mixture of a dog, a skunk, and a bear. With short legs, overlong hair, and an elongated snout. It had a distinctive mask of black fur around its eyes and forehead, and stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, and purple fur that ran from its shoulder to the base of its tail.

"You're up daughter, don't let me down," said Diana.

"Yes mother," said Susie as she brought out a slender closed fan from her storage bag. As she opened the fan, its blade tips were on full display. This was a war fan!

"I see you still use that toy I gave you," said Diana looking at her daughter's weapon.

'I need to show my mother what I can do. I never get to show off in front of James! I couldn't show up my poor brother," thought Susie.

"RAWRRRR," said the wolverine as it bared its fangs and growled at Susie.

The wolverine leaped right at her! Its fangs were fully on display as its claws were in the air.

Susie parried the wolverine's offensive with her fan as it circled her with its fangs still bared.

"RAWRRRR," said the wolverine as it continued to growl on its offensive.

The wolverine clawed at Susie's legs.

Susie avoided the attack, moving to the side.

Susie counter attacked as the wolverine backed up.

The melee continued for several minutes. Neither the wolverine nor Susie could gain any ground.

'I have to try using my Dao to beat this beast. He's too powerful for me to defeat with normal tactics. He can match all my movements,' thought Susie.

"RAWRRR," said the wolverine.

The wolverine leaped through the air, its paws wide and its fangs bore.

"Slow," said Susie, as she channeled her Time qi.

Space warped around the wolverine as Susie slowed it in mid-air.

'I have to be quick while it's disoriented from the slow,' thought Susie.

She closed her fan, turning it into a sword!

Susie stabbed right through the chest of the poor wolverine.

"Hump hump," said the wolverine as it whimpered away and lay in a corner of the arena.

"That's enough Susie, you don't have to kill the poor animal. That was an excellent training exercise," said Diana.

Diana didn't want her adolescent daughter to have to slaughter a defenseless animal. Susie was still a little girl after all. It was enough she survived the exchange.

"Yes mother," said Susie as she put up her fan.

"And you wolverine," said Susie as she pointed to the wolverine

"Remember to take the long way around me next time you see this young dame."

"Hump hump," said the wolverine as it continued to whimper.

"See to the animal's wounds, and prepare an enjoyable meal for me and my daughter," said Diana.

"Yes your ladyship," said the attendant.

Diana and Susie then had a wonderful dinner filled with many delicacies. Susie was glad she got to follow her mother to [Shivergarde] headquarters.

'This place is way cooler than the Hudson Estate,' thought Susie as she munched on a chocolate muffin.

"Here's the wolverine your ladyship, he's all cleaned up." said an attendant bringing the now healed wolverine.

The wolverine's eyes grew wide as it looked at the meal.

"You want some of my food, little wolverine?" said Susie.

The wolverine shook its head up and down.

"If you follow this young dame you can have some," said Susie.

The wolverine brought out its paws and looked at them, seemingly counting. It then shook its head up and down looking at Susie.

"I'll call you Skittles," said Susie.

The wolverine ignored Susie as it stuffed its face.

"You now have a pet, take good care of him. This wolverine will follow you through your travels in the Frozen Dian Peaks," said Diana.