"What other lies would you tell me? You did it because of what? Nadine may be a stupid girl, uncle, a stupid girl that you have lied to for years. Why did you do this to Nadine uncle?" Nadine sobbed softly, releasing Ardham's grip.

But Ardham held Nadine's hand very firmly.

"Don't let go of uncle Nadine. Uncle begging you ... I'm sorry uncle, I'm sorry I can't explain it to you at this time, but trust me, I really love you." Ardham's voice gasped hoarsely, enduring a deep wound.

"How can Nadine trust her uncle again, from childhood Nadine always believed in uncle, and now my uncle hurts Nadine even more, Nadine hates uncle ... Nadine does not want to see uncle again! Now let go of Nadine's hand uncle! Leave Nadine alone. " Nadine's voice softly escaped Ardham's hand firmly.

"Uncle will not let go Nad, uncle will still be here to accompany you. Do not tell me to go, please Nad." Ardham's hand reached for Nadine's.

But Nadine brushed it off harshly.

"If uncle doesn't go! Let Nadine go!" Nadine's voice cold, then ran away from where Ardham was still kneeling.

Ardham stared at Nadine's departure with pain. But he can't let Nadine go, because Nadine's life is still in danger.

With a slightly sore knee, Ardham got up and ran quickly after Nadine, Ardham's eyes watched all the roads in the park, at the end of the garden road leading to Ardham's main highway, catching Nadine's still seen running. By running fast without seeing anything, Ardham pursued Nadine who was still far ahead.

Ardham accidentally saw a suspicious red car stop on the left side of the road, when he saw Nadine was almost on the edge of the main road and was about to cross the road.

He saw that the red car began to move along with Nadine who was about to cross, Ardham ran faster without paying attention to his feet, which repeatedly hit rocks or tree roots on the road in which he passed.

Just as Nadine ran fast, crying, the car sped toward Nadine. Ardham quickly grabbed Nadine's body and threw her to the side of the road, and ...


Ardham's body bounced when the car crashed into him. Seeing the victim lying in blood on the road, the red car sped away fast. Some people ran after and screamed.

Nadine who stood stunned only with her eyes flowing freely without asking, her heart seemed to stop, her soul flew, when she saw Ardham's body bouncing and lying covered with blood. Blood splattered beside Ardham.

"What have you done uncle, why did you save me? Even though I scolded him, I hurt him." Nadine's heart screamed sorrowfully.

"Hi ... Kid! You come here quickly! we have to take him to the hospital, his heart is still beating! he's not dead yet! "shouted a man who was beside Ardham. Nadine gasped to her senses, with tears in her eyes Nadine approached Ardham whose breath seemed to be left one by one.

Nadine hugged her uncle tightly. Crying and roaring in Ardham's chest.

"Uncle ... wake up uncle ... do not leave Nadine uncle." shouted Nadine hysterically, still hugging Ardham's limp body.

"Please !! Anything ... please take my uncle to the hospital!" Nadine shouted to the people around her. "Uncle ... wake up uncle." Nadine's voice was quiet in Ardham's ear.

Ardham's eyes were half open, blood flowing from his mouth, Ardham's hand reached Nadine's face, which he could see faintly.

"Nadine ... Forgive me." Ardham's voice choked with blood spurting from Ardham's mouth.

"I'm sorry." Ardham's hands fell down as Ardham's eyes began to fade and closed. Nadine cried hysterically and called Ardham's name.

"Uncle Ardhaaaaaam !!!"

Forgive uncle. "Ardham's hand fell down as Ardham's eyes began to fade and closed. Nadine cried hysterically and called Ardham's name.

"Uncle Ardhaaaammmmmm!"

The sound of an ambulance siren broke the tense atmosphere. Several police officers had swarmed around Ardham.

Nadine could only stare at the busyness of the medics who rushed over to Nadine and Ardham.

"Miss! Hope you step aside a little, we have to lift it simultaneously so that things we don't want happen, seeing the victim's condition until she bled from her mouth. Nadine's sobs are getting sad, staring at Ardham's body which several people picked up and put on on the gurney, with one lift Ardham down into the ambulance. Nadine followed behind and got into the car. Next to Ardham, Nadine muttered with thousands of prayers for Ardham's safety. Tears never stopped pouring from between her eyes.

"Oh God, save Uncle Ardham, don't take uncle from me. Oh God. I don't want to lose my loved ones anymore, it's enough for my parents that you have taken. Give me the opportunity to be happy and to love Uncle Ardham Oh God." screamed Nadine's heart praying for Ardham. Nadine stared at Ardham's face, which had partly dried blood stuck to it. The dried blood that stuck between Ardham's lips was gently wiped clean with a wet tissue underneath. Ardham's face looked pale.

Nadine sobbed incessantly. With trembling hands, Nadine called Anna, whose position was still out of town.

"Hello aunt An."

"Yes..hallo Nadine, why are you crying dear? What's wrong?"

"Uncle Ardham, aunt An ... accident. Now Nadine take him to the hospital."

"Oh my God Ardham! Just this morning he called aunt An, which hospital did Nadine take Ardham with?"

"Don't know aunt An, when Nadine arrives, tell her."

"Yes ... yes Nad, call aunt An if anything happens honey, aunt An will come home today."

After telling aunt An, Nadine also contacts Bella as well as Marvin. Bella, who knows the situation is indeed very dangerous, immediately tells Abay.

Nadine still stayed where she was, holding Ardham's hand to make sure Ardham's hand was still warm.

Arriving at the hospital, the medics opened the ambulance door and again lifted Ardham's body to be transferred to the hospital's push gurney that had been prepared. Nadine got down quickly.

In a state of confusion, Nadine did not know what else to do but cry to see Ardham in the hands of doctors and other medics. Ardham, who was on the gurney, looked even more pale with his eyes still tightly closed.

"The patient's pulse is very weak, we must immediately perform a major operation. There are indications of severe impact wounds in the abdominal area, the initial result could be that the liver and kidneys were hit, causing the patient to vomit blood." said one of the doctors.

Nadine, who heard her, felt paralyzed in her legs, Nadine could no longer stand up. Bella and Marvin are seen coming hastily.

"Nadine, are you okay?" Marvin asked, feeling all parts of Nadine's body.

"I'm all right, Marv, just my uncle who was badly injured." Nadine replied sadly. Marvin hugged Nadine's body trying to calm Nadine's heart.

"What about Ardham? Ardham's wounds weren't serious, were they?" Bella asked Nadine.

"Uncle downstairs to the aunt operation room,

he said there was a hard impact that caused my uncle's liver and kidneys to have problems.

"Nadine's story comes back with sobs, remembering how Ardham's body bounced, with blood constantly coming out of Ardham's mouth.

"Nad, have you told Anna?" asked Bella

"Yes Aunt bella" Nadine replied, releasing Marvin's hug.

"Then what did she say, did she come straight home?"

"Yes aunt." Nadine replied, her mind couldn't digest it properly, which made her a little lazy to speak, her mind and heart only focused on Ardham.

"Is there anyone here who has a closer relationship with the patient?" asked the doctor who had just come out of the operating room.

Bella looked at Nadine.

"This is Nadine, doctor, the patient's nephew. What's wrong, doc?" asked Bella.

"We need a signature from the patient's family, because we have to do the operation as soon as possible, ... the patient's liver and kidneys are seriously injured, .. fortunately the collision didn't hit his heart, ..." explained the doctor.

"Alright doc, .. Nadine will go to the administration to immediately sign and pay for the operation at the same time." said Bella.

"Auntie .. I beg you to sign, okay? Let Nadine be here. Nadine can't leave her alone here." said Nadine tearfully. Marvin heard Nadine's words, his heart sank with jealousy.

"Do you still love him Nad? Even though I was in sight, who will be engaged to you." moaned Marvin sadly. Bella, who knows Marvin's condition, takes Marvin's hand.

"Marv ... accompany Mommy to the administration room, let Nadine be with Ardham here." said Bella. Marvin did not dare to refuse Mommy's orders. Disappointed, Marvin finally followed in the footsteps of his Mommy.

Nadine sat back in a long chair, staring at the door to the operating room. His memory returned to Ardham's words, if Ardham loved him very much since Nadine was a teenager. Does that mean that when Nadine first confessed her love, Ardham actually loved her? then why Ardham refused? until the second statement of love was rejected, with what reason that Ardham hid his feelings. And the marriage with Bi An who is also part of Ardham's lie is also for him? what's behind all this? "Nadine massaged her forehead which started to feel dizzy thinking about all that was happening between her, Ardham and Bi An.

"Nadine." Bi An's voice shakes Nadine from her thoughts about Ardham.

"Bi An." Nadine stood up and hugged Anna sadly.

"How is Ardham doing, dear? Is the operation completed? How could this have happened?" asked Anna in succession.

"Uncle still hasn't finished the Bi An operation." Nadine replied, starting to shed tears.

Bella and Marvin who have finished their administration return to Nadine.