
It is the following morning after I declared that I would leave for a hunting trip to train myself. Well…I say its morning, but it all looks the same in my eyes as the sky barely ever changes from this dawn like shade of sky. I prepared all my weapons that I had received from the system and had some supplies/rations stored in my storage space. I am keeping my sword at hand in case of any threats nearby along with a dagger. Prime had suggested we head east of my base since he said that is closer to the outer edge. Actually…that reminds me.

"Hey Prime, what is this outer edge we are going to anyways."

(The outer edge is literally what it is. The outer regions of the Dungeon where the weaker monsters reside. We are currently in the boundary between the outer edge and the inner region, a safe zone so to speak, and that is where most of the monsters reside. The stronger monsters reside in the inner regions and weaker monsters get pushed to the outer regions as a result. You can think of the Dungeon as encapsulating dome that extends for hundreds of miles in every direction in this space. I cannot go into further detail because that would violate the rules, however I can tell you that the place where you built your base was the best possible spot. As a region between the outer edge and inner region, the magic exuded in this place makes it uncomfortable for any monsters to reside. There are not many of these safe zones in the dungeon as certain conditions need to occur, but finding one is not easy to do.)

That is true… I spent along time wondering about before I stumbled upon my current base. Well that answers that, but I am curious what I am hunting.

"Hey Prime, what type of monsters will be there in the outer regions?"

(Usually there are some Fang Rabbits and such. They are quick and nimble species that excel in doing fast, continuous, and poisonous attacks.)

"Hmm…sounds like an annoying opponent. I remember there was a crimson colored boar I fought near the beginning of my sentence this hell hole. What the hell was that thing?"

(Ah…that would be a Blood Boar. If you want to train yourself to complete the final quest, fighting Blood Boars and Lightning Tigers. They are the by far the best monsters to fight in order to hone your skills. Blood Boars will help you train all your magic prowess abilities by making you endure the onslaught of its powerful charging attacks, so you could practice your magic power and control to try and overpower them. On the other end of the spectrum, Lightning Tigers are fast and cunning. Honing your physical abilities and senses to its utmost in order to try to keep up with its movements.)

"Hmm… sounds like I found my prime targets when I move on to the inner region. Any other monster's worth mentioning about that will be beneficial to my growth."

(Quite honestly, no. Those two represent both aspects of powers that you would need. Sure, there are some Ice Drakes and Hell Bears that could be an opponent for you, but those two are not worth the effort in terms of monsters you can efficiently hunt. I remember your goal is for efficient growth in all areas, but creatures like those two are only worth it if you want to fight the stronger opponents before your fight against 'Goliath'.)

"But surely there must be something special about the 4 monsters you have mentioned. I recall that the system will only provide you stuff based on your achievements, so far, I have only achieved the basic prerequisite to gain a personal storage space and you as my guide. Can I assume there is a prize for hunting those 4 in specific?"

(Clever. Yes, there are benefits to killing those 4, but they are extremely hard to complete. I can at least tell you this because it is related to your growth but hunting those 4 are part of a Hidden Quest. The problem is you must kill each of these monsters in one strike. Complete all 4 of these Hidden Quests, and you get the right to the Ultimate Hidden Quest…you will find out what this is if you manage to complete this.)

Well shit…that is not happening anytime soon or ever. What the hell is with that difficulty?! One shot not one but 4 different insanely strong monsters. Fucking hell.

"What Tier do they expect someone to fight that shit. I know there are 9 tiers but after 4 years of constant training I am still trying to get to Tier 2."

(You can probably complete this Dungeon at Tier 3 honestly. Tier 9 is basically ***** ******* and the highest you can reach in this space is at most Tier 4. These monsters may seem strong, but this Dungeon only brings in monsters up to a certain level.)

"Then what is outside the dungeon…and what was that blur…"

(That is something I cannot answer for you at this time. I mainly told you this because knowing the limits you can reach in this space is also part of my responsibility. I cannot tell you the name of the Tier 9 creatures, only beings below the Goliath.)

Hmm…at least I know I do not have to spend eternity in here to get out. Attaining Tier 4 is quite the feat in my eyes already, but Tier 9 is unthinkable. …Crap…what was that…


Son of a bitch…a fucking Blood Boar…why is it here!!?

"Prime, what is going on, I thought this was the outer edge…so what is this guy doing here?"

(It seems this Blood Boar was quite weak in comparison to the other Blood Boars, so this one must have come here in order to get food. Honestly, at your current level you have a 50% chance of winning if you play it smart and use your abilities to the utmost. Want to fight him.)

…Shit…I do not have a choice in this matter since this guy is directly in line to the outer edge.

"You know I have to…so why bother asking?"

(Moral Support. Plus, I want to see how much you can endure.)

"…are you a sadist?"


"…Well this is awkward, but here goes my life. Nice knowing you Prime."

(You are not doomed. Just get out there and fight.)

All right here I go. I should use a sword for this guy.

*Strength Enhancement activated*

*You have used 25% of your magic to use this technique for 30 minutes*

*All Physical Attributes increase by 15%*

Well that training paid off over the last few months…it used to be 25% of my magic for 2 minutes.

"Hey! Ugly bastard come over here and fight!"