Spar and Phoenix Bloodline

The first person to come on stage or to the middle of the hall was Xuan Yu. He had a girly face and his reddish hair was tied into a bun. His body build was okay but when he stepped on 'stage', he had a really fake smile on his face.

After a while, Xuan Yu started looking impatient and voluntarily looked for someone to fight with. But someone named Li Hao from Class One stepped up and took him on. This Li Hao guy had his brown colored hair tied into a bun too but he had a bigger body build than Xuan Yu. Xia Lin couldn't clearly see his face so it was pretty much just blank to him.

After Xuan Yu finished talking, Li Hao's right hand turned ablaze with orange fire and immediately went to Xuan Yu to punch him. But Xuan Yu just raised his right and it too turned aflame with purple fire and let Li Hao hit it.

When Li Hao punched Xuan Yu's palm, his wrist got dislocated and turned to retreat to a distance. But what he didn't expect was that Xuan Yu to be faster than him, Xuan Yu then said something that Xia Lin didn't deem as important and ignore it. After talking to Li Hao, Xuan Yu then punched him in the stomach area and sent him flying.

After the fight had ended, Xia Lin just tuned out his gibberish talking and waited for the next fight to happen. After a while, Xuan Yu picked somebody from their area and it seems to him that Xia Yuanba got picked.

But Xuan Yu just shook his head when Xia Yuanba asked if he meant him. He then pointed once again and said, "I want to fight that big man by your side. The one that's leaning on the beautiful woman's shoulder."

Hearing that it was him that got picked, Xia Lin just sized Xuan Yu up and laughed extravagantly. He then said, "Kid, do you really want to fight me?"

Xuan Yu then answered back, "Of course! What do you think of me as? A coward? Like your fellow disciple?"

Xia Lin, Xia Qingyue, Xia Yuanba, Yun Che, Palace Chief Qin Wuyou, and Great Elder Sikong Han laughed at his words. But before he went towards the middle of the hall. He then turned to his excited looking son and said, "Little Bao, daddy's going to beat up that little man for a few seconds okay?"

Xia Bao then gave him an enthusiastic reply of, "Okay Papa!"

Xia Qingyue then turned to her husband and said with amusement in her voice, "Just give the kid another chance Lin."

Xia Lin laughed at her words and nodded before jumping to the middle of the hall. He then looked at Xuan Yu with a prideful look and said, "I'll fully introduce myself so you can change your mind if you really want to fight me."

Xuan Yu looked back at him with arrogance and then said, "Let me hear it then. After that, I'll beat you up in front of your son and take your wife before your very eyes."

Hearing his words, Xia Lin's demeanor changed and turned cold. He then released his terrifying aura and mixed it with killing intent and then said in a cold voice, "Kid, you're really going to regret what you just said. I'll introduce myself before beating the arrogance out of you, not even your Profound Heart sect can help you now. I am Xia Lin, 373 years old, New Moon Profound Palace's Elder."

Feeling Xia Lin's killing intent and bone-chilling aura, Xuan Yu was already frozen from fear. When he heard Xia Lin's introduction, he then turned even more afraid and started shivering. He wanted to say something, to apologize or something but he can't make any sound out of his mouth. When he saw Xia Lin coming towards him, he felt so much regret in his heart that he wanted to go back to the past and beat his past self up before he could say anything to Xia Lin.

Xuan Yu wasn't the only one to get shocked by Xia Lin's words. The crowd was also shocked thoroughly by his words. They didn't expect that teenager looking buff man was an old monster! Xia Yuanba was even more shocked, he then thought, 'So this must be the reason why they have little Bao.' The disciples from New Moon Profound Palace was even more shocked, they didn't know that they had another elder!!

While the others were just shocked, the people from the Profound Heart sect were shocked and in regret. If they knew that the one Xuan Yu was going to antagonize was an old monster, then it would be them that was going to beat him up! But before they could even try apologizing to him, Xia Lin was already in front of Xuan Yu.

When Xia Lin arrived in front of Xuan Yu, he then grabbed his neck and raised him like one would do when they held a dead chicken. He then raised his free hand and slapped him a dozen times. When he was done, Xuan Yu's face had very large bruises and his head was overflowing with blood.,

He then threw Xuan Yu to the direction of the people from the Profound Heart sect and gave them a scoff. He looked at the crowd and released his Profound Strength while saying, "WHO DARES TRY AND BEAT ME IN FRONT OF MY SON AND STEAL MY WIFE!?!?"

He knew that he would be in big trouble if he focused his Profound Strength on his allies so he didn't include the people in the New Moon Profound Palace and the Iron Spear Clan from the pressure of his Profound Strength.

The people from the other sects were stuck on the ground and kept saying to him, "No one!" Hearing their words, he then hid his Profound Strength and walked back to Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao with a magnificent aura surrounding him, deeply engraving a powerful image inside of their heads.

When he arrived in front of Xia Qingyue, he then smiled cruelly and grabbed the back of Yun Che's clothes and threw him in the middle of the hall, and then said to the people, "This kid will be the next person to fight your other disciples. When he is defeated then can he be replaced."

He then turned to his wife and said, "We're leaving. I have something to do in the following days." He then slung his hand over Xia Qingyue and proceeded to go out of the hall leaving a dumbfounded crowd on what just happened.

When they were going back to their bedroom, Xia Bao suddenly fell asleep on the way. When they arrived in front of their bedroom door, Xia Lin suddenly stopped walking. Seeing that Xia Lin stopped, Xia Qingyue looked at him with a confused look.

He then sighed and told her that he was going somewhere important and that he will be back after a week. Xia Qingyue was shocked at his sudden decision and tried to talk him out of it. He just told her that what he was doing was very important and promised to her that he will not get hurt.

She just sighed at him and agreed, knowing that nothing on this planet could possibly hurt him. Seeing that Xia Qingyur gave him the go signal, Xia Lin immediately gave her a tender kiss and sped out of the Palace.

Looking at Xia Lin running in the distance, she smiled at his antics and went inside the bedroom to tuck Xia Bao in.

Xia Lin could be seen running in the direction of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. He then suddenly stopped and facepalmed while thinking, 'Damn it, I forgot I could fly. Why do I always forget about such important things?' After thinking that, he then jumped and proceeded to fly in the direction of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

When he arrived at the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, he sensed thousand upon thousands of Profound Beasts in the Mountain Range and only around a hundred humans in it. He then went towards the nearest human and knocked him out.

He noticed the person he knocked out was in the 2nd level of the Spirit Profound Realm. He then formed a rope made out of his Profound Energy and tied him up to a tree. When the hostage woke, he tried everything on him to manipulate his mind.

The last thing he didn't try was using his soul mastery skill and what little knowledge he had on the spirit mastery techniques. After a few tries, it worked! But it seemed to only work on a person that has a weaker soul and spirit than him.


{New} [Skill: Mind Manipulation (Peak-level Master), Spirit Mastery (High-level Practitioner)]

He smiled at the new skill that he had relentlessly worked on and manipulated the mind of the Spirit Realm cultivator to think that he was just sleeping. He then dispersed his Profound Energy and went on to find another cultivator.

After manipulating the minds of a dozen people, the rank of his skills got up and it ranks were; Soul Master (Mid-level Emperor), Spirit Mastery (Mid-level Emperor), Mind Manipulation (Peak-level King).

Feeling that he had accomplished something, he then went to the place where the Phoenix Guardian Clan was staying. He remembered that he only has a few days before Xia Qingyue would start worrying over him, he then immediately dashed towards the village.

After a few seconds of running, he saw small huts in the middle of the forest so it must be the right place because he didn't remember any other clans staying in the forest. He then jumped very high and landed in the middle of the huts. He then started to look around to seem like he was lost.

Many people were already gathering around him, they were looking at him with curiosity in their eyes. Then one of the elders asked, "Lord, what reason do you have to come to this small village of ours?"

Xia Lin gave them a kind look and said, "I have received news of your curse and I want to treat you all. But in order for me to treat you, I have to meet the person or spirit who gave you that curse."

Hearing his words, the people were happy that someone was trying to lift their curse and speak to the Phoenix spirit itself just to cure them. But they couldn't help but also be cautious due to them not giving anyone the knowledge of them being cursed. The elder that spoke earlier asked, "My lord, how did you come by of this kind of information? We did not tell anyone else of this matter."

Xia Lin just kept his kind look and said, "I have sent many of my subordinates to scout for the Phoenix spirit and one of them found you people. He said that he had observed you all for a couple of weeks and heard one of you mention a phoenix and a curse. After receiving this information, I then rushed here to meet the lot of you."

Xia Lin then thought, 'I feel bad for lying to these people. But I can't just tell them that I received this information from a novel.'

Hearing his words, the people from the Phoenix Guardian Clan were shocked they were spied on and that his words seem to be genuine and that he was really trying to help them. He still had different motives but one of them was still helping them! The elder then said, "I thank you from the bottom of my heart, my lord! The location of the Phoenix Ruins is..."

Hearing the elder say the location, Xia Lin gave them a warm smile and bowed while saying, "Thank you very much elder. And thank you, everyone, for your warm welcome and hospitality." After saying that, he then flew towards the location that the elder had told him.

Seeing him leave, the other people just gave the elder a curious look and asked why he said it. He then explained to them that he seems to really want to help them and that he was very kind while he was here.

After a few dozen seconds, Xia Lin had arrived in from of the Phoenix Ruins and focused on the huge Sigil on the wall of the cave. He knew that the Sigil can lead him somewhere if he gave it a little of his blood, so he did just that. The Sigil then glowed and when he gets nearer to it, it seems that it leads to somewhere. He then entered the glowing Sigil and was blinded by the lights.

When he opened his eyes, he saw an unnaturally spacious stone chamber. He then remembered that there must be very long stone stairs at the side of the chamber and saw it. He saw a red-colored seal formation at the end of the hall. He suddenly remembered that the only reason why the formation opened for Ryusuke Uchiha was due to his Primordial Chao Veins. He thought, 'Damn if I hadn't had the improved version of his mysterious veins then I could actually have gotten hurt.'

He then looked around for the Blood Colored Stele that he was talking about and stopped. He remembered that in Mesa Uchiha's point of view it was a boulder before meeting the flashy chicken but in Ryusuke's it was a Blood Colored Stele. He was very confused about how this came to be but he just followed what Ryusuke had done, he then gave the seal at the end of the room a drop of his blood and entered it.

After entering the seal, all he could see now was black. He just waited there for an hour and still saw nothing. He didn't see any giant fucking golden eyes and he most definitely didn't see any flaming ass chicken for the whole hour he has been waiting!

2 hours

3 hours

4 fucking hours!

When his patience was wearing thin and he was ready to blow the place up, the motherfucking phoenix showed up! Well, it was only its eyes that were showing but it still counts. When he wanted to start his rant, the bird interrupted him!

[[I admire your patience to wait for me human. I welcome you to my Trial Grounds. I am the immortal soul that was left here by the Phoenix to preserve this Trial Grounds and to receive all the challengers that come here.]]

"So you're the fucking spirit that had the gall to leave me waiting here! Do you know how long I waited for you!? 4 hours!! 4 FUCKING HOURS!!! HOW DARE YOU!?!?!?"

[[Please understand that you are not the only challenger that I have.]]


[[Would you like to take the trial right away?]]


[[The trial has three stages, these are; the first stage: Purgatory Flame Demon, the second stage: Arrows of the Phoenix, the third stage: Corruption of the Heart's Flame. If you wish to forfeit during the trial, you may shout out at any time and I'll immediately let you leave the trial grounds. You may die if you forcibly endure the trial...I wish you luck.]]

After saying those words, the eyes of the Phoenix disappeared leaving the angry and shocked Xia Lin in the darkness. The surrounding darkness then disappeared and was replaced by a world full of magma and volcanoes. He could see the volcanoes in the distance and the field was covered in magma. The cloud then reminded him of his heavenly tribulation due to all the lightning flaring up.

He then saw a magma lake in the distance and immediately ran up to it but still stayed a safe distance away from it. After a while, the lava lake suddenly erupted and out came a giant figure completely made of lava. The giant was 33 meters tall with two 10 meter-tall horns on its head.




Known Name: Purgatory Fire Demon

Cultivation: 10th level of the Earth Profound Realm

Seeing that the demon was very, very, very, weak compared to him, Xia Lin rolled his eyes and made a sword made out of Profound Energy with the law of darkness in it and slashed it towards the weak demon. After the slash hit the Purgatory Fire Demon, it started to collapse and its flames extinguished and its body disintegrated.

His surroundings then started distorting and when he came to be, his surroundings turned into a vast expense of flat, scorching wasteland. Xia Lin couldn't understand why he had to change environments just for the next stages.

[[Second stage for the trial: Arrows of the Phoenix]]

He noticed that the sky was scarlet in color and that it had many, many, many red dots in it. He then heard an irritating screech and noticed that there was a flaming bird in the sky flying. When the flashy chicken's screech was done, the red dots in the sky then gained shape and looking like it were mini flashy chickens. They then started to fall towards him like they were falling meteors and it was getting larger by the second.

Seeing that he has the Primordial God Veins, he wasn't very worried about the mini flashy chickens and just let it rain down on him. Seeing that the fire just made him stronger and wasn't hurting him, he just laid down on the ground and spread his arms.

After the second trial had passed, Xia Lin's cultivation realm had increased to the 3rd level of the Divine Sovereign Realm. He laughed at the help the second trial had given him and stood up and waited for the spirit's annoying voice. He then heard;

[[Third stage of the trial: Corruption of the Heart's Flame]]

After he heard the spirit say that, he saw a memory of his past life. He saw himself as a child being bullied and remembered all the things that had happened to him.

When he was in elementary school, he was being bullied by older kids for his money due to them slightly being on the wealthy side of the spectrum. He knew that the kids that were bullying him were one of the poorest kids in school so he just let them be.

When he was in middle school, he was one of the happiest kids you will know but the sad truth was that he wasn't very happy with everything that was happening to him due to not having any friends. But he always tried to help people around him and still gave them a happy and go lucky vibe just to not seem lonely.

At the beginning of high school, his parents died in a car crash. After recovering a little from his parents' death, he drowned himself in anime and novels due to not having any close friends that could cheer him up. He was already living alone at this point and he was still very helpful and friendly to other people but he was bravely fighting depression at that point.

When his exams came up, the two weeks before exams were used to teach other people who are in need of help in their studies. When he realized that there were only two days before exams, he sleeplessly studied in the night while going to school in the morning. The night before his exams was the night he had died to a cow falling on top of him.

Seeing Xia Lin's memories, the Phoenix's leftover spirit was speechless. Xia Lin didn't look he was the epitome of kindness like the one from his memories. He seemed rude and unfriendly to her. But she couldn't do anything wrong because he passed the test.

She just sighed and then gave Xia Lin some of her Soul Essence, Origin Energy, 3 drops of her blood, and 3 Divine Phoenix Pellet while showing the 5th and 6th stages of the World Ode of the Phoenix and left him be. Feeling the Soul Essence, the Origin Energy, and the blood from the Phoenix coursing in his body made his cultivation level jump.

6th level of the Divine Sovereign Realm

His skills then jumped in ranks; Soul Mastery (Peak-level Emperor), Spirit Mastery (Peak-level Emperor)

He then turned towards the 5 items in front of him and then heard;


[Host has gained the items; Divine Phoenix Pellet (3x), 5th stage of the World Ode of the Phoenix (Temporarily), 6th stage of the World Ode of the Phoenix (Temporarily)]

Seeing the words temporary beside the item's name, Xia Lin then proceeded to tell the system to copy the 5th and 6th stages of the World Ode of the Phoenix and put it in his library. After a few minutes, he heard the system say that it was done. He then left the fragments of the World Ode of the Phoenix on the floor and started finding a way to leave.

He then remembered that he saw a notification from the system about him gaining another law and another skill and saw that it was space law that he had comprehended. He then thought long and hard on how to use that knowledge and had an idea. Why doesn't he just use the same method that used to get home from the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range to his bedroom but without the Spatial Ring.

He then proceeded to use what little knowledge he had about the space law and used it to teleport back to the bedroom that Xia Qingyue, Xia Bao, and he were staying at. After noticing that he was back in the bedroom already, he then proceeded to crawl inside the covers and spoon the person that was in the bed towards him.

After that, he fell asleep not noticing the message that the system was giving him again. What the message said was;


[Law: Space (Mid)]

[Skills: Space Mastery (Low-level Grandmaster)]

[I would like to remind the host that you are not inside your room but in somebody else's. You are still in the New Moon Profound Palace but you are in another person's room and the person you are holding is not your wife.]