"What did you say Nad?" Ardham asked again, still in Nadine's tight embrace.

"Did i have to repeat it again uncle? Like seven years ago, then will you hurt me again?" Nadine's eyes weakened.

"And it will happen again Nad, as long as you can't forget your feelings for me." Said Ardham neutralized his beating heart, by releasing Nadine's tight hug.

But Nadine's hug grew tighter, sinking her head in Ardham's broad chest.

"Uncle .. let me for a moment like this, please ... let this time i hug you for the last time." Nadine begged with sad tears. Ardham squeezed his hand which was under the chair, his heart was really torn to hear the cry of Nadine, the little girl he used to pamper so much, who he always carried on his shoulders wherever he went, even sleeping with him often. Ardham's heart was crying too, but what can I do, everything had to end before Ardham could begin.

"If you want to quickly forget me, marry Marvin Nad." Ardham said without hugging Nadine back.

"Uncle." Nadine lifted her face and stared at Ardham's beaded eyes.

"Right now i'm not an unstable little girl like my uncle said ... I am an adult now, uncle, i'm very sure of my own feelings." Nadine explained.

"Now what is the reason, uncle? Is it because i'm not as beautiful as Aunt's Anna? That you can't love me?" Nadine asked, hurt.

Ardham's heart pinched with Nadine's innocent question.

"You have indeed grown into a mature girl now my little princess ... you have grown up to be a very beautiful girl ... prettier than any woman in this world." Ardham's heart answered Nadine's question.

Ardham looked at Nadine, and on the ground with a strong enough strength, Ardham released Nadine's hug, until Nadine staggered slightly on the edge of the table.

"That beauty, can't be seen with the naked eye Nad ... beauty is from the heart, and you know what that means? I and Anna are married, so it is not appropriate for a beautiful girl to still seduce married men." Ardham replied as he walked towards the door and left the room.

Nadine's body felt paralyzed,the wound in her heart opened again, it was very painful, Ardham's words stabbed deeply in her heart, tears of pain poured out of Nadine's beautiful eyes. Nadine sobbed as she sat limply on Ardham's chair,

"What was my fault uncle ... what was my fault that you hurt my heart so much, is my love feeling inappropriate for you, I want to always be with you, want to spend my life with you." Nadine groaned sadly, as her hand hit Ardham's desk.

Ardham who was standing behind the door, heard all the moans of Nadine, his body felt shaking, felt his head spinning and knocked him away.

He held his chest which was very painful there. There were tears welling up in his eyes.

"I loves you very much Nadine ... I can still let go of that love for Marvin, but your love ... let me keep it until you are gone." Ardham's voice was soft as he rubbed his office door. Then go to his room.

With swollen eyes and a swollen nose red, Nadine stepped out into her room.

She spilled all her hurt, her disappointment in tears, Nadine's heart screamed ...and screamed ... wanted to vent her hurt, wanted her heart to forget her feelings, buried deep in the image of Ardham's face, but still, her mind was controlled by her affection. greater than his hatred.


"Nadine." Aunt's Anna voice calls Nadine from outside the room. Nadine wiped her tears quickly, and walked over to the doorway and opened it.

Anna was a little surprised to see Nadine's face, which looked like she was crying. But Anna quickly neutralized her shock.

"Nadine, come on down ... we're going to eat together." asked Anna, holding Nadine's cold hand.

At the dinner table, Ardham was waiting with his face expressionless, as if nothing had happened.

"Sit down Nad." Said Anna told Nadine to sit down and pointed to a chair close to Ardham.

Nadine just glanced at the empty chair, Nadine lazily pulled another chair closer to Anna. Anna looked Ardham's eyes, Ardham replied with a long sigh.

"Let's eat." Anna started off with a conversation after it was so quiet. Anna took the rice and gave it to Ardham and Nadine.

There are several kinds of food on the table, Nadine takes the egg omelette while Ardham will also take it. But Ardham immediately canceled it when he found out that Nadine wanted the egg.

Nadine still quietly started eating. Ardham and Anna started eating, without a sound, after a few minutes, Ardham's coughing sound could be heard.

"Cough ... Cough ... Cough"

Ardham coughed with a flushed face while holding his sore throat.

Anna quickly got up and took a glass of water and helped Ardham drink it. Anna also cleaned Ardham's mouth, which was left with the spilled food that had stuck around his mouth.

Seeing all that Nadine's heart was getting sick and tormented, her heart could not stand seeing it all, her hands shook holding her spoon and fork.

With a little hard Nadine put down her spoon and fork, as she got up from her seat.

"Sorry Aunty Anna... I'm full. Excuse me." Nadine said getting up from her place and running a little out of the door of her house, Nadine ran quickly to a coconut garden not far from her house.

Nadine's tears have been shed. Holding her chest tight, Nadine hysterically screamed loudly.

"Ardham I hate you !! I really hate you ... !! shouted Nadine and fell to her knees on the ground.

Her body curled up, gripped by his knees. She buried her head on her knees.

"Hikss ... hikkss ... I love you uncle, I love you !! Should I disappear from your sight? Should I marry Marvin to make your heart satisfied?" Nadine's voice drowned in her tears.

At the dining table, Anna sat limply, her face covered with her hands. Her heart was very sad to see Nadine's condition, who came out running with tears in her eyes.

"Thanks An ... I wanted to do it earlier." Ardham said, his voice trembling.

"I can no longer do it Ardham ... just stop with this play, I'm very worried about Nadine's condition." sobbed Anna sadly.

"Nadine is very stubborn still on her feelings An, I have to do it." Ardham said softly.

"I can't do it anymore Ardham, don't involve me again by doing like that ... I'm also a woman ... I know how painful it is." Anna's voice was quiet

"Then what else should I do An? What should I do?" Ardham's voice croaked, holding back his heart which also hurt.

"Marry Nadine Ardham, that's my only advice." said Anna

"I haven't found Arsen and Kayla killer, Anna ..How can I marry Nadine." complained Ardham, and had unwittingly shown his wish to Anna.

"Does that mean that if you find the killer, you will marry Nadine?" asked Anna with overflowing joy.

Ardham's face flushed with embarrassment at his words.

"Ardham ... even if you can't find Arsen and Kayla's killer, you can still keep Nadine by the way you marry Nadine. Nadine will be safe with you." Anna continued with a relieved heart, seeing Ardham who had followed what he said.

Ardham lifted his lips to form a smile that he had rarely done in the past seven years.

"Alright ... this time I will obey your request, I will cover Nadine's hurting heart and give my love to her." Ardham's voice softly as he cleaned his mouth, after the meal was finished.