After a few seconds ...

Nadine's body was weak and her breathing was getting heavier.

But...a moment later Nadine faintly heard something. Slowly Nadine's eyes opened, Nadine heard the sound of the electrocardiogram monitor moving normally up and down. Nadine clearly saw Ardham's pulse move again.

As soon as Nadine looked at Ardham's chest, Ardham's breath was so weak.

Nadine's tears flowed freely between her lips, which was slightly pale.

Nadine's body, which had started to feel weak at the beginning, returned to her full position. The overflowing of happy hearts made Nadine cry and laugh mingled into one. Nadine stared at Ardham's face with a look of disbelief, Nadine repeatedly said gratitude while kissing Ardham's entire face without stopping.

"Uncle, uncle my love ... finally you realized. This is a miracle from God .. Oh God thank you, you have returned Uncle Ardham to me." Nadine's voice was soft, linking her forehead to Ardham's.

Without looking at the monitor again, Nadine is very sure that Ardham will come back to life.

The roar of Ardham's breath that came out softly from his nose seemed to enter Nadine's breath. A warm feeling flowed through Nadine's heart.

In her gaze Ardham's face was still closed, and she caressed Ardham's cheeks with all her heart.

"Thank you uncle for surviving, and coming back for me." whispered Nadine softly as she kissed Ardham on the forehead lovingly.

Ardham's breathing, which was originally back to normal, suddenly looked a little heavy and looked difficult. Nadine panicked again and immediately pressed the alarm button, shouting loudly.

"Doctor !! help !! Doctor !!" shouted Nadine out loud with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Nadine's heart stopped really. A few seconds ago her heart felt relieved that Ardham had returned. And now Ardham is having trouble breathing again.

Doctors and several nurses who heard Nadine's scream and the sound of an emergency alarm immediately entered the operating room. The doctor and several other nurses were very surprised, when they saw the electro-programmed monitor was moving rapidly and abnormally. This is a sign that Ardham is alive again, even though he is now in a critical state again.

The doctor immediately gave instructions to his assistant and the others.

"Nadine please come out for a moment, let us check on Ardham now. We are glad Ardham is back, this is truly a miracle." said the doctor, then returned to Ardham's place and started helping Ardham because there was a blockage in his breathing.

Nadine came out of the operating room, feeling anxious mixed with a sense of great relief, Ardham, the person she loved had come back to life.

Bella and Anna immediately stood up when they saw Nadine who stood with tears in her eyes along with a smile on the corners of her lips.

"Nadine, what happened nad?" asked Anna, approaching Nadine, who was still standing stunned, holding back her happiness and anxiety.

"Uncle is still alive Aunt Anna, Uncle has returned for us." Nadine's voice trembled, holding back happy tears.

Anna and Bella's faces were surprised to hear what Nadine said, as they both hugged Nadine's body.

"Is Ardham all right inside now?" Bella asked, happy to hear that Ardham was alive again. Although logically Bella doesn't believe that Ardham is alive again after being declared dead.

"There is a blockage in uncle breathing, the doctor has taken care of it now." Nadine replied.

"I can't believe this, it is truly a miracle. What was Ardham thinking to make him come back?" Anna asked incredulously and curiously.

Nadine lowered her face in shame towards Anna.

"It's all because of Nadine, Anna. Ardham loves Nadine so much. That's why Ardham survived and came back." said Bella with a smile. Anna smiled and then hugged Nadine very tightly.

"You owe us a story Nadine, you have to tell everything why Ardham had an accident." said Anna smiling as she lifted Nadine's chin to want to look at her. Nadine nodded her head slowly.

"Nadine." call Bella, starting to worry about Marvin, who hasn't been back for almost an hour.

"Can you find Marvin? Marvin seems angry at Auntie because of the problem earlier." said Bella feeling guilty to Marvin for defending Ardham more.

"Yes Auntie, Nadine understand ... where is Marvin now?" Nadine asked a little confused where to look.

"Maybe in the canteen if not somewhere, you can just try calling the cell phone." said Bella anxiously.

"Fine Aunt, but what about Uncle." said Nadine, still worried about Ardham's situation.

"Take it easy Nad, let Aunt Anna and Aunt Bella take care of Ardham here. Poor Marvin seems to be troubled again." replied Anna. Bella nodded her head in agreement with Anna's words.

"All right, Nadine go first Aunt Anna, Aunt." Said Nadine, then went away looking for Marvin who knows where his position now.

Nearly the entire hallway through Nadine's hospital, every corner of the park, the entire waiting room, but Nadine has not found Marvin.

Several times Nadine contacted Marvin's cellphone and could not be reached. Desperately, Nadine stepped toward the cafeteria not far from where she stood.

Nadine's heart wished Marvin was in the canteen. Nadine's eyes start looking for Marvin once he is in the canteen. In the corner of the canteen, Marvin can see sitting daydreaming, staring blankly at the glass of juice in front of him.

Nadine walked slowly, and immediately took a seat opposite Marvin.

"Can I drink Marvin's juices? Too bad if nobody's been drinking it?" Nadine said suddenly, making Marvin aware of his reverie. Marvin glanced at Nadine, then Marvin stood up to leave but Nadine quickly held Marvin's arm firmly.

"Sit down Marv, we have to talk." Nadine's voice was soft but firm in Marvin's ear.

Marvin sat back down without looking at Nadine.

"You must be mad at me, right Marv? Tell me now if you are angry and disappointed with my attitude? I'm ready to accept it." said Nadine staring at Marvin who had not looked at him yet.

"I'm not mad at you Nad." finally Marvin opened his voice in a deep voice.

"I'm just angry with myself for just wanting to play with you, I know ... you love Uncle Ardham, and until now you can't turn away from him. Then what about me? With your promise to me?" said Marvin with great disappointment.

"I thought I could trust you Nad ... but it's just like any other woman." continued Marvin in a cold voice.

Nadine took a deep breath, not knowing what else to explain to Marvin. About her feelings of not turning away, or her promise to Marvin that she will get the engagement done.

Now Nadine is faced with a dilemma, returning to her love for Ardham or to her promise to Marvin.

"You think if you were me, what should you do, Marv?" Nadine asked guiltily.

Marvin was silent, maybe if he became Nadine he would definitely choose the person he loved.

"Tell Marv, who should you choose?" Nadine asked again.

"You must choose the person you love, right Marv?" Nadine asked with a full look.

"If you know I will definitely choose the person I love .. surely you will know, I will keep the woman I love, namely you? Am I wrong Nadine?" press Marvin looked at Nadine's face seriously.

Nadine met Marvin's sharp gaze, feeling even more guilty.

"I'm sorry Marv, you weren't wrong, I was the one who played with your heart." Nadine's voice was quiet, unable to calm Marvin's disappointment anymore.

Marvin is deeply hurt by Nadine's apologies to him.

"So easily you apologize to me Nad, and so easily when you promise to try to love me and want to be engaged to me. Am I just a toy for you Nad?" Marvin screamed softly in Nadine's ear.

Nadine has tears in her eyes, what Marvin said is true. Marvin wasn't wrong and he was.

"I'm sorry Marv, I was guilty. I was wrong to play with your heart, scold me Marv! Insult me! Or if necessary you can slap me or hit me! Provided you can forgive my mistakes." said Nadine with tears already flowing.

Marvin's heart was crushed and deeply hurt, with Nadine's words ready to accept any punishment from him in order to choose his love for Ardham.

Marvin's body shook, unable to hold back his disappointment and sadness. Nadine has chosen her love over her promise to him.

Marvin's heart was crying silently. He saw Nadine's face bowed still with sobs.

"Get up Nad, and stand up ... you want to get punished from me don't you?" asked Marvin, who was standing in front of Nadine who was still seated.

Nadine slowly stood up, her heart was determined to be ready to accept all the anger from Marvin.

"Do it Marv, take out all your anger, all your disappointment, all your pain on me. I am ready to accept whatever it is, as long as after this you will not be hurt again, and not be angry with me anymore." Nadine said softly looking at Marvin's face, which looked very hurt.

"Very well, if you are ready with the punishment that I give." said Marvin in despair, lost all hope of his love and dreams of living with Nadine.

Nadine closed her eyes slowly, ready to accept any punishment from Marvin.

"Do it now, Marv." Nadine repeated in a low voice.

Marvin stared at Nadine's face, which looked pale and tired. A beautiful face, a beautiful heart, it really broke her heart.

Marvin's tears welled up in the corner of his eyes as his heart cried deeply, trying to let go of love and starting to forget his love from now on.

Heartbroken and hurt, Marvin pulled Nadine hard in his arms. Marvin sobbed in the recesses of Nadine's neck. Nadine slowly opened her eyes, still to her surprise to see Marvin crying by hugging himself very tightly.