Training Time

It has been a little over 3 months according to Prime since I have begun his training. Man is it useful having a way to tell time. I could finally have some semblance of a normal routine now with Prime around. During this time training with Prime I learned a lot about how I should be using my magic.

To summarize, Prime broke down my Magic Prowess into 4 categories: Capacity, Power, Control, and Endurance.

Power could be categorized as the strength of the magic I emit, capacity would be the amount of magic I am able to use, control would be how fast I could use magic and the versatility/form it could take, and endurance would be how much magic I could use before it starts effecting my physical body. With my newfound knowledge of this power, I have started to incorporate magic into my daily routine by extending the time I am awake in order to supplement time to study magic. I have shifted my routine to having a stricter time frame now that Prime is here, and I have discovered that prior to his arrival, my normal routine accounts for approximately 10 hours a day minus meals and gathering of supplies.

To maximize my efficiency, I decided to extend the time frame to 14 hours a day of training in order to get the most effective amount of training without overstraining my body. In addition, I have also decided on the 3 Magic Skills I would focus on for the first quest. I decided on developing 2 spells directly related to my physical abilities and the remaining spell on training the quality of my magic power. Prime had told me that the Power category relies on the concentration of the magic I could exude so I should work on improving that as much as possible. My other 2 spells are also to help me with the objective of the second quest which was to learn 3 weapon skills, so I decided my plans based on completing as much of the first 2 quests as possible.

Apparently, I had a very different mindset from my predecessors. I asked Prime how and I was quite shocked by his answer.

(Your three predecessors were very eccentric towards the own interests. They did not focus on improving themselves on overall survival capabilities as much as you did. Those three could be categorized as a muscle brain, a hobbyist, and a disappointment. Especially the disappointment…that guy's main goal for completing the Dungeon was so absurd I wanted to give up on him…you will understand once you begin the Inheritance quest. They focused well when it came to their Unique Attribute because they believed they would be unstoppable with it.)

"…I can see why they died if they were so confident in their abilities. Wait a minute… how did they even get chosen by the Dungeon in the first place. I assumed this place chose people based on a certain criterion seeing how without my memories, I was still able to survive for a quite a while and do well for myself."

(I can tell you that much since that does not directly involve with any secrets because even if you know this information, it is pretty much useless. The Dungeon purely picks a soul based on the potential that the individual could exude, nothing else, it is complete and utter luck in a sense because if the Dungeon picked souls who could not withstand the pressure of this place, it is akin to sending a corpse here. As people, your predecessors were far from the expectations of the Dungeon, but that does not mean they can easily get the benefits of this place without effort.)

"I see…so I could be considered the first decent candidate then."


Wow he answered that without hesitation…how much trouble did my predecessors give Prime to be so resolute on their negative points. I should probably move on from this subject because Prime is now giving off an aura of disappointment along with the memories of them.

"Okay. That is enough of them, I finally got the basics down of how to instinctually use my mana and how I could emit its pure force from my body, but now I need to translate this property into skills that I should start developing."

(Your correct. From what I recall you have decided on your 3 types of skills to focus on. I can guide you on how to develop a skill, but I cannot directly you grant a skill. This must be pioneered on your own as desired by the dungeon, but I have been given plenty of supplemental information regarding the creation of any type of skill. You could even come up with the name yourself since you will technically be the pioneer to each of the skills you create regarding magic, or when the time comes, your weapon techniques.)

"Yup I have the concepts for them already. Firstly, I will explain the skill directly related to improving the power of my magic. From the information I have learned about magic from you, I believe I could manifest my magic power in the form of small, magical whirlpool which will not only cycle the magic from my environment into my body, it will constantly apply pressure to increase the concentration of my magic. Therefore, my magic will increase both in capacity and power."

(Certainly. That is a good method in which you can effectively train two secondary stats of your magic prowess. Although the way described is quite rough and simple in design, it should make for a good base for how you will instinctually develop your magic. What will you call this skill?)

"I think 'Whirlpool Manifestation' is an appropriate name seeing how this skill I develop is based on a whirlpool and you magic is a property that you manifest within your body, hence the name."

(Simple yet accurate name. Good, I have not asked of your naming sense, yet but it is much better than your predecessors.)

"…what did they call their skills, were the…"

(Do not ask. Ever. Please)

My god…what did they name their skills to get that sort of reaction.

"…moving on. My next two skills will be related to my physical abilities. I believe having one skill based on me constantly strengthening my body to its limits should suffice when it comes to gathering more raw power in each of weapon skills. The other is a skill based on both combat and my training. This would be a modified form of the first skill that strengthens the body but would instead work to constantly repair the damage that is done to my body. I think this would not only suffice as a way for quick recovery mid battle, but also to improve the rate at which my body develops that results from my training."

(Wise decision for your other 2 skills. Having skills that not only empowers your physical body but also healing yourself from sustained damage is a good idea to have. It is good you expect yourself to get injured rather than boldly believing in the skills you have.)

"Thanks…but I think this would be common sense. Having magic that improves your rate of survival should be standard."

(Tell that to your predecessors who believed being able to make explosions or shoot lightning would be enough. It is true that those types of skills are powerful, but it is useless if you are not fast enough to use that magic or if the opponent is faster than the magic you use. That is an easy way to get killed.)

"…Damn those guys were stupid. Why would you rely on something new and unfamiliar to you? I can understand if it is for aesthetics, but that does jack shit if you are dead."

(Agreed…Now I have gone off topic from the matter at hand. So, tell me what you will name those skills of yours.)

"I think 'Strength Enhancement' and 'Rejuvenation' should suffice. It may be a simple name, but it is easy to remember and perfectly describes what they are supposed to do at its base."

(Good enough. Now is the time to develop these skills to the utmost before you set of on an exploration. I estimate an additional 3 months before you could develop these skills, but that should also be enough time to also gain weapon skills as well.)

"I agree as well. Alright then, time to get started."