Ah…another day in hell. Life is better with Prime around basically telling me the time with the system, and him helping with my training. However, this place is still hell regardless.
I finally finished my 3 months of Magic Skills Training and I am quite satisfied with my results. At that moment, Prime noticed my thoughts and asked me.
(What do you think of the achievements you have made so far?)
"Excellent. I accomplished far more in 6 months than I did in the 3 years I was here."
(Makes sense because with your Magic Skills now supplementing your physical body, the time without magic is incomparable. However, it is only that way since you trained like a madman those 3 years that your foundation of your body, mind, and soul were firm enough to grow to this extent.)
"Well let me see the fruits of my labor. 'Status'."
Name: **********
Race: Human
Age: 21
Height: 188 cm (6'2)
Weight: 79 kg (175 lbs.)
Physical Prowess (Tier 1) (Pinnacle)
-Strength Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [61.9]
-Stamina Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [82.5]
-Speed Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [90.9]
-Endurance Tier 2 (Basic) [9.4]
Mental Prowess (Tier 1) (Pinnacle)
-Intelligence Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [98.9]
-Endurance Tier 2 (Basic) [2.9]
-Composure Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [79.1]
-Resolve Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [85.9]
Magic Prowess (Tier 1) (Pinnacle)
-Capacity Tier 2 (Basic) [1.2]
-Power Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [99.5]
-Control Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [67.1]
-Endurance Tier 2 (Pinnacle) [72.5]
Technical Prowess (Tier 1) (Pinnacle)
-Accuracy Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [65.3]
-Concentration Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [50.1]
-Endurance Tier 1 (Pinnacle) (80.5]
-Speed Tier 1 (Pinnacle) [45.3]
Weapon Skills:
-Sword Arts Tier 2 (Novice) [1.2]
-Spear Arts Tier 2 (Novice) [0.5]
-Projectile Arts (Fusion of multiple Arts of Long-Range Combat such as Bows and Throwing Knives) Tier 1 (Master) [92.8]
Magic Skills:
-Rejuvenation Tier 2 (Novice) [19.2]
-Whirlpool Manifestation Tier 1 (Master) [89.1]
-Strength Enhancement Tier 2 (Novice) [22.1]
Technical Skills:
-Forgery Tier 1 (Novice) [89.0]
-Carpentry Tier 1 (Advanced) [0.3]
-Stone Masonry Tier 1 (Novice) [79.5]
-Cooking Tier 1 (Beginner) [99.8]
-Farming Tier 1 (Beginner) [32.5]
-Pharmacy Tier 1 (Novice) [1.4]
"Huh… to be honest I was expecting a much a higher jump in skills and stats…"
(No. This is already very impressive because you trained prior to absorbing the system. By default, the system starts everything at Tier 1 of the lowest Secondary Grade. The fact that a couple of things already reached Tier 2 is astounding and Tier 1 of the highest Secondary Grade is a great accomplishment as well.)
"…When you put it like that…alright then if you were to put me up against all the creatures in terms of rankings. Where would I place? Also, add in my predecessors please."
(Certainly. I estimate that you would rank just within the top 15,000 of 250,000 creatures that have some form of combat abilities. Ranking among your predecessors as of now would be unfair to you since they had developed their unique attributes right away. If you had your own unique attribute, even if it were not suited for combat, you could easily be the second strongest.)
Way to break my heart. Top 15,000! Sure, that sounds cool since I am stronger than about 235,000 of these monsters, but that also means there are 15,000 monsters stronger than me. What the hell kind of number is that. Shit, shit, shit…
(Calm down. You may be weak in the grand scheme of things, but your growth rate is amazing. You just need to have some real battle experience to help you get over your current bottleneck of progression. If you manage to bring everything to Tier 2 of the lowest Secondary Grade, you can be in the top 10,000. Plus, this is only based on raw fighting power and abilities, just because the opponent is stronger, does not mean your loss is definitive. If you can implore a good set of strategies and skillset tailored to handling an enemy, I dare say you could probably fight opponents around 500 spots higher than yourself.)
Damn…I really have a long way to go. I thought I would rank at least in the top 5%, but I guess I was rating myself far too highly. Wait a minute…
"Prime, you said that if I could get a Unique Attribute that was non-combat oriented, I could be the second strongest, what rank would that place me? Also, if it could increase my combat skills, where would ranking fall?
(The answer to your first question would put you in the top 7,000. A Unique Attribute is akin to an enlightenment since it reflects your qualities as a person in the form of a unique power. However, if you get a combat related one, I will say top 5,000 and you could tie for strongest. That predecessor of yours may have been a muscle brain, but his skills were the real deal. If he had a bit more brains and relied on me more, he could have survived.)
Hmm…that still means there are 5,000 monsters I cannot fight as I am even if reach Tier 2 of the Lowest grade in all categories. I guess this place is not called a dungeon for nothing, certainly a prison as a core concept to trap you here with some semblance of hope. Reality, however, hits you back 10x harder if you think your enough.
"Alright then, what are some monsters I could fight right now. If I am at a bottleneck right now, I need this breakthrough in order to proceed. I would prefer something slightly below my power so I can also focus on how a beast would fight."
(Excellent choice. You should proceed to prepare for your upcoming excursion, since this will be your first battle with the skills you have learned.)
"I understand. We will leave tomorrow as soon as I finish my morning warm-ups and breakfast. I have to keep my body at the best condition possible."