It's been one day since we went out of Gringotts. Queenie, Nagini, spend the whole day buying potion ingredients, Magical Books, enchanted clothes, magical items, and etc.. which they deemed 'Necessary' Luckily they have storage ring which can hold all of the things they brought otherwise they'll be holding mountain of stuff. While Leta and I went to America to visit Corvius She just observe from far away and look at Corvius talking to some of his friends Leta is tearing up as She saw him happy.
I walked beside her and hug her she also hug me Leta kept crying for a few minutes I held her face and wiped her tears using a handkerchief. "He's happy here thank you.. " Leta said with a smile and hug me again and then let go afterwards she smiles at me I was in dazed by that beautiful smile I snapped out of it as Leta hold my hand and said " Let's go.. Queenie and Nagini might be waiting for us.. " So I ask Her and pointed at someone " Your not gonna talk to 'Him' ?".
Leta shake her head and replied with a calm voice " No...after what I did to him.... he's better not knowing me and the Lestrange family. As he is a squib or muggle now, my family will think of him as a stain, if they find out and maybe kill him so, I think he's better here with this happy life. He has friends and family who cares for him. Now as there is a war coming to the Wizarding World, It's better for him here... and I wouldn't want to disturb his life "
I grip her hand and open teleport us to a deserted alley. We found Queenie and Nagini who's in a shopping spree and buying at an auction " Go with them and buy something, I'm gonna have a sit over there.." I said to Leta while pointing at a Ice Cream shop. She nodded and said " Ok we'll be right back... ".
I enter the Ice cream parlor... and I order some Chocolate and Vanilla flavor Ice cream with almond and cookies. I tasted it and god.. It was good... I stood up my seat and "Hello the Ice cream taste good so... Can I, take order 100 gallon of each Ice Cream for take out please.. also add some give me 10 jar of each topping" I said to the owner.. He smiles seems proud but dumbfounded by my next word..
"So... many.. are you sure?. That's so many and can you even pay for them.. almost 100 galleon and the toppings are not included " The owner ask with a frown as I order large amount of Ice cream from him thinking whether I can pay for or not. "Here's a 1000 galleon, pack all the Ice cream and topping this money can buy and please be honest with the amount you'll give... I'll give a 10 galleons to you as a Tip for packing them.. and put them here..." I said to the owner as I hand him a pouch full of Galleons and an empty bottomless pouch with a Extension charm.
He was shock and delighted as I buy many of his Product and I will even tipped him 10 Galleons for his service. He immediately run to the kitchen to prepare for my order. Luckily there is no one currently at his shopped to watch this happen otherwise they will all be gobsmacked.. by my actions . Spending a 1000 Galleons for just Ice cream they will think I'm wasting money for buying so many Ice cream.
I used my X-ray vision to see whether he's going to run with my money but I saw him quickly packing different Ice cream Boxes and toppings using Magic. After 10 minutes He finished packing all of it then He put them all to the bottomless pouch as I said to him.
"Two more.. " I said to him as he walked out of the then pointed at my empty plate. He went back to make my new order. He delivered it along with the pouch. He then explain what I bought "Sir I put them all here there's 50 different flavor, 75 toppings, and as you requested all flavor. Sir, l Also added some of our 'Unique' flavored for free, which is an old recipe from my family . Like 'The Bloody Ice cream'.. which is made of magical creatures purified blood, it's mostly like by Vampire... second is 'Firewhisky Ice cream'..." He continues to introduce his Products and 'Unique ' Product to me with passion.. but I cut him off. " Just put the name of all the Ice cream Flavor that I bought in a paper.. also.. can I buy all the recipes of your 'Unique' products.. they intrigued me.."
He seems hesitating then I said "5,000 Galleons for all the recipes but if you don't want... " He quickly said with a glee "..DEAL.. " the Shop-owner knows that all the other recipes are not well received by the others.. so he decided to sell it..
After that we talk for a few minutes and decided to signed magical contracts for confirmation of him selling the 'true recipes' of the 'unique' flavoured Ice cream and I'll pay him of 5,000 Galleons for it..
I handed him the 5,000 Galleons in a pouch. He seems happy as he received the payment then He handed me an old Book contains the recipe and a parchments containing all the flavor of the Ice cream I ordered. I open it and saw some recipe so I stored it in my ring along with the bottomless pouch and parchment. 'It may become useful in the future and can be a good part to my collection.. should I start collecting some.. food recipes? well the recipes can be used by Queenie and my House elf so why not.. ' I thought.
He went to the counter and count the Galleons he recieve. While I continued to eat my 3th batch of Ice Cream. I was lost in my own thoughts.
I was thinking of how can the ladies spend all the time shopping non-stop well, can't blame them since were leaving this world for now, so they want to bring some of their worlds 'product'. I was also encourage to buy somethings like wizarding chess and flying broomstick for my hobby and collection since, I don't know how much time will we spend on that world. Otherworld have different time except for my pocket dimension.
Luckily I can choose the date which world I travel through except if it's random. Time slowed down to my pocket dimension by 100 times, outside 100 years, while 1 year in the pocket dimension but it can also be adjusted as long as I want to synchronized the 'Time' of my pocket dimension and the world where in.
As I always synchronized the otherworlds time to let my farm, medicinal field, and other things that needed long period of time to grow, 'GOD' really gave me a amazing gift.
For the fast hundred yeard of this world I adopted some House Elf which are currently living on my pocket world, they have a village not far from my Villa. Yup I have huge ass beautiful Villa it has a swimming pool 10 meter deep 20 meter wide, a forest park, gym and flower field. I just showed them the Image of some Villa I saw in a magazine in my past life then the House Elf build and created it.
As I still don't have modern electronic appliances, I tried to create some simple electronic but they all keep exploding or failing to work so I stop after a few accidents like that. Since, I don't have much talent and basic knowledge in creating technological things. I'll just look for someone who knew. Now my Villa is currently uses magical lamps and crystals to lighten up the whole place the whole drainage system is al.
The farm is manage by the House elf or rather 'Free elves' now, they treated me like a their Lord and sometimes a friend, their quite cheerful and hardworking. I always employ 2 of the Free Elf to become my butler and but they treated it as an honour to become my personal butler as I have adopted and save them.
I do sometimes order them to build, cook and gather unique things for my collection, like when I order for them to bring me the recipe of the Premium Vintage Cuban Cigar, Firewhisky and Butterbeer recipe (They didn't steal them through, they bought them). House elves became the like citizen of my Pocket world as they created Firewhisky, Butterbeer, Wine, Tools and they even created a field of Tobacco plants to create Premium Cigar or Cigarettes, they usually like to smoke them in a pipe after work or past time it now became a tradition and culture for them, they always have a contest every year to show-off by puffing shape, figure and etc. which make them happy 'G.' (Godzilla) also occasionally started to smoke some Cigar when he learned to make his size small.
Since they like to puff smoke and have Magic the House elves started tonimproves the formula of Cigar, it became All natural and Magical it improves health instead of damaging it, and they still trying keep trying to improve then formula. Now Some of the house elf become Rune Master, Blacksmith, Herbalist, Carpenter, Tailor, Farmer, and etc..they are living happy and good life. They are free to do what they want as long as don't do any wrong which against me and the others.
I snapped out of my thoughts when Leta and tap my shoulder " Are you alright Silver? " she ask with a slight worry. I replied with a smile and Ask "Yes I was just thinking of something so where are Queenie and Nagini? ".
"They are coming now I just went here first to accompany you.. " Leta said. "Well order some sweets first.. they're good.. " I said to Leta as I continue to scoop and eat Ice-cream.
She ordered the same flavor as me we talk about what are they buying and joke around. She keep smiling as I tell her some jokes old jokes but she's now cheerful compared before.
After a few minutes an exhausted Queenie and Nagini enter the Shop then smiled seeing me ...