The Otherworld

Damn stupid book, mischievous cat, useless pixie! Why did no one tell me realm transportation would be this bad!

I felt wronged. I had tears but couldn't even cry. I had to play the part of an experienced young noble. Eventually, after what seemed like hours, the realm teleportation stopped.

It transported my entourage and me to the middle of a desert. Three suns hung high in the sky. The heat was blistering. I tried to find my bearings. I was not used to all this heat and light.

This was a different climate from the Xertzul Abyss. My body felt stifled by the heat and somehow I felt like I just didn't belong here. It was a nagging feeling, like something caught at the back of my throat.

[Meow, that's realm suppression!]

This feeling, this experience, was new to me. I wondered how people fought when affected by such an ailment.

[Hey! Realm suppression will ease after you get acclimated to the realm's laws.]

A horse-faced humanoid holding a staff came out of a nearby building.

"#$#$ #$#$ #$#$ #$#$" said the horse-faced creature.

"Kill him and get us a language talisman from his soul. I want a base camp established for the young lord by sundown. Young lord can't sleep in the desert!" said Azon.

The changelings were quick on the uptake. Swiftly executing Azon's orders.

Soon the creature was dead, and they had a little understanding of the world after Azon scoured his soul. Four nations held power in this world. The horse-faced guy was too low level to know many things. All they understood from him was the direction to the nearest city.

Azon and his team of changelings quickly headed to establish a base camp at the closest city. Azon was always efficient, he was a dutiful butler.

Azon and the changelings started killing the citizens of the city. Purely in cold blood, they murdered countless commoners.

"Leaders of this city, listen well! You have one hour to gather and meet with us. We plan to cull this entire city if you do not come," said Azon. His voice broad casted over the entire city.

The heartless, cold-blooded killings surprised the commoners. The commoners called the leaders to action. The leaders gathered together. They knew that only someone at the Pyramid Building realm could inform an entire city of their presence. Who dared threaten the capital of the Air Nation?

An hour later all the top brass of the Air Nation gathered to confront this unknown enemy.

"Foreign visitor this city Buhud is the capital of the Air Nation. I am Kodros, leader of the Air Nation. I believe we can come to a peaceful understanding. This city has done nothing to warrant such an unprovoked attack," said Kodros.

"Listen well! This city now belongs to his lordship, Devil Knight James of the Rez'gal Empire. Lay down your arms and surrender if you value your lives," said Azon.

Azon gave them no grounds for discussion! He overtly and tyrannically proclaimed this city was now the property of James.

"Changelings hear my call surround the perimeter, I do not want to see any of these lower life forms escaping."

"You have 10 seconds to surrender peacefully our I will take you all down by force."

Realm suppression did not affect Azon. He had fully acclimated to the realm in the brief time that they had spent here. There were 23 Knights in front of him. He boldly planned to fight them alone. Azon had no respect for these aborigines.

"Kill these outsiders and hang their heads above the city gates!"

"Very well you have made your choice."

Azon's body changed before their eyes. He had to give his all for this fight. He could not maintain the form of an elf while fighting all out. The pocket world limited him to the peak-Knight realm.

He would have to use his superior battle skills to best these aborigines. Azons true pale, slender form, with pupil-less eyes and metallic hair, was before them.

Anyone that laid their eyes on this form was close to death. James had never seen Azon use the form in the Xertzul Abyss.

Azon used his mastery of the Metal Dao to send out liquid metallic bindings to hold the leaders of the Air Nation.

Azon saw surprise on the faces of the aborigines. They had never seen a technique like this before!

They could not resist the strength of his bindings. Azon had subdued them effortlessly.

"Call down elemental might to fight this vile fiend!"

"Focus together!"

"Air blades!"

"It's not working!"

Some escaped from the bindings and attempted to flee after knowing how powerful their enemy was from that quick exchange. The surrounding 5 changelings quickly captured them.

"Quit your pointless struggle. I will grant mercy to those who comply," said Azon as he chained them to the ground.

They didn't take his words to heart! They all continued to struggle fruitlessly!

It offended Azon when they ignored his kind words.

"Refusing my kind offer. You ants should know your place," said Azon.

Razor-sharp metallic blades immediately executed five of the Air Nation Knights. The rest quickly fell in line, seeing how brutal the mysterious invaders were.

"Young lord doesn't have all day to wait for us. Find a place to hold these prisoners and capture the city. Young lord may have use for Knights."

They quickly took the city. They captured all the Knights. I hit the jackpot. My base camp was the capital of the Air Nation! I had already taken over one nation because of Azon's cruelty.

"Young lord, we have taken over this city in your name!" said Azon.

"Thank you Azon!"

"Through questioning the leaders and soul searching many of the inhabitants we found that the other nations are roughly equivalent to the Air Nation in strength."

"You and your elves will have a tough time taking over this world, young lord. We had to dispatch 25 high-knights and 3 peak-Knights. You will roughly have to deal with three times that amount if you want to take over the entire world."

My back drenched with cold sweat. I could only imagine if he had teleported here with only my dark elf entourage.

I would have had to use guerrilla tactics and fight for my life every day. Now I had a pleasant capital city as my base of operations.

This young noble now controls an entire nation. Ah, it sure was hard work. I almost broke a sweat watching Azon fight.

[Chain quest updated 'Investigate the Tutan World'

It seems the Tutan World has three powerful nations. To have access to the three resources of the realm and to find the missing Codex page host must subdue this world's populace by any means necessary! How the host deals with the populace will affect the completion rate for this quest.

1. Create a working alliance with the three nations (10%)

2. Establish yourself as the Realm Lord leading an alliance of the three nations (50%)

3. Establish yourself as the Realm Lord after defeating the three nations (70%)

4. Establish a new World Order burning the history books becoming a realm overlord (90%)

5. Enlist the entire populace into eternal chattel slavery as realm overlord (100%)

6. Exterminate the weaklings among the local population to cultivate Slaughter Dao (200%)]

I liked these quests! It was time for some good ole deviling. I acknowledged the mysterious Codex of Souls was a genuine devil artifact. It wanted him to slaughter the entire population!

I saw the sphinx race as pigs waiting for slaughter. I was a devil, these foul lesser races should rightfully die for me to practice my Dao. Races in pocket worlds were nothing to me. My parents had taught me since youth to ensalve or exterminate lesser races. 

Most races that lived in the Xertzul Abyss were trophies from other worlds that could survive in it. They sent any that could not survive into the meat grinder, becoming nice usable fel shards. Devil's used all parts of the lesser races.

I had an entire tribe of dark elves at my beck and call. I didn't need more followers right now. I would turn this race into my stepping stone. I planned to enslave the Knights and slaughter the rest.

It was time for me to learn Slaughter Dao!