"There's no way around it, Bay, I don't want this problem to drag on. I have to go to him and press him so I can pull him to the surface. So that everyone will know who Robet really is, "said Ardham deep voice.

"Fine, if you think that's the best way. I'll prepare everything immediately." said Abay giving up Ardham's decision.

"Bay, don't forget to bring my gun as well." Ardham said reminding Abay.

"Ready Dham." said Abay then cut off the call.

Ardham took a deep breath, when he saw Nadine standing in front of him and staring at him with a sharp gaze.

"Can you explain the Dham? Why do you have to carry a gun?" Nadine asked with a serious look.

Ardham paused, wondering what excuse should be given to Nadine.

"Honey ... I'll tell you later. Now we go home first, I have work to finish quickly. "Said Ardham, hoping that after being at home Nadine would forget his question.

"But Dham, actually I do not agree that you come home when you are not well. You are still sick Dham?" said Nadine with a worried look.

"Nadine, this wound doesn't hurt me at all. As long as you are by my side, all my pain will go away by itself." said Ardham trying to calm Nadine's heart.

Without answering Ardham's words, Nadine brought a bag containing Ardham's clothes. Nadine did not bring much because the day before Ardham's dirty clothes had been brought home by Nadine.

"Nadine, shall we take a taxi or ask Anna to pick us up?" Ardham asked, asking Nadine's opinion, who was more silent since her question had not been answered.

Ardham took a deep breath.

"Let Anna pick us up, Nad?" Ardham asked, but still no answer came out of Nadine's mouth.

Ardham was silent and didn't know what else to say, so that Nadine would talk to him again.

Almost half an hour passed, but there was no conversation between Ardham and Nadine. Nadine didn't speak at all, but her hands moved swiftly and quickly played a game on her cellphone to get rid of her annoyance at Ardham who didn't come clean to her.

"Knock ... Knock ... Knock"

The door was knocked and opened, it seemed that Anna came and immediately approached Ardham.

"Did you wait long Dham? Sorry, I was still in business with my agency." said Anna explaining why she came late.

"Let's go home Nadine." Said Anna turned to Nadine who was still engrossed in her cellphone.

"What's wrong with you two? Are you two fighting?" Anna asked with a surprised look when she saw Nadine and Ardham's unusual residence.

"Nothing, Aunt Anna, it's just this game annoying me again." Nadine replied looking for the right reason.

"Indeed playing games can make you annoyed, right Nad?" asked Anna, still not understanding when Nadine teased Ardham.

"Could be Aunt Anna, if Nadine's opponent is trying to divert Nadine's question." Nadine replied again without looking at Ardham, whose face had turned red.

Ardham heard Nadine's answer felt insulted. But Ardham tried to stay calm, because there was Anna who didn't know anything. And Ardham did not want Anna to know that there was a misunderstanding between himself and Nadine.

Anna, who doesn't understand games, can only keep silent.

"Then come on, let's go home now." said Anna, carrying Ardham's bag of clothes, but Nadine stopped her.

"Not Aunt Anna, let me carry it. Aunt Anna helps Uncle." Nadine said with a smile.

Anna is even more surprised to see Nadine's indifferent attitude towards Ardham. While he saw Ardham just silent with a sad and gloomy face.

From the start of the trip to the house, there was only silence that enveloped Ardham and Nadine's hearts.

Anna began to realize that Ardham and Nadine's problem might have been serious, and Anna could only be silent and could not say anything. Because neither Ardham nor Nadine told him what the problem was.

Without even looking at Ardham, Nadine got out of the car door, walked a little quickly into the house.

"Dham? What's wrong with you? Is there a problem I don't know?" asked Anna to help Ardham carry the bag Nadine left on purpose.

Ardham let out a breath that felt a little tight in his chest.

"Nadine probably heard when I talked to Abay about Robet. What is clear is Nadine asking why I have to carry a gun?" Ardham told Anna, her face still anxious.

"Then what do you answer?" asked Anna with a frown.

"I said I'll explain everything at home. I said like that ... I think later Nadine will forget the question. "Ardham replied not knowing what else to do so that Nadine would not be angry with him.

"But unfortunately Nadine still remembers it until she behaved like that to you." said Anna, making Ardham's heart even more depressed.

"What should I do, Anna?" Ardham asked asking Anna for advice.

"You just tell me Dham, tell everything to Nadine. You have to remember Nadine is an adult, not a little girl anymore." said Anna giving Ardham advice

"I'm afraid Nadine will do something desperate if I tell everything Anna." Ardham said with fear that began to envelop his heart.

"It's just your fear Dham. I'm sure Nadine is a smart woman, after all she always does what you say. So what else are you afraid of." said Anna a little comforting Ardham's heart, who was starting to feel restless and sad because Nadine was still silent.

"You immediately meet Nadine, and tell everything to Nadine, don't cover it up again." said Anna before leaving Ardham who sat on the sofa.

Ardham repeatedly sighed. Thinking of finding a way to persuade Nadine who is now angry.

With a little hobbled Ardham walked down the stairs to Nadine's room.

In front of Nadine Ardham's room knocked softly on the door.

"Nadine, can you open the door, dear." Ardham called softly.

Nadine does not answer the call but the door has been opened by Nadine. Ardham stepped inside, saw Nadine sitting on the edge of the bed looking still engrossed in her game.

Ardham walked over to Nadine, and sat beside him.

"Nadine, are you angry?" Asked Ardham quietly as his eyes saw Nadine's face which looked flat.

"Nadine, answer me. Don't be silent." Ardham said again, which tormented his heart even more because Nadine ignored him.

"Nadine ... come on honey, don't be like a child. Say something, if you're angry, just say it. "Ardham stared at Nadine's face, which remained unmoved, only the sound of the game was heard occasionally.

Desperately, Ardham squeezed his hair, not knowing what else to do to persuade Nadine to speak.

"Okay Nad, you're mad at me right? Because I can't explain it, I'm sorry I can't explain it to you. I just want you to believe me, I'm doing all this because I care for you Nad. I don't want anything to happen to you. " Ardham explained to Nadine who was still staring at her cellphone. Ardham was silent for a few minutes, waiting for Nadine to speak. But still not the slightest sound from Nadine's mouth. Ardham's patience was running low, he could no longer endure the hurt that Nadine did not pay attention to at all.

Ardham got up from his seat, stood in front of Nadine.

"Nadine, look at me now! If you are mad at me, then angry with me now. If necessary you can hit me, hit me now! As long as you don't be like this, silence me as if I'm not in my heart." Ardham said with a feeling of despair.

"Okay Nad ... if you don't want to scold me or hit me, I'll do it to represent your anger." said Ardham walking to the wall then with a quick movement Ardham hit the wall with his right hand several times without stopping.

Fresh blood flowed from the back of his hand flowing between his fingers. Nadine, who did not think Ardham would do that, immediately stood up from her seat and hugged Ardham's body from behind. With the other hand Nadine held Ardham's hand which was about to hit the wall again.

"Stop Dham! What are you doing? don't do this anymore Dham. "Nadine sobs guiltily.

"This is my punishment, because I have hurt your heart Nad! Who can not explain anything to you." Ardham's voice was soft.

"I'm mad at you Dham, but you don't have to punish yourself." complained Nadine.

"What else should I do Nad? honestly I'm not a seducer, who can seduce you with sweet words or with other romantic things. I only have heart and love, which you want to have and you can fully believe. " Ardham said, sinking his head on Nadine's shoulder.

"I know I should be honest with you, and tell you everything. But I can't, I can't if something happens to you. Just give me a little time, to solve this problem. "Ardham's voice softened in Nadine's neck.