[Michael's house]
The warm, light drops of water touched Michael's body. With every drop that fell on him, it made him think. "Who are you, White King?" He had his suspicions and of course, but surrendering to mere guesses, would not be the most sensible attitude.
As soon as his bath ceased, he went to his room, the Black King was putting together one of the biggest plans that he was going to mount. Michael gets dressed and dries his hair. He starts talking only, things that always helped him to put ideas in his head.
- I know two things. First, the subject to defeat Ellena was not the King, as I doubt that he would take such a risk. Second, there is a puppet on the black team, in this case, Ellena, that is, she cannot lie to the white king, since he has total control over the same ... So, what I have to do is simple: I will play his game of false pieces, I will also pass false information, so that Ellena passes the information to the White King. That would be the first part of my plan, the second would be to exchange the part with someone. Wait, the horse is out of play, and soon Ellena loses to the fake King, that is, the fake King can only be Brendon, one of the Black Horses that the white King had used. I need to talk to Eduardo, the only horse left, I will propose a game ... - Michael gets ready and goes straight to school. Many girls don't take their eyes off it.
Upon reaching the room, he sits in the front desk.
After class, when only he and Eduardo were left in the room, he says:
- You shouldn't be in such a hurry, rest assured, we have a lot to talk about, my friend. - Eduardo makes a strange face, after all the Black King never appeared, why arrive suddenly with that friendly air?
- Um, well, I'll be at the meeting soon, rest assured. - Says the Black Horse a little cautiously.
- The meeting can wait a few minutes, to be true, I want to make a simple bet, a chess. If you beat me, we'll change places for a day or even have your first defeat, I know you like Ellena, the poor thing cried so much, humiliated like a salt slug (The King had told everything about Ellena, or at least the that he thought had happened). I know you want to pay back, so why not let it, after all I doubt the King will face a Horse. - Eduardo makes a face of revolt.
- You know, more than anyone, that I will never forgive whoever did that to Ellena. - The Black Horse, had already closed its fists. Each time Eduardo showed hatred for the White King, Michael smiled cynically, seeing that poor Horse was tamed and manipulated by his words.
- So, come here to have your chance ... ASCHENTE - without hesitating a single moment and not even saying the conditions, Eduardo repeats the words.
A game given as a gift to Eduardo, Michael did absurd actions, as if he really wanted to lose. Suddenly Eduardo's voice says:
- Checkmate! - he spoke willingly.
- My congratulations - a strong light, reveals that the part of both were changed - Well, let's go to the meeting.
They both get up and walk to the library. Soon Ellena draws their attention:
- I take Eduardo and ... Michael? - She is surprised by the visit of the Black King.
- Today I will stay with you, Ellena. - They both sit down, except Michael who goes ahead. - All present, I have news, Eduardo defeated me, he is the new King, be careful. Remember, his weakness has to be confidential. Soon after that meeting I will play with you to erase the memories of Eduardo's weakness, thereby avoiding disadvantage. The only one who won't do that is you, Ellena, after all she is the Queen, so you need to help me be cautious with Eduardo's weaknesses - Ellena nods.
- I will challenge the White King to a final game. That idiot will lose, I will humiliate him right here, where all of you will be able to see. - Eduardo interrupts him.
- This is stupid! Even though I don't know how you beat Michael, you think like a horse! Says Ellena.
- You are wrong Ellena, Eduardo and much more intelligent than me. He defeated me, a King, the boy with the highest grades, do you think he thinks just like an average student? - Michael's words made Ellena convinced on the spot. She smiles thinking.
"Yes, Eduardo can beat the damn Allan, after all he defeated our best, Michael. The only problem is that it will force me to reveal it to him. His weakness ... card games, RPG style, his weakness is his deck of cards without any defense. In a way am I disappointed in Michael, losing like that? Even more for a Horse. "
Michael thinks almost the same as Ellena as if he reads her thought.
"Then the White King will go with only attack cards and effects. I will prepare my deck, and for dessert, take the King off the hook for a week. "
Michael knew that the King was going on a very careless path, as appearing already threatening his strongest pieces, in this case he had the idea of being a guy who wasted no time, that is, he would accept the duel blindly without thinking about the risks.
The sound of the break echoes, Eduardo was ready to announce his challenge to the White team.