After the interview, Nadine rushed out of the room without saying goodbye to Ardham, only to Anna, Nadine said goodbye and give him a hug. Nadine's heart was deeply disappointed and hurt by Ardham's attitude. Marvin followed Nadine at a brisk pace. Right after leaving the Ardham company office, Marvin grabbed Nadine's arm, who was still running with a face that was already teary.

"Stop Nad, Don't cry here" shouted Marvin, stopping Nadine's steps. "Let's go there" continued Marvin took and led Nadine to a park which is not too far away. Nadine complies, without refusing when Marvin takes her to a park.

"Cry ... if you still want to cry." said Marvin, staring Nadine's eyes teary-eyed. Nadine let out her hurt by crying quite loudly. A few minutes after Nadine's sobs began to subside, Nadine closed her eyes and wiped her tears slightly harshly.

"We're going home right now Marv ... what time is the plane there now?" asked Nadine suddenly.

"There's still two hours to go." replied Marvin.

"But we can't go to the airport now, we'll just wait there." Marvin continued, with a heart still full of questions, why did Nadine cry?

"Come on, Marv! I want to go home. "asked Nadine to get up from her seat and wait for Marvin, who was not up yet.

By stopping a taxi, Marvin and Nadine left for the airport, after waiting two hours, the flight departure had started. Marvin and Nadine hurried into the plane door.

The journey only takes less than an hour, Nadine is back in the city of N. With Marvin car he took Nadine home. Nadine's face looked tired, Marvin didn't have the heart to see it.

"Get some rest Nad, you look very tired." said Marvin after arriving at Nadine's house.

"Yes, .. I'll rest soon ... You're not angry because I didn't tell you to stop by?" Nadine asked, still sad.

"Don't worry ... I'm not angry really, as a lover, don't you have to be able to understand each other?" said Marvin with a joking smile.

Nadine looks at Marvin, Nadine wants to explain what she said that lies when she met Ardham, Marvin understands Nadine's gaze that wants to refuse his words.

"I understand that what you said earlier was just to lie to Ardham, and I don't know what reason, until you did that ... but from me personally ... I don't mind if you make me your lover ... because I am attracted to you. " said Marvin honestly.

Indeed, his heart has been attracted to Nadine's attitude who is always ignorant of him. Nadine lowered her face, she did not comment on what Marvin said to her.

"Go home ... and rest too ... tomorrow we meet again at campus." Nadine said, distracting Marvin.

"Okay ... tomorrow morning I'll pick you up, okay? And you can't refuse it." Marvin broke up quickly. After saying that, Marvin immediately got into his car and drive his car with joy mixed with a thousand questions.

"What's the connection between Nadine, Ardham and Anna?"

In Ardham's room, Anna sit in a chair in front of Ardham's table, her gaze could not escape from Ardham, who was leaning back with his eyes closed.

"Ardham ... you can't go on like this, you can't keep running away from your own feelings." said Anna with a little pressure in her voice.

Anna never got her patience to wait for love from Ardham. Ardham's heart still could not turn away from his love for the little girl he still loved for 12 years.

Ardham slowly opened his eyes and met Anna's gaze coldly.

"You already know Anna ... I have to protect her from the murderers who have killed her parents, and her master is my best friend who I consider as my brother ... I have to do this for her safety." Ardham opened his voice heavily.

"But not at the expense of your feelings Ardham! Especially your life! How long do you have to live alone without anyone accompanying you?" asked Anna in a high pitched voice.

His heart was hurt to see Ardham, who had been completely unhappy in his life.

"There are you who accompany me as my best friend and partner." Ardham replied casually but coldly.

"And my feelings are not important compared to her safety Anna, I am willing to sacrifice my love as long as she will stay safe, even though I have to keep her from far away without being able to see her." Ardham continued with a sad face.

"And still willing to accept Nadine who already has a lover? She has hated you now Ardham? You can see earlier how her face when leaving us without saying goodbye to you." replied Anna

"Yes I do, even though she hates me ... if it's for her safety." Ardham replied softly enduring the pain and wound in his heart, which no one knows.

"But how long will our play end Ardham? I can't keep accompanying you?" Anna asked, desperate for her unrequited love.

"If you go ... go away I cannot force you or hold you." Ardham's answer was so heartbreaking, how many times have Anna heard those words. Ardham never asked or forced him to accompany him. Anna herself wanted him to accompany Ardham wherever he went, hoping that one day Ardham could open his heart to accept his feelings. But to this day ... Ardham's heart has never been touched.

"I can't continue to cover up our fake marriage Ardham, someday Nadine will find out about our lies too, and if Nadine finds out how?"

"Nadine must not know ... before she married a good man who can keep her safe."

"Aren't you a good man? And you also looked after Nadine until now ... why don't you just marry her?" challenge Anna.

Ardham sighed and looked at Anna with a pinched and hurt feeling.

"If I could, I would definitely marry her."

"Why can't you? Do you still reason with the same reason, because you are too old for him? And feel unworthy of him?" said Anna with a hint of emotion with Ardham's mistaken thoughts for love.

Ardham was silent ... closed his eyes and rested his head back on the back of the chair.

"If you already know ... why do you have to ask again? Go away Anna, I want to be alone at this time." Ardham's voice was quiet, still closed.

It has been seven years since his wounded heart began to heal, now he begins to groan again when he meets Nadine, the little girl he loves so much, until Nadine, who is now an adult, tells him that Marvin is his lover.

Ardham's eyes closed even more, in the corner of his eye there were tears in his wound. And now her best friend Anna also hurts her.

"Ardham ... I feel sorry for you ... you really love Nadine. And you also know Nadine loves you ... why should you take her off? I think the age difference is not a barrier to having Ardham ... why do you think Nadine will not be able to. happy with you ... Nadine will definitely be happy ... because for any woman the greatest happiness if we can live together with the people we love and who love us, think of my words this Ardham. " Anna's hoarse voice echoed in Ardham's ears, before Anna left Ardham alone with a wound.