Marvin walked unsteadily into his house, but his steps stopped when a voice called him loudly.

"Mommy? Is that Mommy's voice? How come Mommy was at home instead of being with Daddy in Kangaroo country yesterday." Marvin's heart wondered.

"Marvin!" Call Bella, Marvin mom still loudly.

Marvin turned from his place and walked over to Bella.

In Bella's arms with a shrinking heart, Mommy's anger is really the second apocalypse for Marvin.

"Yes Mom." Marvin took a seat near Bella.

"How is it, Nadine ... when can you bring her here?" Bella asked, staring at Marvin with a sharp gaze.

"There's been progress Mom, maybe tomorrow Marv can bring Nadine here to see Mom." Marvin replied with a little relief, because Nadine had already given him a way out, by making Marv his lying lover.

"That's good, Mommy is happy .. if you can complete Mommy and Daddy's assignments, at least if Nadine lives with you, Mommy and Daddy's promise has been fulfilled." said Bella in a calm voice.

"Mom, i wants to know ... do you have a promise, Mom and Dad? And what Nadine has to do with this?" asked Marvin curiously.

"For now, Mom can't tell you, when the time comes and Nadine can accept you, i promises to tell you everything, Son ... you have to be able to have Nadine so you can take care of her." said Bella looking at Marvin with a look of hope.

"The thing is Mom, Nadine doesn't seem to love me Mom" Finally Marvin told everything from the beginning of his acquaintance with Nadine until the last incident when he meet Ardham.

Bella listened to Marvin's story with a serious face.

"From your story, does Nadine seem to love someone else?" asked Bella.

"It seems so Mom, but Ardham is married to a woman named Anna, Nadine calls them Ardham's uncle and Aunty Anna." explained Marvin

"Ardham?" muttered Bella

It seems that the name is very familiar to her ears, Bella feels familiar with the name Ardham.

"Is he the same Ardham who was introduced to him in the past? I have to make sure, if Ardham is the same person, I can calm down a little ... but is it true what Marv said about Nadine's feelings for Ardham? Then what did Kayla mean by asking him to look after Nadine? " Bella is pensive with the questions, all connected to each other, but still vague.

"Mom, what are you thinking?" Marvin asked, breaking Bella's daydream.

"It's okay Marv, it's good you have to stay close to Nadine, by the way do you love Nadine Son?" Bella asked suddenly, she wanted to know his son's feelings for Nadine, Bella also didn't want his son's heart to be hurt.

Marvin is a little embarrassed by his Mommy questions, but throughout his life Marvin has always been honest and open to his Mommy and Daddy. That's why Marvin is very close to his parents.

Moreover, Marvin will be the sole heir to continue his Daddy business.

"I started to like her, Mom, there is something different about Nadine compared to other women, Nadine seems very cold to every man Mom, i rarely sees Nadine interacting with men." Marvin's story to Bella.

"That's good, Marv, that means Nadine is a really good girl, because Nadine is also a descendant of a good family." bright Bella.

"How do you know Mommy, if Nadine comes from a good family? How do you know Mommy?" Marvin asked curiously.

"Never mind, later you will know Marv, now the important thing you know .. Mommy wants you to marry Nadine." Bella said.

Marvin pressed his temples, there are many secrets hidden behind the words of his Mommy, even Nadine herself also seems to be hiding something.

It's dizzy to think what is the secret behind all this.

"Sorry Mom, I can't wait, if Mommy wants me to get Nadine, give me an explanation so i can understands, tell me everything Mom." begged Marvin, his curiosity couldn't wait anymore.

"Okay, i will tell you everything, but for now don't tell Nadine anything !! You promised Marv?"

Marvin nodded confidently.

"Nadine is the son of Mommy and Daddy's best friend, her name is Kayla ... Mom's college friend, Nadine's daddy name is Arsen. Arsen is a well-known and wealthy CEO. Kayla is a famous model, Mom and Kayla's friendship was rather tenuous when Kayla married Arsen, Kayla and Arsen are both super busy people.

But our friendship is still going on even if it's only by telephone.

We also met at Nadine's birth, and right when Nadine turned two years before the tragedy of Kayla and Arsen's accident, Kayla and Arsen met Mom and Dad, they handed over all of the company's assets to Dad, so that one day Nadine was 21 years old. , these assets are transferred to Nadine as the sole heir. "Bella's story at length.

"Then what is the relationship with Marv Mom? Why did Marvin have to marry Nadine? And why did Mom and Dad not find out about Nadine so that Nadine can stay with us, instead of Nadine's Dad's company?" asked Marvin with many questions, Marvin's brain and mind are getting dizzy thinking about it.

"Kayla and Arsen's got caught in a accident, it's not natural Marv, actually the accident was someone who planned, before the accident, Kayla and Arsen already knew that someone wanted them death, to protect Nadine, for that Nadine uncle disguised Nadine's identity, so that everyone didn't know who Nadine is "

"I'm getting more dizzy Mom, why are you not looking for the culprit, so that all the problems are resolved, why should you leave it until now!" complained Marvin.

"You will not understand Marv. Indeed, the problem of Kayla and Arsen's death is very complicated, to the point that the news that their deaths were caused by an accident, even though it is not true!" Bella stared at Marvin with a sad face, remembering the tragic death of her friend.

"Then Ardham, do you know him? He is Nadine uncle Mom's"

"You think you have heard about it, Kayla told me that Arsen's best friend lived together in their house, Mom remembers a little when Nadine Mom was introduced to Arsen's friend, his name is Ardham ... is that Nadine's uncle Ardham? Ardham, whom Mom introduced, means he is not Nadine's uncle but Arsen's best friend! " Bella's mind also felt complicated.


Nadine opened her eyes slowly, her head a little dizzy. It has been 3 days since she had a meeting with Ardham,it had been hard sleeping at night.

Nadine stared blankly at the ceiling in her room. Ardham's handsome face played on her eyelids.

Nadine closed her eyes, hugging her bolster very tightly.

"Uncle." muttered Nadine imagining herself in Ardham's arms.

"Akkkkkhhhhh." shouted Nadine, awakening herself with a slightly perverted mind.

"Drrrt... Drrrt... Drrrt"

Nadine's cell phone vibrates, Aunt Anna's call tone is seen.

With a little laziness, Nadine picked up Anna's call.

"Hello ... Nadine." Anna's voice on the other side.

"Yes aunt Anna, what's wrong?" Nadine asked, playing with her fingernails.

"Me and Ardham are at the door, dear, are you not opening the door for us?"

Nadine awoke from her sleep, Nadine rushed out of the room and walked down the stairs.

"Sorry Aunt Anna... I just woke up earlier." Nadine excuses, still holding her cellphone. And stepped towards the door. She opened the front door with a pounding heart.


You can see Aunt Anna's smiling face and Ardham's expressionless face. Nadine opened the door wide to invite Anna and Ardham into the house. Nandine helps carry one of the bags that Anna is carrying. The three of them entered into a very large living room. Ardham looked around the room, and there was still a piano at the end, next to her study.

"It's still like seven years ago. Nothing changes at all." Ardham let out a heavy sigh.

"C'mon Aunty Anna, Uncle, i will take you to your room." said Nadine casually hiding her pounding heart, and her hurt.

"Nadine ... I just stay in my room ... let your uncle also be in his room." replied Anna.

Nadine alternately stared at Anna and Ardham in surprise.

"Aren't you two married? Why don't you share a room?" Nadine asked, slightly suspicious.

"Nadine, you know i will rarely be at home because of my job, who often goes out of town ... and again ... Your uncle Ardham is more often in his office." explained Anna. But Nadine still doesn't accept Anna's reasons.

Nadine's eyes turned to Ardham for an explanation.

"Anna ... you should be honest with Nadine if I caught the HIV virus two years ago ... which caused us not to be roommates." Ardham replied to Anna.

Nadine's body relaxes, Nadine's heart feels sad and hurts at Ardham's words.

Nadine looked at Anna with teary eyes.

"Is it true what Uncle said, Aunty?" Nadine asked Anna.

Anna nodded her head, her chest tightened again with the lies Ardham made to avoid Nadine's suspicion.

"How many more lies will you fabricate Ardham." Anna thought painfully.

"Let me take your uncle dear." said Anna with a disappointed look at Ardham.

"Okay, Aunty Anna, if you need something, just call me." Nadine replied, still looking at Ardham in disbelief, if his uncle had a very deadly disease. Nadine's little heart wants her to keep Ardham through her days. But Nadine realized quickly, if Ardham did not love her.

Anna followed Ardham who walked first to his room. Arriving at the room, Nadine locked the door from the inside and looked at Ardham with great disappointment.

"What is this lie Ardham .. why do you have to lie to such an extent." said Anna in a voice full of pressure.

"It's okay if it's for Nadine's good, we have to support marvin so that he can marry Nadine immediately." Ardham's voice was heavy with his complicated thoughts.

"It's up to you then ... I can't support you this time ... I can't see you suffering from Ardham ... I also don't want Nadine's life to be destroyed." complained Anna desperately.

"Nadine will be happy, she has Marvin now." short Ardham.

"I'm not sure Ardham ... I still see so much love in Nadine's eyes for you."

Ardham narrowed his eyes to glance at Anna, who was staring at him.

"What do you say?" Ardham asked with a sudden rustle when Anna said that Nadine still loved her.

"Nadine still loves you ... I can see her clearly." stare at Anna sure.

Ardham was still unfazed, his heart felt hurt again, his love for Nadine had to be buried deep. Ardham did not want Nadine's life to be in danger, his heart could not calm down before he could find the killer of Nadine's parents.

Ardham closed his eyes trying to suppress his uncertain feelings, the longing to be close and hug Nadine like seven years ago.

"Can you leave me An, I want to be alone for a moment, accompany Nadine upstairs and persuade Nadine to marry Marvin as soon as possible."

"I wouldn't do it, if you wanted, do it yourself." Said Anna as she walked open and closed the door loudly.

Ardham let out a deep breath, as he massage his head that felt dizzy. His mind couldn't stop thinking about Nadine. Ardham's eyes closed when he heard the sound of the door opening.

"What's more An ... have you changed your mind?" Ardham asked without opening his eyes.

"This is Nadine uncle ... not Aunty Anna." Nadine replied, courageously approaching Ardham who was sitting on the chair.

Ardham's eyes opened, Nadine was already very close to him. Ardham looked into Nadine's eyes with a complicated look.

"What are you doing here Nad?" Ardham asked straightening his back. His heart was beating fast in disbelief if Nadine dared to meet him in his study.

"I-... I really missed you uncle ... i miss you very much." squeaked Nadine, her head bowed. Ardham's heart was splashed with cold water, very soothing.

"What did you say Nad?" Ardham's voice was cold, in contrast to his heart which began to beat in tune with his longing for Nadine.

Nadine's crying voice suddenly broke, while bumping into Ardham's body who was still sitting in his chair. Nadine hugged Ardham's body very tightly.

Ardham's heart stopped, feeling Nadine's embrace. Really Ardham could not contain his longing.