The Otherworlder

Everything changed when the dark elves attacked!

Wanfang was reborn into the Tutan World over ten years ago. Wan Fang transmigrated into the body of a 5-year-old child by the name of Wanfang.

In his previous life, they knew him as Wan Fang; he lived on Earth in a nation called China. One day when he was only eighteen and preparing to study at university Truck-kun hit him and his life was tragically cut short.

On his death he was immediately thrust into the body of Wanfang, a Spinx in the Earth Nation. Wanfang's body was tragically beaten, and Wanfang was on the edge of life and death! Wanfang somehow made it out of the life and death situation and recovered, finding himself in a wholly unfamiliar world. This world was not Earth!

For one, the people in the Tutan World looked nothing like the people from Earth. They looked more like the Egyptian gods you would see in Egyptian mythology. Everyone had a human body and a unique animal as their head. His head was that of an eagle. It was far out when he first realized it. We called our race the sphinx race.

In this world there were elemental practitioners or Elementalists. We had four Nations ruled by Elementalists that practiced each of the elements. Everyone in this world was born with a talent for a particular element.

Air elementalists would join the Air Nation and water elementalists would join the Water Nation. Wanfang quickly found he could practice all four elements. He secretly called himself the Avatar at night.

Wanfang didn't get shorted on having a cheat during reincarnation! Wanfang had to keep this secret hidden, however, for he was a weakling when he was reborn. To become stronger, people in the Tutan World would study pyramids.

The best pyramids for the respective elements were in their respective nations. Therefore, the nations were separated into elements. There were three Elementalist levels in the Tutan World. Pyramid Seeing, Pyramid Understanding, and Pyramid Building.

At the pyramid seeing realm we had to see the pyramids to find a connection to one element. Wanfang connected with all the elements but quickly kept this hidden.

At the pyramid understanding realm you would understand more and more on your element, filling your body with elemental energies.

At the pyramid building realm you would forge a pyramid as a bastion for your power. Life in the Tutan World was chaotic. It was a strength-based social society. Only the strong survived!

Elementalists were like supermen compared to anyone on Earth. Even people at the pyramid seeing realm were much more powerful than people on Earth. Able to do fantastic feats.

There was even a legend that if one could reach the top of the Pyramid Building realm, they could break through the sky and reach an even stronger world! This was his goal, he wanted to return to China one day. He worked tirelessly from a young age to reach his goal.

Wanfang wanted to become the strongest Elementalist in the entire Tutan World so he could break through the sky and maybe one day find Earth. Wanfang was very talented in elementary, quickly reaching pyramid seeing then pyramid understanding before he was even ten years old.

Everyone in the Earth Nation saw him as a once in a generation genius. The nation heavily nurtured Wanfang, hoping with his skills they could one day unite the Tutan World.

Long ago there weren't four nations, that was just how the geopolitical structure had become now. Wanfang stepped into the pyramid building realm with all four elements by his fourteenth birthday.

By sparring with the leader of the Earth Nation, Wanfang saw he was much more powerful than other pyramid building elementalists since he had all four elements.

Wanfang quickly grabbed power in the Earth Nation, overthrowing the old leader, and was looking to take over the entire Tutan World!

But his plans quickly changed!

Everything changed when the dark elves attacked!

He knew he was in some fantasy world, but there was no information on dark elves in the historical records. It was an alien invasion. They were powerful, and they had even taken over the Air Nation within one month. It was dire times in the Tutan World!


A month ago back in the Xertzul Abyss.

I was standing with the six changelings, six knight dark elves, and several dozen accompanying dark elves at the Esquire and mortal level. My mother lent me her realm portal for this adventure.

[Meow, if you weren't bringing all these people, the book could have taken you there.]

"Young lord. Do you have the coordinates of the realm you are heading to?" said Azon.

"I would like to enter the coordinates myself, thank you," I said.

"Very well, young lord. All guards at the ready for realm transportation!"

"Yes, sir!" said the changelings as they got into a pentagram shaped formation, each of them helming an end around the portal.

The realm portal was in the middle of a basketball court-sized room. Many formations were along the floor and walls. I headed up to the podium in the middle of the room and wondered how it worked.

So what am I supposed to do now book?

A golden object with several formations appeared in my hand as I finished querying the book.

What do I do with this?

[Meow, place the location talisman onto the podium.]

[Listen! You may experience nausea as this is your first time traveling via a realm portal]

[Meow, don't remind him I wanted to see his face.]

The formation was on. Many lights and Dao powers flashed around the room. The formation whisked away me and ny entourage to a whole other world!

The experience was like riding a roller coaster. Except you are on it for hours. I felt like the entire world was spinning. I threw up until I had nothing left so I was dry heaving.

If I knew it would be this bad just to take a portal, I would have abandoned taking over a pocket realm! I thought as I whizzed around mid realm transport.