With a heart that hurts and hurts, Marvin pulls Nadine hard in his arms. Marvin sobbed in the recesses of Nadine's neck. Nadine slowly opened her eyes, still to her surprise to see Marvin crying by hugging himself very tightly.

"What are you doing Marv." Nadine said still in surprise.

"Aren't you mad at me Marv? Why are you crying instead?" Nadine asked, not understanding.

"I'm mad at you Nad, very angry. But I can't do anything about my anger." moaned Marvin

"Can't you just give a little time, so I can prove that I love you too?"

"What will you prove Marv? In my eyes you are a good man, very handsome, and smart. You are very perfect in my eyes." said Nadine, cupping Marvin's flushed face.

"Then why don't you choose me Nad? Why do you prefer uncle Ardham who deserves to be your parents? And you also already know that your uncle is aunt Anna husband's" said Marvin, not understanding Nadine's mind.

"Uncle has never married Marv. There is no marriage between Uncle and Auntie Anna. They have lied to us all this time." Nadine said softly.

"If they have the heart to lie to you, why do you still choose him Nad? Why Nad?" shouted Marvin seeing the weak Nadine, who still loves Ardham even though he has been lied to all this time.

"Marv ... if I ask you. Why don't you get mad at me? Even though I've been playing with your feelings? Why Marv?" Nadine asked back to Marvin.

Marvin gasped, turned his face to another direction. Of course Marvin could not be angry with Nadine because he loved her so much.

"You understand, right Marv? Why can't I be angry with Uncle Ardham?" Nadine explained trying to give understanding to Marvin.

"I've lost Nad, I lost to Uncle Ardham." said Marvin, sitting languidly.

"You don't lose to Marv. You are a great man in my eyes, who has a heart as big as an ocean. I am grateful to know you Marv." Nadine said, rubbing Marvin's cheeks.

"Smile Marv, I prefer to see you when you smile ... looking very handsome." Nadine teased, smiling

"Is that true?" Marvin squinted at Nadine in disbelief.

"Sure. Do we need to ask Aunt Bella and Auntie Anna?" Nadine replied, stifling a laugh.

Marvin's lips curled up in a curled face.

"Just the same as Nad's lie." Marvin grumbled, ruffling Nadine's hair.

Nadine chuckled.

"Let's go back, Marv? Aunt Bella was looking for you, afraid that her most handsome son would commit suicide." Nadine teases again to make Marvin even more annoyed, then hugs Nadine's shoulder and curls him anxiously.

"Try teasing me one more time, I will marry you right now." joked Marvin.

Nadine chuckled even more in Marvin's arms. The two of them walked by hugging each other's shoulders.

Nadine breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Marvin was no longer angry or disappointed with her or Ardham.

In front of the operating room it looks deserted, no Bella or Anna can be seen waiting. Nadine's heart began to restless, There is one nurse who just came out of the operation door.

"Nurse,i want to ask ... is the patient named Mr. Ardham still inside?" Nadine asked with a pounding heart.

"Ohhh ... Mr. Ardham, just now the patient was taken to Melati's VIP room because hiw condition is stable." replied the nurse and then left Nadine and Marvin. Nadine breathed a sigh of relief.

Marvin grabbed Nadine's shoulder tightly.

"Now you can rest easy, let's find Melati's room." invited Marvin to take Nadine's cold hand.

After walking down the hospital hallway and going up to the next level, Nadine and Marvin finally arrived in front of Melati's VIP room.

Nadine's face looked a little nervous and pale. There was no courage to enter Ardham's room.

Marvin, who knew about it, tapped Nadine's forehead slowly.

"Come on in, if you don't want ... let's just go home." said Marvin, releasing his grip.

Nadine sipped her saliva, sighed soothingly her heart was starting to beat fast.

Marvin knocked softly on the door, and opened it slowly. Nadine followed behind Marvin.

Bella, Knowing Marvin, came to hug her son, and took Marvin's hand out of the room.

Anna walked over to Nadine who was still standing stunned.

"Sit here with Auntie Anna Nad. Ardham is still unconscious, maybe in a few minutes he will." said Anna as she led Nadine to sit on the sofa. Nadine can only be silent with sighing lips and a heart that is not in chaos.

"Have you eaten Nad?" Anna asked, staring at Nadine's face, who looked tired, with the same clothes when she brought Ardham to the hospital. There is a trace of blood that has dried up even though it looks faint because Nadine has cleaned it.

"Nadine isn't hungry Aunt Anna yet." Nadine replied softly and slightly nervous.

"Can you now tell me what happened?" asked Anna quietly.

Nadine looked at Anna doubtfully. Does he have to tell everything, how will Anna feel later.

"You don't have to be afraid, Nad. Did you know that Auntie Anna didn't marry Ardham?" asked Anna confirming her thoughts.

Nadine just nodded slightly, with a thousand questions still hanging. Why did Ardham have to hide his feelings for so many years.

"Aunt Anna ... does Aunt Anna know that you love me? I'm sorry if maybe Auntie Anna is offended by my question." said Nadine with a bowed face.

Anna smiled, rubbing Nadine's face full of tenderness.

"Ardham has loved you for a long time, Nad, before you confessed your love for the first time. Until now Ardham still loves you." replied Anna with wistful eyes and a little hurt.

"Then why did you reject me, Auntie Anna? Twice have you rejected my feelings? When I honestly told Nadine how she felt to Uncle." complained Nadine with her hurt again.

Anna took a deep breath and looked at Nadine very seriously.

"Nadine, trust Ardham. He loves you so much, he is willing to do anything as long as you are happy." replied Anna, not telling the truth.

"Nadine can't believe Aunt Anna yet. If you want Nadine to be happy, then you won't hurt Nadine by lying for years." said Nadine, starting to sob.

"Are you mad at Ardham? Do you hate him Nadine?" asked Anna.

"I don't know Auntie Anna, it's just that I want to know why you are doing all this lies? And you didn't tell me. And it made me angry and ran, until the accident happened. Uncle saved Nadine from a car that nearly hit Nadine." Nadine explained, sobbing softly.

Anna approached Nadine and hugged Nadine's body. In Nadine's head caressing lovingly.

"Yes Nad, don't cry anymore. Now the most important thing is Ardham has passed his critical period. And he survived because of you." Said Anna encouraging Nadine.

"Yes Auntie Anna, I'm grateful you are safe and alive for me. I don't want to lose Aunt Anna?" moaned Nadine.

"Yes..Yes, I know ... now accompany Ardham. I will go home for a while with Ardham's clothes and yours." said Aunt Anna, hugging and kissing Nadine on the forehead. Then walk out opening the door and closing it again.

Nadine is still sitting on the sofa chair, her mind still confused.

His heart was worried what to do when Ardham realized.

His relationship with Ardham is still hanging, because the beginning of the sweet incident ended with the tragedy of Ardham's accident that had saved him. With a little hesitation Nadine walked over to Ardham, who was lying weakly on his bed. Being beside Ardham Nadine's heart became hot and cold, her chest felt tight to breathe. Nadine really wanted to hug and cry on Ardham's chest.

But Nadine's heart held her back. Ardham is his uncle, and not yet his lover. Nadine would be embarrassed if Ardham woke up when he hugged her.

For almost half an hour Nadine was still sitting beside Ardham without moving the slightest bit.

Until then there was movement in Ardham's fingers. Nadine watched Ardham's fingers move and lift as if they were going to reach for something.

Anxiously, Nadine caught Ardham's limp hand that was almost drooping, Ardham's hand now in hers. There was a feeling of warmth running through his bloodstream. a warm feeling that pushed Nadine's heart to embrace Ardham's body.

"Nadine." called Ardham very weak, but like an electric shock for Nadine who was able to thrill her heart so that Nadine gasped from her seat.

"Uncle." Nadine's voice trembled as her chest pounded.

Slowly Ardham's eyes opened to Nadine with a look that was so sad and dim.

"Come here Nad." Ardham's hoarse voice made Nadine's heart fall.

Really Ardham's voice tormented Nadine's heart. Nadine drew closer to Ardham.

Ardham's gloomy and dim eyes had melted Nadine's defense. Without saying anything Nadine shed tears of longing and fear over Ardham's broad chest.

"Uncle, forgive Nadine ... because Nadine uncle turned out like this. Forgive Nadine, Uncle." Nadine's crying sounded in Ardham's ear.

Ardham's soft fingers rubbed Nadine's back as she sobbed over her chest.

"Don't cry Nad, it's okay uncle.

Even if one day you have to die, for your sake, you will do it and will continue to do it. Because uncle loves you Nad, loves you very much. "Said Ardham, closing his eyes in pain because Nadine's body pressed against his chest and stomach area which still ached.