Unexpected Surprise and Tribulation

186 years have passed and Xia Qingyue had gotten stronger quickly. The training that Xia Lin had given her was hellish but on the brighter side, he always massages her with his magical hands and it would always lead to sex after that. Her status was;



Name: Xia Qingyue

Cultivation: 7th level of the Divine Origin Realm

Combat Prowess: 5th level of the Divine Soul Realm

Body Physique: Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, Heart of Glazed Grass, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: Frozen Cloud Arts (8th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Domain, Martial Arts Mastery (High-level Grandmaster), Weapon Mastery (High-level Grandmaster), Soul Mastery (Mid-level Grandmaster), Movement Techniques Mastery (High-level Grandmaster)

Xia Lin looked at her skills and felt conflicted. It has already been 127 years and she doesn't even budge on her decision to not learn more skills! He just sighed at her stubbornness and looked at his status too.



Name: Xia Lin

Cultivation: Peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm

Combat Prowess: 8th level of the Divine Sovereign Realm

Body Physique: Primordial God Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: Primordial God Arts, Great Way of the Buddha (12th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Killer Instinct, Danger Sense, Domain, Godlike Regeneration, Weapon Mastery (Peak level Grandmaster) {New}, Martial Arts Mastery (Low-level King), Movement Techniques Mastery (Mid-level King), Soul Mastery (High-level King), Blacksmith (Low-level Emperor), Cooking Mastery (Mid-level Emperor), Alchemy (Peak-level Emperor), Medical Mastery (Mid-level God), Healing (Peak-level God), Energy Manipulation (Perfect)

Inventory: Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 1condensed sword, 1 condensed spear, 1 condensed saber, 1 condensed dagger, 1 condensed halberd, 1 condensed crossbow, 1 condensed longbow, 1 condensed lance, 1 condensed pike, 1 condensed quarterstaff, 39.999 Purple Profound Coins, Fire Seed of the Evil God, cooking equipment

System Points: 261,401

But what made things more difficult to go back was due to Xia Qingyue being pregnant 3 years back. Now, they had a baby boy with them in the Training Chamber. He didn't know how to explain to their father and brother why they have a child that is already a 3-year-old boy while they were just gone for 6 months.

He loved the boy with all his heart but he wants to make him shut up in the middle of the night just to have some peace and quiet. He could see Xia Qingyue carrying little Xia Bao while walking towards him.

He then asked Xia Qingyue what they were going to tell their family if they were going to ask about Xia Bao. What he didn't expect was for her to tell him that it's all his problem because he was the one to impregnate her. He felt that suddenly life was being unfair to him.

He could hear Cheng Long laughing in the distance so he just sent a wave of Profound Energy his way and smiled cruelly when heard him cry out in pain. He just waved it off knowing that Cheng Long was already in the 6th level of the Divine Soul Realm.

He then went to the bedroom with Xia Qingyue by his side who was holding Xia Bao in her hands. He didn't expect that one could get pregnant in the Training Chamber! He was compliant on that fact so he just let loose when they were having sex.

When the three of them arrived in their bedroom, they then laid on the bed with Xia Bao in the middle of the two while Xia Lin was on the right and Xia Qingyue was on the left.

Xia Lin suddenly asked, "Honey, are we going to go back now?"

Xia Qingyue rolled her eyes and said, "We said we're going to go back in 6 months so we are going back in 6 months. No complaining."

Xia Bao then asked in a cute voice with a confused look, "Mama, Papa, what are you guys talking about? Where are we going?"

Xia Lin and Xia Qingyue looked at each other and sighed. They then turned to their son and explained to him what was going on. But after explaining it to him, the baby just looked confused at what was said to him.

Xia Lin just laughed and said, "We'll explain it to you better when you're older, baby."

Xia Qingyue stood up and turned to the two of them and said, "Come on you two. We'll be going out now. I miss the forests and civilization already. So can you hurry up already Lin?"

Xia Bao then prepared to stand up but Xia Lin suddenly hugged him to his chest and said, "I don't wanna."

Xia Qingyue held a cold glare in her eyes and walked over to them and leaned over to Xia Lin's ears and said in a cold voice, "If you don't do what I tell you then there won't be any more sex for 5 years. I'm not joking."

Hearing her say that, Xia Lin was very sure that she wasn't joking in the slightest because she already did that to him 50 years ago. He then hurriedly jump up the bed with Xia Bao and grabbed Xia Qingyue in his arms too and shouted, "I want out!! NOWWWW!!!!!"

After he shouted those words, they were suddenly inside a big forest with tall trees. He then looked at the laughing Xia Qingyue and asked, "Are you happy now?"

She then smiled at him and nodded while saying, "Of course honey. I miss Xia Yuanba so much."

He then thought her words over and said, "Well, I kinda miss that big idiot too but do you think Xia Bao is ready for other people right now?"

Upon his words, Xia Qingyue then looked at their son who was looking at the trees with wonder in his eyes. She looked conflicted about letting him see the wonders of the world and not letting him see the worst of humanity like the young masters in big families. She just sighed and looked back at Xia Lin and nodded.

She then remembered that she was already strong enough to protect her son from the people in the country and even if she couldn't she had her husband kill the arrogant people that dared to harm her and their son.

She looked at the two people that she loves the most in the world and smiled warmly seeing Xia Lin pointing at things and teaching Xia Bao what they were. She then shouted at the two of them to hurry up and dragged Xia Lin to the New Moon City's gate.

When they arrived at the gate, many people's stares could be seen thrown at them. The people that were looking at them couldn't help but see the perfect family.

The only woman in the group was the most beautiful woman they have seen in their lives. She had ebony-black hair, strawberry colored lips, a shapely figure, glossy skin, slender eyebrows, a dainty nose, pouting lips, and a soothing voice as she called for her companions to move faster.

The man beside her with the third person of the group was pretty damned handsome in their views. He must be a very powerful cultivator to have a beautiful wife and sporting a handsome face. He had very long midnight-black hair that was tied into a ponytail, sharp features, a well-built body that looked like it was sculpted by the heavens and having a tall height that can be used to look down on people.

The third person in the group was a baby. The baby looked quite adorable to the people. Like the person that was holding him, the baby had midnight-black hair and sharp features. Like the woman that was with them, he also had strawberry colored lips, glossy skin, slender eyebrows, a dainty nose, and pouting lips.

All in all, the crowd that was looking at the three was thinking the same thing, 'I want to build a family like that.' Be it a woman or a man, they were all jealous of the perfectly happy family that looked like they didn't care about what was happening in their surroundings.

Seeing all the looks directed at them, Xia Lin gave them a cold glare that had a hint of his killing intent mixed in it. Seeing his glare and feeling the impression that they were going to be killed if they continued to look, they immediately dispersed fearing for their lives.

Seeing the people around them run away, Xia Qingyue just smiled amusedly at her husband's overprotectiveness. Looking at the running people, Xia Bao then gave a cute "Bye!" to them. Xia Lin then scoffed at the cowardly people that dared to look intently at his wonderful family.

Getting impatient with their slow pace of walking, Xia Lin then grabbed Xia Qingyue with his free hand and ran towards the New Moon Profound Palace. When they arrived in front of the "Palace", they heard a "Big brother Lin!! Big sister Qingyue!!" in the distance. They then turned towards the direction of the voice and saw Xia Yuanba running towards them.

Seeing that he was running towards Xia Lin, he gave the confused Xia Bao to Xia Qingyue and braced for impact. After feeling Xia Yuanba crash into him, he just laughed knowing that it wasn't him that got hurt but Xia Yuanba.

Xia Yuanba then turned to his sister and noticed that she was holding a little child. He then walked over to them and cheerfully introduced himself as Xia Yuanba to the baby. Xia Bao then enthusiastically introduced himself too and got to know his uncle.

After reuniting with their youngest sibling and introducing Xia Bao to him. Xia Yuanba kept firing questions at them, like;

"Big brother, how did the two of you have Xia Bao?"

"Big sister was the trip amazing?"

"Did you guys many Profound Beasts?"

And many, many, many more to count. They just gave a bullshit answer to the unknowing Xia Yuanba, mostly Xia Lin who did the bullshitting. But the other questions they answered truthfully. All this while, Xia Bao just listened to the things they've said with stars in his eyes.

But before they could even arrive at Sikong Han's hall, Xia Yuanba left him due to some disciple needing him for something. When they arrived in front of Sikong Han's door, he was the one to open it for them. But before they could even talk, Xia Bao suddenly had sparkling eyes and then quickly grabbed Sikong Han's long beard.

After a few minutes, Xia Qingyue could be seen scolding the sad-looking Xia Bao while Xia Lin was laughing at Sikong Han who was holding his beard in pain. The three adults then discussed the banquet of the New Palace's Chief's appointment that will start in 2 months from now.

When all was said and done, Xia Bao then gave a big yawn signifying that he was already sleepy. The parents then excused themselves and went to the room that they were given a few months back. They then saw that room was clean, showing that Sikong Han still sent someone to clean the room up.

They then tucked Xia Bao in bed and soon fell asleep beside him.

When morning came, Xia Lin slowly opened his eyes and saw his wife and son above him waiting for their foods like they do every single morning. He just sighed at their antics and slowly got the cooking equipment to antagonize them. Seeing Xia Lin's devious plan, Xia Bao then attacked him due to getting hungry and impatient at what he was doing.

Seeing that Xia Bao was already attacking him, Xia Lin laughed with Xia Qingyue and then started to cook. After eating the food the Xia Lin had cooked, he then said to Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao that he was going somewhere to have his tribulation.

Xia Qingyue then gave him a worried look but Xia Lin just assured her that he was going to be fine and that she should trust in him. Looking at all this happening, Xia Bao just looked very confused at this very moment. Seeing his look, they just said to him that Xia Lin was just going somewhere and that he will be back in a few days or weeks.

But before leaving, Xia Lin gave Xia Bao a kiss on the cheek, and Xia Qingyue a tender kiss on the lips. After pulling apart, Xia Qingyue couldn't help but shed a few tears. Xia Lin just smiled at her before walking over to the window and flew out of it.

Seeing Xia Lin fly away to go through his tribulation, Xia Qingyue couldn't cry because she was with her son at the moment and she didn't want him to see her cry.

Xia Lin could be seen flying in the direction of Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range. When he arrived at the front of Cheng Long's previous cave, he then looked at the heavens and saw Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao appear in his head.

He smiled and then said, "This isn't just about the sake of me traveling to other worlds anymore. This is for the sake of getting stronger to protect Qingyue and little Bao from any dangers! SO BRING IT!! I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOUR LIGHTNING!!! GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT!!!!"

After he was done shouting, the heavens rumbled so loud that he thought that the world was ending, and the sky darkened until it was pitch black and there were thunder clouds spreading over millions of millions of kilometers. He then thought, 'I didn't think that it was a good idea to antagonize the heavens.'

{No shit, sherlock.}

'Fuck you, Watson. And how do you even know of that reference?'

{Heard you say it once and I think you're forgetting something important.}

Hearing Cheng Long say that Xia Lin then looks at the skies once more and noticed that it was rumbling even louder and that it was getting even darker. He couldn't help but smirk and try a famous line from his original world.


It seemed the heavens were further angered by his words due to increased rumbling sounds that it made. He could see faint red lightning coming at him, it seems that the heavens were really angry at him due to sending lighting that looked like it had killed before.

He didn't want to just stand there waiting for it to crash down at him so he coated his body with Profound Energy like the Raikage's in Naruto and flew in the direction of the red lightning that was coming down at him.

While flying, Xia Lin stacked layer upon layer of Profound Energy on his body and took out his condensed sword and inserted Profound Energy into it with the maximum amount of energy that it could hold. The sword then elongated and it looked like it grew several sizes.

He then yelled like an idiot, "ORAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

He then slashed his sword at the lightning but it destroyed his sword and the layers of Profound Energy that he stacked upon his body. He could feel the lightning coursing inside his body and felt like it was destroying his body but it kept repairing itself that he knew that he couldn't die soon.

But before he could get used to the pain, another lightning was coming down at him. The lightning then had another one behind it, so this must be stage two. "Fuck, I'll even endure a hundred stages just so that I could go back to Qingyue and little Bao!!!"

Stage 3! 4 bolts of red lightning!

Stage 4! 8 bolts of red lightning!

Stage 7! 64 bolts of red lightning!

Stage 9! 256 bolts of red lightning!

Stage 10! 512 bolts of red lightning!

When the red bolts of lightning stopped crashing down on him, Xia Lin sighed in relief and started to heal himself. But he didn't expect that the thunder clouds to not disappear and still continue to rumble. He then thought, 'I really fucked up big time, didn't I? I shouldn't have made fun of the heavens.'

Stage 11! 1,024 bolts of red lightning!

Stage 23! 4,194,304 bolts of red lightning!

Stage 25! 16,777,216 bolts of red lightning!

He then looked at the sky if the thunder clouds were disappearing and it seems that it was. He then let out a victorious laugh and gave the heavens a 'fuck you'. But it seems the heavens had its own sentience and gathered the thunder clouds again and it seemed to cover the whole Blue Pole Star continent. He just sighed at his stupid decision and laid on the ground and waited for the lightning.

He then saw that the lightning that was crashing down on him was black in color now and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. He then spread his arms welcoming the lightning.

Stage 31! 1,073,741,824 bolts of black lightning!

Stage 40! 549,755,813,888 bolts of black lightning!

Stage 46! 35,184,372,088,832 bolts of black lightning!

Stage 50! 562,949,953,421,312 bolts of black lightning!

After the thunder cloud disappeared, he could feel that he gained something from that experience. He then looked at his status to see what it was. But before he could even take a look, he then heard;


[Congratulations host for understanding the laws of Lightning, Light and the Darkness!]

Hearing the system's words, he couldn't help but be surprised. He then hurriedly look at his status and saw;



Name: Xia Lin

Cultivation: 2nd level of the Divine Sovereign Realm

Combat Prowess: 1st level of the True God Realm

Laws: Lightning (Perfect), Light (High), Darkness (High)

Body Physique: Profound God Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: Primordial God Arts, Great Way of the Buddha (12th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Killer Instinct, Danger Sense, Domain, Instant Godly Regeneration, Godlike Defense {New}, Weapon Mastery (Peak level Grandmaster), Martial Arts Mastery (Low-level King), Movement Techniques Mastery (Mid-level King), Soul Mastery (High-level King), Blacksmith (Low-level Emperor), Cooking Mastery (Mid-level Emperor), Light Mastery (Peak-level Emperor) {New}, Darkness Mastery (Peak-level Emperor) {New}, Alchemy (Peak-level Emperor), Medical Mastery (Mid-level God), Healing (Peak-level God), Energy Manipulation (Perfect), Lightning Mastery (Perfect) {New},

Inventory: Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 1 condensed spear, 1 condensed saber, 1 condensed dagger, 1 condensed halberd, 1 condensed crossbow, 1 condensed longbow, 1 condensed lance, 1 condensed pike, 1 condensed quarterstaff, 39.999 Purple Profound Coins, Fire Seed of the Evil God, cooking equipment

He then saw his cultivation realm jump to the 2nd level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, he then smiled knowing that he, Qingyue, and little Bao could go to other worlds now but he still had those bloodlines to take so he didn't dare jump to the next world.

He then saw all the laws that he had comprehended and saw 3 elements there; it was Lightning, Light, and Darkness. He then noticed that he had Lightning at Perfect already while Light was at the High-level and Darkness was at the High-level.

He then noticed that his Godlike Regeneration Skill upgraded to Instant Godly Regeneration Skill and that he had a new Skill named Godly Defense. He just couldn't move his body at the moment but with his Instant Godly Regeneration Skill in a few seconds, he had healed from the terrifying injuries that he got from the black lightning.

He then remembered the Fire Seed of the Evil God and that it let the person who ate it get immunity from fire and helped the person increase their fire abilities. He then took it out and swallowed the seed.


[Congratulations host for digesting the Fire Seed of the Evil God. The host has gained the law of Fire and a 100% increase to the fire element.]

"System, let me look at all the laws that I've comprehended for a movement."


[Laws: Lightning (Perfect), Fire (Perfect), Earth (Peak), Light (High), Darkness (High), Water (Mid), Wind (Mid)]


{New!} [Skills: Fire Mastery (Perfect), Earth Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Water Mastery (Peak-level Grandmaster), Wind (Peak-level Grandmaster)]

"WHHHHAAAATTTT!?!?!?!? When did I get all those other laws!?!?"


[It has always been with the host. The host must understand the law of water focuses on control. The law of the earth focuses on defense. The law of wind focuses on speed. Lastly, the law of fire represents Nirvana, Destruction, and Purification but due to the host eating the Fire Seed of the Evil God, the host has fully comprehended the fire law.]

Xia Lin finally turned tired after receiving all the shocking news and the tiring event that had just transpired to him. He then saw something shiny in the cave and went inside. He noticed that the shiny thing was a spatial ring, he then picked it up and sent his Profound Energy into it.

While he was inserting his Profound Energy in the spatial ring, he imagined the room he, Xia Qingyue, and Xia Bao were staying in. What he didn't notice was that he was overloading the spatial ring while he was daydreaming over his family.

The next thing he knew, he was already in the said room he was imagining about and noticed Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao on the bed sleeping. It seems that Xia Qingyue was crying before going to sleep.

He then walked over to them and crawled inside the covers, he then spooned Xia Qingyue over to him. Feeling the warmth that Xia Lin was releasing, Xia Qingyue then cuddled closer to him. After a few seconds, Xia Lin immediately fell asleep due to the tiredness that he was feeling. What he didn't hear before going to sleep was;


[Congratulations host for comprehending the law of space.]

{New} [Laws: Space (Low)]

{New} [Skills: Space Mastery (Peak-level Beginner)]