My egyptian love

Before the sun went down, Téa was gone. Among the orange rays of that afternoon, we saw the brunette girl saying goodbye between smiles and waving while she was already walking down the street, following her usual way back home. That girl ... I wonder what I did to deserve your friendship. Téa was just so unique, able to flourish anyone. She by herself was already a sun, which poured out its cheerful rays and bloomed to those around her.

I stopped following her with eyes and now turned to Atem, who was still looking at the vast horizon, beside me. His serene face expressed his state of mind, which was now far from emotional afflictions and any turbulent thoughts. Seeing it that way reflected in my own being a peace far from being understood or explained. Perhaps we were halves of a single being, soul mates.

Her lilac eyes finally turned to me and her lips made a gentle smile. He turned and entered the house again. We had a lot of work to do on the card deck, after all Téa hadn't just come to tell me about Bakura or even to visit Pharaoh; the girl came with news of the tournament and Kaiba as well.

- Oh, really! - Téa interrupted one of my laughs that came again by the expression of Pharaoh by some comment from the brunette herself. - Well, this news is actually just a rumor that I heard from Joey shortly before and came here, but it seems to be true. Anyway, they say that as Kaiba will not be able to return to the tournament as soon, they planned the finals in a single day with the finalists who won the 7 medals just that day before the disaster ... - She paused - That means ... Yugi and just another guy.

- So the finals will take place even without Kaiba supervising? - I asked with a raised frown.

- Yes, there are no predictions for his improvement ... so Mokuba took the lead and will finish the championship without his brother. As an apology - she continued - it looks like the corporation will give some reward cards to players. In addition, there will also be the show of the finals that everyone will be able to watch as well as the opening.

- What??? - He said a little scared - Then ... not again.

- What are you worried about, Yugi? - Téa said smiling and giggling - You will surely win! It even appears that the tournament is yours - She laughed again.

- In that case, we better fix the deck - Atem said calmly, seeing my dismay in having an audience again.

- Why, again? - Téa said with a confused face - Wasn't I here just to have it fixed?

Atem produced a confused face, giving me an expressive look, clearly asking what the hell I had said to the girl, silently.

- You know how Pharaoh is, he likes the perfect things. He'll have to review the deck and trust the heart of the cards, won't he? - Said between an innocent smile.

- Of course ... - Atem said in a low voice and winked at Téa.

Now going back to our room, I wondered if Atem had the same innocent idea as I did to fix the strategy for the tournament. He walked silently to the room and I just followed him. Instead of guiding himself to the deck, he just went to the window and stood in front of it, now facing a sky so darkened, guided by the white light of the moon that appeared among clouds.

- Is something wrong, Pharaoh? - Said approaching him.

His serene face turned to me and with gentle eyes he looked at me.

- Do you want me to go to the tournament with you tomorrow?

- Huh? But of course. We always duel together. - Said between a sweet smile.

- I will understand if you do not want me to go, after all you cannot trust that I am truly constant ... if something happens you will lose Yugi. You know how strong my spirit is and that leaves you exposed to danger in the final. And on top of that, you are brave to go it alone, I know I could do it. - He said in a closed expression, with intense eyes.

- Don't say those things, Pharaoh. - I smiled widely at him and moved closer - I trust you are better, and if something goes wrong I'll help you in the duel myself. I don't care about losing the final, this tournament is not important ... you are important to me. - Pharaoh's cheeks flushed - And if I'm not going to duel with you, I'm not funny. So promise me that you will go with me.

Pharaoh let out an embarrassed laugh, from whom he let himself be overcome. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, still smiling. Then he returned to look at me and nodded.

- Alright Yugi. Thank you.


The sound from up there was incredible. The crowd that stretched down there was huge, you could hardly count the number of people who had attended. The finals had arrived, and the adrenaline was pouring into the veins of all the duelists.

I climbed the last steps that washed the place of the duel. My opponent he was a very intriguing boy, quite different from most somewhat troubled people that I had faced in all kinds of tournaments before this one. He was kind and even greeted me before the duel, down the stairs. Marlyn was his name. He looked much more of an admirer than an opponent, but the determination in his eyes as he climbed the stairs made him appear to change his appearance. Before the duel was announced, I took a look at the audience. The duelists were excited, and among them, my eyes searched for nothing less than the most excited of all. Joey jumped and shouted among the people, making Tristan, Téa and Mai have trouble controlling him a little. He was really excited, there was no way I could lose with a crowd like that.

I waved at him, laughing and Téa waved back, as did Tristan and Mai who shouted encouragement. It was not long before the narrator came with a microphone to announce the finals. Never before had a final been made public for the rest of the players, so it was being sponsored by TV channels and everything that could bring together those who could not be there in the crowd.

Mokuba also appeared, he was supervising the duel and waved at everyone, with an adorable childish smile from who knows he will one day run his brother's corporation. As soon as the duel started, Atem changed our bodies, putting his aura of Pharaoh to what he knew best: dueling.

It didn't take long for the sound of the hit points, drastically decreasing, to sound throughout Domino's courtyard. That sound was the sentence at the end of the duel. Some player would fall to his knees in defeat. And so it was followed by the sound of knees falling to the ground, the friction of the body spilling into a loss.

On the other side, Marlyn sat on her knees and stared at the floor.

The sound of the crowd below us was so great that the ground shook, amid screams and smiles that the duelists produced in euphoria. Some mumbling and other things mixed together, since not everyone cheered for me. Marlyn got up a while later, and then smiled and made a thumbs-up sign with her finger, which was promptly answered by an equal gesture from Atem.

After the reconciliation of the duelists, Mokuba came down from where he was watching us and came to give me the tournament prize at last. This was nothing more than a trophy and an exorbitant amount of money. I never accepted money in tournaments, so I promptly asked Mokuba to direct Kaiba, who needed to recover his own health, the

Do what you thought best for your brother and give me news. The latter smiled and accepted the request.

The ride home was peaceful. I received congratulations from some players, who in the end ended up moving away quickly because of Joey who never tired of snubbing my victory and holding my trophy for anyone who wanted to see it on the street. They took me home, with the exception of Mai who stayed to settle some issues, and with huge smiles they congratulated me for the third time. We made our symbol the friendship, created long ago by Téa, symbolizing our bond that could give us strength to deal with anything and so we said goodbye to that victorious and resplendent afternoon.

We guide each one to his home. Mine, two steps from where I was, was quickly reached by my energetic body, which still ran through the veins the adrenaline of the duel. Like my friends, my grandfather welcomed me with smiles and congratulations. I lingered there and wanted to stay for a while.

When I got back to the room, I wanted to take a shower. I put my millennium back in the box, silently asking Atem to wait a while in my absence. I took my body to the bathroom and there I went into the shower, opening the shower and feeling the first warm drops of water wash my body, only now fatigued. I spent long minutes down there, amid an endless reverie of remembering the duel and letting out involuntary smiles when they brought the best moments.

I left the bathroom and found the silence of my room, hugging myself and wanting to take me to bed, exalting the tiredness of my eyes and the desire to close them just to open them the next morning. I got dressed, trying to fool the feeling of sleep for a while. But as soon as I sat down on the bed, hoping perhaps Pharaoh would honor me for leaving the millennium and visiting me that night, the body faltered. His back hit the soft bedspreads and his eyes weighed on his face, falling into silent deep sleep, with no protest from his tired body.

I woke up later. The familiar sound of a current of air came over the place. Familiar with the sound, the eyes tried to see what the mind was already speculating from the memories. He prowled around and noticed the beige walls of heavy bricks, in a morbid tone, in the same corridor as always. Ahead, the door with the eye of Horus stared at me, inviting me to enter Pharaoh's home.

I thought it was another heavy one heavy my whole body shuddered and I was hesitant. Would be? Wasn't it over? Why was I there again? Am I stuck in this cycle? With no answer and no way out of the millennium on my own, I directed my shaking and hesitant hands to the door. I pushed and entered the place. I was immediately surprised.

The central figure was once again made up of Atem's throne, with Pharaoh himself sitting on it, in a formal position. His clothes were the usual ones, but on his forehead the golden crown shone, giving him that royal shine and that mysterious air of an ancient soul.

- I didn't have time to congratulate you. - Atem's thick voice resonated through the vast place, penetrating my being like a bullet. - A mischievous smile played on Pharaoh's full lips, and his hand made a gesture, calling me to him.

Pharaoh was like a magnet. His deified image made my feet move automatically towards him, in order to delight in his other arms. Walk over to him and look at his serene lilac irises. He rose from his throne and walked over to me. He raised his fist and waited for me to shake it. When I did, that contact was like a shock. Pharaoh smiled widely and then his lips hissed "Congratulations Yugi", and before I could react, he pulled me by this arm backwards, dropping his own body back to the throne and pulling me next to him.

He then laughed again and pressed his warm lips to mine. And I stayed on that wave of caresses, being carried by that spirit that completed me and I his. And not even a word needed to be spoken by our bodies anymore. Only the gestures were understood, felt and responded, in a feverish and eager contact, full of lust. Now, on his thighs, face to face with the Egyptian king, I understood. The truth is, maybe I was really stuck.

Trapped in that Egyptian love.