A Rift Warrior

Now I had two Curse Bound to spread two different faiths in the Earthen World. It would be interesting to see what happens if the religions ever cross paths.

I wasn't foolish enough to have the religions related. The dwarfs and the merfolk hate each other to the bone.

If both religions can prosper soon, they might fight each other to the death for the world, with me being the only winner. Devilish indeed.

My next business should be joining the Battle Master Association. I've been putting it off. My combat Daos are in the Baron realm now, so it's time I perfect my combat.

I contacted Mira to learn where the nearest Battle Master Association was.

"I'll be there soon," said Mira.

She came the next day.

"You made this Viscount wait a long time for you, Soulless," said Mira as she came into my Bloodfang Estate.

"I was busy advancing my devilry, do not question my actions succubus," I said.

"Oh, you've gotten bold since you've had a little advancement," said Mira.