Bullying the Xiao Sect Branch

When Xia Lin woke up, he saw Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao looking at him with expectant looks. He sighed and sit up and asked them in a tired voice, "What?"

Xia Qingyue looked at him with a raised eyebrow and said, "Last night you said that you will tell us what happened to you yesterday. So, go on. Tell us."

Xia Bao excitedly said, "Yeah Papa! Tell us what happened! I wanna know!"

He looked at their expectant faces and sighed. He then told them what happened yesterday and they were very shocked at what he said, Xia Qingyue more so than Xia Bao.

Xia Bao then jumped on Xia Lin and said with excitement in his voice, "Papa! Let's go back to our house and let us look at our dragon form! I wanna see and ride your dragon body!"

Xia Qingyue then said, "I wanna see your dragon form too, Lin."

He looked at the two and laid back down and stretched his arms, "Come here." The two immediately rushed into his embrace and waited for him to send them back to the Training Chamber. What they didn't expect was for Xia Lin to just hug them and fall back asleep.

Xia Bao was very angry at this point as he kept jumping on him and telling him to wake up and take them back home. Xia Qingyue couldn't believe Xia Lin and twisted his ear in her anger. But to her surprise, Xia Lin kept sleeping and he even let out a snore. Suddenly, Xia Lin's sleeping body disappeared in front of their eyes, leaving them very astonished.

He suddenly didn't hear his wife's nagging and his son's angry shouts so he did the only thing he could have done in that situation, open his eyes, and investigate.

He looked around and saw that he was in an open field and was surrounded by mountains, rivers, and trees. He looked up and saw the blue sky and nine floating orbs in it. Looking closer, he noticed that they had words written on them. They were; water, wind, earth, fire, lightning, life, death, time, and space.

After seeing the words life and death written on one of the orbs, he then tried to sense around and located several living beings a few kilometers away from him. He continued to look around but remembered that he was supposed to be with his wife and son right now.

Feeling kind of lost, he just asked the system where he was and how to go back. It then answered;


[Host is in his inner world that he made subconsciously while he was asleep. The host could just go back by thinking of wanting to get out.]

Xia Lin was very surprised at this predicament as he didn't expect to make something this big while asleep!


[Host has now entered the realm of the Creation Gods and is now available to travel to other worlds now.]

Now, Xia Lin as very, very surprised! He didn't expect that he would make a breakthrough by just making an inner world! He then remembered that he was supposed to be with his wife and son right now. He immediately thought of going outside and suddenly saw Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao in front of him.

Xia Qingyue then shouted at him, "Where did you go?! Your sleeping body suddenly disappeared for half a second and the next thing I know, you were already standing in front of us!" Xia Bao then nodded his head at her words and gave Xia Lin the cutest glare that he had seen in his two lives.

Xia Lin just gave her a sheepish grin and scratched his head while saying, "I, uhhhh, I think I subconsciously made my inner world while I was asleep."

Xia Lin looked surprised at this predicament while Xia Bao was looking very confused at what he had said. She then asked, "What?"

Xia Lin just continued his sheepish grin and nervously said, "I'll just show you guys." He then grabbed their hands and thought about going into his inner world and boom! There they were.

Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao then looked around in wonder as they saw the beautiful and untainted world they were in. He then sat down and used the earth and water laws to make a wooden bench for him and Xia Qingyue to sit on. He then watched Xia Bao running around in his inner world.

Seeing the wooden bench that appeared out of thin air, Xia Qingyue just sat down with a dumbfounded expression and looked at Xia Lin and asked, "How?"

Xia Lin gave her an apologizing look and said, "I have a secret that I've been hiding from you Qingyue. I just didn't know how to tell you but I guess this is a good time. I'm not really from this world or from this universe even."

Xia Qingyue then looked at her husband with confusion in her eyes and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Xia Lin then sighed and said, "Let me show you." He then used his mind manipulation on Xia Qingyue and showed her his memories. After a while, Xia Qingyue just had her head lowered and Xia Lin was getting scared by the second.

Xia Qingyue then looked at him with calmness in her eyes that scared the hell out of Xia Lin and then shouted, "So that's why you're getting stronger at a very fast rate! YOU HAVE A CHEAT LIBRARY AND A CHEAT SYSTEM!!!"

Hearing his mother shout, Xia Bao looked at their direction and ran over to them and asked, "Why was mama shouting?"

Xia Qingyue then smiled creepily at Xia Bao, that made him very, and said, "Because your father was cheating in his cultivating that made everything he did go faster and he has a cheat library and a cheat system with him too."

Xia Bao looked very confused by her words and said, "Okay!" Before running off again.

After seeing that their son was gone, Xia Qingyue then sat on the bench with her feet on the seat and hugged her knees while saying, "This is very unfair. Why is the world so unfair?"

Seeing his wife like that, Xia Lin thought hard on what to do that could make his wife happy but he heard a;


[The system suggests that the host should share the system with his wife.]

Xia Lin then thought stupidly, 'Wait, I can do that?"


[Yes host]

Xia Lin smiled and said, "Do it!" Hearing his scream, Xia Qingyue then looked at Xia Lin and wondered what he was planning now. She then heard a;


[Cultivation System is now fusing with Xia Qingyue's soul, please wait]






[Cultivation System fusing with Xia Qingyue's soul is now complete!]

Hearing those words, Xia Qingyue couldn't help but try to hug the life out of Xia Lin. She then kissed him and looked at the system's functions and what she saw was;


[Status, Inventory, Quest, Store]

She just thought of the word status and saw;



Name: Xia Qingyue

Species: Human

Title: Wife of the Primordial God Dragon

Cultivation: 7th level of the Divine Origin Realm

Combat Prowess: 5th level of the Divine Soul Realm

Body Physique: Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, Heart of Glazed Grass, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: Frozen Cloud Arts (8th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Domain, Martial Arts Mastery (High-level Grandmaster), Weapon Mastery (High-level Grandmaster), Soul Mastery (Mid-level Grandmaster), Movement Techniques Mastery (High-level Grandmaster)

Inventory: None

While this was happening to Xia Qingyue, Xia Lin looked at all the notifications that the system had given and saw;


[The side quest "Go through the Phoenix's Trial and get its bloodline" has been completed]

[Rewarding the host of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Stage of the World Ode of the Phoenix]

[The side quest "Go through the Primordial Azure Dragon's Trial and get its bloodline" has been completed]

[Rewarding the host the Cloning Skill and the Heavenly God Technique]

[The main quest "Be the strongest person in the novel Against the Gods in the next 5 years]

[Rewarding the host 10,000,000 SP and the chance to pick the next world of his choosing]

Xia Lin looked at the rewards for the side quest "Go through the Primordial Azure Dragon's Trial and get its bloodline" and was very surprised. He thought, 'How did Samael know that I wanted to go to the Tales of Demons and Gods next?' Before he could ask the system anything, he could feel Xia Qingyue's tugging of his robes.

He then looked at her and noticed her obvious look of sadness and worriedly asked, "What's wrong Qingyue? You were pretty happy just a while ago?"

She then said in a sad voice, "Am I really just a fictional character in your world? We're you just going after me because of my beauty?"

Xia Lin then looked at her as if what she said was very ridiculous, "Qingyue, please remember that I didn't court you but it was you who was trying everything just to get us to wed. And I don't care if you were just a fictional character in my world. You're very real to me now and you're my wife, I wouldn't marry a fictional character if it's the last thing I do."

Xia Qingyue then radiated a look of extreme happiness and hugged him. She was shedding a few tears and said, "I'm glad I married you, Lin. I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Xia Lin hooked his head and hugged her back and stroked her hair. They just laid there until Xia Bao was done exploring his inner world. Xia Bao then explained to them what he found in the jungle saying that he saw deers, rabbits, foxes, and all bunch of animals. Xia Lin and Xia Qingyue laughed at their son's exaggerated stories and continued to listen to his ranting.

After a while, Xia Bao felt bored and said to them that he wanted to go back outside now. Xia Lin agreed to his words and gestured for him to come over to him and had him hold his arm. When Xia Bao held his arm, they suddenly saw that they got back in their room.

Xia Bao then had Xia Qingyue to accompany him outside and started to run out of the room. Before following Xia Bao, Xia Qingyue dragged Xia Lin with her, fearing that he would run off to god knows where if he was left alone.

After a while of looking for Xia Bao, Xia Lin felt tired of just looking around so he tried sensing him and felt that he was outside of the New Moon Profound Palace. He then looked at Xia Qingyue and saw that she was also sensing where Xia Bao was. He then held her hand and teleported behind Xia Bao.

When they arrived behind Xia Bao, they saw that he was getting bullied by a disciple of the Xiao sect branch. They saw Xia Bao crying and the disciple shouting at him, this made the parents very, very angry. Xia Qingyue then grabbed Xia Bao away from the disciple and hugged the crying child. Xia Lin was walking towards the still shouting disciple, not knowing that the kid he was shouting at was gone, and grabbed his clothes, and lifted him up.

Xia Lin's face had a looked of anger in it, he then said in a voice filled with cold fury, "Who do you think you are to bully my son?"

The disciple just replied back with pride in his voice, "I'm a disciple of the strongest sect in New Moon City! I don't care who you are or that I was shouting at that child! He dared to bump into me while he was running and he deserved it!"


The disciple looked very afraid at his words and nervously said, "My lord, I didn't know that it was you. They said that you were 6'9" and had midnight-black hair and I didn't know that you changed your hair color and grew a few inches! I didn't know that he was your son, my lord! And if you kill me, my lord, then the Xiao sect will go after you."

At his words, Xia Lin was very confused and produced a rope made out of Profound Energy and looked at Xia Qingyue and asked, "Honey, what does he mean by changing my hair color and grew a few inches?"

Xia Qingyue looked at him funnily and asked, "You didn't know that your hair is white, you having blue eyes, and that you're around 3 meters tall now?"

Xia Lin looked very shocked at this moment and heard the system say that it was true and that the cause was due to his dragon form. He seemed even more confused as he didn't know what he looked like in his dragon form and decided that he will look into it later.

He then turned to the quivering disciple and walked towards him. When he arrived in front of him, he picked him up and took out his condensed saber and cut off both of his arms and said, "You tell your puny sect that I'm not scared of them and if they dare to bully my son again then I will massacre all their disciples and I will slowly torture your young master in front of the sect master while he is bounded. I dare them to send people to go after me. Because if they do then after I'm done killing the people they sent after me, I'll do the exact same thing to them if they dared to bully my son!"

After saying that, the armless disciple then scurried back to the Xiao sect branch while crying. The people around them that was looking at the spectacle that was happening, cheered on Xia Lin for teaching the disciple a lesson.

Xia Lin then went over to his son and wife and helped Xia Qingyue cheer, Xia Bao, up. His vision then turned red saw the slap mark on Xia Bao's face. He then teleported to the Xiao sect branch with Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao and saw the gates of the sect.

He then strode inside the sect with Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao in tow and slowly released his Profound Strength and his Dragon Aura that could be felt all around the Primal Chaos Dimension.

All the dragons in the Dragon God Realm bowed in respect for the new Dragon God that made itself known. The various people that were in the other Realms felt alarmed at this strong Dragon Aura that could be felt all around the Primal Chaos and thought that the Dragon God Realm produced another monster.

When the family of three were walking towards the Young Master of the Sect's direction, the disciples of the sect were slowly turning unconscious. But Xia Lin left all the people inside the room that Xiao Luocheng was in, awake. So that he can let them see what he was going to do to the Sect Master.

When they arrived in front of the door of the room they were in, Xia Lin then kicked the door down. His face had a look saying that he wanted to kill somebody. He then walked over to the group that was surrounding Xiao Luocheng. Before he had done anything, he thought, 'It seems that Yun Che was a day late in treating Xiao Luocheng.'

He stopped walking in front of them and angrily said, "Who's the Master of this puny Sect?!" He kept looking over at the people that were in front and was wondering who he was.

A shaking middle-aged man that was dressing a purple robe then stepped forward and nervously asked, "Lord Xia! To what do we owe the pleasure of you coming here? If you said anything beforehand then I could have prepared you something!"

Xia Lin just scowled at him and angrily said, "One of your disciples dared to bully and slap my son! So I'll do the same for you!" After he said that, he blurred over to him and grabbed his clothes and lifted him up, and continuously slapped him.

While Xia Lin was slapping the Sect Master, Xia Lin heard him say, "Lord! I am the Sect Master of the strongest sect in New Moon City! And you dare humiliate me in front of so many people!?!? I, Xiao Tiannan, will not forgive you! I will do everything in my power to make your life a living hell!!"

But Xia Lin just ignored the struggling Xiao Tiannan and continued to slap him into unconsciousness. He then looked at the very long-bearded middle-aged man and saw that he was in the 8th level of the True Profound Realm and grabbed him and dragged him outside the room.

Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao soon followed him and stayed silent. Xia Lin then said to the middle-aged looking man, "Oi Yun Che! Why the hell are you a day late in treating the little arrogant bastard?"

Yun Che was very shocked at getting found out and heard Jasmine say inside his mind;

/I thought you said that your disguise won't be found out? And how the hell is that guy stronger than a True God!??! Only 2 days had passed and he jumped from the Divine Sovereign Realm and turned into a Creation God!?!?/

Now Yun Che was even more shocked. He then heard from his system that the person in front of him is the strongest person in the Primal Chaos Dimension. He was sure now that what Jasmine was saying was the truth. He then said, "How did you find out? And more importantly, HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET SO STRONG!?!"

Xia Lin smiled proudly and said, "With skill!" He then felt a punch land on the back of his head and looked at Xia Qingyue who was glaring at him.

She just held her glare and said in a cold voice, "Liar."

Xia Lin then looked back at the confused Yun Che and said, "Ignore her, she doesn't know what she was saying." He felt another punch land on the back of his head but he ignored that. He then continued, "Just know that I can turn this Star upside down if I wanted to."

Yun Che then nodded at him seriously and said, "I know." He wanted to say something but he was interrupted by Xia Lin saying, "Kid, I want you to take care of Xia Yuanba. Xia Bao, Xia Qingyue, and I are leaving for a little while. So if I hear anything for Yuanba that he wasn't being treated well, then you know what happens."

Yun Che then nodded furiously and kept saying, "I will!" Xia Lin then smiled and grabbed Xia Qingyue's waist and said before teleporting away, "Then don't dilly dally here. Make sure that when you go somewhere, you take Yuanba too and make him stronger."

When Xia Lin, Xia Qingyue, and Xia Bao appeared again, they were already inside the Training Chamber.