Status of the Family and Wedding

When 8 months already passed since Xia Lin arrived inside the Divine Phoenix Empire, he and Feng Xue'er noticed the growing bulge on her stomach. Feng Xue'er was crying when she found out she was pregnant and Xia Lin felt very stupid.

Feeling that everything was kinda rushed, Xia Lin then explained to Feng Xue'er that he was going to another universe and wanted to take her and their baby with him. Xia Lin then showed her his memories and felt nervous when she stayed quiet for 5 minutes.

Xia Lin then sweatdropped when he heard her complain to him that she wasn't the first wife and got sad when she knew that she was just a fictional character in his homeworld. He just sighed at her first priority and started to comfort her over the fictional character part.

Feng Xue'er then started to tell him to take him to the Training Chamber as she wanted to meet Xia Qingyue. When Xia Lin started to hesitate, Feng Xue'er got mad at him and said that she won't come with him if he was going to be like that. He shook his head and grabbed her body towards him and the next thing Feng Xue'er knew, they were already outside the house in the Training Chamber.

Feeling 2 people appear outside the house, Xia Qingyue got curious and went outside and had Xia Bao wait inside the house. When she got out, she saw Xia Lin naked with another woman in his arms. The first thing she said was, "You already have another woman and baby without consulting me? I thought you said that you need my permission if you wanted to add another woman in the family?"

Hearing her words, Xia Lin couldn't help but give her a sheepish grin and said, "I'm sorry, honey! I really, really, forgot! This will be the first and last time this will happen."

Xia Qingyue gave him a cold glare and coldly said, "It better be!" When she looked closer at the other person that was with them, she noticed that she was only 13 years old! She gave Xia Lin a furious look and angrily said, "YOU IMPREGNATED A 13 YEARS OLD GIRL!?!? WHAT KIND OF PERVERT ARE YOU!?!?"

Xia Lin turned even more sheepish and said, "Honey this really wasn't in my plan! It was so sudden and the next thing I know, I was a dad again! Please believe me! I wanted to wait until she was 16 but someone couldn't wait that long!!" After saying the last part, Xia Lin glared at Feng Xue'er who ignored him.

Feng Xue'er then introduced herself and tried to defend Xia Lin while she was at it, "Hi there Sister Qingyue! I'm Feng Xue'er and I'm from the Divine Phoenix Empire. Please don't blame Lin because it was me who forced him to do it!"

Xia Qingyue's gaze then turned soft when she spoke to Feng Xue'er, "Hello there Xue'er. I didn't quite expect this to happen so please pardon my rudeness. When the 2 of you arrived here, I thought that Lin was going to let me judge you if you were suitable to be in the family but I didn't know that you were already in the family with no other exceptions." When she said the last part, Xia QIngyue glared fiercely at Xia Lin who just gave her a meek look.

After that, the 2 girls were happily talking to each other while Xia Lin was by the side looking at them in wonder. Xia Lin thought, 'What the hell!? I didn't expect them to hit off this good!' He then asked Xia Qingyue, "Ummm, Qingyue? Do you have any clothes for me? I, uhhhhhh, burned my previous clothes when I was in my Phoenix Form."

Xia Qingyue looked surprised at his words and said, "You have a Phoenix Form too?"

Xia Lin gave her a stupid look and said, "Well I can't just appear in front of her while still a middle-aged human man! I should be one of those Phoenix's that can mesmerize the princess of the Divine Phoenix Empire!"

Feng Xue'er looked very confused on what they were talking about and asked, "What do you mean by "too" Sister Qingyue?"

After that, Xia Lin had to show Xia Qingyue his Phoenix Form and Feng Xue'er both his Dragon Forms. Both the women then left Xia Lin and talked it out a few meters away from him. While the women were talking, Xia Lin was changing the time inside the Training Chamber. The time now was 100 years inside the Chamber while 1 day will pass outside.

When 300 years passed, the baby that Xia Lin and Feng Xue'er was now a fully grown woman. Her beauty was very heaven-defying and she was very kind to them. She was 257 years old now. When she was 207 years old, the 3 parents sent her and Xia Bao in the outside world for half a day and had her come back after. Her name was Xia Meili.

While Xia Meili has heaven-defying beauty, Xia Bao's handsomeness was only second to his father. He almost looked identical to Xia Lin but had a bit of Xia Qingyue's face. He was now 210 years old.

Xia Lin, Xia Meili, Xia Bao, Xia Qingyue, and Feng Xue'er's status were;


Name: Xia Lin

Species: God (Dragon 50% & Phoenix 50%)

Title: Primordial Phoenix-Dragon God

Cultivation: Ancestor God Realm

Combat Prowess: Unknown

Laws: Life (Perfect), Creation (Perfect), Light (Peak), Death (Perfect), Destruction (Perfect), Darkness (Perfect), Space (Perfect), Time (Perfect), Lightning (Perfect), Fire (Perfect), Earth (Perfect), Wind (Perfect), Water (Perfect)

Body Physique: Primordial God Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body, Dragon God Body, Phoenix God Body

Techniques: Primordial God Arts, Great Way of the Buddha (12th Stage), World Ode of the Phoenix ( 1st [Perfect], 2nd [Perfect], 3rd [Perfect], 4th [Perfect], 5th [Perfect], 6th [Perfect], 7th [Perfect], 8th [Perfect], 9th [Perfect], 10th [Perfect]), Heavenly God Technique

Skills: Killer Instinct, Danger Sense, Domain, Molecular Regeneration, Unbreakable Body, Mind Manipulation (Peak-level King), Weapon Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Blacksmith (Peak-level Saint), Martial Arts Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Movement Techniques Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Alchemy (Peak-level Saint), Cloning Mastery (Perfect), Space-Time Mastery (Perfect), Spirit Mastery (Perfect), Soul Mastery (Perfect), Cooking Mastery (Perfect), Elemental Mastery (Perfect), Medical Mastery (Perfect), Healing (Perfect), Life Mastery (Perfect), Death Mastery (Perfect), Creation Mastery (Perfect), Destruction Mastery (Perfect), Energy Manipulation (Perfect)

Inventory: Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 39.999 Purple Profound Coins, cooking equipment, 3 Divine Phoenix Pellet,

Name: Xia Meili

Species: Demi-God (25% Dragon, 25% Ice Phoenix, and 50% Human)

Cultivation: 9th level of the Sovereign Profound Realm

Combat Prowess: 6th level of the Divine Origin Realm

Laws: Water (Perfect), Wind (Perfect)

Body Physique: Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: Frozen Cloud Asgard Arts (8th Stage), Profound Floating Technique, Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon (10th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Domain, Weapon Mastery (Low-level Saint), Martial Arts Mastery (Low-level Saint), Movement Techniques Mastery (Low-level Saint), Spirit Mastery (Mid-level God), Soul Mastery (Mid-level God), Water Mastery (Perfect), Wind Mastery (Perfect)

Name: Xia Bao

Species: Demi-God (25% Dragon, 25% Phoenix, and 50% Human)

Cultivation: 10th level of the Sovereign Profound Realm

Combat Prowess: 8th level of the Divine Origin Realm

Laws: Earth (Perfect), Fire (Perfect)

Body Physique: Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques: World Ode of the Phoenix ( 1st [Peak], 2nd [Peak], 3rd [Peak], 4th [Peak], 5th [Peak], 6th [High], 7th [High], 8th [High], 9th [Mid], 10th [Mid]), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Domain, Weapon Mastery (Low-level Saint), Martial Arts Mastery (Low-level Saint), Movement Techniques Mastery (Low-level Saint), Spirit Mastery (Mid-level God), Soul Mastery (Mid-level God), Earth Mastery (Perfect), Fire Mastery (Perfect)

Name: Xia Qingyue

Species: Demi-God (50% Ice Phoenix, and 50% Human)

Cultivation: 9th level of the Divine Tribulation Realm

Combat Prowess: 8th level of the Divine Spirit Realm

Laws: Water (Perfect), Wind (Perfect)

Body Physique: Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins, Nine Profound Exquisite Body

Techniques:Frozen Cloud Asgard Arts (8th Stage), Profound Floating Technique, Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon (10th Stage), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Domain, Weapon Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Martial Arts Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Movement Techniques Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Spirit Mastery (High-level God), Soul Mastery (High-level God), Water Mastery (Perfect), Wind Mastery (Perfect)

Name: Feng Xue'er

Species: Demi-God (50% Phoenix, and 50% Human)

Cultivation: 9th level of the Divine Tribulation Realm

Combat Prowess: 3rd level of the Divine Spirit Realm

Laws: Fire (Perfect), Wind (Perfect)

Body Physique: Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins

Techniques: World Ode of the Phoenix ( 1st [Perfect], 2nd [Perfect], 3rd [Perfect], 4th [Perfect], 5th [Perfect], 6th [Perfect], 7th [Perfect], 8th [Perfect], 9th [Peak], 10th [Peak]), Profound Floating Technique

Skills: Domain, Weapon Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Martial Arts Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Movement Techniques Mastery (Peak-level Saint), Spirit Mastery (High-level God), Soul Mastery (High-level God), Fire Mastery (Perfect), Wind Mastery (Perfect)

Looking at all the progress his family had, Xia Lin smiled brightly at their power. They are now the strongest family in the Blue Pole Star and Xia Lin couldn't help but imagine his wedding with Feng Xue'er.

He then called all of them to gather around him and when they did, he told them that they should hold hands because it was time for them to go back outside. The family was very happy in hearing his words. But Feng Xue'er was the happiest in the 5 of them as their wedding would finally be around the corner.

When the family of 5 were finally out of the Training Chamber, Xia Lin couldn't help but smile at the beautiful nature that the Blue Pole Star was producing. But before the 2 children could go out and explore, Xia Lin grabbed the back of their clothes and teleported out of the Phoenix Perching Valley.

The family of five then arrived inside the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect and left the Sect Master and the Grand Sect Mistress in shock at their sudden arrival. Xia Lin then said that if the sect sponsored his wedding again then he will let Xia Meili represent the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament.

Gong Yuxian and Feng Qianhui were skeptical at first, as they didn't know the woman, but when they knew that she was at the Sovereign Profound Realm they happily accepted. When they knew that Xia Meili was Xia Lin and Feng Xue'er's daughter, they were very shocked.

Xia Lin then left the four with the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect and went towards Yun Che if he still attempted to **** Chu Yuechan. He then spread out his senses and found Yun Che with Xia Yuanba in the Heavenly Sword Villa.

He then teleported inside the Villa beside Xia Yuanba and said, "So this is where you guys were."

Hearing an unknown voice Xia Yuanba, Yun Che, and Jasmine was alarmed and looked at where the voice originated and found Xia Lin who was smiling brightly at them. Seeing that they were looking at him, Xia Lin waved cheerfully at them and said, "Hi guys! I'm here to invite you in a few days. But I'd like to speak with Yun Che for a little moment Yuanba, can you give us some privacy?"

Xia Yuanba nodded as he heard the seriousness in his brother's voice. He then proceeded to get out of the room and out of earshot.

After being left alone by Xia Yuanba, Xia Lin looked at Yun Che and noticed that the little shit was already in the 7th level of the Earth Profound Realm. He teasingly smiled at him and said, "You seem to be in the late-stage Earth Profound Realm, Yun Che. So tell me, what happened in the 8 months while I was away? Did anything noteworthy? If I find you lying to me then I'll erase your soul to oblivion."

Hearing his words, Yun Che's face paled that it was now comparable to that of snow. He shakingly said, "Nothing else is noteworthy, Xia Lin. I promise!"

Xia Lin then gave him an indifferent look and coldly said, "Oh? Really? Then you don't mind if I mess with your mind a little?"

Yun Che's face turned even paler and nervously said, "I passed the Phoenix and Primordial Azure Dragon's Trials!! That's all!! I promise!!"

Xia Lin then walked over to the quivering Yun Che and coldly said, "No girls? You don't have any girls right now?"

Yun Che vigorously shook his head and said, "No! Well, I have a thing going on with Cang Yue but that's all!"

Xia Lin smiled brightly at him and said, "Well!! It seems that you're even better than the original Yun Che, Zhang Wei."

Hearing Xia Lin say that, Yun Che or the now identified Zhang Wei was shocked to the core. He then shakingly said, "How do you know of that name!? I didn't tell anyone of that name!! So how!?"

Xia Lin mysteriously smiled at him and ignore his question and said, "Xin Tong, you and Zhang Wei are invited to my wedding in the Frozen Cloud Asgard if the two of you want to come. Baboosh!!" After saying that, Xia Lin disappeared from their eyes.

Xia lIn was now beside Xia Yuanba and suddenly said, "Hey Yuanba! We got to go now! I already told Yun Che that we're leaving so don't you worry. We still have to pick up father."

Noticing that there was another person beside him, Xia Yuanba looked at Xia Lin and happily said, "Big Brother! It's so nice to see you!! You're getting married again? Then let's go and pick up father!"

Seeing his easy-going little brother, Xia Lin laughed at his antics and grasped his shoulders and disappeared from their previous spot and appeared again in front of Xia Hongyi who was doing paperwork. Xia Lin gave a cough while Xia Yuanba was still shocked at the teleportation.

Hearing a cough inside the room, Xia Hongyi was very shocked and almost had a heart attack at the sudden appearance of Xia Lin and Xia Yuanba inside his office. He then changed his expression as he happily bounded towards the two and hugged them.

Xia Hongyi gave an excited shout and said, "YOU TWO FINALLY VISITED YOUR DEAR OLD FATHER!!! OH, HOW HAPPY AM I TODAY!!" Xia Lin and Xia Yuanba looked very amused at their father's antics and hugged him back and greeted him.

After his little escapade, Xia Hongyi then looked at the two with a curious gaze and asked, "What are the two of you doing here? I know that you two wouldn't be here if it's not important."

Xia Yuanba then gave an excited answer, "Big Brother Lin is getting married again! And we're here to pick you up! So let's go already, father!!!"

Hearing Xia Yuanba's words, Xia Hongyi looked very shocked and happy at the same time. He looked at Xia Lin who nodded and dashed out of the office and came back in a few minutes with an already packed bag.....or two?

Xia Hongyi then said, "I already packed mine and Yuanba's things a long time ago so let's go!!" Xia Lin and Xia Yuanba sweatdropped at the over the preparedness of their father and shook their heads. Xia Hongyi gave them a confused look and asked, "What the hell are the two of you standing there for!? Let's go!!"

Xia Lin and Xia Hongyi's sweatdrop increased, so Xia Lin just grasped the shoulders of Xia Hongyi and Xia Yuanba and teleported to the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect.

When the three of them suddenly appeared in the Main Hall of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect, Xia Yuanba and Xia Hongyi were amazed at the usefulness of the skill. Seeing Xia Yuanba still being amazed at the skill, Xia Lin was very confused at him.

Before they could take any steps, Xia Yuanba was suddenly tackled to the ground. Feeling alarmed that he was getting attacked, Xia Yuanba looked at the culprit and saw an unknown face. But he felt a familiarity with this person that Xia Yuanba couldn't help but wonder who this person is.

Xia Yuanba then heard him say, "Uncle Yuanba!! It's me!! Xia Bao!" Hearing his words, Xia Yuanba was very shocked at this matter and shouted, "WHHHHAAAAATTTTT!!!!!!!?????"

Xia Bao then gave him an excited look and happily said, "It's true! I missed you so much, Uncle!" Xia Bao then hugged him and dragged him towards Xia Meili and said, "Meili! This is Uncle Yuanba. He is mother and father's brother! Come! Introduce yourself."

Xia Meili smiled at Xia Yuanba who was mesmerized at her beauty and said, "Hello Uncle Yuanba. I am Xia Meili. Xia Lin, and Feng Xue'er's daughter. It's very nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you from Big Brother Bao."

Xia Meili, Xia Bao, Xia Yuanba, and Xia Hongyi then continued to introduce to the others while Xia Lin, Xia Qingyue, and Feng Xue'er looked at the four in amusement. The three then proceeded to go to the room that was given to them (Xia Qingyue and Feng Xue'er) by Gong Yuxian.

After a few days, Zhang Wei and Xin Tong arrived for the wedding that was happening that very day. The two were relieved that they made it at the last moment.

Xia Lin and Feng Xue'er were already in front of the Main Hall of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Xia Lin looked at the veiled future Mrs. Xia and smiled. Looking at the red silk sash and reminisced at his first wedding and smiled even brighter. He then shook his head and focused on his bride and held her hand.

He noticed that the red dress she was wearing fitted her body very well. Xia Lin looked at the opening doors and started to walk down the hall with Feng Xue'er. He noticed that it was only Xia Hongyi in the highest seat in the room and smiled amusedly.

When both of them arrived in front of Xia Hongyi, Xia Lin just kept looking at Feng Xue'er and couldn't wait and call her Xia Xue'er in a few minutes. He noticed that it was still Feng Qianhui who was the master of ceremonies and ignore her and continued to look at Feng Xue'er.

When Zhang Wei heard the name Feng Xue'er, he was very surprised at this development and thought, 'How the hell is this guy always one step ahead of me!?' He just sulked at the thought of having all his harem candidates taken away.

After a while of looking at Feng Xue'er, Xia Lin heard the voice of Feng Qianhui started to lower. It then increased multiple folds in her next words.

"First bow to the heavens!"

They then looked at the direction of the door that they came in.

"Second bow to the elder!"

They bowed to Xia Hongyi who was beaming at Xia Lin but you could still see the tears in his eyes. Xia Lin quietly laughed at the modified sentence of the second bow and at the crying Xia Hongyi. Xia Lin smiled at him and shook his head at his crying.

"Husband and Wife, exchange bows!"

Xia Lin and the now Xia Xue'er bowed to each other. Xia Lin smiled warmly at Xia Xue'er. While you couldn't see the smile on Xia Xue'er's face, you could still feel the happiness overflowing out of her. Xia Lin thought, 'This will be one of the most memorable moments in my life. This warms my heart knowing that Feng Xue'er or Xia Xue'er is now my wife.'

{Congratulations Xia Lin! You guys enjoy the night!}

'Thanks, Cheng Long!'

After he thought that, Xia Lin heard a round of applause that was coming from the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect. It seems that the whole sect attended his wedding right now. The two then received an endless round of congratulations from the crowd. When the congratulations were done, the two newlyweds looked at Xia Qingyue who said, "I'll be right here eating the foods but when you can't take him anymore then you have to call for me."

Hearing Xia Qingyue's words, Xia Xue'er nodded at her and said, "You just need to wait for an hour and after that, you should come inside the room already. You know that two of us can't take him. We should get help from the countless girls here."

After saying that, Xia Xue'er looked at the countless girls in the sect who blushed madly at her words. The Sect Master and the 7 fairies were the only ones who didn't blush at her words but give a determined look.

Gong Yuxian then shamelessly said, "The 7 fairies and I would gladly help you, two girls, if he marries us too."

Xia Lin widened his eyes and said, "OH NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! I already have enough of two wives already when we journey!! I can't have another 8 people to come with me!! And the only persons that I had a conversation with were Gong Yuxian, Chu Yueli, and Chu Yuechan from the 8 of you!!"

Hearing Xia Lin say their names, Gong Yuxian, Chu Yueli, and Chu Yuechan were giving happy faces while the other five had sadness present on theirs.

Xia Qingyue and Xia Xue'er looked at the three and nodded and said, "They would be really good sisters! Hey Lin, we want you to marry them too!!"

Xia Lin was very shocked at this moment. Not only him, Xia Yuanba, Xia Hongyi, Zhang Wei, and Xin Tong were also shocked too. Xia Meili and Xia Bao looked like this was a normal thing to them.

Xia Qingyue then ordered Xia Lin, "Go and create wedding dresses for the three of them now! We will have the wedding right now! So go and make them dresses." Xia Xue'er nodded at her words and continued, "And veils too! Make them some veils and after a few minutes from Sister Qingyue and I then the three of them will be ready."

Xia Lin just looked at them with shock while making three red dresses appear out of nowhere. He then saw Xia Qingyue and Xia Xue'er grabbed the dresses and Gong Yuxian, Chu Yueli, and Chu Yuechan outside of the Main Hall.

Xia Lin then looked shocked at what happened to him, and looked towards the crowd and asked, "What just happened? Did I just get three new wives just now?"

Xia Hongyi then walked over to Xia Lin and grasped his shoulder and humbly said, "Yes, you just got three new wives in your family. You should be proud that you now have five women in your harem. I'm very proud of you now."

Xia Lin still looked shocked at the spectacle and only replied, "Huh, okay." And continued to look absentminded.

Xia Meili and Xia Bao laughed boisterously and said, "You go, dad! HAHAHAHAHA!!"

The entire crowd looked at the beautiful and handsome adults calling Xia Lin, "Dad". They then said in a synchronized voice, "DDDDDDDDDAAAAAAADDDDDDDD!!!!!!???????"

Xia Bao looked proudly at them and said, "Of course!! He is our father! He is already around 674 years old right now! And I'm only 260 years old while Meili here is 257 years old. While my mom, who is Xia Qingyue by the way, is already 503 years old and Meili's mom is already 313 years old."

Xia Meili then smacked Xia Bao's head and angrily said, "Don't you know anything about not telling other's a woman's age!?!" Xia Bao then hid behind a still dazed Xia Lin.

All of a sudden, Xia Qingyue entered the room and dragged Xia Lin towards the door. Leaving Xia Bao to Xia Meili's mercy.

When Xia Lin saw the three women wearing red dresses with different designs and a veil covering their faces. Xia Lin smiled at them and noticed that there was a red silk sash tied to their hands and that the sash only had one end. Before he could even look around more, Xia Xue'er tied the end of the sash on his hand and pushed him and the others in the Main Hall.

The four of them walked down the aisle and noticed that Xia Hongyi was on the highest seat in the room alone again. The wedding happened in the blink of an eye and it was already done. He then heard congratulations again and created five clones and had them picked each of the girls and sent them towards the room.

He then looked at the crowd and said, "I thank you all for coming to my expected wedding and to my unexpected wedding. But I really need to go to the girls now. So bye everybody!" But before he could teleport away, he heard a "GO DAD!! I'M CHEERING YOU ON AND MY NEW MOMS!!"

He then arrived in front of the five women that were already naked. He licked his lips and said, "Oh? I'm already liking this harem thing now! Let me eat you all up!!!" He then jumped towards them and the weirdest thing was, his clothes were gone already while his dick was already erect.