
[Allan's house]

- We will play a jokenpô. If I win, you won't be able to tell anyone what you saw or heard here. If you win, I will have to fulfill the same demand. And if we tie, both demands will be met. I'll play paper and you too, will you? - Serena knew that this was the only way for Allan to explain what was happening, so she accepted, even though she was still reluctant. - Okay, then let's go.

The two said 'ASCHENTE' and played. It was a draw, neither of them could say anything to anyone.

- Come on, I already did what you wanted, now tell me what you did. For starters, are you the King?

- Surprise? Yes, I am the King. Now, let me tell you what happened. I won the Black Horse and the bet was that he would obey me for three days. I asked him to switch sides with me half an hour after class ended, so I hurried out. Then I asked him to bet with the Queen of his own team, of course, I gave him a text to memorize what he should tell her, and a disguise for him to use. Then the order was: if he won, which would be if the Queen gave up in the middle of the game, he should switch sides with me in twenty minutes. After ten more minutes, he should give up the game and hand over all the pieces he had, in the case of the Horse and the Queen. And, if she accepted, he should play with her tomorrow, soon after we have already switched sides, taking advantage of the fact that we would have the evidence. To make the Queen give up, I made the Horse bet his piece, so that when the game happened, he would already have his real piece back, so even if he lost, the Queen would receive a Horse as a gift. I could only win. Is that what I did, happy with the explanation? - Serena kept focused on each word, looking for any mistake in the plan, luckily, for Allan, she found none.

- I got it - she said seriously, all the impatience or happiness she was feeling disappeared, just a "rage", more like a worry, was left. - So that's why he sent the Horse in his place, so he would be protected from anything. - He saw the boy nod. She just put her hand on her face and took a deep breath. - You know that was extremely irresponsible and dangerous, don't you? Even if you took a 0% risk, something could still happen that would change that. Next time, try to come and talk to me first. I just don't scold you because I know you planned everything so you don't have any mistakes, but it's still a worrying situation. - Allan smiled.

- No need to worry, I know what I do, I know the right time to stop. I just didn't say anything to you because of the risk of having the plan revealed, after all the person the King should trust most is the Queen, and since you are the smartest on the white team, it wouldn't be long before they challenged you in exchange for the plans of our team.

- You're right. So just be more careful, okay? By the way, why didn't you tell the Horse to tell you who the King is?

- I actually tried, but apparently the King forbade him to reveal it in any way. Or even changed your memories. He must have done this already thinking they would lose. Still, I suspect two people: Michael and Evan, they are the smartest kids on the team.

- But you have to remember that, in addition to the fact that the King can be a woman, the pieces also do not take into account only their school knowledge. After all, you are the King.

- I don't know if I'm happy or if I'm insulted. - Serena laughed at the comment.


It was halftime, Allan was challenged to a game of chess by a guy from the black team, the Bishop. The stakes were: if Allan won, the Bishop's piece would be his. If he lost, the same thing.

Many would consider that this would be stupid, after all Allan was never the best person in chess, but, thanks to the information that Ellena had given him, using the Bishop's standard against himself was not at all difficult. It had only been a week, and because of the information Ellena told him he was able to defeat many people on the black team, he regretted the fact that he still didn't get his pieces, nobody was an imbecile at that level. At least so far.

The victory, although still a little complicated, was rather easy. Now he had the Black Bishop with his pieces.


"What's going on, how is everyone on my team losing like this?" Michael's thoughts were racing, millions of theories were going through his head to explain this wave of defeats he was suffering. "The only plausible explanation is that someone was defeated and forced to speak to everyone's standards and moves. But who? Think ... I KNOW! The only way anyone could have missed it was if they weren't walking together. As far as I know, only two people did this: the Horse and the Queen. The Horse is already out of the picture, so the most sensible thing would be to bet that he would be the person who revealed everyone. But he would not be able to know all the forms of play of everyone who lost, only Queen would see it all. She lost, that fool. Okay, I have to get the King off the hook before he takes my whole team. "

"It's time to start playing!"