Chapter 27: Beacon (2)



Solo: 16

Oc Team: 2

Weiss: Nay


[Beacon Academy - 17XX Peaceful Era]

When they stepped out of the bullhead the first thing they did was gawk at the huge building in front of them, their fellow huntsman hopefuls were no better (apart from a blonde student who was puking in a garbage bin).

"I can't believe that we're finally here." Ruby said barely controlling the emotions that was threatening to burst. Yang shook her head as she stepped forward, all eyes were on her now but she didn't shy away from the stares.

"Well what are we waiting for? Our dreams is a few steps away! Don't tell me you all got cold feet, Let's go!" Yang turned around and left, the students glance to their sides and saw that everyone was excited. They followed after Yang leaving a dumbfounded Ruby and a confused Sapphire, "...Ruby?"


"... That was our sister... correct?"

"I think so." Ruby said her eyes swimming, she still couldn't believe what happened. Sapphire scratched his head, "I know that Yang was very social but I didn't think that she was so social that she became an unofficial leader."

Ruby sensed something coming from behind her and decided to step aside only to trip at a cart scattering the luggage all over the floor, "What are you doing!" A girl in white stomped over with a furious look, Ruby groaned as Sapphire helped her up.

"Sorry, wasn't looking where I was going." Ruby said as she grabbed the dust case that had it's contents scattered in the floor and placed it back inside, "Give me that you dolt." The girl took it from Ruby's hand and pointed at her, "Don't you know what that was?"

"Yes it's-" Ruby was cut off, "Dust, high grade dust from the Schnee mines. They are expensive to get and you think you can just touch them?" Sapphire was getting annoyed by this point, he was about to do something when he saw a black haired cat eared girl coming towards them. It was Blake and she looked pissed, Blake got in between them and glared at the girl.

"Ofcourse I should've known a Schnee would be the one who would cause a ruckus, why are you here Weiss Schnee?" Weiss narrowed her eyes at Blake, "I should be asking you that Belladonna, why is the daughter of the White Fang's creator here in a school of huntsman? You should be in locked up in a cell for what your kind has done for the past years."

When the two girls were arguing, Sapphire noticed that Blake had her scroll opened with something written on it. 'Go, we'll talk after I shake her off.' Sapphire tapped Ruby in the shoulder and stealthily pointed at the scroll. Ruby nodded as we both used our Semblances to escape, we reformed somewhere far away enough to not be spotted.

They stood in silence for a few moments before it was broken by a blonde haired teen, "Uhh is it a bad time to say hi?" They looked at the boy and smiled, "No, no it's not." The blonde boy smiled, "That's a relief, name's Jaune Arc by the way! Short, sweet, la-" Jaune stopped, "On second thought ignore the second part, you guys can call me Jaune" His face was dusted red, his whole body posture excuding awkwardness.

Sapphire tilted his head, 'A change that I had no part in.' He wanted to hear the line just for nostalgia reasons but it seems that he wouldn't be able to. Sapphire observed Jaune closely and saw that his body was well-defined. He wasn't skinny nor was he fat, he looked trained aswell.

"Nice to meet you Jaune, my name is Ruby Rose and this is my brother Sapphire." He waved his hand and sent him a polite nod, "So what brought you to Beacon Jaune?" Sapphire asked as they walked, Jaune thought before answering, "I guess it's because I wanted to be a hero."

Ruby's eyes turned to look at Jaune, her eyes brimming with interest, "You see, I grew up listening to stories of my Grandfather and his exploits in the war. He was said to be a hero at that time and I remember thinking about wanting to be like him." His expression brightened, "They didn't really want to train me actually, but one day a guy with orange hair decided to stay over in our place and decided to train me."

'Roman.' Sapphire thought his lips twitching, he forgot about him being reincarnated aswell. Sapphire then smiled, "Well look at you now Vomit boy, alive, trained, and standing in Beacon grounds." Jaune became embarrassed with the nickname while Ruby snickered.

The bell rang as Sapphire panics, "Crap the ceremony is starting! Follow me!" They ran with Sapphire in the lead as they went towards the amphitheater, after running for a while they finally arrived. Their breathing was a little labored but not to the point where they will collapse, "Why is this school so large." Jaune said in between breathes.

"Stuffing everything that a hunter needs in a single school like the forge?" Ruby answered remembering the pictures of how large every single room in the Academy is, "That and half of the school is the dormitory." Jaune let's out a quiet 'Oh.' and looks around.

"Rubes, Saph! Over here!" Yang waved her hand at them, "That's our sister, are you gonna come with us Jaune?" Ruby asked, Jaune shook his head, "Nah, I can find somewhere else to stand." Sapphire nodded, "Okay but if you ever change your mind, you can come over to us."

They bade farewell to their newest friend and went to their sister, "So how's your day?" Yang questioned as Ruby and Sapphire shrugged.

"It was alright, we made a new friend and managed to piss off one person after you ditching us with the rest of students like some kind of leader." They giggled as Yang scratched her head sheepishly, "The speech was actually just for my friends that got cold feet, I didn't think that everyone would actually follow me." She said while looking at a teen with black hair tied into a ponytail, he looked like he was going to die at any moment.

"Anyways... Please don't tell mom that I left you two, she will kill me when we come back." Yang shivered as we nodded and waited for the ceremony to start, fortunately they didn't wait for long.