
[Allan's house]

- A card game? TCG on top? Doesn't he really have anything better to use against me? - Allan was a little incredulous, not that he belittled the game, he just didn't think it was worthy of a duel between the Kings.

- Is there anything against that? Don't you know how to play, by any chance? - Ellena was at her house, Allan had thought that the best way out was to tell her who he was, instead of sending orders by letters or by some intermediary, after all, anyone could use these methods and impersonate him. Of course, he put restrictions on Ellena, still had his control for about three days, and would soon make her give up on the game, so there would be little risk. - Do you intend to accept this?

- The most sensible thing would be for me to refuse, but I doubt that asshole will let me do that, he will probably bother me with several duels. Still, my chances of winning are great, I already have his weakness and the way he plays. I just think it's strange that he hasn't changed anything about you. He looks suspiciously at Ellena.

- I find it strange that he hasn't changed anything in anyone.

- It intrigues me too. It's almost certainly a trap, but I really don't know what he plans to do. But anyway, I'm going to play against him, let's see what he has in mind. - Allan smiled.

[Game Day]

At the end of this class the game would take place. Allan was almost sure that the trap would be another game: they would make him train and think about strategies for the card game, then challenge him to a completely different game, for which he would not be prepared. So he trained and prepared for the possible games that could come, like Chess or Othello.

- Let's play, Allan. - He and Serena were arguing about what they would do. - We will play jokenpô, if I win I have the right to ask you any favor. I'm going to use this to stop you from making a mess. But don't worry, I won't forbid you to play against the King, just to prevent me. I'll play paper, shall we?

- I already warned you that you worry too much, but since you insist, let's go.

The game started and Allan lost, as agreed.

- I'll use it only when you need it. - Serena assured you.


The class was over, the black team was all gathered in the library. Everyone made their bets, whether they belonged to the King or whether he really came. The new King was in the center of the room, at a table, facing the door. Beside him were Michael and Ellena.

The door was thrown open, everyone turned scared towards him, except the trio in the center, who had a mixture of emotions stamped on their faces: Michael had an extremely calm face; Eduardo looked angry; and Ellena had a worried face. Everyone on the black team looked at Allan, who entered the room smiling confidently, followed by Serena. He went to the table and sat down, facing Eduardo with a lip smile. Serena stayed behind him.

- Is that bastard the King? - Eduardo said, a little surprised. In fact, everyone was surprised, the King being Just Allan was a tremendous revelation.

- Do you doubt me? Ellena, tell him who I am. - Allan smiled when he realized that Eduardo was really the Black King and that Ellena had not deceived him

- He's the White King. - Eduardo ground his teeth when he realized that Ellena was controlled and that she should obey the guy in front of her.

- Okay, okay. I am Black King - Eduardo opened his palm and showed his piece.

Meanwhile, Ellena wondered why Allan didn't send a simple pawn, instead of exposing himself like that. And the only explanation was that he was the only one who could control her, but what would she change in that game?

- You know, we already met, so why don't we skip all this embolism and go straight to the game? - Allan said with false impatience, it would be quite fun to play with them a little, but he was very afraid of what the King would plot.

- You're right. We will start this soon. - Eduardo pulled out a deck of Cards & Lords [N / A: A fake TCG game that I just created for fic]. So the game would really be that. Allan was a little frustrated to have predicted a wrong action, but it was still a good thing to be forewarned. - We'll bet our pieces, that's all. If you don't accept, the door is right there.

- Don't worry, I'll accept. Nothing will be better than defeating you at your own game.

- ASCHENTE! - Both said. From that moment on, his pieces were at stake.

Thirty minutes have passed since the game started. Allan thought it was time to start "playing for real".

- Ellena, come here and give me a hug, I am so needy. - Allan looked smiling at Eduardo. He knew one thing about the Black King that would be one of the pillars of his victory: Eduardo was in love with Ellena, and Allan intended to use that and anything else to destroy Eduardo's psychological and destabilize him during the game and beat it. That's why he came even, he would be the only one who could control Ellena any way he wanted. She couldn't refuse, it was until he started stroking her hair, he acted like he was extremely hot. Soon after, he started playing with his feet on the table.

"He's really weak psychologically, great. After I play with him a little more I win, I just have to see when he will explode, I think with just one more gesture. " Allan was really focused on the psychological game with Eduardo. If he couldn't concentrate on two things at the same time, he wouldn't even know what was going on at the table. He motioned for Ellena to approach, when she did, he simply kissed her. A tongue kiss that took everyone in the room by surprise. Michael and Serena already knew what he was doing right away, but they didn't expect him to go that far. When he saw Eduardo's expression of anger and crying, he smiled, almost wanting to laugh. "Now. Won".

And so it was: an easy victory. Eduardo barely thought about his moves, he just wanted to win anyway. In the end, Allan won almost overwhelmingly.

- Well, that was easy. Give me your piece. - Allan opened his hand, while a black piece was forming in his palm. The Horse's play. - W-what does that mean? Weren't you the King?

- You know, Allan, you are really very good. How about playing with me now? - Michael pushes Eduardo from the chair and takes his place. - I really thought you were going to play with him, but I don't expect it to be that much. I almost felt sorry. Now, I challenge you, to the same game. If I win, you stop controlling Ellena and stay out of play for a week, not being able to play with anyone else for that period. If you win, you will have all my rights for that same time.

Allan, who used to be smiling, was now completely serious. He got up and started for the exit. But first, Michael snapped his fingers. Serena, who was following Allan, took her shoulder and said:

- Allan, my request for the game we play is this: play against Michael.

- As? - At the same time, almost as if he were being controlled, Allan went to the chair he was in and started the game for himself. - ASCHENTE! - I said against your will.

- There is, ASCHENTE.

The game started. Allan was calm and confident, but he was quite desperate inside. That would be the King's trap, and he had thought about it. But use Serena? That was a hypothesis that he really ruled out. Sure he did the same thing to Ellena, but he didn't expect Michael to share the same dirty thought.

After thirty minutes, Michael won.

No one else said anything, not even whispered. The surprise was bigger than anything. Serena wanted to cry for doing this to her friend, but she couldn't help it, she was being controlled.

Michael left the room, saying nothing more.

Allan just looked at the cards in shock.