
When Xia Lin woke up, he noticed that he was alone on the bed and sensed that Xia Qingyue was with Xia Yuanba. He just smiled in their direction and wrote a letter saying that he will be back before the end of the day.

He then went inside his Training Chamber and went straight to his house. He then said, "System, I want to get my reward for the 1st subquest and the 3rd subquest."


[The quest "Breakthrough to the Peak of Sovereign Profound Realm before Xia Qingyue's wedding day" has been completed. Due to the host being at the half-step Divine Origin Realm, the system has upgraded the to pill to help you break through to the Divine Origin Realm due to the host having a large world in him.

Rewarding- Divine Origin Realm pill]

[The quest "Do not tamper with the storyline" has not been completed. Due to the host tampering with the storyline to Samael's liking, he has increased your punishment.

Punishing host for failure- adding 500,000 SP to host's current SP and the skill Danger Sense]

Xia Lin had a shocked look on his face after reading the last part of the punishment. He then thought, 'Isn't that like Spiderman's Spidey Sense!? Wow, thanks Samael.'

When he browsed his inventory, he saw the pill in it and took it out. After inspecting the pill for a couple of minutes, he then swallowed it and immediately felt a rush of Profound Energy in him.

He then sat down and cultivated the abundant energy that came from the pill. He then felt a qualitative change happen to his life's vital energy. The Profound Energy then tempered his body, allowing him to separate from his mortal flesh.


[Congatulations to the host for breaking through]

But before he could even celebrate, he felt a sensation in his body that he couldn't explain what it was. He felt that it came from his body and not from his spirit, he didn't remember any of the fanfics that he had read mention this kind of sensation!

He just shook his head and looked at his status.



Name: Xia Lin

Cultivation: 1st level of the Divine Origin Realm

Combat Prowess: 9th level of the Divine Tribulation Realm

Body Physique: Primordial God Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: Primordial God Arts, Great Way of the Buddha (10th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Killer Instinct, Danger Sense, Domain, Godlike Regeneration, Intermediate Sword Mastery, Intermediate Soul Mastery, Expert Movement Techniques Mastery, Expert Martial Arts Mastery, Expert Cooking Mastery, Expert Blacksmith, Master Medical Mastery, Master Healer, Master Alchemist, Energy Manipulation (Perfect)

Inventory: Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 100x swords, 100x spears, 100x sabers, 100x daggers, 100x halberds, 39.999 Purple Profound Coins, Fire Seed of the Evil God

System Points: 799,600

Xia Lin felt stupid about seeing the Mirror of Samsara being inside his inventory and him not wearing it! He facepalmed and sighed then take out the Mirror of Samsara and wore it. He realized that this bad boy can manipulate destiny and can have you transmigrate after dying.

He sighed in relief knowing that he had a backup plan if he died. He just looked at his status again and smiled, then frowned as he thought, 'Damn, I got to train again. But this is for the sake of the other worlds that I haven't been through. So let's just go on with it.'

{You are one weird person, Xia Lin. Talking to yourself is a sign of insanity you know?}

'You do know that I can just send you to the afterlife right at this moment?'

{But you won't cause you need me.}

'I could just find another strong spirit to guard this Sky Poison Pearl.'

{I'll be quiet.}


Xia Lin then shook his head and started to train his skill and the technique Great Way of the Buddha to perfection.

After a year had passed, he looked at his status again just for the satisfaction of knowing how strong he is.



Name: Xia Lin

Cultivation: 5th level of the Divine Origin Realm

Combat Prowess: 4th level of the Divine Spirit Realm

Body Physique: Primordial God Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: Primordial God Arts, Great Way of the Buddha (12th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Killer Instinct, Danger Sense, Domain, Godlike Regeneration, Sword Mastery (Peak level Expert), Martial Arts Mastery (Mid-level Master), Soul Mastery (Mid-level Master), Movement Techniques Mastery (Mid-level Master), Blacksmith (Low-level Grandmaster), Cooking Mastery (Mid-level King), Alchemy (Peak-level King), Medical Mastery (High-level Saint ), Healing (Peak-level Saint), Energy Manipulation (Perfect)

Inventory: Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 1000x swords, 1000x spears, 1000x sabers, 1000x daggers, 1000x halberds, 500x crossbows, 500x longbows, 400x lances, 400x pikes, 400x quarterstaffs, 39.999 Purple Profound Coins, Fire Seed of the Evil God

System Points: 405,976

Xia Lin now had a different kind of ranking for his skills. It wasn't just Basic, Intermediate, Expert, Master, and Perfect now. It was: Beginner, Practitioner, Expert, Master, Grandmaster, King, Emperor, Saint, God, Perfect. And it was further broken down into four ranks; low, mid, high, and Peak.

With the help of the Great Way of the Buddha, Xia Lin had worked up the healing and medical mastery almost to perfection. It seems that he can't get it to perfection if he didn't get to heal people with the same grave injuries he gave himself to level up his mastery in the skills.

His Alchemy had risen to the peak of the King level too but it would go up anymore due to him not making any pills and that it only rose due to the knowledge he got from the medical skill.

His cooking skill went up to the mid-King level due to all the cooking that he had done for himself. When he tasted his cooking, he knows that his food would make people want it more.

His Blacksmithing skill only rose to the low-Grandmaster level because he only made regular weapons and not those fancy and strong weapons that could be called as treasures.

He now had put a dent on his SP due to him keeping on buying materials for the weapons and for his food. But for the sake of his of seeing his skills go up, he would sacrifice his SP anytime.

He then looked at all his combat-related skills and sighed. It seems that it will just stay there because he had already reached the pinnacle of combat in ATG. And it seemed ridiculous to him because, in the fanfics that he had read, they fought like gods in there or the authors just exaggerated the fighting scenes.

His soul mastery skill didn't go up anymore too. It seems to him that he either waited for him to get into the Divine Soul Realm to increase his soul mastery, or he had to comprehend the knowledge of the other soul mastery techniques in other worlds.

He then looked at the distance and saw Cheng Long looking like he was sleeping but in truth, he was absorbing energy to his spirit. He knew that the Training Chamber had different kinds of abundant energy here so he let Cheng Long out to absorb what he can.

It seems to him that Cheng Long could get stronger here. He was already at the 7th level of the Tyrant Profound Realm.

He then out of the Training Chamber leaving Cheng Long to continue absorbing what he can and go to his wife.

He then appeared in front of their room and opened the door. When he opened the door, he saw his wife standing there looking like she waited for him. But the most terrifying thing to him was that Xia Qingyue looked angry.

He then gulped and tried to explain where he went to but Xia Qingyue just grabbed his ear and threw him on the bed.

In the night, you could hear shouting coming from their room and loud slaps that echoed throughout the night.

When morning came, Xia Lin looked like he was very miserable. The slaps didn't hurt him at all but the shouting that came with it hurt his ears too much that he felt like he couldn't hear anymore. Due to his sensitive hearing, her shouts were like the screeching of a dinner plate when you scratched it with a fork.

But who could blame Xia Qingyue? She was left alone by her husband for a whole day after getting married just a few days ago.

Xia Lin just followed Xia Qingyue to the food hall with a miserable look and Xia Qingyue seemed to be ignoring him. Looking at the miserable looking young man following an angry looking lady, the disciples in the New Moon Profound Palace just gave Xia Lin looks of pity.

None of the disciples in the New Moon Profound Palace bothered them knowing that the two were the two new honorable elders in the sect. And knowing that the other was furious, this strengthened their resolves in not bothering them seeing that it would be just plain stupid to anger someone who is way out of their league.

When the couple finished eating, Xia Lin then said to Xia Qingyue then he wanted her to accompany him to Sikong Han's hall. But Xia Qingyue still looked like she was mad at him. He sighed and carried her to the elder's hall, not caring about the stares that they were receiving.

She just kept punching him all throughout the trip. When they arrived in front of Sikong Han's hall, he carefully put her down not expecting to receive a punch on the head.

He jokingly grabbed his head and said, "What was that for?"

But she just huffed at him and turned around. He just smiled at her and shook his head. He then turned to open the door but it opened by itself, he sensed that it was Sikong Han himself that opened the door.

Xia Lin just spoke to the elder that he and Xia Qingyue would be gone for a couple of months. He just said this to him so he knew that they will be gone and didn't have to worry over them suddenly disappearing.

Sikong Han knew that he couldn't stop the two even if he wanted to, so he just let them go and quietly went back to his office.

Xia Lin then turned Xia Qingyue who had a confused look on her face and smiled at her. Seeing his smile, Xia Qingyue then blushed and looked away before storming back to their room. He just laughed at her antics and when Xia Qingyue heard his laugh, she then increased her speed and bolted back to their room.

Looking at Xia Qingyue's disappearing figure, he shook his head while smiling and then suddenly disappeared in front of the elder's hall. When Xia Qingyue entered their room, she noticed that Xia Lin was already in the room and laid down on the bed with her face on her pillow.

When Xia Lin was done putting their stuff in the inventory, he grabbed the laying on the bed Xia Qingyue and flew off outside the New Moon City. He then landed in a forest and explained to Xia Qingyue of his Training Chamber.

When Xia Qingyue knew of the Chamber, she was mad at him for only telling her now and soon calmed down when she heard him say that he didn't trust her enough back then. Understanding his reason, Xia Qingyue then asked him when they are going to the Training Chamber.

Xia Lin smiled mischievously while saying, "Right now."

Xia Qingyue then gave out a surprised shout after noticing the blank surroundings and held on to the laughing Xia Lin. He then said, "Welcome to my inner world!"

He then pointed at the only house in there house and said, "That's my lovely home over there." Xia Qingyue then squinted her eyes, looking at where Xia Lin was pointing and saw the house that was very, very far away from them.

He then pointed at the Scarlet Dragon in the distance and continued, "That's Cheng Long over there. He is the only guy that I talk to in here so it isn't very boring while I was here. He is very emotional so don't say anything that could hurt him." Xia Qingyue then saw a huge Scarlet Dragon a few kilometers away from them and got scared feeling his Profound Strength.


Xia Lin then looked back at Xia Qingyue and said, "See!?" But he noticed that she wasn't in her previous spot and sensed her behind him looking very scared. He laughed at her and said, "Qingyue, you shouldn't be afraid of him. He knows that I would kick his ass if he dares to attack you."

Hearing his words, Xia Qingyue relaxed a little but still kept her guard up. Xia Lin said to Cheng that he will take Xia Qingyue in the house to tour her. After showing her the house, Xia Lin explained to her that they will be in here for 186 years to train.

Xia Qingyue couldn't help but be worried about their brother and Xia Lin just reminded her that only 6 months will pass outside while it was 186 years inside. He knew that he could make the time interval to 1 day will pass outside and 1000 years will pass in the Chamber but it would be just plain boring having to train for 186,000 years.

He then looked at her again and thought, 'Would we be too young to have a baby in the 186 years inside the Chamber?' He then thought about it again and shivered, he didn't want to have a baby this soon. I'll have to wait for the time when he gets a cloning skill or technique or something.

Xia Qingyue looked at her husband and said that she wanted to get stronger and catch up with him. He then looked at her status and this is what he saw;



Name: Xia Qingyue

Cultivation: 6th level of the Earth Profound Realm

Combat Prowess: 4th level of the Sky Profound Realm

Body Physique: Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, Heart of Glazed Grass, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: Frozen Cloud Arts (4th Realm)

Skills: Martial Arts Mastery (Mid-level Practitioner)

Xia Lin couldn't help but laugh and pat her head while saying, "You've got a long way to go Qingyue."

Xia Qingyue just rolled her eyes at him and got curious, she then asked, "Hey Lin, if this place really has a different time with the outside world. What your real age?"

Xia Lin then froze and awkwardly says, "Well Qingyue, your husband is a really old man now. My real age is 187 years old."

Xia Qingyue looked shocked and shouted, "So that's why your cultivating speed is so fast!! You were using this place to help you!"

Xia Lin then said, "What? Nooooooo, no, no, no, you got me all wrong! I was only here to hone my skills like cooking! I wasn't here to cultivate!"

She then had a thoughtful look and asked, "So you were really to practice your skills?"

Xia Lin then vigorously nodded his head.

She then placed her hands on her hips and said, "If you really were honing your skills like cooking, then let's go to the kitchen."

After saying that, Xia Lin could be seen being dragged along by Xia Qingyue to the kitchen. After Xia Qingyue tasted his cooking, she then declared that he will cook every time she is hungry. Xia Lin then gave her a forced smile and just nodded.