End of the game

[Allan's house, a day later]

After all the orders given to the parents of everyone on the black team (apart from Michael and Elena), everyone went to their homes, leaving Allan and Serena alone. The girl was restless, pacing, it bothered the boy.

- Why are you so nervous? Fear of them failing? - He kept playing with data while he wrote in his notebook the progress of the plan.

- What if they lose? What if the parents can't even get them to play? Don't you think about that possibility? - The fear in her voice was genuine.

- For those who did not care about the game, you are quite afraid of losing. Don't worry, I told you what everyone should do, step by step. Some will even use secrets they "discovered" from their children. Did you know that Eduardo himself uses narcotics? He looked so innocent ...

- How do you know that? And how would you know better than your parents a way to make them play?

- You weren't the only one who spent a week doing something, you know? I deal with people very well, if only to benefit myself.

- And that's how you got this infinity of friends you have today ... Anyway, tomorrow the game is over, you already have everything ready? I know if you get lost, you will cry for days.

- I won't cry, don't say that. And yes, I have everything ready to end Michael. - For Serena, it was easy to see that the boy was loving it, she hadn't seen him having fun like that in a long time.

[Akamura University, final game day]

The break had already started, everyone spread the rumor that the kings would face each other, since the two were present and this was the last day that it would be possible for Allan, by some miracle, to reverse the roles. It was clear to everyone who would win. The advantage that Michael had was incomparable, he left the white team with only two players.

Everyone gathered around a table, there was a chess board in the center, and Allan and Michael were on opposite sides, facing each other. They were both more serious than ever, which made the atmosphere absurdly tense. They were the best, handpicked by some mysterious force that thought they were fit to be kings. And the two now would go to great lengths to decide the end. Everyone realized, some with a sad reality check, that it was impossible for the white team to win, even if Allan won the dispute, the game would end at the end of the break. And the black team, or rather, Michael would be the victor.

- As this will be our last dispute, how about anything goes? - Allan broke the silence that existed in the place - We will bet our Kings, and whoever wins, wins. A simple but practical dispute. You must know the rules already, sir chess prodigy.

- Wait, do you want to give me your last chance on a tray? What are you up to, Allan? Are you crazy for good, or is it really going through your head that you can beat me?

- You should know that I have been crazy for a while. And yes, I'm sure I win, not only the match but also the whole game.

- Well, if you insist - The Black King's smile of confidence was something intimidating, everyone wondered how Allan managed to remain arrogant in the presence of Michael. - Come on, in a while the break is over, and the game comes along. - Michael chose to stay with the black team in the game.

Allan didn't know if this was his bluff or not, since Serena had missed the last few classes. The boy started to feel tense inside, as this variable spoiled his entire plan. However, he still had a chance, however tiny to win before the end of the break. He took the pawn piece.

Serena was finally done, defeated Ellena who helped a teacher, it made the girl's life easier. She was now running across the courtyard, toward the cafeteria and their game. When she heard the signal, she was desperate to know how it had ended. When he arrived at the site, he saw that everyone was watching the game, still in progress, even though the dispute was over. She had certainly never seen Allan so focused on anything in his life. She called his name, shouted that it was all over, but the boy hadn't moved a muscle, neither he nor Michael. The only movement they made was to move a piece.

She could not understand, in fact, no one could. But, in their minds, they were not playing chess, they were facing each other in a war in which a single mistake could cost their lives. They had no idea whether five minutes or five hours had passed, time didn't matter, only the game. The two looked like machines, calculating everything that would happen, five minutes before it happened.

Fifteen minutes had passed since the end of the break, and they didn't even notice.

The game is over.

The dispute lasted a total of thirty-five minutes.

So, finally, Michael had won.

There was no celebration, the two simply stared at the board, discredited. Michael had never had so much work in his life, he had to think as hard as he could. With Allan it was even worse, since the boy was never good at chess, he took his mental capacity to another level, even getting a headache latent from the effort.

No student around dared to break that silence. Nobody said anything. Only one sound can be heard, breaking through the tension.

Palms. The sound of applause broke through the courtyard. Everyone, even the kings, looked in time to see Sidney making room in the crowd.

- You guys really surprise me, I didn't expect you to go that far for a game. Some even went too far ... But, that is irrelevant now. I was unable to witness your departure, but I'm sure it was exciting, at least for both of you. Well, I think you should already know who the winner is. - Michael gets up from his chair, not surprised, by the way. - Congratulations to the White team, they managed to turn at the last minute.

Again, nobody said anything.

- AS?!?! - The two kings spoke at the same time. This was perhaps the first time anyone had seen them with a clear doubt on their faces.

- What do you mean, Allan? - Serena said, now the boy could hear his voice clearly. - We took all the black pieces, taking out the King. You just finished the game now, but the game is over. In other words, we win because we have more pieces.

- Was there such a rule? - Allan's question left Serena incredulous.

- Isn't that what you planned?

- Of course it was! - A clear lie, which Serena would discuss with him later.

- Wait - Michael interrupted them both - Someone explains to me: did you take the black pieces? Was that during the week you were out?

- You can say that, but I only picked them up during the break. - Allan appeared to be in control of everything, no matter how hard he even thought about how it would have happened.

- This makes the White team win the game by having the largest number of pieces. - Sidney explained again.

[Akamura University, hours later]

Serena was talking to Allan in the hall after class, everyone would already be preparing to go to their homes. The atmosphere after the big match was discussed, they were still trying to understand what really happened.

-Ok, let me try to understand ... Didn't you come to class that the teacher warned that the game would end at halftime? - Serena asks with a somewhat curious look at the boy.

- No, I didn't come. - Allan responds with an expression of doubt. Serena sighs and puts her hand on her face.

- Allan, basically we won by luck ... That means that all your plan and ideas for today, were realized only by pure chance ...

- There is no luck, I was too incredible. - Allan smiled, but inside he would be extremely surprised, hey, he was really lucky. - But so what? Lucky or not. We won and that's what matters. And you, my queen, were the key to our victory.

- Allan if you kill me with the same heart today I swear that I ... - Allan embraces her.

- Looks like an old woman. Relax. - Even if he tried, Allan couldn't deny that he was very happy and anxious, so that was the great feeling of being number one in something?

[Study room]

The atmosphere in the black team was a little quiet, Elena goes to Michael who was sitting away from everyone. It touches your arm.

- Hey ... I'm sorry, I should have ... Ah ... To have won ...

Michael is silent, his hair covered his eyes. After a few seconds Michael laughs, a satisfied laugh.

- Thank you all, gentlemen, I haven't had this fun in years. Make those faces better, all of you were useful for the big game, all of you were important. No more excuses, forward my friends, we lost the war, but we won something today ... Our limit, sure that next time we will be better.

A voice echoed through the halls of the school, something impressive, for an Imanity. And everyone went to the main hall to better understand the voice.

- Well, Here and Director Mario, and you were all great. Now listen, do you remember the big surprise? - Says an older voice

"Surprise? It's true, I had a surprise. " Michael thinks.

- You were studied at that time and were selected for the real test ... Where in the end they faced the court martial itself. - A huge image formed in the main hall, a tall boy with long brown hair, and a much smaller girl on the side of white hair and blue robes, she with a crown on her head and he with one on his right arm. - This was programmed by themselves to test their new generation of gamblers. So get ready for the new test ... Because it will be much more ...

Michael and Allan's eyes shine seeing Mario's voice as they face the two great figures in front of him.