Chapter 52: Jealous Husband


Private Ward.

Ryan sat beside Soo Min, who had still not gained consciousness yet. After her surgery, he quickly went home to take a shower and changed into some clean clothes, before he rushed back to the hospital again.

Father Park and Mother Song agreed that it was best for the him to be with Soo Min, especially since he had already called them thirty-four times ever since he left the hospital, and went back home to take some rest, saying that they would come visit her in the morning again.

It had already been a couple hours since her surgery, but Ryan was determined not to sleep until Soo Min didn't wake up.

Not knowing what else to do, he decided to take out his laptop and work for a bit.

"Mm..." Soo Min slowly fluttered her eyes open. It was blurry at first and she had to blink a couple times before she could have a clearer view of her surroundings.

Her eyes shifted to the side, where she saw Ryan busy working on his laptop. For some reason, he had an unusual glow surrounding him, portraying him as angelic.

'Come on, Soo Min. Why are you dreaming of that ice statue early in the morning?' Soo Min mused.

When Ryan felt a pair of hazel eyes staring at him, he immediately paused on reading his email and turned to look at the woman who was stealing glances from him.

"You're awake." Ryan said as he slowly shut his laptop and put it away.

'Wait. Is this not a dream?' Soo Min mused and fluttered her curvy lashes in confusion.

"How are you feeling?" He softly asked and stepped closer to her, before clicking the bell button right above the bell.

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm…. fine?" Soo Min said, and slightly flinched when he placed his palm on her forehead. Not to mention the sudden concern he was displaying in front of her.

'But are you okay? What's wrong with his icy personality today?' Soo Min mused.

Soon, the door opened and a man in his early thirties stepped out. Soo Min and Ryan simultaneously turned to their heads to look at the approaching doctor.

"Hello, Mr. Song and Miss Park. I'm sure Soo Min already knows me as a fellow colleague, but let me introduce myself to your fiancé. Nice to meet you, I'm Dr. Nam, Soo Min's attending doctor." Dr. Nam extended his hand towards Ryan, who simply nodded and accepted it.

Turning towards to Soo Min, he continued, "Alright. Now then, I'm sure you already know all the procedures, but I'm just gonna wow some vitals and make sure everything is well and under control."

Soo Min smiled and nodded, before Ryan stepped back so Dr. Nam could do his job.

After checking her temperature, eyes, and asking her questions to make sure her cognitive abilities did not get impacted, Dr. Nam proceeded to read the heart rates from the ECG, before jotting things down on his clipboard.

"Alright. Lift your right arm for me." He instructed.

Soo Min nodded and raised her right arm, but winced at the pain caused firm the action.

Noticing the sudden change in her expression, Ryan frowned in worry.

"As I suspected. Although your vital functions are not affected, your arm is still not healed from the impact, and you'll still need to rest. We're going to keep your in for a couple of days, just to make sure you had to serious side effects from the surgery." Dr. Nam informed.

Soo Min sulked and pouted, "But I'm fine, really. It's just an arm injury I'll be able to do other things. Please, I really can't stay here, it's so boring!"

Dr. Nam chuckled and walked over to her, before softly patting her head, "I know. I know. But I can't take that risk, you did go through a major surgery after all and that arm injury can get significantly worse without rest, especially since the point of impact was so close to your lungs. Just be good and take rest."

Ryan, who was initially leaning against the wall arms folded, instantly jumped at the sight of another man touching Soo Min.

On top of that she was smiling back at Dr. Nam, and talking in such a sweet tone, that he could never even imagine her in.

'Is she seriously flirting with another man, right in front of me, her fiancé?!' Ryan unconsciously balled his hand into a fist.

Dr. Nam could feel an ominous aura surrounding him and shuddered at this feeling, before he glanced from the corner of his eyes, and came in contact with Ryan's dark icy stare.