
So, I started a fight with this bastard…and I am kind of regretting it now. I have been fighting this guy for the last 15 minutes and we have been on a complete stand still.

I have been trying everything I have regarding magic in order to get this guy. I use my sword and strengthened body in order to gain distance from this guy and get a few slashes in here and there, but this guy has some nuts defense against physical attacks.

"What the hell is with this guy…a sword slash does nothing against this guy…but a small fireball is enough to char his fur quite a bit."

(That is because all Blood Boars have the attribute of Physical Resistance, so all attacks using pure physical strength are reduced. Your Strength Enhancement magic may be a magic skill, but its power relies directly on the amount of physical force you use. Try using more magic again, you may not have developed a complete skill and understanding of magic, but you have enough ability to at least emit an attribute-based magic attack.)

"What are these fireballs suppose to do against this giant boar!? At most it will char him up a bit and annoy him, but that is it. How come I do not get a Magic skill for this!?"

(Your simply just enhancing the temperature of your magic and propelling it at your opponent. In a basic sense, yes that is Fire Magic, but that is not good enough to warrant you getting a skill in the system. Plus, the system mainly acts as a reminder of your abilities and how you can strengthen your growth. It does not do much in terms of power, but it will help you understand what you can and cannot do.)

"When you put it like that, I look like a real idiot huh…wait…I got an idea."

(What kind of idea...)

"The kind that will knock this guy flat on his ass!"

Alright then. Focus. Focus. Focus. I need to coat my sword with my magic power and change the properties to increase the temperature.

Come on.

Come on.


"I got you NOW!!!!"

I slash the Blood Boar with all my might with my sword that burns brightly with blue flames. I got a critical hit on him by slashing his neck area, this guy is trying to maintain his balance.

Now's my CHANCE!!!!!!



(Congratulations. You just hunted a Blood Boar.)

"Thanks Prime. Could not have done it without you."

(Of course.)

*Magic Skill Created: Fire Magic Tier 1 (Basic) [0.5] *

*Magic Skill Created: Elemental Enchantment Tier 1 (Basic) [0.5] *

*Weapon Skill, Sword Arts makes a large leap in experience due to your new understanding of how to put more power into your sword. Sword Arts rise to Tier 2 (Novice) [35.1] *

Hell yeah! I was right. This is the correct way to enchant a weapon with magic. I always thought I need to imbue the power directly inside this sword, but if I act as if this is a true extension of my body…then it makes sense for me to coat the sword with magic instead.

Extension of body…oh, this explains my Sword Arts being upgraded. I should keep this mind set from now on. If I think of my weapons as a tool, it will remain a tool…but if I think of this as part of me…then I just realized why I had a bottleneck.

I am too obsessed with the results. I need to carefully evaluate how I truly got here and combine it with my own instincts to create my own style.

"…Hey Prime…"


"…I just found my breakthrough…"

(Indeed. Well done.)

I quickly dismantle all the necessary parts of the Blood Boar in accordance with Prime's instructions and this was the result.

*Technical Skill Created: Dismantling Tier 1 (Basic) [1.0] *

Plus, I got tons of meat now for jerky and roast pork. In addition, I have a good amount of undamaged fur, so I should be able to make some new armor padding…maybe I can splurge a bit and try to process it into a blanket.

"Ha-ha! This is great! I can finally advance to the next step! Alright then, what should I do now?"

(You need to process your materials and create suitable supplies from the Blood Boar. In addition, you must focus on the new skills you have learned and how you should improve on what you know and what you need to learn.)

"…huh…this is going to be a lot of work…"

(The results are guaranteed. You have already made an amazing advancement in terms of growth. All you need to do is put it into action.)

"Alright then. 'Status-Skills Only'."

Weapon Skills:

-Sword Arts Tier 2 (Novice) [35.1]

-Spear Arts Tier 2 (Novice) [0.5]

-Projectile Arts (Fusion of multiple Arts of Long-Range Combat such as Bows and Throwing Knives) Tier 1 (Master) [92.8]

Magic Skills:

-Rejuvenation Tier 2 (Novice) [19.2]

-Whirlpool Manifestation Tier 1 (Master) [89.1]

-Strength Enhancement Tier 2 (Novice) [22.1]

-*NEW*Fire Magic Tier 1 (Basic) [0.5] *

-*NEW*Elemental Enchantment Tier 1 (Basic) [0.5] *

Technical Skills:

-Forgery Tier 1 (Novice) [89.0]

-Carpentry Tier 1 (Advanced) [0.3]

-Stone Masonry Tier 1 (Novice) [79.5]

-Cooking Tier 1 (Beginner) [99.8]

-Farming Tier 1 (Beginner) [32.5]

-Pharmacy Tier 1 (Novice) [1.4]

-*NEW* Dismantling Tier 1 (Basic) [1.0]

Aside from the skills…none of my Primary stats have raised, so I will not check it. This system takes up too much space in field of vision and is kind of annoying. Luckily this feature exists or I would be fuming at all this information.

"Ah shit…here we go again. More TRAINING!!!WHEN WILL IT END!"

(As long as I am around…Never.)

"You damn sadist…"