A Nother Religion

In the peaceful waters of a quiet sea lies the wreck of the Starling, a ship that had last been reported as lost hundreds of days ago. She's in fairly good shape, at least if you ignore the gaping hole in the center of her hull.

She belongs to the salty waters now and they're far from kind, but a few large, aquatic creatures see her as their new home. They often hide behind wooden beams and in shadowed corners. These new inhabitants aren't eager to share, neither with newcomers nor with each other.

The Starling doesn't make for a pretty sight, especially not from further away. Like discarded waste, she seems to not belong in these waters. She's barely standing upright and the absence of a crew leaves a deafening silence.

A rusty cannon, a few crates, and a single chest leave the remnants of a shipment that will never be delivered. Only a few have cracked open and nothing remains inside.