
[Michael's house, six days before]

Serena would need to miss much more than one day to be able to talk to all the parents, besides not knowing all the locations she was too shy to speak quickly and directly what she wanted. Serena was terrified of what was in front of her, so many people, so many innocent lives, all simply treated like nothing. Dinte de Serena was several people being forced to work, simply humiliated.

- Eh ... Excuse me? - A girl approaches, she was malnourished and a little dirty.

- Why not, young lady? - she spoke quietly and avoided looking Serena in the eyes

- Could I talk to Michael's parents? - The truth was that serena wanted to get out of there at the same time.

The girl nods and leaves the place and enters the huge house, serene looking at the house from the bottom up. All the windows closed, but in only one room Serena could see some objects behind the pink window glass, they were dolls, but not ordinary dolls, they were strange, without clothes and with eyes disproportionate to the face. Soon Serena feels as if something in the window was looking at her, analyzing her, Serena for a moment can swear to see clearly the eyes of that mysterious person, it was a threatening purple shade.

- Oh, so you are my son's friend? - a voice scares serene and she soon looks at the door. There is a man between 40 and 45 years old, he had straight long hair, almost white blond, his face was thin and his eyes were drawn and a little big, over his hand he had a kind of rope that connected to a collar on a man in a suit who was on all fours, right behind him. Serena can clearly see behind the man that there was a huge bookmaker, would that be why Michael is so good at games ???

- And that's right ... Eh I came to inform you ... What ... Eh had a surprise at the university ... Ehh ... Ahh, I mean there will still be - Serena started to tangle - W-well I would like to know if you could collaborate ... With ...

- Collaborate? - The man smiles, his eyes shone at that moment Serena's heart freezes. The man on the floor widens his frightened eye

- Yes! So I wanted to tell you to play with me and then if I win I have the right to give an order, then you will play with your son and you will have the right to give an order to him, I know it seems confusing, but and a surprise, Michael will love it .... well, I'll explain it better and ....

- Don't be silly girl !!! Don't play with him! Shouted the man who would be on all fours on the floor.

- Shut up ... - The boy shuts up on the spot and says nothing more, as if he can't speak or even make a sound - So ... You want to ... Play ... - His eyes shone blue - With me? - Serena was completely intimidated, she just turns and runs away leaving the place.

Serena was not very lucky with two families, Ellena's, because she lived alone, and Michael's, in which case she didn't cooperate. But Serena couldn't give up now, she had to continue with the plan no matter how many weeks she was missing from the families.

[Akamura University, current times]

Michael would start putting his plan into practice, he had set up a group where he had, Ellena, Kate, the rook, and Kevin, the bishop, who are the ones he trusted most, would attack the pieces with everything after the three white pawns him to give their cues. The same had given orders to pedestrians:

After losing the first time in a game, they were even more eager to win the game of the pieces, and angry at whoever defeated them.

1 - After the first defeat, you will forget all the orders that were defeated before by me.

2 - After losing the first time, your pieces will go to the first one to defeat you.

3 - Be rude and ignorant with whom I send you to play.

4 - They will not be able to talk about this game to anyone.

Michael sent each pawn to challenge between the white bishop, and the white towers, in total, would have three games. Michael thought as he smirked.

"A show to come ... The pawns will fill the bag of the three pieces of the team itself, there will come a time that they will not be able to take it anymore and will play, at that moment the three target pieces thinking it is a simple game, they will take the pieces of the three pawns who, when they lose, will be sad and angry because of the first order, and will therefore blame the three who defeated them. The white team itself, which was not united before, will now separate even more seeing that the bigger ones don't respect the smaller ones. When everyone is in their corner then yes, Ellena and Kevin will take all the strong and weak pieces, even today I intend to end the strong ones like towers, bishops and knights, leaving no one. In the end there would be no need to attack the pedestrians who would ask for a withdrawal ... It's the end ...

Allan ... I want to see your arrogant smile destroyed at the end of the game ... I will crush you like an insect ... ''

[Classroom, class schedule]

Professor Sidney would be giving the last notices for the break.

- As you all know, there are only three days to end the game ... If it ends like this, the winning side will be the one who acquired more pieces ... I wish you all a great day. See you tomorrow.

[Study room]

A furduncio happened, the pawns were challenging the tower. Just as Michael had ordered them to attack when they were alone, with many people it would be easy for someone to see that it was clearly a trap, so he also took the liberty of giving another order later.

"Forget that I gave you the order ..."

- play with me! Now! You fool! Is afraid? - one of the pawns provoked the white rook, and the other white pawns fought with the bishop and the other rook far away in different places.

- Ah! OK! Enough! Do you want a useless game between the team itself ?! - the white tower speaks - ASCHENTE !!!

The pawn obviously loses the wash. However, as soon as he loses, Michael's plan comes to fruition.

- Ah, man, I really wanted to win this game! Hehe - the rook looks at that pawn without understanding his change of mood.

- Dude, are you okay? - Asks the tower. - Ow. what is it? - A piece appears in front of the tower. It was a pawn.

- But what?! Ow, y-did you fool me ?! - The pawn was so shaken that he started to cry - How could he ?! We belong to the team! Wait a moment ... Did you want to discard me !?

- What??? No man, you were the one who challenged me!

Students from the white team came running through the noise that came from the room and saw the scene, they just don't know who to trust. The white team already had a reputation for not paying attention to their small pieces and without any team representative to rectify the situation, the pawns soon blame the bigger piece: the tower.

- It's a shame! They think they own everything! - One of the pawns speaks.

Another pawn appears running towards the crowd and then speaks:

- It is true! And Official! they want to discard us! I just passed the courtyard where it was half empty, I could see Brendan defeating Emily! He took her piece!

Everyone there sounded and looked angry or scared.

- N-It can't be ... - A pawn stammered

A girl runs past crying and Jack one of the white bishops behind.

- Calm! I swear I don't know what's going on! - he looks at everyone, just one by one goes out while saying "I give up" totally unmotivated. - Hey! Please wait!

The white team is separated, in exactly 13 minutes the black king removes all white pawns from the play leaving the rest at an immense disadvantage, they all split up and are discouraged, because neither the white king nor the queen acted, showing that they didn't care much for if they were defeated or not, that's why Michael hadn't taken Serena out of the game, because then they will have a common person to blame for this defeat, after all Serena was missing from school, Michael was sure it was because he was sad and he already feels guilty. Black king had crushed the team as a whole with his evil plan.

[Gym, moments later]

Jack would be there alone, half down with everything that had happened.

- Hello ... Jack - Kevin, a blond boy with hair thrown in front of one eye, was leaning against one of the pillars of the gym looking at Jack, Kevin was the black bishop.

- Um ... Hi Kevin, I imagine you came to challenge me .... Just get it over with ... - Jack was small and had blue eyes and had a jacket the same color as his eye. He appeared to be discouraged.

- It's unfortunate that I don't even try to win ... But I'm not here to talk ... - Kevin grabs a deck of shirtsleeves - see a 21 ...?

While the game was taking place, Michael, Kate and Ellena challenged the other bigger pieces.

[University entrance]

Gil, the white tower, would be kneeling on the floor in the face of the defeat she had suffered for Kate, the training that Michael had given her, had made her a little better in games like this. In the distance Allan could see the white tower piece forming in Kate's hand.

"Tomorrow the restriction of a week that Michael put me over ... Serena took longer than expected, at least the game could end as I imagined ... Me, Michael and Serena. Damn ... I didn't expect him to want to end this soon ... I don't doubt that at the end of that day he will end all the other players ... As much as the restriction will end tomorrow ... I will be missing tomorrow and together calmly i will give the orders to their parents .... i will give the order for them to forget that i gave them the order after they were free .... then i will order them to send their children to give up at 10:30 exactly at the time of the first break , at that moment I will challenge Michael to a definitive game, because he will be alone, so he can no longer escape the challenges ... I will make sure that Serena keeps Ellena occupied before that ... Now Michael ... It's your end ... "

The definitive end ... is near ...