Dragon Form and meeting Feng Xue'er

When they appeared in the Training Chamber, the first sound that was made from them was Xia Bao suddenly saying, "Papa I want to see your Dragon Form! Change now! Change now!!"

Xia Lin looked at him and said, "We'll do that tomorrow, son. Papa is really tired now, so I'll show you it to you two tomorrow." He then walked towards the direction of the only house in the Training Chamber. But before he could even take another step, Xia Qingyue had his ear in her grasp.

She had an eyebrow raised and said in a questioning tone, "Where do you think you're going? I want to see your Dragon Form too. So go on and change now." After saying that, Xia Qingyue crossed her arms while looking at him with her left eyebrow raised. Seeing his mother do that, Xia Bao followed suit and crossed his arms too and looked at Xia Lin with the said look.

He looked at the two who were crossing their arms and sighed. He thought, 'They do look cute in their postures. Let me just savor this moment for a few seconds.' He looked at them for another 10 seconds and soon changed when Xia Qingyue glared at him.

He then thought of changing into his dragon form and felt his body structure changes. After a few moments, he looked around and saw a very long white dragon tail. He thought that he was comparable to Super Shen Long right now and felt very proud.

He felt on top of the world right now and let out a happy roar. He then thought, 'I wonder what my size is in this form. Hey system, what's the measurement of my size in this dragon form?'


[The host's length is 93 billion light-years and the host's height is the same as his length. The host's size is twice the size of the host's previous universe. The system would like to add; the host's full body size is bigger than Super Shen Long by around 40 billion light-years.]

"Woooooooowwwwww, I'm that big? Damn, I'm a universe size dragon now! Hahahahaha!" He then looked at his body some more and noticed that he doesn't have any wings. He thought, 'Hey system! Why don't I have any wings?'


[Host doesn't have any wings due to being in an Eastern Dragon Form. The host can change into his Western Dragon Form and enjoy his wings.]

"What!? I have a Western Dragon Form too!?!? Wait, let me change for a second." After saying that, he then thought of changing into a reptilian lizard-like creature and felt his body structure changing again.

He then noticed that he was smaller now but he felt more destructive and had a wanting to kill. He then asked the system what was going on and he heard it say;


[Due to the Western Dragon Form being the host's embodiment of the Darkness Law while the Eastern Dragon Form being the embodiment of the host's Light Law. Do note that the system will separate the Destruction, Death, Creation, Life laws from the Light and Darkness Laws.]

He then started to fly around and flapped his wings and did a cartwheel feeling the wind on his scales. He then started to digest the system's words and thought, 'So that's why my scales are Black!' But after thinking that, he continued to do his cartwheels and fly around to feel the wind on his face.


[The cohost of the system has found a new feature of the system and is now using it]

["XIA LIN GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE OR I WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR BED PRIVILEGES!! And don't you dare think that just because you can create a bed doesn't mean that I won't destroy that bed!]

Hearing Xia Qingyue's voice, Xia Lin started to panic as he tried to change back into his human form but he heard the system say;


[The host can just minimize his dragon form so that the host can't be bothered to change from dragon to human forms all the time. Please note that you can't minimize your human form host due to it being your original form]

He then thought of his Dragon Form minimizing to that of a mountain and soon felt his body compressing down. After a while, he saw Xia Qingyue and Xia Bao tiny forms and roared happily at them.

He then heard Xia Bao excitedly say, "WOW!!! Papa, you're Dragon Form is awesome!!"

Xia Qingyue then continued, "I agree with Little Bao, Lin. Earlier we just saw a very long white body of what seemed like a dragon and after that, we just saw the sky turned black."

Xia Lin laughed at them and said, "Hahahahaha! I am now what you call as a Universal-Class Dragon!!"

Xia Bao had a look of astonishment plastered on his face and then he asked in an amazed voice, "Wow Papa! Xia Bao is happy for you! But what is a Universal-Class Dragon?"

Xia Lin proudly said, "It means that I am one of the strongest beings or even the strongest being in this Universe!" He then thought of being a human and felt his body change in its structure again. He then stood in front of them in all of his glory and smiled at them.

He then asked the system how to change how time works inside the Training Chamber and he heard;


[The host only has to will the time in the Training Chamber to his liking]

'Ohhhh. Well, then let's do this!' After trying a few times, he made the time in the Training Chamber from 1 year into a day and turned it into half a day into a day. The time in the Training Chamber is now two times slower than the time outside.

Feeling that it wasn't still enough, he then turned the time in the Training Chamber into 4 days inside will be a day outside just to be sure.

He then spent an hour with them then said his goodbyes before going outside. He thought, 'Operation: "Get Feng Xue'er" is on the get-go!'

After thinking that, Xia Lin started to fly in the direction of the Divine Phoenix Empire but suddenly stopped. He then thought, 'Wait for a fucking second!! Isn't Feng Xue'er around 13 years old right now!?'

He suddenly lost control of his Profound Energy and fell to the ground. He just laid there for a few seconds and miserably thought, 'How can I get her now if I look like a middle-aged man? This ruins all of my plans!! This sucks balls.'


[The host just has to train his Law of Time to use it to turn his body to that of a teenager]

'Oh yeah! Why can't I think of such easy things?'


[Because the host is not smart]

'Really system? Really? Just let me train in peace.' He then tried to think where he could train his Law of Time and remembered his inner world. He then thought of entering his inner world and saw that he was surrounded by the familiar world.

He then thought, 'How the hell do I train my Law of Time!? OI SYSTEM!! You didn't tell me anything about how I can train my Law of Time!'


[Host must find out by himself for him to feel smarter. The host was just complaining to the system that he was smart. So the system will not help the host out for the host to feel smart when he accomplishes to train the Law of Time to the fullest.]

"FUCK YOU SYSTEM!!! FUCK YOU!! I KNOW I'M SMART SO DON'T YOU DARE INSULT ME!!" After saying those words, he just grumbled and started to try and train the damnable Law of Time.

After a few hours, he still couldn't accomplish anything with the damned law and was very thankful that the time in his inner world runs faster than the time outside.

He just sat in front of an unbloomed flower and stared at it, admiring its beauty. He just wanted the damned thing to bloom already so that he can compare its beauty with its unbloomed form and its bloomed form. When he was feeling tired of just watching the flower, it suddenly bloomed and that gave it a nice look on its figure. But he still liked its unbloomed form.

He then stood up and started to walk away when he suddenly said, "Wait for a damn minute! Did I just bloom that fucking flower!?" He rushed back to the flower and saw that it really did bloom because of him.

After seeing that he can fast-forward the time of a flower, Xia Lin kept training it so that he can use the Law of Time to revert his body to that of a teenager. But after a while, he heard the system say;


[The host can just buy the complete bloodline of the Phoenix and merge it with his Dragon bloodline. So that when you meet with Feng Xue'er, you can be in Phoenix form and let her be amazed by you being a Phoenix.]

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! Why didn't you say any of that a few days ago!?!?!?!?!"


[Because the system wanted you to think of something good and let you feel smart about it. But it seems that the intelligence of the host was not sufficient of thinking about this so the system had to help the host out.]

"AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Xia Lin then started to rampage inside his inner world but the damage he had done doesn't seem to last long so he just stopped.

He just laid on the grass and thought, 'Even if I had that complete Phoenix bloodline, I would still be considered as a fucking lolicon! Damn it! Well, I'll just bring her to the Training Chamber and train her there for a few years so I wouldn't be considered as a lolicon.'

He then said, "System! Buy that complete bloodline of the Phoenix and mix it with my Dragon bloodline! And hurry it up!"


[Buying the host the complete bloodline of the Phoenix and is now merging it with his body.]

[Deducting 6 million SP from the host's tab.]

After hearing that, Xia Lin felt more pain in his body than when he turned into a dragon. He kept shouting and shouting due to the pain and he felt like he had gone through a few episodes in Dragon Ball right now.

When the pain left his body, he then asked the system, "Oi system! Why didn't you tell me that it hurts so much!?! And how many hours passed by already?"


[The host has been unconscious for 12 days. And if the system said anything about how painful the merging will be then you would be hesitant on buying the bloodline and merging it to your body]

Xia Lin then felt like cursing the heavens again but knew that it was a bad idea. He laid on the ground and said, "Status"



Name: Xia Lin

Species: God (Dragon 50% & Phoenix 50%)

Title: Primordial Phoenix-Dragon God

Cultivation: Creation God Realm

Combat Prowess: Unknown

Laws: Life (Perfect), Creation (Perfect), Light (Peak), Death (Perfect), Destruction (Perfect), Darkness (Peak), Space (Peak), Time (High), Lightning (Perfect), Fire (Perfect), Earth (Perfect), Wind (Peak), Water (Peak)

Body Physique: Primordial God Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body, Dragon God Body, Phoenix God Body

Techniques: Primordial God Arts, Great Way of the Buddha (12th Stage), World Ode of the Phoenix ( 5th [Low], 6th [Low])

Skills: Killer Instinct, Danger Sense, Domain, Molecular Regeneration, Unbreakable Body, Time Mastery (Peak-level Practitioner), Weapon Mastery (Peak level Grandmaster), Martial Arts Mastery (Low-level King), Movement Techniques Mastery (Mid-level King), Mind Manipulation (Peak-level King), Blacksmith (Low-level Emperor), Cooking Mastery (Mid-level Emperor), Alchemy (Peak-level Emperor), Spirit Mastery (Low-level Saint), Soul Mastery (Low-level Saint), Elemental Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Medical Mastery (Mid-level God), Healing (Peak-level God), Life Mastery (Peak-level God), Death Mastery (Peak-level God), Creation Mastery (Peak-level God), Destruction Mastery (Peak-level God), Energy Manipulation (Perfect)

Inventory: Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 1 condensed spear, 1 condensed saber, 1 condensed dagger, 1 condensed halberd, 1 condensed crossbow, 1 condensed longbow, 1 condensed lance, 1 condensed pike, 1 condensed quarterstaff, 39.999 Purple Profound Coins, cooking equipment, 3 Divine Phoenix Pellet


[Host Samael has told me to give you a message. It is now being played;]

[|Hey you Xia Lin! It's me!! Your friendly and lovable Samael! I just want to tell you that you're already approaching the Multiverse-Class being!! Congratulations!! But I'd like to warn you that many beings are watching you right now and are getting alarmed at how strong you're getting and how fast the progress is. If you're thinking of hopping worlds right now then you should know that you shouldn't show any of the prowess that you've gained in the previous universe you were in until you're a Multiverse-Class being. I won't help you in this venture anymore as you're already strong enough but I would help that hot piece of meat that you call as a wife though! Joking! But seriously Xia Lin, don't just show your Profound Strength to the people in the next world. Cultivate the energy that the world has and flex it. My message is done now! Baboosh!!]

Xia Lin smiled at Samael's attitude and couldn't help but compare it to a certain Merc with a Mouth. But he agreed with Samael's words and thought that he was getting really, really strong in so little time. He wondered how this was possible because most MCs right now would still be in the Divine Origin or even the Divine Soul Realm if they were lucky!


[The host got this strong due to the system carrying your cultivation and comprehension progress. If the host doesn't have the Cultivation System then the host would still be in the Sovereign Profound Realm due to how stupid and clueless the host is. The system is called the Cultivation System due to helping the host in cultivating and his comprehension in laws or anything related to cultivating. If the things that you are learning aren't related to cultivation then the system would not help you in comprehending it. That is why your Combat-related Skills are so low in the ranking.]

"Really!?!? Am I really that stupid!?!"


[Yes host]

["Yes Lin"]

[{You didn't know?}]

"Qingyue!! Cheng Long!! You guys were just listening to the system bullying me!?!? And what do you mean by yes, Qingyue!?! And how dare you say that to me, Cheng Long!!!" He then sat on the ground and hugged his knees while saying, "I'm not stupid," over and over again.


[The system would like to remind the host that he should try his Phoenix Form before going to the Divine Phoenix Empire]

Xia Lin immediately stood up with extreme excitement plastered on his face and said, "Okay, let's do this!!"


["Honey, you are being very weird right now"]

"Please be quiet Qingyue. I don't want anything distracting me from seeing my Phoenix Form right now." He then started to think of transforming into an eagle-like bird and felt his body structure changing once again.

He immediately noticed that he was very, very, very far from the ground in his inner world. He then started to try his new body and flapped at what he felt like his wings. He said, "Oi system! What do I look like and how large am I?"


[The host looks like an eagle but when the host flaps his wings, the wings produce a golden fire that looks quite beautiful on the host's body. The host's body-color is golden and red while the wings have many different colors in it. The host's size is around 53 thousand light-years, both length, and height. The host is still a Universal-Class being despite having a Galaxy size body.]

"Why the hell am I so big?"


[Due to the vast energy of the host, the first thing that the energy created was a body that was suitable for the host.]

"Can you just stop with the bullshit and just say that you and Samael created it like that because you guys didn't want a Universe-Class being to have a small body!?"


[.....The host's body measurement is so large because the system and Samael felt that it suited the host to have a big body for the host's air to fit in his head.]



[The system is not insulting the host due to it being below the system to do so. The system was just stating facts and not making stories.]

"Don't talk to me anymore unless what you're going to say is important."


"I said don't!!"

After his argument with the system, Xia Lin then compressed his Phoenix form and made it to around 10 meters. He then remembered that he didn't know where the Divine Phoenix Empire was and that he always followed the instructions of the system when he was going somewhere.

He knew that if he was going to be stubborn then he would get lost so he just said, "System can you give me the directions or even just a picture of the Phoenix Perching Valley?"








[Because the host ordered to the system that it should not speak to him if the thing it was just going to say is not important.]

"Well, I'm ordering you right now to show me a picture of the Phoenix Perching Valley inside my head!!"


[If the system will do that then the host's previous order will be null.]

"Just do it fast damn it!"

After saying that, he then saw a picture of a valley appear inside his head and couldn't help but admire its beauty for a few seconds. He thought that it was one of the most beautiful valleys that he had ever seen but to be fair to the other valley, he only saw a few valleys in his two lives.

He then imagined being in the valley and after arriving in a few unknown places, he finally arrived at the Phoenix Perching Valley. He thought, 'How the hell is my teleporting still not perfect!?'


[The system doesn't know...maybe the system miscalculated your comprehension in the Law of Space? But the system was sure that it should be at the Peak. Maybe the host is just too dumb to use the Law of Space correctly? Yes that must be it!]

Xia Lin was very, very speechless on what he had heard. He wasn't that dumb, right?

He just sat there in the Phoenix Perching Valley still in his Phoenix Form and sulked. He didn't realize that 2 days had already passed while he was sulking and felt a presence enter the Phoenix Perching Valley. He looked towards the direction of the person and saw one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen in his two lives.

The face of a girl that was as beautiful as a fairy that not even words can describe, snowy creamy skin, beautiful eyes that seemed to billow like blue ripples, condensed inside her dreamy, illusory pupils becoming an illusory, poetic, fairy-like dream.

She looked to only be around thirteen or fourteen, her beautiful dreamy, liquid eyes were young. In terms of appearance, she couldn't compare with Xia Qingyue, but in terms of how delicate and perfect her complexion was, even Xia Qingyue, number one fairy of Blue Wind, was inferior.

While he was admiring her, the beautiful fairy was also admiring his body. She looked at the shimmering golden and red feather and was astonished that they could glow like that. She saw Xia Lin's eyes and noticed that it was a beautiful gold color and was mesmerized by it. She then started to slowly walk towards him and when she was in front of him, she started feeling his feathers and said, "Beautiful."

Wanting to surprise her, Xia Lin said in the most proper and formal tone that he could, "Hello there little one."

Hearing his voice, the girl was very surprised at the beautiful bird talking and excitedly say, "Hello there! My name is Feng Xue'er! I didn't know that there was a beautiful bird staying here after I left for a few days. May I ask what kind of bird are you?"

Xia Lin then puffed out his chest and said, "You don't feel your bloodline resonating with me? You should already know what I am due to one of my kind giving you that bloodline of yours."

Feng Xue'er then widened her eyes and asked in even more excitement, "You're a Phoenix!?! I didn't know that Phoenix's are this beautiful! What's your name?"

Xia Lin then proudly said, "Not just any Phoenix that you can find in the Realm of the Gods, I'm a Phoenix God! Not all Phoenix's are this beautiful! And my name is Xia Lin, remember that."

Feng Xue'er then looked at him with amazement in her eyes and said, "Woooow! Then it's nice to meet you, Xia Lin!"

Xia Lin looked at her with amusement in his eyes and said, "Xue'er, I would like to use my human form when I am talking to you. May I?"

Feng Xue'er vigorously nodded her head and said, "YES!! I want to know what you look like as a human!!"

Xia Lin let out a chuckle before he changed into his human form. When he was in his human form, he smiled at her and said, "Hello there little fairy! It's nice to look at you without looking down too much now."

But to Xia Lin's surprise, Feng Xue'er didn't respond to him and just covered her face with her hands but she could still see due to her not covering her eyes. Xia Lin chuckled at her embarrassed look and asked in an amused voice, "What?"

Feng Xue'er just pointed at his body before covering her face again, but the funniest thing was that she still didn't cover her eyes. Xia Lin then looked at his body and saw that he didn't have any clothes on him and said, "Oh. Where'd my clothes go?"


[The host's clothes were burned by the host's Phoenix Fire.]

Xia Lin scratched the back of his head and nervously said, "Well, it seems little fairy that I burned my clothes and don't have anything to wear right now."