"I know I should be honest with you, and tell you everything. But I can't, I can't stand it if something happens to you. Just give me a little time, to solve this problem." Ardham said in a low voice sinking his head in Nadine's neck.

Nadine, who feels guilty, can only keep quiet and try to understand Ardham's wishes.

"Come here Dham, sit here." said Nadine, reaching out her hand to Ardham to sit on the edge of the bed.

After Ardham sat down quietly, Nadine moved from her place to get the wet tissue and red medicine in her desk drawer.

While carrying wet tissue and red medicine, Nadine sat next to Ardham.

"You know Dham? I am no longer your little fairy or little girl anymore. I have grown up Dham. I want my existence to have meaning for you too. I can't stand still as if I don't know anything, even though I can clearly see how you look when you are depressed about this problem. I want us to share both joy and sorrow." Nadine said while cleaning the blood on Ardham's back and palms.

Ardham fell silent, Ardham long enough to digest what Nadine said. Nadine's words both warmed and saddened her heart. Ardham's feelings sank deeper into his fear. The fear of losing Nadine for good.

"You know Nadine, for me...You are the only one I have after your parents. If something happens to you, I don't know what else will happen to me. I know, You have now grown into a beautiful and mature girl. But to me you are still my little fairy, my little girl I have to take care of. I will always keep you away from all the things that harm you." Ardham said in a low voice expressing all his fears so far.

Nadine sighed heavily, really very difficult to convince the heart of this old man. A man who is mature but very much in love.

"Ardham, look at me?" Said Nadine cupping Ardham's face trying to convince Ardham's heart again.

"You know too, I also don't have anyone but you. I also have the same feelings as you, anxiety and fear if something happens to you. We have the same feelings and thoughts Dham! because our bond is very strong. So why don't we encourage each othern, share and look after each other?" Nadine explained that he hoped Ardham could understand what he was saying.

Ardham stared into Nadine's eyes fixedly, so he could no longer speak. What he had said now Nadine said to him.

"You're right Nadine, we must share and look after each other. But what if something happens to you later? can you take care of yourself Nad?" Ardham asked still stubbornly. Nadine stared at Ardham's face with annoyance.

"If you always think like that in your head, just lock me in Dham's room! I'm not going out anywhere I'm like a bird in a cage." said Nadine with exasperation seeing Ardham's stubborn head. It's really not easy to break Ardham's stubbornness.

"If that can keep you out of harm's way, I'm sure I'll do it Nadine, because I don't want anything to happen to you." Ardham said in return for Nadine's annoyed gaze.

"You! You are really stubborn Dham! it's useless I talk at length if you live with your fear. From now on I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay here so you are satisfied! But don't expect you to come back into this room and talk to me! because from now on I don't want to talk to you!" growled Nadine grabbed Ardham's hand roughly and pushed Ardham's body out of his room. Ardham who didn't think Nadine could do that, could only be stunned when Nadine pushed her body out of the room.

"Eeehh!! Nadine!! What are you doing dear?" Ardham asked as his mind began to panic at Nadine's anger, this was the first time Ardham saw Nadine's anger. Very scary!

"You ask what I did? I can do anything. You go on! don't go into my room anymore! I'll stay in this room until you're satisfied!" Nadine's gaze grew increasingly furious to see Ardham who only stared at him with an innocent expression.

"Nadine... listen to me first! why do you have to be angry like this?" Ardham said holding on to his position with his feet holding under the door.

"Why should I listen to you? you don't even want to listen to me! Come on! quickly get out of my room and don't talk to me anymore!" said Nadine, pushing Ardham's shoulder hard, but Ardham's feet held the door firmly even though his leg hurt because he was caught in the door.

"All right Nadine, I will listen to you. I will fulfill all your wishes. But, please...don't kick me out of here." Ardham said finally giving in after seeing Nadine's frightening anger.

"Right? you will listen to me?" Nadine asked looking at Ardham's face, which looked pitiful. Ardham nodded in resignation.

"Promise me now! you will always listen to me. And from now on you must get rid of your fear that is groundless?" said Nadine looking at Ardham's face seriously.

Ardham nodded his head again resigned to all the wishes of Nadine the little girl he loved so much.

"I want you to say it in Dham's words, not just nodding your head." said Nadine with a sharp gaze.

"Yes Nad, I promise you dear. Now let me in okay? my leg hurts pinched in the door." Ardham said, showing his leg which was still caught in the door.

Nadine looked down the door, when he saw Ardham's foot caught in the door. Nadine held her laughter in her heart to see Ardham looking in pain with his face so very handsome when begging him like a teenager.

With a sense of relief and a relieved heart, Nadine opened the door and pulled Ardham's hand into the room.

With a little limp Ardham sat back on the edge of Nadine's bed.

Nadine's heart felt pity, in fact his heart could not bear to scold Ardham who he thought was like his own parents, even became his uncle for a dozen years.

But what else to do, Ardham's stubbornness is hard to break. Only with Nadine's anger Ardham's stubbornness could she shatter to pieces.

"Which one hurts Dham? let me massage your sore feet." Nadine said in a soft voice wanting to see Ardham's sore leg.

Ardham tilted his face to glance at Nadine, who was holding one of her legs that had been pinched.

Really Ardham's heart has fallen for the young girl in front of him now. Little Nadine who used to be spoiled by him, just scolded him. And he could do nothing but bend his knees, waving the white flag of surrender in front of Nadine.

With a little hesitation, Ardham showed his sore leg. Nadine also felt guilty for what she did, Ardham's leg became bruised and slightly swollen.

Without another word, Nadine lifted Ardham's legs lightly and on his lap over his thighs. Slowly Nadine's hand massaged Ardham's feet with great affection.

Nadine smiled when she heard Ardham's voice grinning and groaning in pain. Nadine passionately kissed Ardham's swollen leg.

Ardham's heart melts with Nadine's attention even more when Nadine kisses her swollen leg turning blue.

"Nadine." called Ardham in a trembling voice holding back the turmoil of love and longing for Nadine.

"What?" Nadine replied as she lowered Ardham's foot which had just been massaged, then turned to look at Ardham who stared at him wistfully.

"Don't ever scold me again Nad. I'm afraid to see you angry like that. I really don't want to lose you." Ardham said honestly.

Heard the sulking Ardham, made Nadine couldn't hold back her laughter anymore.

With a chuckle, Nadine shifted her seat to get closer to Ardham.

With great affection Nadine's hand cupped Ardham's face, who looked even more handsome when Ardham's face begged. Like a kitten asking to be petted.

"Ardham you know, I can never be mad at you baby... I did it because I really love you. I can only love you and will continue to love you." said Nadine, kissing Ardham's eyes, then kissing Ardham's moist lower lip gently.

Ardham stared at Nadine without blinking at all, his lower lip felt wet against Nadine's moist and chewy lips.

"Aaaahh!! Nadine you have made my blood flow hot and warm!" exclaimed Ardham's heart, which had felt the passion in him. Really Ardham's heart and stubbornness have been broken by Nadine.

"What do you think Dham? why are you silent? "asked Nadine after breaking the kiss.

"I am thinking, I am happy you are not mad at me. I love you so much too, I did it all because I really love you. I am afraid of losing you Nad." Ardham said as he could not escape his sight staring at Nadine's face.

"I know Dham, you did it for me. And I'm grateful for that. But from now on I want you to have to believe in me, if I can take care of myself, "said Nadine with certainty.