Chapter 53: Swatting Flies


In the Private Ward.

Ryan's eyes trailed off to the hand that was so tenderly patting Soo Min's head, before snapping back at Dr. Nam, signaling him to take his hand off.

It did not take long for Dr. Nam to understand the message and promptly retracted his hand from Soo Min's head.

Turning back to Soo Min, he weakly smiled, "Alright. Since there's nothing else left here for me, I'll carry on with my rounds."

"But what about…" Soo Min's words were left unheard, as Dr. Nam left the private ward, sweating profusely.

"My lunch…" Soo Min pouted at the now closed door. Sighing, she turned to look at the only other person left in his room, looking grim as ever.

'Why does he always have such a serious looking face, can't he smile once in a while. I mean I did save his life after all, he should be grateful!" Soo Min inwardly harrumphed.

"Are you hungry?" Ryan nonchalantly asked.

'Isn't is obvious mister, I've been unconscious for three days straight!" She inwardly rolled her eyes, but not wanting to deal with another argument thanks to her sharp tongue, she just simply nodded.

"Okay. I'll go ask the doctor what you can and can't eat, and get something from the cafeteria. Till then, just take rest and don't move around too much." Ryan instructed before he left the room.

Picking up the tv remote from the bedside table, Soo Min grinned as she mumbled, "Now that I have so much free time, I can continue to watch that show I started watching last week."

After switching through several channels, Soo Min finally landed on the one where her show was playing.

"Perfect." She smiled as she tossed the tv remote to the side.



"I'll take one of everything on your menu." Ryan informed.

The employee stood their dumbstruck as he heard his words. Never in his twenty-three years of working here had he heard such an unusual order.

"I'm sorry sir, but could you repeat that?" He asked.

"I'll take one of everything on you menu." Ryan nonchalantly said.

"And is this order for you, sir?" The employee questioned.

"No. It's for a patient." Ryan informed.

'Is this man for real? This is a hospital, not a catering business! What kind of patient could even eat so much?' The employee mused as his eyebrows twitched in annoyance, yet he covered it up with a smile.

"Did the doctor perhaps give you a diet chart for the patient, sir? Because not everything on the menu complies with those restrictions, so I can only provide you with what's recommended on the chart." The employee stated with a smile.

"Oh okay. Is this the chart you're looking for?" Ryan asked as he pulled out the blue medical file that the doctor had given him earlier.

"Yes. That's the one!" The employee looked over the contents of the chart and accordingly chose the food items to be billed into the register.

"Alright your total is going to be 60,000 won. Would you like to pay by cash or card?" The employee asked.

"Card." Ryan said as he took out a black card from his wallet.


Private Ward.

"I've got you some food—" As he opened the door, Ryan abruptly stopped when he saw Soo Min's somewhat flustered and panic face.

Soo Min slowly turned her head from the TV screen to the man standing by the door.

Ryan raised his eyebrows as he locked eyes with her. Soo Min's eyes widened slightly as he scrambled for the remote and immediately turned off the tv.