Blue Wind Ranking Tournament

When all six of them woke up, the girls' lower regions felt so sore that they had trouble sitting up, don't even talk about walking! While the girls were feeling that, Xia Lin looked fresh as he could be and was happily walking around the room.

When Xia Lin looked at the girls, he noticed that they were glaring at him and laughed while making five clones to help them. The six of them proceeded to go to the dining hall of the sect and sensed that all the people from yesterday was in the hall.

When the six of them walked in the dining hall, Xia Lin strode in proudly and walked over to his children. The other people then noticed the five girls that were limping and being helped by clone Lins to walk and saw that their cultivation realm of the three new girls jumped.

Xia Yuxian was already in the 6th level of the Tyrant Profound Realm while being in the 5th level of the Emperor Profound Realm just last night. Xia Yueli was now in the 1st level of the Tyrant Profound Realm while Xia Yuechan was now in the 3rd level of the Tyrant Profound Realm.

Seeing their jump in cultivation, many of the younger females in the sect looked at Xia Lin with hunger in their eyes. But sadly, Xia Lin had no intention of having sex with any of them.

Xia Lin then continued to talk with Xia Hongyi, Xia Yuanba, Xia Meili, Xia Bao, and Zhang Wei who still hadn't left. Xia Lin then asked Xia Meili that if she was ready to trash the people in the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. Xia Meili just laughed at her father's words and said, "Dad, the people in the Tournament aren't even close to my level. How could it be called a trashing?"

Hearing her words, Zhang Wei was very afraid of her. He then looked at Xia Lin and asked, "Are you guys really going to send her to the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament? Isn't it too unfair? Can you send a weaker person there? And isn't she already more than 200 years old!? You guys should send a teenager!"

The group looked at him and thought over his words, Xia Lin then said, "Huh, I didn't think about that. Whelp! Let me just train a disciple in the sect and we'll let her participate in the tournament! I could even train to while I'm at it."

The disciples in the sect were quite excited at his words and vigorously nodded to show their support in his words. Xia Lin looked at them and sweatdropped while thinking, 'Aren't you guys a "We don't want men in our sect" kind of people? What happened to that?'

Xia Lin looked one last time at them and went to his wives and said, "Ummm, girls? It seems that we can't send Meili to the tournament because of her age. So can I train one or two girls in the sect to let them participate in the Tournament?"

Xia Yuxian looked thoughtful at his words and happily nodded. She then said, "Of course, Lin! You can train as many as you want! Just don't go overboard."

Xia Lin smiled brightly at her and said, "Okay! I'll just go now. Wait...can't I just send clones to train them? Ohohohoho, that's a very nice idea! While I send clones to train them, I can spend some time with you guys while I'm at it!"

His women looked very happy at his words and limped over to him and hugged him. Seeing them limping over to him, Xia Lin laughed at their actions. Xia Lin then had a very serious look appear on his face and had the five clones to carry them back to the bedroom.

Seeing that the six were going back to the direction of their bedroom again, the Xia family shook their heads in amusement and just watched them walk away.

When they arrived in the bedroom, Xia Lin then had the new women in his family to view his memories. When they finished looking through his memories, the three of them had the same reaction as Xia Qingyue but Xia Yuxian and Xia Yuechan had a horrified look at being dead and being raped respectively.

Xia Lin then asked them if they wanted to go with them to other worlds and they felt overjoyed at being able to go to other worlds and explore their wonders. So the three happily accepted his proposal and asked when they will be going.

Xia Lin answered, "We'll be going to the next world after the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament so Xia Yuxian, you have to pick a new Sect Master before that time." Hearing his words, the other four girls were very excited at that prospect while Gong Yuxian had a complicated look on her face.

Seeing Xia Yuxian's look, the other women then tried to help her in picking the next Sect Master. Even her own children were happy to help their mother so that the sect will still have a strong Master.

Xia Lin then left the five of them so they can sort this thing out. When he got out of the room, the only thing that he thought was, 'What's next?' Seeing that he was already the strongest in this dimension, he already has beautiful wives at his side, he already has lovely children and he accomplished all that he could have wanted. But he felt empty now, he was already at the top and he already has the power to turn this dimension upside down but where's the fun in that?

Xia Lin then continued to walk around aimlessly in the sect. His mind was blank and nothing seemed to be right, after a while, he noticed that he was in a dark room with only a single lightbulb above his head. He thought, 'Lightbulb? But we don't have lightbulbs in Blue Pole Star?'

When Xia Lin looked in front of him, he noticed that Samael was there and he was already sitting on a chair in front of a table. Seeing that Samael was waiting for him to sit down, he proceeded to sit on the chair opposite to him. Xia Lin then had an indifferent look on his face and said, "What do you want?"

Samael then gave him a pained look and said in a 'hurt' voice, "You don't want to see me? I thought we were friends?"

Xia Lin just rolled his eyes and said in an annoyed voice, "What do you really want from me Samael? Can't you see that I'm trying to find something to do? It's very boring when you're at the top and you have nothing to challenge you now. I think I know how Saitama feels now."

Samael then laughed at him and said in an amused voice, "Then you should go to the next world already! You're already qualified, so just go with your family!"

Xia Lin just sighed and said in a tired voice, "The girls still need to sort things out before we go. It just seems weird that every prideful people are being respectful to me and no one wants to challenge me because they know how strong I am. I thought that in every cultivation world there will always be those kinds of people who come after the Main Character."

Samael just smiled sadly at him and said in a melancholic voice, "It's the curse of every powerful being, Lin. You're already a Universal-Class being, you just need to be the strongest in every powerful novel out there and we'll be buds! You can be an Omniversal-Class being in a few thousand years or even in a hundred years in the pace you're going."

Xia Lin smiled at Samael's enthusiasm and said, "I appreciate your enthusiasm Samael but I think I'll just take things slow right now. I don't want to get overpowered too fast in my next world. I will even try to not use the Training Chamber in Tales of Demons and Gods."

Samael gave him an amused smile and said, "You should try the world The King's Avatar next or the Galactic Dark Net."

Xia Lin looked at him and asked, "Why can't you send me to those Anime worlds? Why am I limited to the Cultivation worlds? I think I know more about Anime worlds than Cultivation ones."

Samael rolled his eyes and said in an annoyed voice, "Those worlds are overrated! You couldn't believe how many people I had to send to those worlds just because they wanted to be a Saiyan or an Uchiha! It gets annoying, so it's just Cultivation worlds for you."

Xia Lin laughed at Samael's annoyance and amusedly said, "Because those types of people want to have cheats in the original worlds! You don't want to just dive in a strong battle and suddenly die because you were weak!!"

Samael then had a thoughtful look on his face and said, "Huh, I get what you're pointing out but its still annoying to me."

Xia Lin laughed again and shook his head. He then put his elbow on the table and put his chin on his palm. He then said, "I just want to go to those worlds because of the technology hahaha. These cultivation worlds you're sending me is kind of stuck in the past. Can you suggest me a modern one?"

Samael just gave him a bored look and said, "There are three novels in my mind right now. Those worlds are; Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator, The Divine Doctor and Stay-at-home Dad, and The Strongest Abandoned Son. I can't give you any other because my mind is blank right now."

Xia Lin then said, "Huh, I'll try the first one after a couple of worlds. But can you send me back already? I think my wives are looking for me right now."

Samael just gave him a bored look and said, "Yeah, sure, whatever." He then waved his hands and Xia Lin was gone in front of him. He looked at the distance and said, "You should hurry up buddy, your wives in the Godly Realm are waiting for you. I can't keep lying to them that you were just traveling around."

When Xia Lin came back, he was in front of the door of their bedroom and stretched his arms while yawning. He then entered the room and saw that the girls were just talking. He proceeded to get in the bed and sleep. The girls were kind of puzzled at his actions but let him be and continued their talk.

After a month from his talk with Samael, Xia Lin was finished training two girls from the sect and their cultivation realms were already 10th level of the Earth Profound Realm. The others were shocked at his training speed on the two disciples and wanted to know his methods.

What they didn't know was that the only thing Xia Lin did was insert Profound Energy from the environment and his own inside their body and help them merge it into their Profound Veins.

Seeing that the Tournament was almost starting, Xia Lin grabbed the two girls and teleported to the Heavenly Sword Villa. He noticed that there were disciples guarding the Heavenly Sword Villa. He then had the two girls release their Ice-Cold Profound Energy and walked towards the guards and said, "I am an elder of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect and these two will be participating in the Tournament. Here's the list of names that the sect sent." He then passed them the list.

Looking through the list, the guards were surprised at the name for the elder and thought, 'Were there any males in the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect?' One of them just shook his head and said, "We welcome the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect. But to our knowledge, there were no males in the sect. Who is he?" While he was saying that, the guard was looking at Xia Lin and was asking the two girls.

One of the girls, named Mu Lingxue, coldly said, "He was accepted as an elder a year ago. And why does he being an elder of our sect concern you?"

The guard froze up after hearing the words Mu Lingxue just said and nodded. He then made way for the three of them and had the other guards make way for them. The guard then led the three to their rooms and after that, he hurriedly runs back to the front of the Villa.

Xia Lin just happily laid on his own bed and rolled back and forth on top of it. Xia Lin then closed his eyes and started to fall asleep. After a few hours, Xia Lin's right hand suddenly grabbed the hand that was coated with Profound Energy that was shaped like a blade. He then noticed that he didn't know who the little shit that dared to attack him.

He then released his killing intent and coldly said, "Who are you and what the fuck do you want with me? You dare attack this elder while you are just in the Emperor Profound Realm?" He then sadly thought, 'Where the hell is my iconic Young Master!? This little shit is just an elder too. Fuck this shit!'

The attacker suddenly sweated as he felt the killing intent that Xia Lin was giving him. He immediately said, "I am Ling Yuefeng! The future Sect Master of the Heavenly Sword Villa and I attacked you to see how strong the only male that ever joined the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect."

Xia Lin then rolled his eyes and cut off the hand that Ling Yuefeng used to attack him. After that, he said, "Now you can go. I can forgive your transgression for now, but if you dare to attack me again then I will kill you." He then kicked the screaming Ling Yuefeng out of his room.

Before he was sent out of the room, Ling Yuefeng shouted, "You will regret this Xia Lin!! You dared to cut off this Master's hand!? I will have my vengeance!!" But Xia Lin didn't care about his words and continued to kick him out of the room.

Xia Lin just grumpily walked back to his bed and laid down and proceeded to fall asleep. When he woke up, he noticed the knocking on his door and sighed. When he opened the door, he noticed Mu Lingxue and Shui Wushuang waiting for him.

Mu Lingxue then said, "Teacher, the Tournament is about to start and we are here to take you to the Tower for viewing. So Teacher, are we going now?"

Xia Lin smiled brightly and cheerfully said, "Really? Then let's go!" Xia Lin then quickly changed his clothes and suddenly appeared in front of them in a blink of a second.

Seeing Xia Lin change clothes in such a quick manner, the two were shocked at his actions. The two then dumbly walked towards the Tower due to the shock of what they just saw. Though they still showed an indifferent look towards all the people they were walking by. Xia Lin just cheerfully followed them to the Tower.

When Xia Lin entered the Tower, he then looked around for any good places to sit on. Seeing a person look around, Cang Yue looked closer and recognized the person as Xia Lin, the elder in New Moon Profound Palace! She then stood up and walked over to him and said, "Hello there Elder Xia Lin. It's me, Lan Xueruo."

Looking at the origin of the voice, Xia Lin looked towards his back and saw Cang Yue. He then gave her a surprised look and said, "Disciple Xueruo! What are you doing here!? I didn't know that the New Moon Profound Palace sent you here." Cang Yue shook her head and said, "Ah, no, no, no, no, no they didn't. I was sent here by the Imperial family. My real name is Cang Yue and I'm the princess of Blue Wind Empire."

Xia Lin thought, 'Let's tease her for a little bit.' He then bowed and said in the most respectful tone that he could, "Princess! I didn't know that you were the princess of the Empire! Please forgive my transgression, your highness!"

Looking at the bowing Xia Lin, Cang Yue narrowed her eyes in surprise and said, "Ah! Elder Xia Lin, don't bow to me! Please don't, just act like I'm still Lan Xueruo."

Xia Lin continued to bow and respectfully said, "I can't your highness! Please forgive my foolishness!" Cang Yue then felt helpless and suddenly had an idea. She said in a formal tone, "Then I order you to act as you did before."

Xia Lin then stood straight and respectfully said, "Yes your highness. I'll do as you order." Cang Yue then had a thoughtful look on her face and said, "How did you get in here Elder Xia Lin? I didn't know that you were ordered to come here by the New Moon Profound Palace."

Xia Lin smiled at her and said, "I wasn't sent here by the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect as the elder for their participants." Cang Yue was shocked to the core at his words and said, "WHAT!? You're the mysterious male elder of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect!?" Xia Lin just nodded as his response.

Cang Yue still looked shocked and said, "I thought you were an elder of the New Moon Profound Palace? Why are you an elder of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect too?" Xia Lin then gave her a sheepish smile and said, "Because I was an elder of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect before the New Moon Profound Palace. I didn't expect Sikong Han to make me an elder there too."

The two then kept talking until the Tournament was over, the only thing Xia Lin just heard was "AND MU LINGXUE OF THE FROZEN CLOUD ASGARD SECT IS THE WINNER!!! WITH YUN CHE OF THE BLUE WIND IMPERIAL FAMILY AS THE SECOND PLACE!!!"

Not expecting that noise, Xia Lin was interrupted from his talk with Cang Yue and noticed that the Tournament was already over. He then looked at Cang Yue and said, "Princess, what just happened? Is the Tournament finished? I didn't expect it to end so suddenly."

Cang Yue gave him a wry smile and said, "It seems so Elder Xia. Well, I guess this is goodbye then. You should go to your disciples now and I should go to Yun Che." Xia Lin replied with a sheepish smile and said, "Well then, goodbye then princess. I'll go and attend to my disciples now."

After that, Xia Lin went to Mu Lingxue and Shui Wushuang who seem to be waiting for him. He then saw that Mu Lingxue was holding the Dragonscale Armor and Shui Wushuang was holding a Purple Striped Dragon Pellet on her hand.

He then smiled proudly at them and said, "Well it seems that one of you guys decided to get the better choice of the second and the third prizes! I didn't know that you had the wit for that Wushuang."

Shui Wushuang then blushed at his words and meekly said, "But I really did lose to Yun Che for the second place."

Xia Lin looked blankly at her and monotonously said, "Oh, it seems that you didn't have the wit to get the better choice for the prizes." He then sighed and said, "Whelp! At least you got the better prize!"

Mu Lingxue looked at him questionably and asked, "What do you mean by the better choice Teacher Lin? I thought that putting the prize in the second place means that it was the better one of the two?"

Xia Lin smiled at them in amusement and said, "Well, the second prize will be useless for the sect because I can open all your Profound Entrances while the three drops of Purple Veined Marrow Quenching Fluid will just let you open all your Profound Entrances for a month."

Mu Lingxue and Shui Wushuang looked at him and amazement and asked in wonder, "YOU CAN DO THAT!?!?"

Xia Lin puffed his chest like a peacock and proudly said, "Of course I can! Don't underestimate your teacher! Hahahahah!"

Both of them looked at him with sweatdrops on their head and emotionlessly said, "Can you just take us back to the sect already, Teacher Lin?"

Seeing that they weren't even a little bit proud of him, Xia Lin deflated and grumpily walked over to them muttering about "Ungrateful students", "Not appreciating their beloved teacher." He then grabbed their shoulders and teleported back to the sect.