Yun Che's Arrival and Banquet

When Xia Lin woke up, he felt that his robes were wet. He then looked at the culprit who made his robes wet and saw Xia Qingyue crying on top of him. He noticed that Xia Bao wasn't in the room so he got worried, he then tried to sense him and sensed him with Xia Yuanba.

Knowing that Xia Bao was alright and that Xia Qingyue wasn't crying because of him, he then focused all his attention on her and was going to start asking her questions. But before he could ask her anything, he heard;

{Hey dumbass, she's crying because she was worried about your crazy ass that went through all those fucking lightning two weeks ago.}

'Oh. Ohhhhhhhh, I see. Thanks for the heads up, Cheng Long.'

{No problem and that date you always wanted me to remind about? You know, the banquet? Well, it's today. Just wanted to give you a heads up.}

'What!? I thought it would be two weeks from!?!? Damn it. How do I get that flashy chicken's leftover spirit now? In four days Yun Che and Cang Yue will arrive in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range!'


[The system would like to remind the host that you can buy bloodlines in the system's store.]

When Xia Lin heard the system's words, he then thought, 'Why didn't I think of that?'

{Xia Lin, I don't think it's a good idea to think about the "flashy chicken's" leftover spirit right now.}

Hearing Cheng Long's worried voice, Xia Lin then asked in a confused voice, 'Why?'

{BECAUSE!! Xia Qingyue looks like she will murder you if you keep ignoring her.}

When Xia Lin finally stopped daydreaming or talking to Cheng Long and the system, he saw Xia Qingyue on top of him giving him the angriest look that he has seen on her face right at that moment.

He then gave her a sheepish smile and awkwardly say, "Heeeeyyyy?"

Xia Qingyue then gave an angry roar and attacked him. *SLAP!* *PUNCH!* *SLAP!* *SLAP!* *SLAP!* *PUNCH!* Feeling satisfied with Xia Lin's bruised look, she smiled at her work. But before she could even savor the moment, Xia Lin's bruises healed itself in seconds.

Knowing that she couldn't leave any permanent or even a long temporary mark on him, Xia QIngyue just sighed and then give Xia Lin her angriest glare. She then said while crying but still giving him her angriest look;


She was angrily shouting the first three lines of her ranting but when she was in the last part of her rant, she started crying profusely and loudly. Seeing her like this, Xia Lin couldn't help but feel guilty. He wanted to say something to her but it seems that she wasn't done ranting. She continued;

"I was so happy to know that you returned in the night but when you didn't wake up, I was so worried!! You didn't know how heartbroken I was to explain to little Bao why you weren't waking up! When you didn't wake up the next morning, I thought that you died! But I knew you were still alive because you were still breathing. For the following days that you weren't waking up, the only thing that I could have told to little Bao was that you were just very tired from your trip and that you were fine. BUT I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IF YOU WERE FINE OR NOT!!"

After that, she just broke down and cried on Xia Lin's chest. Xia Lin just stroked her head and kept saying 'I'm sorry', 'I'm not going anywhere', and 'I'm here now'. But it seems that it wasn't even working and after a while of crying, Xia Qingyue fell asleep on him.

He just laid there with Xia Qingyue on his chest. Staying with her so that when she wakes up, she knows that he was still with her and that he was okay. After a couple of minutes, Xia Yuanba and Xia Bao arrived in the room.

When they entered the room, Xia Yuanba and Xia Bao saw that Xia Lin was awake and he was waving at them. Seeing him awake, Xia Yuanba and Xia Bao then shouted, "Big brother!/Papa!".

Xia Yuanba who was carrying Xia Bao immediately ran over to his brother when he saw Xia Bao excitedly gestured for him to go to Xia Lin. He then handed Xia Bao to his father and smiled at the Xia Lin who was beaming when he held his son.

He then left the room to give them their privacy and then proceeded to roam around the Palace to clear his boredom.

When Xia Yuanba left the room, Xia Lin was already beginning to tell his son of his experience with the heavenly tribulation. What he didn't know was that Xia Qinguyue was also listening to his story, already being awake due to Xia Yuanba and Xia Bao's shout earlier.

When he was at the part where he was making fun of the heavens, Xia Qingyue then punched him in the head with all of her strength. Feeling a sharp pain on his head, Xia Lin looked at the culprit who punched him and saw an angry Xia Qingyue.

Feeling that he was in danger, he then slowly stood up while still carrying the confused baby in his hands. Not noticing that he was secretly finding a way to escape, Xia Qingyue then said, "So that's why there were so many lightning bolts in your tribulation!"

Feeling the imminent disaster that was going to happen to him if he still stayed in the room, Xia Lin then bolted out of the bedroom with Xia Bao still in his arms. Seeing Xia Lin run away from her, she then had a cold and terrifying aura surrounding her. She then immediately followed her running husband and formed an ice sword that was made from her Profound Energy.

Sensing that the danger was closing in on them, Xia Lin then saw a walking Xia Yuanba and a wimpy looking man or a very skinny woman with him. He then proceeded to hide behind the confused Xia Yuanba and the incredulous looking person.

When they saw him and the child he was holding peeking their head out looking at a certain direction, they too looked at what they were running away from. They then saw a very terrifying but beautiful woman coming in their direction, she was quickly approaching them with her ice-cold aura with an ice sword pointing towards them.

She then stopped in front of the four and said in a cold voice, "Hello there Yuanba. I know that you don't want any part of this, so can you please hand over my cowardly husband to me?"

Ignoring the person that Xia Yuanba was with, she continued to glare at Xia Lin who was still hiding behind Xia Yuanba. While all this was happening, Xia Bao was enjoying the funny things that were happening to his father.

Hearing Xia Qingyue's request, Xia Lin then had a terrified look on his face and said in a scared voice, "NO!! Xia Yuanba, don't you dare betray me!!"

While this was happening to the four, the person who was with Xia Yuanba was having a conversation in him.

/Yun Che, don't you dare offend those two,/ this was said by a woman's voice in the now identified Yun Che's head.

'But why!? That woman in front of us was supposed to be my wife! And this bastard is the one to steal her from me!! So why do you think I don't want to beat this shit up, Jasmine!?' Yun Che asked in a furious tone of voice.

/Because, even if I had my body, I couldn't dream of defeating that big man that is hiding behind you guys. That man's power feels like he had already reached the Divine Sovereign Realm! I think it was him causing that inconceivably large heavenly tribulation. And with all those red lightning and black lightning raining down on him when he was at the Peak of Divine Tribulation Realm, it's impossible to stay alive but here he is! Already at the Divine Sovereign Realm! So don't go and offend him./

'Fuck! How is he so overpowered!??! Damn it!!!! Okay, I understand. But why do you don't want me to offend Xia Qingyue?? I think she was just at the True Profound Realm when I met you.'

/What!? Impossible! It should be impossible if what you're saying is the truth!/


/Because of that woman's cultivation realm right at this moment!! She is already at the 7th level at the Divine Origin Realm!!/

'WHHHHATTTTT!?!?! How can this be!? Was it the work of that bastard!?!?'

/Possibly, I'm not so sure./


While this was happening inside Yun Che's head, Xia Lin was already caught by Xia Qingyue and had his twisted ear in her head while Xia Bao was being carried by Xia Yuanba. He then ignored the pain that was creeping in his ear and looked at the person Xia Yuanba was with and noticed that his face was showing the emotion of rage.

He then thought of the words Cheng Long had said to him earlier in the day and remembered that it was the day that the banquet was happening. He realized that this must be the famous Xiao Che or now known as Yun Che. But before he could go and introduce himself as Xia Qingyue's husband, he heard the system say;


[Host, the system has detected another system in the person that you are looking at. This person must have reincarnated like you with a system. The system has hidden its presence from the other system so that 'Yun Che' will not know that you are from another world too.]

'Wow, that just happened. So that's why Samael wanted to change the plotline before this guy could reincarnate. Hahaha, I think it was just for this priceless reaction that he is showing! Damn! I want to change the plotline a little more hahaha,' Xia Lin thought as he removed the thought of buying bloodlines just so he could see this "Yun Che's" reaction of not having those bloodlines.

Seeing Xia Lin's cruel-looking face, she then turned towards the direction he was looking at and saw Xiao Che. She then released Xia Lin's ear from her grasp and said, "Oh hello Xiao Che. It's good to see you again, Xia Yuanba has been missing you for a while now."

Hearing that Xia Qingyue was talking to him, he then postponed his ranting in the unfairness of the world to him later and said, "Ah hello Xia Qingyue. It's not Xiao Che anymore, it's Yun Che now. I've cut all ties with the Xiao family except with little aunt and grandpa."

She just gave him a brief nod and then turned to her husband who was still nursing his healed ear and elbowed his side and then said, "Don't be rude, introduce yourself."

Feeling Xia Qingyue elbow him, he then nursed the place where she elbowed and then turned to Yun Che when he heard what she said. He then literally looked down at "Yun Che" said to him, "Hello there. My name is Xia Lin, the husband of this lovely woman here and the father of the baby over there." After saying that, he then pointed at Xia Bao who was waving at Yun Che.

Xia Bao then went on to introduce himself and said, "Hi!! I'm Xia Bao!! I'm 3 years old and Mama and Papa are over there!" He then pointed at Xia Qingyue and Xia Lin who were smiling at him.

Hearing all this, Yun Che couldn't help but give a disbelieving look and looked at the couple and the child back and forth. He could see the resemblance between the baby and the two adults looking 'teens'. He then asked with an incredulous look, "How the hell did that happen?"

Xia Qingyue just gave him a cold look and said, "Something happened to us in the couple of months that you didn't see me. We'll be going now, I still have to teach my husband a lesson."

She then proceeded to drag Xia Lin towards their room. Xia Lin could be heard shouting the lines; 'Help me!', 'Yuanba take care of little Bao for me!', 'Honey please let me go!'

Yun Che then thought, 'I think I don't want her as one of my harem members anymore. She looks like she will dominant me and not the other way around. What did that Xia Lin guy do to her to make her like that?'

Xia Yuanba had a sweatdrop on his face while Xia Bao looked happy and said, "Papa's funny hahaha."

Xia Yuanba then remembered something important, he then ran up to catch them while still holding the laughing in his arms. He then shouted, "Big brother!! Big sister!! The banquets happening right now!! Please come back!! Sikong Han's already waiting for you two!!"

Seeing that he was left behind, Yun Che couldn't help but think, 'Am I really not the main character in this world? Was I had by that stupid god? FUCK!!' He then proceeded to start looking for the Main Hall of the New Moon Profound Palace.

When Xia Yuanba and Xia Bao arrived in front of the door of the bedroom of Xia Qingyue and Xia Lin, they heard the sound; *SLAP*, "Ouch!!", *PUNCH*, "Honey please stop it!!". Xia Yuanba couldn't help but be scared of entering the room and speak to them.

But he was saved from all that because of Xia Bao shouting, "Mama! Papa! Grandpa Han is waiting! Hurry up and come out!" Xia Yuanba then looked at his nephew like he was his savior. After a while, the sounds coming from the room stopped and Xia Qingyue and Xia Lin soon walked out of the room.

Xia Qingyue looked like she was satisfied with what she has done while Xia Lin looked like he was very haggard from all that was done to him. It was very weird for Xia Yuanba to witness a very large man being dragged by a woman that was just a third of the size of the man she was dragging.

Xia Bao then stretched his hands towards his mother wishing to be picked up. Xia Qingyue happily picked him up and then walked towards the Main Hall when she was carrying him. Xia Lin just grumpily followed them while Xia Yuanba had an amused look on his face when he was following them.

When they arrived in front of the hall, they saw that there were quite a number of people inside the hall already. When they entered the hall, Sikong Han immediately recognized them and shouted, "Xia Qingyue, Xia Lin, Xia Yuanba, and little Bao! I've prepared seats for you guys! Come!"

The Xia family gave him a smile and walked over to him. When they were walking over to Sikong Han, the people around them were chattering over them. They just ignored the chattering and went straight to Sikong Han.

When the men drooled over Xia Qingyue, Xia Lin's haggard look disappeared and it then turned into a terrifying image. He then stood straight showing the people his large body and he had a bone-chilling aura surrounding him. He then gave them a cold glare with a trace of killing intent in it, he then gave them a cruel smile while pounding his right fist into his open left hand.

Seeing his terrifying look, the men that were drooling over Xia Qingyue looked else with sweat appearing on their body. Watching them looking elsewhere, Xia Lin gave a satisfied smile. Xia Yuanba had a sweatdrop on his head while looking at his brother releasing a terrifying aura to scare the drooling men.

When they arrived in front of Sikong Han, they then changed pleasantries and proceeded to sit down on the sits that were reserved for them. They noticed that Yun Che was sitting beside them, so Xia Qingyue and Xia Lin just nodded at him as a greeting while Xia Yuanba and Xia Bao enthusiastically talked with him.

After a few minutes of waiting, many people from various different sects had arrived. They were; Iron Spear Clan, Cloudy Sun sect, Profound Heart sect, Seven Deadly Sword Pavillion, Stormy Profound Palace, Burning Heaven Clan, and the Xiao sect branch.

There were many big shots from different sects that have arrived in the Palace that the disciples were getting nervous. Xia Qingyue and Xia Lin couldn't give a fuck on these small fries while Xia Yuanba was getting very nervous. Xia Lin's previous purpose in coming here was to woo Cang Yue but he couldn't give a damn about here now. He just wanted to see Yun Che fight the arrogant young masters.

After a while, Xia Lin heard a voice shout in the hall and what he heard was this,

"Today is the first day of my appointment and I'm honored to receive so many important guests. A toast to everyone!"

After that, he tuned out everything that was being said and just ate in peace. It was already a few minutes since the toast was made and the atmosphere in the hall turned quite awkward. But Xia Lin was just ignoring that, all he wanted to right now was to lean his head on Xia Qingyue's shoulder.

Looking over at Xia Qingyue, he noticed her giving everyone that wasn't beside her a cold glare. He couldn't help but chuckle at her antics and just leaned his head on her shoulder.

Feeling his head on her shoulder, Xia Qingyue gave him a confused look and said, "What do you think you're doing? We are in the middle of a banquet and you want to lean on my shoulders?"

Xia Lin then looked at her and said, "It's your fault for hurting me earlier. I want to lean on the shoulders of my wife, is that too much to ask? And if anyone who dares say otherwise, I would just kill them."

Xia Qingyue then rolled her eyes and let him do what he wants. She then proceeded to like at all the young master's that were drooling over her with a cold glare. Seeing that they didn't budge, she then took Xia Bao from Xia Yuanba's hands and had him sit on her lap. The baby just looked confused at her actions and let it be.

Xia Lin didn't give a fuck on what's happening towards his surroundings as you could see that he was already sleeping while leaning on his wife's shoulder.

After a while, the sects were already discussing for their disciples to have a friendly spar. The Palace Chief was pressured into letting the disciples of the various sects for a spar so he could only do one thing, agree.

Seeing that the Palace Chief of the New Moon Profound Palace was not disagreeing to their proposition, the Profound Heart sect then had a disciple to come to the middle of the hall

Xia Lin then woke up and opened his right eye and thought, 'This is going to get interesting.'