"Hi Anna." said Bella to Anna and hugged Anna for a moment.

"Bella? You're Momy Marvin right?" asked Anna guessing from Ardham's story.

Bella nodded her head with a sad smile.

"How is Ardham doing? has the operation been completed? It's been almost three hours, what have the doctors been doing inside all this time?" said Bella, feeling anxious.

Marvin walked over to Nadine, who stood upright staring at the door to the operating room.

"Nadine, You have to be sure that uncle Ardham is safe and can get through this. " said Marvin trying to calm Nadine's heart by hugging Nadine's shoulder. Nadine was silent, only her eyes could not escape the operating room door.

Ardham has been in the operating room for three hours. THE DAY HAS STARTED FOLLOWING, but there is no sign of Ardham having finished his operation.

The operating room door opened. Suddenly everyone stood up and walked over to the doctor who came out of the operating room with a tired and sad face.

With an anxious and anxious heart, Nadine joined the doctor who had been surrounded by Bella, Anna and Marvin.

Still in silence The doctor stared at Nadine, Bella, Anna and Marvin in turn. Nadine's chest was beating very fast. With a deep sigh, the doctor took off his mask.

"Sorry ... we did our best. The operation has been completed on time, but unfortunately the patient's heart had a problem and it stopped when we tried to pump up the respiratory support. The patient had died at 3:40 p.m.." said the doctor in a barely audible voice.

"Nooooooooo!!" Nadine screamed hysterically and ran into the operating room.

"Uncleeee Ardhammmmm." Nadine called with tears in her eyes trying to break out of the obstruction of several medics.

Nadine's tears have not stopped anymore, the lamentation of her tears could not win the hearts of the medics to release the block.

"Please let me go ... I want to see my uncle. Please let me go." Nadine's wailing broke the heart of Marvin, who heard him standing beside the door.

"Let her see it. Nurse, take off Nadine's hand." Said Anna sadly begged the medics to let Nadine go.

"But Madam, there are still many cables that are still attached to the patient. We were afraid that we would damage our equipment, if Nadine could not calm down and was still hysterical like this." said one of the nurses who held Nadine's hand firmly.

Nadine's body sank downward, and knelt on the doctor and several nurses who were still holding her.

"Doctor I beg ... let me see my uncle for the last time. I have to see it Doctor, my uncle could not possibly leave me. Uncle loves me very much Doctor, I beg you." said Nadine in a choked voice between sobs.

Anna and Bella who heard Nadine's words looked at each other.

"Has Ardham expressed his feelings to Nadine." thought Anna and Bella simultaneously.

Bella approaches Nadine, and grabs Nadine's hand to get up from her seat. Hugging Nadine's shoulder, Bella stared at the doctor who looked sadly at Nadine.

"Doctor, I ask to please let Nadine see her uncle one last time. I guarantee Nadine will not do anything that can damage the doctor's equipment." asked Bella with great authority, making doctors and other nurses reluctant to refuse Bella's request.

"Alright Madame, I gave Nadine only fifteen minutes, after that let us work to remove all the tools that were on the patient." Said the doctor finally gave in allowing Nadine to see Ardham one last time.

"Nurse, get off Nadine." The doctor ordered the nurse.

"Nadine you have to calm down, you can see your uncle now..maybe with your presence all miracles can happen." Bella said calmly.

Marvin, who saw his Mommy as if siding with Ardham, became very disappointed, especially giving Nadine the opportunity to meet Ardham, even though Ardham had been declared dead.

"Mom, what is Momy doing? I am your son Momy?" said Marvin very disappointed and hurt.

"Shut up Marvin! learn to be more mature and not be selfish, Momy will tell you everything. Now clean your face, so that it's not dull and your mind can be clear." Bella said very firmly to Marvin.

Heartbroken and disappointed, Marvin just walked away, ignoring Bella again.

Anna, who was still stunned at her place, approached Bella, who was still staring at the departure of her only child Marvin.

"Bella, Do you think ... Ardham has expressed his feelings for Nadine?" asked Anna curiously.

"I think it's Anna, we've heard Nadine's words right? But I don't know whether Ardham told Nadine about your marriage, which never existed." Bella replied looking at Anna who became very surprised at what she said.

"Do you know from Ardham, Bella?" asked Anna, feeling embarrassed by Bella.

"I know it from someone I trust, and Ardham himself has admitted it." Bella said calmly.

"Come on Anna, we sit there. We have a lot to discuss about Nadine and Ardham, as well as about my son Marvin." Bella said walking to a long chair near the operating door.

Anna nodded her head following Bella.

"But what about Nadine and Ardham inside, will we see Nadine first?" asked Anna a little worried. Afraid that Nadine will be angry or disappointed with her, if Ardham has told Nadine everything.

"Doctors have declared Ardham dead, and now Nadine is with him. I hope there is a miracle in the future, we can wait for it while discussing this matter." said Bella sadly.


In the operating room, Nadine walked very slowly. Her footsteps were too heavy for Nadine to move. Nadine's cries sounded soft, in her heart weeping sadly. The sadness was deep.

Nadine's hand repeatedly wiped her tears, so they didn't flow again. His heart wanted to be strong when she saw Ardham, but the tears that came out couldn't stop. The tears flowed out by themselves, increasingly flowing more profusely.

Ardham's distance was getting closer, Nadine's footsteps felt even more shaky. Her heart could no longer bear to see Ardham's stiff body covered in white cloth.

"Uncle." called Nadine in a low moaning voice.

With trembling and weak hands, Nadine opened the white cloth covering Ardham's face and Ardham's whole body.

Nadine's tears fell even more, when she saw that Ardham's white face looked very handsome and clean. Ardham's eyes and lips were tightly closed.

Nadine couldn't bear to see it other than sitting limply in the chair beside Ardham. Nadine saw the hose wires stuck at a certain point in Ardham's chest. Nadine sobbed sadly, seeing all that. Especially when looking at the electrocardiogram monitor which is close to Ardham, it only shows a long stripe.

"Uncle." called Nadine crying sadly, her heart was so very sad and her chest felt tight with the reality she had seen.

With trembling hands Nadine took Ardham's limp hand. She held it and put it on one cheek with tears still in her eyes.

Ardham's skin was still warm and felt against Nadine's cheek.

"Uncle, has uncle really left me? can you leave me alone? Why uncle always make my heart sad, why uncle?" wailed Nadine, stroking the back of Ardham's hand gently.

"Just now I was happy, because uncle also loves me. But, why now you leave me? answer me uncle?" Nadine asked Ardham who had not moved.

Nadine's tears rolled down the back of Ardham's hand.

"I'm sorry uncle, all this happened because of my fault. If only I didn't run away, and would listen to uncle's explanation ... surely uncle is still alive, and still with me now." said Nadine between her sobs.

"Uncle, wake up uncle .. don't leave me alone. I really need uncle, I really love you uncle." Nadine's voice grew wailing. Nadine got up from her seat and crouched down facing Ardham's closed face. She rubbed Ardham's cheeks lightly, hoping that Ardham would wake up.

"Uncle, wake up ... I beg you ... don't leave me in sorrow anymore uncle. I don't want to lose uncle again. Uncle Ardham, get up, I love you uncle ... I love you." shouted Nadine, starting to hysterical right in Ardham's ear.

She kissed Ardham's whole face as if he didn't want to leave Ardham's skin. Nadine's tears rolled down Ardham's face and neck.

Nadine's limp head slumped against Ardham's chest, still sobbing sorrowfully over Ardham's bare white chest.

Despair shrouded Nadine's heart, hoping Ardham would wake up when she heard her voice.

But hope remains hope, Ardham remains unchanged in his place.

Nadine's head was still limply on Ardham's chest, Nadine's gaze began to empty and empty, Nadine's hand tightly gripped Ardham's.

"If uncle goes, then I will go uncle. Let me come uncle, I will die here with you, we will not be separated uncle." Nadine said in a low voice, starting to hold her breath to stop and she would die with Ardham.

Nadine slid her head even more into the recesses of Ardham's neck with a tighter grip.

Nadine started to gasp for breath. Nadine wanted to end her life by holding her breath. Nadine's face looks red with her eyes closed tightly. Nadine's neck began to tighten. Nadine's grip tightened.

After a few seconds ...

Nadine's body was weak and her breathing was getting heavier.