Entering Glory City

It has already been two months since the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament happened. Most of the Xia family's cultivation realms had jumped through the roof since they've started training. Xia Lin was very surprised at their cultivation speed as they didn't use the Training Chamber during the first month but remembered that they also have the Cultivation System.

When the second month passed, most of his wives were at the Divine Extinction Realm already while one of them was at the True God Realm. But his children were still at the Divine Master Realm and that confused Xia Lin. He then smiled at remembering what happened in these 310 years and a month.

What relieved Xia Lin the most was not having any more children to worry about in the first 300 years they were in the Training Chamber. But when it hit 301, all of their stomachs swelled and Xia Lin fainted at the thought of having five kids all at the same time.

Seeing their father and husband faint, the Xia family laughed so much that their stomachs were hurting and that worried the two children for their upcoming siblings. They tried to help but the five suddenly got angry that they immediately backed off a few meters.

When the family got out of the Training Chamber, there were five additional members to their family. The names and their mothers are;

The firstborn being Xia An and his mother is Xia Yuxian. The second being Xia Jin and his mother is Xia Xue'er. The middle one is Xia Li with his mother being Xia Yueli. The fourth one is Xia Qing and his mother is Xia Qingyue. The youngest was Xia Chan and her mother is Xia Yuechan.

The boys' cultivation was already in the Spirit Profound Realm while Xia Chan's was still in the peak of the True Profound Realm. What puzzled all of them was that they were still in that realm while being in a place with the most abundant energy in the whole Primal Chaos Dimension and having the Cultivation System. They just deduced that it must be their age hindering their cultivating.

When thirteen people got out of the Training Chamber, many people of the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect were shocked at the sudden increase in their family. Xia Lin let them interact with the kids for a few hours before finally saying that they were leaving already.

The family gathered towards Xia Lin and place one of their hands on any part of Xia Lin's body and waited for him to take them out of the Primal Chaos Dimension. After a few seconds of adjusting, Xia Lin thought, 'Okay system! Let's go to the novel Tales of Demons and Gods now!'

After thinking that, all of their vision turned white and they soon noticed that they were in a house and their Profound Energy was being restricted but they can still use it. They all looked at Xia Lin for answers and waited quietly. Xia Lin then said, "System, where and when are we? Why are our Profound Energy being restricted?"


[The host and cohosts' are in the world Tales of Demons and Gods and the timeline is when Nie Li was still 10 years old. The host and cohosts' Profound Energy are being restricted for them to not rely on that particular energy. The host and the cohosts could try to cultivate the new kind of energy that is in this world.]

Hearing the system's announcement, Xia Lin turned towards his family and said in a serious voice, "No one will go out of this house when none of us are strong enough, okay? When one of us hits the Black Gold Rank, then that person and the person they want to go out with can freely wander the city. But until then, we'll be training for now."

The family released a synchronized groan and Xia Qingyue then said, "But honey! Didn't we just get out of training!? Can't we relax for a little?" Xia Lin shook his head and said, "No can do, Qingyue. The people in this city are perverted people and they might want to take you girls away from us. And without our Profound Energy then we don't have anything to defend us."

The whole family just gave a sad nod, Xia Xue'er then asked, "Well, how do we train?" Xia Lin then thought, 'System, buy me a soul crystal.' He then had all of them take turns in using the soul crystal and saw their soul forms and soul attributes and saw;

Xia Qingyue: Soul Attribute; Snow Wind, Soul Form: Ice Phoenix

Xia Xue'er: Soul Attribute; Sacred Fire, Soul Form: Phoenix

Xia Yuxian: Soul Attribute; Snow Wind, Soul Form: Ice Phoenix

Xia Yueli: Soul Attribute; Snow Wind, Soul Form: Ice Phoenix

Xia Yuechan: Soul Attribute; Snow Wind, Soul Form: Ice Phoenix

Xia Meili: Soul Attribute; Snow Wind, Soul Form: Ice Dragon

Xia Bao: Soul Attribute; Lightning Fire, Soul Form: Flaming Lightning Dragon

Xia An: Soul Attribute; Wind, Soul Form: Wind Dragon

Xia Jin: Soul Attribute; Sacred Fire, Soul Form: Fire Dragon

Xia Li: Soul Attribute; Wind, Soul Form: Wind Phoenix

Xia Qing: Soul Attribute; Snow Wind, Soul Form: Ice Draconic-Phoenix

Xia Chan: Soul Attribute; Lightning Wind, Soul Form: Lightning Wind Dragon

And lastly, Xia Lin: Soul Attribute; Neutral, Soul Form: Dragon-Phoenix God

When they all saw their Soul Attributes and Soul Form, all of them were surprised. While Xia Lin thought, 'Why did I have to buy the bloodline of the Ice Phoenixes and the Phoenix for my girls!?' When Xia Lin saw Xia Qing's Soul Form, he was really surprised at this development.

He then looked at them and said, "Okay everybody! So now that we know our Soul Attributes and Soul Forms, why don't we try to compile techniques in our library that fits our Attributes and Forms? Don't you dare try and use techniques that aren't corresponding to your Attributes and Forms! Understood!?" The family then nodded at his words and started to compile techniques for them to use.

Xia Lin then entered a meditative state and looked around his library. He then said, "Library! I want you to compile all the techniques that correspond with the Neutral Attribute and the Soul Form of Dragon-Phoenix God!" He then saw the Heavenly God Technique out of his inventory and started to mix with various other techniques.

When the compiling was done, he saw a book float down towards his hands and grabbed it. He then saw the words; 'Primordial Dragon-Phoenix God Technique'. He deadpanned at the irony and said, "Why is my technique's name the same as my title?"


[The host's technique is the same as his title due to the library mixing the origin of all the dragon, phoenix, and god techniques. And it was finally named as 'Primordial Dragon-Phoenix God Technique']

Xia Lin just sighed and started to integrate the technique inside his head. When the 'learning' was done, Xia Lin went out of his library and sensed that the people were already in other rooms. He thought, 'How do I gather the soul force again?'


[The host should just follow his new technique. The system would like to remind the host that he is already in the Peak of Silver Rank Star 5. The system would like to remind that the host still has 20,000,000 SP in his tab.]

Xia Lin widened his eyes in shock and said, "WHAT!??! Damn! I really should just cultivate the technique as you said. Wait! System, what kind of Demon Spirit can I buy with 20,000,000 SP?"


[The host can buy the Primordial Dragon Demon Spirit and the Primordial Phoenix Demon Spirit. The host can use the remaining SP to fuse the two and create a Supreme God Growth Rate Demon Spirit.]

Xia Lin got excited and said, "BUY IT!!! IMMEDIATELY!!!"


[The Primordial Dragon Demon Spirit and the Primordial Phoenix Demon Spirit are bought! Merging the two in-process..... completed! Integrating the Primordial Dragon-Phoenix Demon Spirit in the host's Soul Realm! Done! The system is now wishing the host good luck for not having any SP and that the host has to buy his family Demon Spirits from the system to rank up.]

Xia Lin was really happy and really excited about getting his Supreme God Growth Rate Demon Spirit. But when he heard the last part, he was sweating hard. He didn't even think about getting any Demon Spirits for his family!

He then went inside the Training Chamber and set the time so that 10,000 years passed in there while 10 seconds passed on the outside. He thought, 'System! Don't fail me now!! I'll absorb all the energy that I can and make them into System Points!!'

When the 10,000 years passed, Xia Lin looked at his SP and saw that it was already in the 696,969,696,000,969 and laughed. He stopped at the right time! He then went out of the Chamber and waited for his family to come to him if they wanted Demon Spirits.

He then started using the Primordial Dragon-Phoenix Technique and his cultivation jumped realms and it was now in the 1st Star of the Black Gold rank. He smiled and continued to use it until he was in the 3rd Star of the Black Gold rank as it seems that he already drained the surroundings of its energy. He then looked at his status and saw;



Name: Xia Lin

Species: God ( 50% Dragon & 50% Phoenix)

Title: Primordial Phoenix-Dragon God

Cultivation: 3rd Star of the Black Gold rank

Demon Spirit: Primordial Dragon-Phoenix

Abilities from Demon Spirit: Dragon Armor, Phoenix's feathery Wings, Dragonfire, Phoenix fire, Dragon's Piercing Eyes, Phoenix's Talons, Dragon's Scaly Wings, Phoenix's Sharp Feathers

Techniques: Primordial Dragon-Phoenix Techniques

After looking at his status a few times, Xia Lin thought, 'Huh, convenient. But my Abilities from my Demon Spirit have shitty names! Did Samael do that again?'


[No, the abilities names were the first thing that the host thought of so that is what it was named]

Xia Lin then knocked on the doors of each of his children but the only thing they said was, "Can you leave us alone, dad!?" Feeling abandoned, Xia Lin continued to walk towards his wives' room and they said the same thing! But it wasn't dad they said but Honey or even just Lin. He then went out of the house, dejected.

He then looked at the house and said, "That is one old-styled house!" He walked aimlessly and arrived in front of the City Lord's Palace or Mansion. He didn't even know what it was called anymore, but before he could walk away again, he was called by a purple-haired man.

He looked at the person who called him and recognized him as the City Lord, Ye Zong. He looked at him confusedly and asked, "Why are you calling me for? Did I do something wrong?" Ye Zong shook his head and said, "No, no, no, no I was just shocked that there was another Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualist in Glory City. So where have you been hiding?"

Xia Lin smiled at him and said, "I'm Xia Lin and I just moved in here with my family. The wives and the children kicked me out of the house because they were cultivating and I wanted to spend time with them." Ye Zong had a pained face and Xia Lin noticed it. He then tried to apologize but Ye Zong kept saying that it was alright and that he didn't mean for it to happen.

The two then kept talking until it was sundown and Xia Lin soon realized that his family must be looking for him. He then excused himself from the City Lord and sped off towards his house. When he arrived inside the house, the wives had angry looks while the children had hungry looks due to the plates they were already holding.

Xia Lin gave a disappointed sigh and proceeded to go to the kitchen without even talking to a single one of them. He then started to cook the dinner and when he was done, he prepared the table. When all of the family sat down on the table, they had an awkward silence going around them. When Xia Lin was done eating, he then washed his dishes and went towards the bedroom.

When Xia Lin left the kitchen, the whole family had an awkward look on their faces. They kept blaming the other while the wives had an 'I think we're in trouble' look. They haven't once seen Xia Lin ignore them but now? They really must be in trouble. All of them hurriedly ate their food and had the kids, who were still arguing, wash the dishes.

After they entered the room, the girls noticed Xia Lin in the middle of the bed and noticed him having a tent on his lower body. All of them smiled in amusement and started to walk over to him. But when they took the cover off, they saw that it was just a pillow standing sideways. When they looked at his face, they soon noticed that he was sleeping and that he had a sad look plastered on his face.

The five of them proceeded to sleep on Xia Lin with Xia Qingyue on the top, Xia Xue'er on his left side, Xia Yuxian on the right side, Xia Yueli on the bottom left side, and Xia Yuechan on the bottom right side.

When Xia Lin woke up, he noticed that the girls were sleeping on him with awkward positions. Xia Qingyue was sleeping with her feet next to his face, Xia Xue'er was sleeping with her feet near his face and her face near Xia Yueli's breast, Xia Yuxian sleeping on his right with her upper body hanging from the bed, Xia Yueli's lower body was hanging from the bed, and Xia Yuechan's body was already on the floor.

Xia Lin thought, 'What the hell happened here? Did someone trash these girls when I was asleep? No, they should have bruises on their bodies if they were. So what the hell happened here?' He then carefully lifted Xia Qingyue off him and walked out of the door with all of his wives still asleep in awkward positions.

He then proceeded to walk towards the kitchen and make breakfast. When he was done making it, he then ate his share and proceeded to walk around Glory City again. When he was passing by the City Lord's Mansion again, he was stopped by him again. Ye Zong then invited him inside the mansion and the two of them talked inside.

When Ye Ziyun saw that her father invited a person inside the mansion, she saw the most beautiful man in the world. He had white hair, caramel brown eyes, large body but with not too much muscle, and he had such a graceful aura around him that made it seem like he was the City Lord, not her father.

The two men already sensed Ye Ziyun beside the door looking at them but ignored her, the two continued to talk about many things in life. But when Ye Zong learned that the person he was talking to was almost at 11,000 years old, he fainted. Seeing the fainted City Lord, Xia Lin panicked. He didn't want people to think that he attacked him!

He then turned to the once peaking girl and saw that she too was unconscious! This made him even more nervous! Xia Lin kept pacing back and forth but stopped when he turned to place Ye Ziyun beside her fainted father.

After 30 minutes, the father and daughter duo woke up and noticed that they were beside each other and Xia Lin walking back and forth a few meters away from them. When Xia Lin noticed that the two were awake, he suddenly appeared in front of them and asked, "Are the two of you okay? Why did the two of you faint when I said my age?"

Both Ye Ziyun and Ye Zong had sweatdrops appear on the side of their face and thought, 'This is the 11,000-year-old senior?' Noticing their look, Xia Lin gave them a sheepish smile and said, "I really am like this when I'm already comfortable with people. You don't want to see me when I'm with my enemies."

Ye Zong looked serious at his words but Ye Ziyun just happily ignored it. Ye Ziyun then came forward and cheerily said, "Hello senior! My name is Ye Ziyun! My father is the person beside me." Xia Lin laughed at her cheerfulness and rubbed her head while saying, "Hello there little Ziyun. My name is Xia Lin and I just arrived here in Glory City yesterday. But can you leave me and your father for a while? He seems like he wants to ask me questions."

Ye Ziyun looked like she still wanted to stay but looking at her father's face, she just grumpily walked off. When Ye Ziyun was out of earshot, Ye Zong immediately went in front of Xia Lin's face and respectfully said, "Senior, may I ask what you want with Glory City? And why you are hiding your cultivation realm if you are really 11,000 years old?"

Xia Lin cheerfully laughed at him and patted his back while saying, "Don't you be nervous, boy. I'm just here to teach my children about the wonders of civilization. And I am not hiding my cultivation realm because what I was cultivating before was not Soul Force but a different type of energy that cannot be found here."

Hearing Xia Lin say that he wasn't hiding his cultivation realm, Ye Zong felt that he was lying to him about his age. But when he heard the next few words, he now knew that he wasn't lying. He then bowed his head and said, "I wish that the respectable elder would help our Ye family. If he wishes, he and his family can move into the mansion."

Xia Lin widened his eyes and said, "No, no, no, no I can't accept. I don't want to impose on you City Lord. And we already have an old house in the commoner's district." He smiled warmly at him when he finished talking.

Knowing that the old monster was just living in the commoner's district, Ye Zong's eyes widened and he hurriedly says, "What!? No, no, no, no! Senior, that's unacceptable for someone of your status! You should move to the mansion! It won't be a bother, I promise!"

Xia Lin laughed boisterously and said, "Then as an exchange for that, I will have to train with you and have my children train with your daughter! I'll make you reach the peak of Legend rank in two years!"

Hearing those words, Ye Zong's eyes widened and he quickly kowtowed and said, "I thank you senior for your gracious gift! I will remember this!"

Xia Lin shook his head and helped him stand up and say, "You don't have to thank me for anything, boy. It's just an equal exchange for the thing that you'll be doing for us. I'll go now so I can tell my family. See you tomorrow Xiao Zong!" After saying those words, he patted Ye Zong's back and walked away.

Ye Zong just watched the fading back of the giant Xia Lin and thought, 'I was really lucky to meet such an old monster and have him as my teacher! This monster will surely help Glory City if he has ties to it.'